Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jan 1978, p. 13

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ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Basin 933 Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field finest iob possible ALUMINUM GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Siding Eavestrough Soffit Windows Facia Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRoofing Porch EnclosuresStonework For free estimate Cel PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Famlly Business EARTHTOVNE Roofing aluminum installa tions renovations GOETGHELUCK Free estimates Reasonable rates Telephone lflifléflmL APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales and service 7253392 18 Alliance Blvd Unit I9 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Serv 720544 17 Mary St BIRD HOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sale Apply at 92 Mbelrose Ave Barriegar telephone 7285283 CARPENTRY AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations additions fireplaces guaranteed737 1507 CARPENTER Specmlizing in rec rooms in terior remodelling trim etc Please call 7288884ofter6pm CABINET MAKER European trained Kit chens vanities Pine furniture renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 726 2948 LICENCED CARPENTERS Custom homes cottages renovations repairs Satisfaction Baronreed and Construction 7267461 CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations remodelling etc No iob to small 726I271 CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters for renovations additions homes cottages Free estimates 4354995 CARPET CLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning today Revitalixe your carpets with Av carpet steam cleaning 7266321 SAVE SAVE Steam cleaner for rent S15 per day 7280883 FREE delivery and pickup in Barrie COMMERCI ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST design art work layout etc Plese cal collect 416 9152631 cusron FENCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom hood fences Improve your property 737 1507 DRESSMARING DRESSES FIT if made by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Euggnia St Phone 726m DRESSMAKING TAILORING and alterations Reasonable rates For appointment call 7373984bgtween am and pm DRYWALL DRYWALL CO Registered Company righting in Custom Homes renovations orative stucco complete rec rooms and texture spraying Call Ken Hill 424mm Free estimates DRYYIALL VI CONSTRUCTION General Carpentry Drywall Interior and Exterior Painting Spray Texture 7288663 BARRIE 4240052 BORDEN EAVESTROUGHING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING Eaves troughing installed Call 7286628 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Cleanin eavestrou hs and ice and snow remove from roos only Call Martin Verstraten 4241956 New Lowell EAVESTROUGHING contractor and repairs Jack Bates Free estimates 117 Burton Ave Allandale 7268657 after pm ELECTRICAL IPETER GAMBLE Electric Residential Industrial Installations and ser vice 7264996 SIMCOE ELECTRIC Commercial HANDYMAN RUG SHAMPOOING wall washing painting Reasonable Telephone 7287267 SNOW REMOVAL from home and cottage roofs Also alterations and repairs Log Con struction and Gen Contracting 7373612 HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec rooms Cali Russ 4363681 alter 630 pm References available FEED MORE living space rec room extra bedroom play roam laundry office storage space Also painting wallpapering Murray Ball 7288906 OJSTOM REC ROOMS Complete base planning and decorating privacy scre ns md patios aluminum door The number for all your needs 7288906 SPECIALIZING lN flitpointlEEiinfiy waterproofing brick and stone caulking win dows and expansion pints Work guaran teed 4589346 Aai it NORTHERN CARPENTRY Decks rec rooms renovations extensions etc etc Guar anteed work 7262609 or 7269W2 CONSTRUCTION House raising loun dations renovations additions 4362955 or 4364175 alter6pmh GENERAL NOME REPAIRS Interior Exterior Decorating Remodelling Renovating Industrial Commercial Rec room family room Jesdenlal 43 Construction Specialists Lighting design pl ESTIMm Electrical consulting 7250414 20 yrs experience ¥L LC City Masters Lic 118 INCOME TAX 7288234 EXCAVATINGTVW IRanRr sovcuorr Excavating haulage septic systems trenching