Ellie Earth Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited l6 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario WILSON Advertising Manager ELIO AGOSTINI Publisher and general Manager HENSHAW Managing Editor The Barrie Examiner Saturday February 19 1977 Thumbs Up To city council which this week made tough decision taxes to two per cent raise Is there anybody out ther board land listening To the volunteers of MealsOnWheels organization To the brass quintette of Central Collegiate Glen Warnica Scott Ribalkin Jeff Watson and Brian Smith wh place in the Kiwanis Music Festival To Don More of Creemore You may to hold in school not like his approach to the straydog problem but you have to admire him for doing something about stray dogs To Allan McLean deputyreeve of the Barrie tephen Hall won first Thumbs Down To the Barrie PUC given the phrase Catch22 new meaning with its stand meters The PUC will charge you $25 to test the accuracy of the meter it has installed in your the PUC wants you to kn are very good that PUC not incaccurate Sound which has on testing ome and 0w chances meters are like Oro who suggests government bureaucracy might be reduced were there more input from ordinary voters Yesbut how do you get the input from the ordinary voters To league bowlers the unsung heroes of Big Brothers Bowl for Millions fund raising something from the bad old days of private utilities commissions To CB radio operators who dont use their radios properly and make valuable hobby unpleasant for responsible operators and give the government yet another excuse to punish the many for the trans gressions of the few Socialism in Jamaica can we still do business By JOHN IIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service What will be the future of Ca nadian business and banks in Jamaica now that Prime Minis ter Michael Manley is on firm socialist road Canadian companies and banks in Jamaica have thc same worries about their futui in that island as American corti panies in Cuba before Fidel Castro nationalized them all in the summer of 1960 Like the $1 billion of Ameri can business in pietastros Cuba concentrated in sugar mining cattle ranching and utilities and Canadian bauxite banks and processing concerns have dominant role in the Jamaicaneconomy It is true that Prime Minister Manley now in his second term of office was elected both times Ithe second time last Dec 15 by an overwhelming vote Castro by comparison seized power after bitter rcvir lutionary struggle But the difference in how Manley came to power corri pared to his admitted close friend Castro whose system he admires is academic as his new government starts to ria tionalixc more foreign and do mestic industries BALXITE MIVES FIRST The first to be hit arc the large bauxite extractive com panies mainly anadianand Americanowned The Manley formula for state intervention in their activities was established in two stages during his first administration of 1972 it 1976 Stage one in 1974 was the iii crease of both royalties and tax payments on bauxite exports which were traditionally low for the export of non renewable Jamaican natural resource The bauxite companies squawked about the increase in charges but paid them in the long run Stage two was the announced Manley intention to buy back 31 per cent of all mines and as sets owned by companies pro ducing bauxite in the country Since then the Jamaican gov ernment also during Manlcys first administration has bought all the mining and non operating properties of Alcoa Minerals of Jamaica subs sidiary of the giant Aluminum Company of America tALCOA These will be formed into JA MALCO new joint govern ment and industry company which also will own six per cent of the firms refining assets The Canadian bauxite inter ests of Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd IALCAN have not been offered yet such for mula Unlike ALAs Jamar can interests ALCAN in the country has been an iii corporated Jamaican firm for many years The same is true of Canadian banks in the country with the Batik of Nova Scotia Jamaica Limited for example being an lllCOlpOlilICd Jamaican com party While such Canadian criter prises in Jamaica as bauxite banks and real estate face the prospect of takeover Jamaicas strong socialist direction will give other Canadian firms chance to participate Ill Manlcys radical change of direction These are supplier industries who will service those lainai can needs to be met by the $1007 million Canadian loan made to that country during the TrudcaunMaiilcy meeting last cl Bil The line of credit is in three parts These are $30 million frorii Ottawas Export Develop tiicnt Corporation for industrial development another $25 mil lion to be drawn after March 20 1977 and the rest to come from IIA the Canadian Inter national Development Agency This agreement is similar to the Slooniillion Canadian loan made to uba in early 107 It Iias produced substantial busi ness for about 200 Canadian supplier firms meeting uban development needs assisted by the big Canadian loan These loans make possible Canadian export sales