MAURICE ESTEN cuts Saturday February 19 19777w At left is his daughter Peggy right The Fitxpatricks and Longjohns not for Sissies especially in Winter of 77 Longjohns are for sissies Not in winter 1977 Nothing can break down mans pride like cold nipping at goosebumpcd legs under polyester pants on cold winter morning So the sales in Iongjohns pro ves it In stores throughout Barrie longjohn sales have increased as much as 50 per cent over last year and its all because of the severe cold mart is all sold out of long johns with the 40 per cent in crease in sales says sales clerk Ioaii ltropliy She said the big demand is in the two piece cotv ton cotiibiiiat ions Everyone is buying them skiers men and women teen agers and girls playing hockey she said Maurice Rowarth of Jack Webb tlotliing said people who have never bought them at Woolworth says there is about 30 per cent over last year lot of mothers come in for the sons and daughters who hike The women also bity them for their husbands In the lingerie department Helen Gates said floral print longjohns have been very popular this year And its been terrific season for Iongjohns downfill ed vests jacket and thermal socks at Sears says Ken Ur bacli manager of Sears mens THY Sales have increased in long joliiis alone 20 per cent more than they expected this year and 10 per cent over last years sales Those who want long johns know the places not to go ireenwoods oats and Dresses Ltd 100 Straight IJr Betti Steihenson Labor minister Coll 15 cake made in honor of his Fitzpatrick His soninlaw Mrs Esten organized the IIIHIhf I32333ï¬gpongizrrl gmluglqv 80th birthday during party Rov Fitzpatrick and Mr Es partv Examiner Ihoto mu mm mm L1 at the Barrie Country Club was wife Scottie are at III In an mm Seventy manage to surprise Maurice Esten on 80th Almost 70 guests managed to surprise Maurice Esten of Barrie on his 80th birthday The wellknown lawyer the oldest practising in town arrived early at what he thought was family din ner party at the Barrie Coun try Club He was quite surprised said pleased Scottie Esten his second wife Mrs IIsten and her stepdaughter Peggy and soninlaw Roy Fitz patrick organized the event The evening began with cocktail party followed by Ronald and Lucille Stoltz were on holidayin Hawaii former Mr Esten partner with Also at the party were two former school chums of Mr Esten Mrs Richard Crossley and Mrs Marian Anderson who attended Misses Ross Private School on Collier Street in the early 1900s After the dinner music was provided by Ross Rolls andJimSniith Mrs listen the son of the late George IIstcn was raised in Barrie He attended THORNTON Mrs Everett Evans was hostess recently for In 1051 the Estcn Esten firm merged Stewart and Stewart The firm later became Stewart listen and Mclurk Mr IIstcn is also the oldest active member of the Barrie Country Club Ile is past president and secretary ot the Country Club where he is now an honorary member past president of the tiarrison Badminton tlub tornicr member ot the Simcoc toun ty Law Stitltltt11 and the Harrieetcraiistlub and with IRIIIVIISIIIIILIIi Mabel Jacobs gave foui farmers who work outside he said Most of the teenagers he said wear heavy jeans and cor duroy pants and therefore dont ask for them as often But the younger men are definitely putting aside their pride hesaid Weve sold 30 per cent more than last year because of the cold weather he said tieiicva Stewart salesclcrk and ountry Shops The Town Shop Thriftys are just some of the