loader work 19mm 4361558 4361257 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excav Trenching Horizonta Augering 7289833 rlRElruCES Watson for free estimates 7281599 lWHY FUSS Call us Fireplaces renovations repairs etc Call 7269213 anytime FREPLACE HARDWOODS Cheaper by the full cord Free delivery also cedar pasts Telephone 7281637 FLOOR REFINISHING HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and refinishing old and new guaranteed not to Mw IIANDYMAN GENERAL HOME CARE ORoofs cleaned of ice and snow Snowplowing lSmall moving jobs Garages and basements cleaned Trash hauled away Chimneys cleaned ISTONEWORK and fireplaces speCIalty Vic IKOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bar rio area S5 up Dobson 4245910 alter 59nd weekends MASONRY STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick black and stone work chimney repair Fireplaces specialty Free estimate 7054245158 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT like to dance Good rates 7289545 MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel Porvm Guitar Studio 726I489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ beginner and advanced Two months trial instrument loaned for home practice Canadian Aco demy ofMusic 121 Bayfieid 7281799 GUITAR Classical and folk string bone and drums The Bandstand Baylield Mal 7264973 PROFESSIONAL DRUM VINSTRUCV TION Private lessons available In you lrock or classical Reasonable rates Telephone 7262903 SOCIAL AND BALLROOM DANCING Instruction for all occasions Classes now forming S4 COUPLE CALL 7264723 REGIONAL ACADEMY orpANCINO PAINTING VELLINGA PAINTING and decoratin In terior exterior Work guaranteed Esta lish ed 30 years 7262225 7269W2 WAYNE FOLEY Professional paintwerrsfi Iterlor and Interior Free estimates Work Phone WARREN BROWN DJ Music for people who and will assure you of the PICTURE FRAMING PAULS PAINTING Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371295 PICTURE FRAMING IR OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sites Phone 72841270 TeamWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 7370832 See our ad in the Yellow Pages ROOFING AND ROOFING New and old Repairs Freeestimates 4363177 alterwbv pm SNOW BLOWING JIMS SNOWBLOWING Lowest rates in town driveways sidewalks small parking lots etc Telephone 7269859 or 1631 SNOWPLOWING PAULS SNOWPLOWING commercial reasonable rtLates alIVPaul 7373064 WRIGHTS SNOWPLOWING Small commer cial and residential Reasonable rates Dependableh72767757 REICHEN SNOW PLOWING and Snawblowing Reasonable rates Contracts seasonal or by clean up Call 726 5666 BILL ALLAN SNOWPLOWING ReSIdential and icornmercial Best sewico In Iowri Recs enable rates Telephone 737 2892 residential and rates free esti Ioouos SNOWPLOWING Sinai commarrinl iartd residential Reasonable rules 72B 8460 ROOFING CONTRACTOR Residential Commercial Snowplowing Snow Removal Reasonable Rates Contract seasonal or by cleanup 7370818 Anytime SNOW REMOVAL FROM ROOFS ONLY all before noon 737 3657 Ask for Kirk or Gold ESIDENTIAL SNOWPLOWING rates Barrie Innulii anytime TONY SNOWPLOWING rates Contract 7265217 Reasonable Telephone 436 2695 Reasonable Reference tf needed Call STUCCO RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stuuo interior textured walls and ceilings Free estimates Dale Russell Mtdhurst telephone 7284392 DANNIE wlzgmém 7W DullI6 4875155 PAINrING PAPER HANGING uponmod Mm am Water Drillin in 02 llree estimates Jack Richardson7262012 hem mac and no llueanm estimate IO years experience Angus lHANDVMAN will do painting $09 hang DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING in 5637 floor tiling furniture stripping and terior exterior paper hanging custom rnlnishing Call Paul 7372875 Satisfaction guarantegediiniaflz Handyman will do painting paper hanging HILLSDALE DECORATING Interior ex IBILLS WELDING AND RAILING SPECIALTIES llaor furniture stripping and tenor wallpapering custom textured walls 24 days Very reasonable rates MISC tiling refinishing all Poul 7372875 34 trucks for side 1973 CHEV CHEYENNE half ton must sell Work 728 2439 evenings 7265793 Ask for Bob Itsservice and repairs CARS REPAIRED in my spare time Cheap rates Anything considered Telephone 7370724 after 530 and weekends 37motorcycles 1976 CAN AM125 TNT Excellent shape SL500 firm Serious enquiries