to arib bean socialist and Marxist txroriomics Prime Minister Manley is substantially changing his countrys priorities and direc tioiis but not the continued Jamaican need for our skills and equipment Commons capsules From The Ottawa Bureau Of Thomson News Sen ici OTTAWA Lets hope for his own sake that Postmaster General JeanJacques Blais knew what he was doing when he accepted challenge to prove the postal service is faster than mail delivery by horse Mr Blais really has nothing to gain but can you imagine the heckling arid thc effect oii the ministers career if the postal service loscs Walter Dinsdalc tlf Branr donSouris asked the minister in the Commons if he will ac cept the Manitoba Community Newspapers Associations ina vitation to race pitting the postal service against delivery of papers by pony express all Earn tzxammrr 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7260537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory llolidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $44 20 yearly Single copies 13 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Motor Throw ff $3900 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year ly National Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 8641710 640 Cathcart St Monr treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tising and ediwrial material created by its employees and reproduced in this newspaper Co yright Registration Num r20tti15rcgister61 should like to point out that although they have issucd challenge they want to wait un til spring Mr Blais rcplicd They do not want to have the race in the wintertime shall be pleased to accept that challenge This is contest which undoubtedly the post of ficc will win know the quality of the horse flesh in Manitoba having seen sortie pretty fine performances there but am sure the post office has no comv rxtition at all from the pony cxr press or any other express which is in vogue in this counr try One might wonder if the post mastergenerals apparent bc lief his department must prove it can outperform pony ch press isnt an accurate in dicator of the current state of the departman Things can sometimes get littlc nasty in the Commons Take the day the government and opposition parties clashed over the number of jobless who are not included in the calcu lation of the official unemployr iiiciit rate The use of thosc figures rc minds one of the reason for on in Conservative Man power Minister Bud nllcn told Lincoln zItXalllItl tlC llamr iltoii West who claimed 300000 people are in this category There is libcl in Liberal an MI rctortcd Then there were frequent exr changes during lengthy per sonal filibuster by John Rodri guez tNDl Nickel Belt against income tax amcntl mcnts removing the 10 per cent surcharge on personal incomes of $30000 or more Mr Rodriguez contended that the Tories and Liberals agreed in principle with the legislation which he said was designed to bciicfit the wealthy Who were you sleeping with in It inquired Stevi Papr oski tlf Edmonton Centre We went to bed with the Lib crals because we looked at the alternative and we did not think we could go to bed with him He needs face lift Mr Rod riguty said of thc NIIs sup port of the Liberals during the minority government of 197274 Shame on you Rodriguez Mr laproski responded Those are not very nice re marks And when busiricsswoman Jean Iigott tlC Ottawa Carleton presented him with can of hard candy Mr Rodriguez declared that in no way will be swayed by the cor porate sector in this House Elmer MacKay ciitral Nova observed that the cari dies were jawbrcakcrs and the NDI member said they were meant to swcctcn my personality On another day during the same debate Mrs ligoll pre scntcd Mr Rodriguez with somccookics She thinks theres something crummy about you Max Saltsman NDI WatcrlooCambridgei cracked always wanted to get my hands in the honorable llltln bcrs cookie jar Mr Rodrr guez said Watch it Mr Saltsman adr vised This has been clear dcbatcsofar Well she has cookie jar in her office Mr Rodriguez rc spondcd and continued to delay passage of the lcgislalion until expiration of the time limit on debati imposed by the govern ment IT SAYS HERE Small municipal tax increase opens can of worms for council By RICHARD IlNSTAN City council members bit off big chunk this week It is to be hoped they can chew it without breaking their teeth Council tactually general committee but its the same people voted to hold this years municipal property tax in crease to two per cent at least as target figure Though the tricky arithmetic of assessiiicnl growth converts this to 62 per cent budget iii crcase administration officials say councils decision will mean scrviccs itiiist be cut back by nearly four per ccnt Aye theres the rub for one sinccrcly applaud councils commitment to call whoa to the escalation of public cxjxnditurc and conse WERE MT WORRIED ABOII AN ERECTION WEVE GOT SECRET WEAPON quent taxpayer stickup so popular at certain other levels of government It has to stop sortiewhcre and theres no irne like the present But the decision opens can of