shops who not only dont stock longjohiis They just dont get the calls Sitnilarily lord Roach Mcn Wear and Jack Fraser Jim Smith of Mostyns Mens Wear Ltd said sales in long johns have increased about 20 per cent but generally men over years of age are asking forthem St Marys student Barrie CWL speaker tollccii IItIIIItit tirade it St Marys Separate School student will represent Harrie in the nor tlicrii regional tatliolic Wo nicns league public speaking Focus for Women series held March ll titand pri from Ilttlt Stltool iiiothcrliotxl Runner tip in the junior divt ltllt was lhillippa QtlHllSHlt tirade pupil of St loliti tan She spoke on abilin of sell All women are welcome Humane society here has some money in bank Sam Walker and Jim iillies Alice Haddow gave the Ad visiting from Scotland also played selection on the pipes SIIZNIHIIIIIKENI the Valentine meeting of the humlmw liï¬pml If to 13 in at the iarric Mr and Mrs Allan Stoltz and United Church Women Mrs mimmg II MmT Darren of Cambridge spent the Hartley Evans welcomed lrlmlhl Ill mm ISptltlst lltiftt Illt first hurch Ilall weekendinAlliston guestsandledtheprayer series has been so Luth merLrK VALENTINEWINNERS IIIPRIA 55W It tittiiiiit in tow iiiiooiitig it large crowd attended pot MFS Iiflfk Mrs IIII hillimiv tlwimfvlll III orgaiiitr Roberta Iitttlttll tuck supper held Feb 935 part Stephenson and Mrs Ray Wily NW MI The series which is spoii of meeting of the Thornton Malting were winners of the Plllltillt fill it IIIV stilHI by the Mental Health and community Horticultural Valentin Cmuht htld NCtnlly hm Hm airii and lllt will also liittls Society held at Trinity United Church Slides from the 1970 photographic competition of the Ontario Horticultural Association convention as well as some American scenes and local events were shown by Eleanor Maltby titiIIl ANNIVERSAR Mr and Mrs John Ham mond celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary Feb 14 in at the meeting of Thornton United hurch Women Ito freshments were served by Mrs Black Mrs IIlmcr Mer hunt and Mrs Itlverctt Evans Nancy Ieacock played the piano Mrs Ioliii Scott led the devotion I00 IER IINI Torrinna Mudde of HR Ihornton recently received 100 per cent in lrade theory ex am set by the Royal tonscr hwygo Georgian Collogn Mllitl Thom pnnlmls Ifnit ed hurch on 111 iniiiiagetncnt priorin SAVE TAX DOLLARS TODAY Florida Mobile Home Seminar Whats it like to live in Florida in an adult mobile home community Learn about renting vs buying your own lot What are the costs represented in Barrie by LOU GOEDEMONDT REAL ESTATE LTD MLS Realtor Appraisals 98 Boyfield St Barrie 7284067 Tor 8899487 for information call SIMON BEEKHUIZEN 7373795 Women in the labor force will be the subject when Dr Bette Stephenson Ontario minister of labor addresses the University Womens Club of Barrie March attt pm in Bar rie Central Collegiate faculty lounge Dr Stephenson is the first woman to behold the labor port folio in the Ontario cabinet She won the riding of York Mills in the 1975 provincial election and was appointed to the cabinet in October She was also the first woman president of the Canadian Medical Association during the 197475 term She was selected the only nonvgovernrnent member of the task force on the reorganization of the ministry of health in 1973 The ministry of labor is responsible for such concerns as employment standards Darlene Brittow For All Your Travel Information The Best Service In Town PM wmmdu Mtge In Mr CHM hi contest Mailcli 