only Telephone 792 4965 5119 om 38snowmobiles ARCTIC CAT SNONNOIIILES IACCESSORIES ht IAIRIE Sold at SPORT HAVEN MARINE Shelly Bey Rd 7261001 My27 SKI 000 I977 TNT 440 PC carbide run hers very low mileage Excellent condi tion $1395 Zeb at 7265612 or 7269438 aftergbipm or Tony at4I6592r4748 days 1975 ARCTIC CAT EItigre excellent condition complete with cover $1100 Telephone 728 4904 Two 1916 YAMAHAS GS 250 single 22 horse power with oil iniection One with speedometer phone 73 3292 7W 1973 MOTO SKI 295 twin with cover Like new $575 Telephone728 9750 I974 SKI DOO ELAN 250 deluxe twin cylinder In good condition Telephone 726 6673 or 726 6066 SNOWMOBILE SLEIGH for sale Skiboose in good condition s75 or best offer Telephone 726 8880 Very low mileage Tele 1975 SKIDOO 340 TNT electric also 1972 Mata skisHI Zephyr long trec Bath with low mileage Telephone 487 2338 40 alleles for sde COLOR TV RENTALS RENTALPURCHASE 20GE color per week S460 26 Quasgr only wkly $550 20 RCA XL100per week $475 26 Panasonic per week $645 NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENT TIL MARCH 78 Phone tonight Delivered Tonight KRAZY KELLYS IAIAIE SHOPPING PLAlA 7371182 ELECTRIC Semi Acoustic Guitar and Amplifier approx months old Both In excellent condition Asking 5550 7263435 MOVING sALE Stove tires lamps knick knecks Very reasonable Telephone 4363584 J18 £40 uticies for at RRAlY KELLY SAYS We are overstocked with new used and repossessed televisions Now is the time to save Electrahame 26 color only $490 weekly 18 RCA color only $390 weekly 20 Toshiba color only $450 weekly on the super renttaawn plan No money down no payments tIlI March 1978 KRAIY KELLYS Barrie Shopping Plaza 7371182 Phonetonight delivery tonight J18 USED SKATES and skate exchange Also skate sharpening Georgian Sports ibaDunlopStW7263200 CAST IRON FARM BELL 12 $100 14 $125 16 $175 Teachers brass ihand bell $16 S21 S26 4241065evenings 1A LIMITED NUMBERHOF NAME BRAND factory seconds now in stock Most only slightly marked Single double and queen twenty year guarantee Free ldelivery Barrie Mattress Factory 15 Dunlop downtown Barrie 7289922 RCA XLIGO We have 16RCA XLIN solid state color portables new In crates for only S378 or pay lust $365 weekly on our Rental Pur chase Plan No money down no payments till March 1978 Phone tonight delivery tonight RRAIY IELLYS Burl Flue 7371182 J18 HAMMOND PIPER ORGAN like new one keyboard $695 Telephone 728 8796 Ialter6pm CLEARANCE20 per cent off all 1977 televisions refrigerators stoves idishwashers Washers dryers micro lwave only at Barrie TV and Appliances BODunlop 7284297 iELiE CABLE CONVERTERS cell Barrie TV and appliances at 728 4297 for installa tion of cable converter to receive all available programming from your chair Price inclusive $8995 iHAMMOND 100 ORGAN with JR 20 lane cabinet Value 52000 plus More in formation call 424 6751 after pm VERY RARE SHOTGUN BROWNING highly engraved over and under in ex cellent condition real investment and icollectors item Price $2200 Call 728 59593Y1im or 72931209199199 lCLARKS HOME Furnishings lwarehouse Annex for good used name brand refrigerators slaves washers irangettes rebuilt automatic washers 34 New odd dressers Baytield Street chests beds REPOSSEfiED 26 RCA xuoo carved wood cabinet to the floor Casters total automatic color Illuminated channels digital UHF instant on Take over payments of S19 per month Phone tonight Delivery tonight Where else RRAIY RELLYS Rifle Phu 7371182 42articles wanted CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 items 7288234 REQUIRED Good used Items of all kinds for the needy SALVATION AR MY 60 Collier St 7283794 WANTED Used senior goaltendan equipment Must be In reasonable condi tIon Telephone 7280680 WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 POINTER GRADE and ceilings Telephgne 7058355387 local in dogs pets BARRIE PDODLE SalonShampoaing and clipping of all breeds Sophia Street East 726 4141 PooaLE TRIMMINCXHprBlesubnaI grooming all breeds pick up and de livery 7268798 Pet Studio lTROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hill Aquaria 143Ardagh Road 7260094 MAYS POODLE PARLOR Protes sionai clipping and grooming Rees onable rates Phone 726 0961 OLD ENGLISH SHEEVPDOG puppies Pure registered Interested 645 8176 after pm Brecebridgel POODLE PUPPIES white seven