worms all the same The general committee meeting which set the two per cent target also approved at $30000 expenditure for closing an open ditch the city decided last year it couldnt afford to close The latter decision may save childs life and fully agree with the majority of council members who supported it But the point is that this kind of scmiycmcrgcncy project the odringtoii Mulcastcr traffic light is another one which comes rcadily to mind takes FROM PARLIAMENT HILL Interference from PMs office in ambassadors resignation By SIIIIIARI Macllit tlttawa Burtail Thomson Vls Sen ice Dcspitc all the official dc mals still think that inter fcrcncc lllllll thc pritiic minis tcrs office had grcat deal to do with thc resignation of lakc Warrcn as Canadas ainbassa dor in Washington The timing was just incrcd ihlc lhcrchad to hcsoiilcovcr powering rcasons for External Affairs Minister Don Jamicson to announce just six days before Prime Minister lrudcan was going to Washington to ad dress Congress that Amr bassador Warren was coming liomctotlttawti And as it turnsout thctanzi dian ciiibassy in Washington wasnt cvcn furnished with copy of thc iiiitiislcrs an nounccnicnt Mr Jamicson said tiicrcly that Mi Warren an efficient and popular 577yiar old carccr diplomat and senior ptiblic sch vant was coming home at his own rcqucst Latcr embassy officials in Washington said that Mr Warren who went to the US apital in 1073 hail always wanted it to be short term assignment and now hc felt his time was up But Mr Warren is not the type of person to pull the plug like that just six days before the most important Canadian visit to thc lnitcdStatcsduring his tcniirc Thcrc had to he somccoinpcllingreason IINIB SSY IlISSICI Now see that rcspcctcd joui nalisls Ill tashington arc writ ing that Mr Vtarrcnshasty dcr parturc stems frar Iics Iic had had with Mr Trudeau over how Canada should conduct its affairs III the lnitcd States It swims the prime ministers of ficc Ill arranging the Washing ton visit had been dealing directly with American of ficials and bypassing the cm bassy Ivan llcail Mr Irudcaiis foreign policy advisor who seldom flies at the same altitude as riicre ambassadors had been handling some of the arrangements dircctly with Americanofficials Mr Ilcad you may have noted said he was bimused with the timing of the any nounccmcnt concerning Mr Warren Of course Mr llcad lwiiiuscscasily It is Well known that the pre vioiis anadian ambassador to Washington Marcel Cadicux was less than amused when Mr Ilcad apparently bypassed him iii making arrangements for YOUR BUSINESS Those registered retirement plans not always best deal for everybody By VINCENT EGAN Business and onsiimcr Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Another rcinintlci March is the deadline for contributions to be made out of 1070s carried income to Registered Rctircr rncnt Savings Plan RRSI Sticli an investment will not only lead to it tax refund in the spring but what is much more important hpr to provide comfortablc income after retirement Nevertheless the RRSI is Berrys World ©19IItleAltiW Are there any new ideas for symbolic gestures not necessarily prudent in vcstinciit in all cases It is de signcd to defer income and the tax on it from your working years until your retirement years and so it doesnt make much scnsc in tlic case of per son who aiiticipalcs rise in in come after the normal rctirtL mcnt agc Anothcr conceivable draw back arises from the con tentious requirement that the RRSI when it matures must either be used to purchase life annuity from lifeinsurance company which would be tax able as received each year or else dcrcgistcred whereupon the total current market value becomes totally taxable in that year That could pose special problem notes the current ac tuarial bulletin of William Mercer ltd employeebenefit consultants RISK LOSS The situation of RRSI holder who becomes seriously ill as age 71 approaches is decidedly awkward Purchase of life annuity from an insurer would involve great risk of loss due to early death Sonic relief from this risk can be obtained by choosing an annuity with longer guaraii Iced term The guarantee may be for anything up to 15 years on new significance against the background of tax rate restraint and service cutback Proposals of this sort crop up all the time And fitting them into the budget will be no joke this year After deciding which routine services are essential and which will have to be drop ped council will have to keep juggling to take care of the non routine problems which may be just as essential as any routine item but which are lot harder to budget for in ad vance These proposals are going to require close scrutiny and yet council has moral obligation to show just as much concern for the safety and health of its residents in time of restraint as it does when money is no pro blem previous Trudeau visit And there are several former Cana dian ambassadors to African countries who Werent exactly giddy with delight when Mr Trudeau sent Mr Ilead into their countries for direct nego tiations rather than working through