17 at John iiiy She spoke on Howard womens programs and um roast beef bullet Ioronto and is graduate of daughters legg Mrs Roy Ilclrll mm Mm 332 lhe Harrie branch of the year and spent $434 for rentals at tiri Human nigh Tmmls Ieter Mills senior mem tlsgoode Ilall Ile served in hltllpitltltk and Helen Mrs hi it lily Lt with 11 mo Humane SWIM has Eh fair $5 Mr its and $18 510 ber of StewartEsten law World War and returned to hen ceclv ot llit ollciii took first place in lllt lf ISTNH gt1 be 5119425mmcbank Mr pusmgp priming and 0m Dr Slephmmn IS also Travelservice rm mmfluced Judge lor Barrietojoinhistatheislaw Philippines There arc to intermediate division in lllt WWI If litW Allan proom branch supplies 577 Ora Silverimv mCUilnlll BUIIWTII Child don Mclurk of Hamilton firm in 1921 utlitttlllllltltttl lotil public speaking toiitcsl I11ilttlutsJocIwhen prosmwl said Monday he and mm husk $7 fur an care and family medicine and Mitt IIIH Im 1limlwin XII whille branch spent $108433 last year nual and retirement dinncrs SIWkt I0 medical WNW 7370340 Sh Iukv Hmm giiliiiiil cliliriiiiin iii itlllvl but collected $337255 leaving $40 for travelling expenses mns Cross alwda Tram 703 mayor which Ilttstfl weekly $28822 surplus $10181 for fair novelties and swcdenandllwl mmdmmps 29 o°s 4910 ltitttnittltiiti pitts wcit by Hairicschiiols llllhd hm QM pm Ihc branch also had $90603 $2843 for hristmas barrels ltolihic ltcct tltatlc Ti left in the bank after 1975 he and party SlVI stlttT Ivy with friends and neighbois vatoiy of Music in loioiito She SI Mum mum MIMI ltth MIN said bringing the mm in Mr Frmm mm members in dro in bv from surrounding was former gtupil ot lcin NIIWI Am 35 mm mt pp gt th place iii the junior tllllti11 for lawn hmmx prwldvm bankto$1194 23 the annual meeting there are ChUFCh Mind SChOOI PupilS Vilnunhleb 15 1l $11 TR tn pmch on The Loit toys uhNWLï¬rhmmmn Money was collected from few minor bills which still have 100k Pit ga 195 and miguishnxnhw 31lij MAT kn HUM WM mm Hunter tiigttiiys$251ti5tt BarrieFair tobepaid refreshments Sunday Th rs on If Firm 19 ii luiiiicr in the inter rcion will com ctc in an 51mm hunk mirng $2542 mm mm l0 CIIICC toboggan party planned was after spending few days in Aiiglitaiit huith liaiiii llllt is md mnu md ï¬remen wncéiled Stevenson Memorial Hashim gust weak Wm mediate division is litlllttlt archdioccsan widt compcti WlI It RIM tit rrmatory ITIIItS Albert Hewson is also home IrayerServices Marthi at to KtHHII ilillt lttllLWI 710 an 3131 Wm qi mt as ptuyhfnrz Fih Chips You ml fled Inn The Clfldwater Humma it being roIaSCtd mm the pm Triminnmuihmfll Hntario Humane Society last additiontotheiinirrialshelter we Fry Halibut till Youve tasted ours gt listonhos ita Fe 10 ItNISIHI bliiigiminimziilztililfiigiitiiliiitiiain ITII1NTpT Rvii Mrs Mooney 111I Alis R1155 atteau lITI IQDI PSEIIIS $17do Sub anniversary of Mr and Mrs Mrs Ivan Caldwell has been II111 Smith attended the Soto sup Verne Rumney of Victoria Har patient in Barries Royal Vic funeral of Mrs Mooneys great ked sorted hour March 12 They will also toria HospitalsinceFeb 10 nephew Warren Humble of It r1 nb 00d catertoa curling banquet April IIrilgltgAgtYMEETIEG Ihorriidale its lï¬t£tllltf Mk klmw RH Hm rmkN mm at the community centre ruary mee ing grant son rs mi io HOLIDAYING Gilford Womens Institute was Allistoii 512Urulu ILIIIRHIILZIILII Smith In mm IOCdl Boultons Cafeung Mr and Mrs Grant Cates held this week at the home of IfttlllttiitINVIZtt mm If MN NM have