weeks old male and female $100 Toy male for 513°SFY19551179 97 52ptents and bulbsw TROPICAL PLANTS for your home or office etc Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferrndvale 913726 2951 57Iivestockmfor sale HORSE TRAILER for rent or will move your animels 2457Edgehillgor 726 3497 59poultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets avail able Also farm fresh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Perms Sitgm 436 1811 67truitsvegetebles APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession Ora Telephone 728 8489 or 726 1907 Closed Sundays POTATOES FOR SALE Choice quality Also some number twos Will deliver Telephone7287677 728 9378 68personials IALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 6581i you drink thats your business If you Wanttoguitthatsrours Call anytime RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie live minutes Windy flauth Farm17260192 MONECA psychic and card reading counselling Days and evenings Monday throughrFriday Phone 728 8868 TELECARE Why light your problem alone Let friend help Call Tclecare 726 7922 anytime UNWANTED HAIR removed safely permanently medically approved Ly Idia Hrenchuk Certified Electrologlst 7372671 YOUR TOMORROW today Tarot cards and tea cup reading For appointment call728 0902 llNTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION Services Civil criminal divorce surveillance Discreet and confidential 737 2972 BOWLERS WANTED Singles or couples to finish last half of bowling season Call Art or Chuck at Kempview Bowl 728 9761 CATERING Christmas doeuvres Reasonable rates 7264940 No party too smill parties buffets BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 pm 737 4222 7269300 Ext 236 and enloy yourself Tetophone4363776 CARD AND TEA CUP READINCTOdfié evenings only 71 42 edited TIRED OF BEING laid oft Of low pay We have part and full time positions open with above average wage for am bitlous persons with car Barrie and sur rounding area Telephone 416 895 6532 RELIABLE PERSON to live In and help look after two children 112 and some housekeeping duties involved Please reply stating experience and salary expected to Box W44 The Ex Ominer Berrle hors Hot or cold Guaranteed 200 530 pm and Thursday 630 930 HORSEDRAWN SLEIGHRIDESTCome $25 per hour by appointment only Telephone 737 3141 wgldlhg No lob too small 726 408 71 help melted gIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE RIRBY OPPORTUNITY PEOPLE NEEDED nevi for our platelet advancement program Cal 7267205 TF fillIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllll BABYSITTER REQUIRED for after noon kindergarten child Steel SI school area Call 726 3966 71 help vrented 71 help wanted 1978 ARE YOU GOING TO START ANOTHER YEAR IN THE SAME HUT SAME JOB SAME HEADACHES SAME WORRIES SAME WAGES DONT We are one of Canadas fastest growing firms and we need good people We will train you for career position leading to management Excellent pay and promising future can be yours simply by picking up your phone and giving us the chance to talk to you DONT HESITATE CALL 737 904 immediately AND DISTRIBUTORS J7 PARTTIME KITCHEN AND COUNTER HELP REQUIRED MCDOIIaId Us ATTENTION STUDENTS interested in gaining financial independence McDonalds will hire fifteen to twenty parttime employees Benefits include above minimum wages food discount uniform supplied scheduled pay raises three shifts per week Contact manager on duty MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY 330 500p D31J357 Real listatc Irotcssmnals Since 1913 355 Bayfield St Barrie IIC Office 737001 MANAGER REAL ESTATE BRANCH OFFICE BARRIE ONTARIO LePage Ont Ltd is looking for broker or person holding Real Estate Certificate with management and branch office experience to manage the existing LePage office in Barrie The successful applicant will have solid background in Real Estate selling and office management with record as team leader and sales producer The person we select will be required to hire develop and motivate the branch sales team and continue to provide the Barrie area with LePage quality service Compensation will be based on the Company Managerial package with guarantee If you have the qualities and background and are interested please let us hear from you in assured Confidence Call George Cormak President 