the embassies Ever since he assiiriicd office in 1908 Mr Trudeau had had continuing problem with his practice of relying on his own office for advice rather than working through the experts in the field Remember when he established thosc regional desks in his office to keep him informed of what was hap pening in various parts of the country Many members of Parliament thinking they were elected for that purpose were outraged This particular problem dis solved when the primc minister restructured the regional desks to handle his travels in Canada But regardless of what is said now this was not the original plan ANI MACKASEY It was ironic that as read these reports of clashes be tween Mr Warren and the prime ministers office ran into Bryce Mackasey the for nicr federal cabinet minister Alternatively the annuity may be in jointandsurvivor form with the annuitants spouse as he joint aiinuitaiit Finally the funds could be withdrawn in lump sum which would be taxed as iii come The ret uiremcnt that RRSP proceeds ultimater applied to the purchase of an annuity from lifoinsurance company is defender by the Canadian Life Insurance Association CLIA life annuity is simply way in which purchaser can share with other annuity pur chasers the risk that they will outlive their capital says the LIA Those who die early contrib utc toward the cost of payments to those who live to ripe old age The Consumers Association of Canada opposes this position It Iias submitted brief to the minister of finance asking for elimination of tlic rujuircment that RRSI riiiist mature not later than agc71 Ill0NSllRiEl The CAC brief says that indi viduals sould have greater fretL dom to invest their retirement savings Even with normal life ex ctancy it contends it may be ctter to receive interest iii You cant go on raising taxes forever You cant let children drown in 11foot ditches created under the citys authority And you cant stop plowing the streets or pay this years employees last years wages Good luck council POSTSCRIITS dont think it would be malapropriatc to salute the Wray sense of humor displayed by our assistant com posing room foreman in his let ter to the editor about funny words Glad he was willing to Stan up and be counted To con tinue the serial heres toast to the postiw who are not plan ning to strike while the irony is heated as has been rumored Its an inside job instead Good bye here comesthe hook who now is Liberal member of the Quebec assembly Mr Mackasey has always maintained quiet discretion about exactly why he quit the Trudeau cabinet last summer for the second time And there is still some speculation that he took the action because he couldnt have the cabinet job he wanted But the minister actually left because Mr Trudeau would not give him additional responsi bilities in interpreting events in Quebec At that time Mr Mackasey was warning every one within earshot that the Par ti Quebecois could win mi nority government unless something was done to change trends And up to the eve of the Nov 15 Quebec election Mr lrudeaus own advisors were still predicting the Liberals would win between 65 and 85 seats comfortable majority Mr Mackasey in an emo tional outburstapparently told the prime minister he was rer ing on dummies who seldom visited Quebec The two men remain fast friends but the point is Mr Mackasey quit And now Jake Warren has quit Washington Its unfortunate that resigna tions have never really im pressed the prime minister come and preserve the capital than to receive annuity pay ments Its also possible that the market value of tlic RRSP might be depressed when the taxpayer reaches age 71 tal thouin anyone approaching that age should no longer have his retirement savings invested in securities that fluctuate in value William Mercer Ltd says it believes that the disability problem adds force to the CAC argument that the purchase of an annuity should not be coin pulsory Despite the disagreements about the options that are or should be available on maturity however the act remains that for the majority of Canadian couples the RRSP represents the most attractive combination of tax shelter and oldage saving that has yet been devised Maximum contribution to RRSP by an individual who doesnt belong to Registered Pension Plan RPP has been increased to $5500 from $3500 applicable to 1976 income For someone who does belong to RPP the limit is $3500 formerly $2500 less RPI con tributions Since the old limits were established in line 1971 the consumer price index has risen about 52 per cent letters to the editor Lawyer answers insurance story It must be something about the positioning of the stars or rhaps it is the weather What tter way to keep ones mind off the cold than to tsktsk the latest expose about doctors or lawyers We have read ad nauseum recently of two prominent non issues that have made local news Some doctors contrary to good taste have grossed more than $100000 year from their OHIP billings and our judicial system in Simcoe County is breaking down because of an alleged backlog of civil cases in the courts Now we read of the delays in