been holidaying in Florida Mrs Girvan Sawyer Angus Dove ot Stroud was the mem lllhmflljlm ISIIIII llllm1llkr IlmIlHPmN Robbie Hurns the people fff llR15 RUIX It it poet wasrememberwlIcb5 UH 565 7264I7t and Mr and Mrs Garfield IOL WINNERS Wilttltr in rang inmwwi MM tint mention mm Tm Immurml who IJmflmng haVe returned mm There were Im Illnch at cum Im Tom Hrillia ti Roiits Kinliii Business trill 1I INTIt amp THUS Droposcd int IW09k Wilma the EUQSIS Chm part Feb With 13 III will hit1h Will tonsultants ol Pcterlxirough pm If is mum Sutherland of Bellahouston of Mr and Mrs Don Ap so Plangs contracting winiiï¬r tlor tlilt Iltllt Miltyiqxi try fnhlum Dip thrmnw mek mva Shh Ith PINr amp Tonmm are eers onnie ruyn won ic ravsi ic it ar iiigti ttt iopi Ri ii is ft in ETIURHH Ben Steers and mum hm mmr Tl mllt Int 01 thanipion in 1070 atid diltiiiritiiitint tllIlftfiillls iiulixlid Ifitrtiiilttiiil ilmcl iDOIVllIQ Mrs Margaret Merrett is Cronanweretheprizcwinners Poland and Lucille Prentice Imammfmï¬vw md rigimk SJE ffl WWW mg spending three weeks as guest BACK HOME Ruby Smith Mary Wilson I7 wings auompani on piano fioiii loionto Midland and by McIadven of Donald ofseveralfriendsinklorida Mr and Mrs Harold Iairitt Stilla Mitiladtiy 118 leun RFV 1ng are back anrd 1nd rooting VISIIUKS g5 llllil IIItStI1 amp OIOIltt v1 Dr and Mrs anitroii Hill lht litad ta ile In or Dancing to the Heather Irio Jennltet MlChdtl attdItllldn up Imm Ck mp it thy tliiet Hill ndcrson was followed Iurin intervals algai tlll Mi anl Mrs SiOIttiinhStmtforfd Them lgddyf tSrtxzites tIJTUhrIlI1es iiitalilfor Frank tcniio of Mississauga Cl15 Tu IlS Illtttl ItifitttQltm Tom Stewart of Cameron ome eir rranc To the skirt of the bigpi es iini Toronto lived the ck Nd nt ently visited Mr and Mis in setting oi giiiiatioii giltiitrilbl wiillirileantheiiirspzirlgiiig TALITNTISIZ HITTING IVIIIIW WI Iilllt Hitting Wm It ABIJLZVSIZII it gain niot ivat ion and assessing III illIII 13 It bagpipes Mr MUirhead to eeer Professional Colour Portrait only 38° Choose Irom our selection of eight scenic and color backgrounds Select additional portraits and save up to Roy Irucy lorry Pike compared to prices tt District Mono er nitiii 72618909 See our new large DecoratOr Portrait Your complete satisfaction guaranteed or There are very gOOd reasons Why your money cheerfully refunded you should buy an RRSI from Investors lm Weissen Rossl March and 1977 No obligation to buy additional portraits Refreshments and Colour Film With hundreds of ways to organire an Itltil which Inventors provides simpli tied tax re orting ne is the best way We can find form showing tax exempt at 800 pm om mgth puny 1003 Wort Thurs Fri Sat Matinee Sat at 2200 pm New wrinkles in the iov We provide the financial 22 24 25 26 flow hwy My crnments budget tan planning services usually Toethru Sat IO affect your savmgs program can show you how assoi iated with banks stock brokers trust and insurance companies Directed by Wendy Hicks Investors serVice are easy to buy we Lorne to you Boyflold St Hwy No 26 27 Barrio Ont in INFORMATIVE SEMINAR TWO SHOWINGS TUESDAY FEBRUARY 22 I977 230 PM 730 PM at the HOLIDAY INN BARRIE Music by Ralph Benatzky Investors makes it easier Get your future going today we SYNDICATE LIMITED TICKETS SAM III RECORD MAN MUNIl INTI MUSIC WOIlD GIORGIAN COIIIGI DOOR $300 One sitting per subject$1 per subject for addi tional subjects groups or individuals in the same family Persons under 18 must be accompanied by parent or guardian