4846141 Toronto 71 Iieip waited J7 71 help limited ED for pagition of Health Care Aid or Nurse Ala for care of profoundly mental ly handicapde children and aLIOItSCCIIIS Employee ls expected to work weekirnd shift rotations and must have own transportation Employee benefit tn effect For interview ranguments telephone 436 1461 between remand19m FULL TIME HELP reauired Apply Belinda and Brother Shoes Georgian Mall Barrie ContactManagcr HELP WANTED Car Telephone 728 Lilli DISC JOCKEY rcqmred three nights WANTED MATURE PERSONS for Telephone Soliciting Apply at 39 COLLIER ST SUITE 103 or call 7267205 required Hate one PAINTER rcnmrnrt for busy flnl RESPONSIBLE MATURE LADY rate shop Steady flow of work fringe babysit two children ages and benefits Apply to Joe Burton Paullyeors three to four days week Sadlon Motors 726 1811 Telephone 726 9677 TO YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES T00 EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS Phone 7266539 Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday ST VINCENTWELLINGTON AREA VESPRADUFFERIN AREA OWENWELLINGTON AREA MINESING OUEEN ST CODRINGTONALBERT AREA FERRlSHEATH AREA Route NAME ADDRESS PARENTS SIGNATURE Yes would like more information about an Examiner Carrier AGE PHONE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie L4M 4T6 71help waited REALT OHnLflfln lo Collier St Barrie 7284401 Direc Extensive advertising Semiprivate offices Toronto telephone direct line Training for new agents direct from Toronto Managerial assistance in field offers 10 Last but not least commission TERVIEW SPARE TIME If you wont to work approximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over 21 yrs of age pass medical APPLICATIONSARE BEING RECEIV Then we want YOU Call Mr Howlett Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 7285941 TF LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER needed for molherless family children and years nice home in Coldwater with comfortable accommodation Apply Box 457 Coldwatcr Call 835 3110 days or 686 7900evenings EXPERIENCED COOK required for medium Sized dining room Reply to Box W43 The Examiner Barrie stating ex perience and salary required LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER required for motherless familyiTwo children ages 11 and 13 Please provide references Telephone 726 3839 72sales helpregents EXPANDING CANADIAN OiICompany needs dependable person who can work Without supervision Earn $14000 per year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrie We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton0nl L6T 2J6 74 opportunity for men 813291 National Company Expanding in Barrie area now taking applications for men and women full or parttime to fill over twenty available positions immediately No experience necessary Complete company training Must have access to car 5230 PER WEEK as per written agreement FOR INTERVIEW CALL 7374831 am pm Monday to Friday J3 76employment wanted EXPERIENCED DAYCARE available in my home Full or part time Children aged one year and over Constant super vision References available Please call 728 7086 for more information HONEST AND RELIABLE woman desires housework by the day Will also cook and bake Phone 737 4245 RELIABLE MOTHER will babysit pre school age children in my home Letitia Henghts area Weekdays Telephone 737 4175 WHICH DAY IS BEST Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to ad vertise in The Examiner Classified Section Phone 7282414 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 IUolsllled advertisements and notices lor these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception of Oasslfied Display advertisements which musf be In by pm two days prior to publlcatlon BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $550 Additional words lOcts per word CARD or THANKS 40 words $550 Add tional words IOcts per word IN MEMORIAM NoriCEs Na verse $550 With verse per count line 22cents per line COMING EVENTS S122 per column Inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount Rates apply If paid within days One or two iinsertlons 9ic per word per Insertion consecutive Insertions cents per word per Insertion total 48 Six secutlve Insertions 8tc per word per Inser tion total $1224 Multiple insertions may be ordered sublect to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each Initial abbreviation set of numbers etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone Insertion orders are accepted as loonvenlence to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department re quires advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately after first Inser tion In order that any error or omission may be reported before am In order that some may be rectified for the following day publication The Exarntner ls responsible for only one Incorrectly printed Insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent of portlott of ad that Involves the mlsprlnt Er rors which do not lessen the value of the dyertlsement are not eligible for correc tions by make goods The Examiner reserves tieright tO classify revise or reiect any want weakly Apply in person Bayshorc Motor PHONE 7282414 71 help vetted the exemlner TueedevJen 1m 13 71heip netted RCHOLKAN CO LTD tToronto Line 3646625 WE OFFER AGENTS THE FOLLOWING ITop location in Barrie 10 Collier Streetl Ample private parking yourself and your clients Leads and referrals from our other offices across Ontario and am to pm secretarial service and answering service on listings and presentation of to agents up to 75 YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF NEW OR EXPERIENCED TO LOOK US OVER CALL PAT MCGRATH 7284401 FOR CONFIDENTIAL IN J3 SIL NOTICE res Death Notices Engagements Births $550 NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no Ilabilltly In respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay In for warding such replies however otherwise TF EXAMINER WANT ADS 7282414 maximum 40 words additional words 10 cents per word Card of thanks 40 words $550 Additional words 10 cents per word In Memoriam no verse $550 Verse per count line extra 22 cents per line Coming Events 81birttis Mondays Child is fair of face Tuesdays Child islult of grace Wednesdays Child is full of woe Thursdays Child hasfar to go FridaysChildistovlng and giving Saturdays Child works hard for its living And child that is born on the Seb bath Day Is fair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always went to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week monthI and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for en Examiner Birth Notice ls only $550 maximum 40 words Add tional words 10 cents per word PHONE 728 2414 85lleettis DAVEY James at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Friday December 30 1977 James Davey beloved husband of Isabella Shering and the late Montta Jeao and father of Faye Mrs Vincent Cole and Ralph James Davey Grand father of six grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren Survived also by two sisters in England riends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie after pm Sunday Com plete service in the chapel on Tuesday January at pm Interment St Pauls Cemetery Innislil THOMPSON Harry Bruce At Grove Park Home Barrie on Thursday December 29 1977 Harry Bruce Thomp son in hls 95th year beloved husband of the late Louise Bates dear father of Robert of Barrie and Helen Mrs John Forsyth of Markham Grandfather of Jeffrey and Steven Thompson and Stephanie and Leanne Forsyth Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie after pm Sun day Complete service in the chapel on Monday January at 11 am Interment Barrie Union Cemetery COLE Harvey Canadian National Railway pensioners club died peaceful ty at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Friday December 30 1977 Harvey Hamilton Cole in his 89th year beloved husband of the late Levlna Hanes Lov Iing father of Iva Blakesley Norma lShew Marion Innes and Lloyd all of Etobicoke Hilda Swan of Oshawa IGraydon of Corunna Ontario Edith Cotes Phyllis Greenough Barbara Browning and Patricia Cole all of Bar rie and one brother Howard of Midland and predeceased by daughter Laurine OBrien and grandson Murray Greenough Dear grandfather of 15 grandchildren Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradford Street Bar rie Visitation from Saturday pm Serw vice and committal complete in thel chapel on Monday January 2nd at pm Interment later at Barrie Union Cemetery KING Wilma Alma At the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Friday $322 per column inch 88 conthg events JACKPOT BINGO SOUTHWARD RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION WED JAN It 1978 mo PM rely Bids mo PM Regfir Gem cuemull $37500 Jackpot SOUTNWARD HALL GILL AND BOND St ORILLIA 3256907 DSTJ34 ANAF BINGO Every Wed Night Early Bird Games 730 pm Regular games 800 pm Jackpot 5300 must go every week Admission $1 00 for cards Air conditioned hall GEORGE ST BARRIE TTF examiner patterns Romantic Printed Pattern 820 December 30 1977 Wilma PeQQY King in her 59th year beloved wife of the Iate Stanley King Loving mother of San are of Don Mills and Robert and Sonya1 both at home Dear daughter of Mrs Matilda Switzer of Corunna Ontario and the late William Dear sister of Jean Manning of Creemore Elsie Cole of Car unna Ontario Harold Switzer of Oritlial and Les Switzerof Barrie Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradford St Barrie Visitation from Saturday at pm Service and committal complete In the chapel on Monday January at 330 pm Interment st Pauls Cemetery In nisfil NICOL Edwin Leslie At Stevenson Memorial Hospital Atliston on Monday January 1978 Edwin Nicol beloved husband of Eleanor Irvin Dear father of Brenda Mrs John Hall and Ross Brother of Harold and the late Morden Resting at John Thomas Funeral Home Alliston for service Wednesday January at Interment Alliston Union Cemetery GORDON Mabel Suddenly at Craiglee Nursing Home Scerbaro On tario Friday December 30 1977 in her 75th year formerly of Thornton Beloved wife of Harvey Gordon deceasedy Dear mother of Mrs Doreen Miller Stayner Mrs Laurette McDowell Toronto Mrs Myrna Pedwell Midland and son Donald of Mississauga Also sur vived by five grandchildren Mrs Gar don is resting at the Wighall Funeral Chapel 62 Long Branch Ave Long Branch Service in the chapel Tuesday at pm Interment Westminister cemetery CHRISTIE Harold Eugene After lengtth illness at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Monday January 2nd1978HarOld Eugene Christie belov ed husband of Florence Irene Gurhardt Dear father of Norman and Robert of Barrie Brother of AI of Collingwoodq predeceased by one brother Ken Friends may call at Steckloy Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie after pm Tuesday Complete service in the Chapel on Thursday January 5th at pm Interment at Barrie Union Cemetery As expressions Of sympathy donations to Royal Victoria Hospital Remembrance Fund would be ap preciated BLAKEMAN Laurence Henry At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Saturday December JIst 1977 Laurence Blakeman in his 64th year mtoved husband of Maud of Angus Lav ing father of Valerie of Angus Susan Ledan of Kitchener and Malcolm of Vic toria BC Deer grandfather of Ilona Diana William James and Tracey Dear brother of Violet Taylor Maduc Hewitt and Roy all of Coventry England private service was Iteld from the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradford Street Barrie on Tuesday January 3rd at It am Interment Angus union Cemetery NORDMAN GEORGE At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Sun day January 1st 1978 George Nord man of Lelroy in his IISt year Beloved husband of Pamela Kortes survived also by one brother and one sister in Sweden Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Ber rie Complete service in the chapel on Wednesday January 4th on pm Inter ment 616th LineCemetgry InnistIL 87 iii memoriems ROBINSON In loving memory of Willem John Robinson who passed away January 1977 Sadly missed by brotherJlm WANT ADS PHONE 7232414 The Examiner Wlilfl out romantically this tall in fitted vest above billowysleeved bIOuse rippling skill 30 feminine Printed Pattern 4656 Misses Sizes 10 12 14 16 1820 Size 12 bust 34 vest 58 yard 60inch skirt 38 blouse 34 yards 45inch $125 for each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 25¢ each pattern for first class mail and handling Ont residents add 94 sales in Print plainly Site Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Arms Adams Pattern Dept and 60 Progress Avenue Scarborough Ontario MIP4P7 Prices too high Save and sewsend for our NEW FALL WINTER PAITERN CATALOG Over 100 styles all sizesdresses tops skirts pants Free pattern coupon Send 75c Instant Setting Bootl $100 Instant Fashion Book $100 Instant Crochet Booil $100 Pillow ShowOffs $150

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