insurance settlements caused by inexperienced young lawyers refer of course to your inter view with Ernie Bell of Messrs BellSaunders Limited in surance adjusters appearing in the Friday February 11 1977 Examiner Fair reporting would have necessitated an interview with lawyer for more balanced comment on the socalled pro blem lawyer then might have told you that it is not always in the clients best interest to set tle case as quickly as possible since personal injuries often take some time to completely heal and premature settle ment might not adequately compensate the injured client for continued pain and suffer ing experienced after the settle ment lawyer might also have pointed out that insurance ad justers naturally enough represent insurance companies and it is in the latters interests to settle cases as quickly as possible to minimize their loss WE WANT YOUR OPINION Letters submitted for publication must be original copies signed by the writer Please include your street address and phone number although they will not be published letters which can not be authenticated by phone cannot be published For the sake of space public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit condense or reject letter CANADAS STORY Annexation to be question of time By BOB BOWMAN Before Canada took over Ru pertsland from the Hudsons Bay Company in 1870 the United States had offered $10million for it Canada paid the Hudsons Bay Co $15mil lion and allowed the company to retain about sevenmillion acres of land around its trading posts Some of this became very valuable especially at Winnipeg and Edmonton The Americans still felt that they could acquire what now is Canada west of the Great Lakes The completion of the Northern Pacific Railway to Seattle in law strengthened this belief Feb19 1869 the US Senate received report from special committee that said The opening by us of north Pacific Railroad seals the des tiny of British possessions west of the 9lst meridian Annexa tion will be but question of time In those days the US also BIBLE THOUGHT While the earth reniaincth seedtime and harvest and cold and heat and summer and win ter and day and night shall not cease Genesis ti 22 God has promised that the prin ciple of sowing and reaping will remain just as night follows day With that promise in mind lets sow some good seed and expect great harvest It is suretocome Berrys World lawyer might also have told you as has been my ex perience that insurance ad justers are often not as aware of insurance law or the facts of their case as one would reasonably expect and ac cordingly often take positions that in the end are proven untenable when months later after the injured claimants lawyer has been unable to make any headway with the ad juster he forces him to turn the matter over to the insurance companys solicitors The delayhere is caused by the adjuster This particular phenomenonl would respectfully suggest is the prime reason why in un complicated cases there often is delay in settlement pf in surance claims And finally lawyer might have told you that contrary to Mr Bells apparent otperience it is the younger lawyers who are often more familiar with the latest developments in insurance law as opposed to the older practi tioners assuming such distinction is even valid Younger lawyers are not as far removed from their law school and bar admission course training as their older mlleagues As well it has been my observation that the going to school habit has not com pletely rubbed off younger lawyers and as result they are more prone to attend refresher courses and seminars spon sired by the Law Society than their older brethren The danger that your article by its imbalance has created is that certain readers who are gone to accept it at face value will not retain lawyer to effec tively look after their interests when they should and may to their detriment deal directly with the adjusters Or if they do retain lawyer they will do so on the simplistic notion that older is better In keeping with the spirit of etposes of professional miscon duct look forward to reading that more dogs and cats suffer at the hands of younger veterinarians than society can tolerate or that more young dentists suffer from halitosis than do their elder colleagues thus necessitating more freez ing solution and therefore caus ing their patients to incur in creased dental costs Yours truly MARK SCHARF fe st meaning that it was destined to acquire all of Canada Even in 1886 bill was presented to Congress for the admission of the states of Nova believed in Destiny Scotia New Brunswick Canada East and Canada West and for the organization of the territories of Selkirk Saskat chewan and Columbia Columbia probably meant British Columbia Evidently Prince Edward lsland and Newfoundland were not con sidered The situation is greatly dif ferent today It is said that the annexation of Canada would be op sed by the Republican par ty ecause it believes that most Canadians would vote Democrat OTHER FEBJS EVENTS isziiFirst Lutheran baptism in Canada took place at Quebec limoShip Hungarian was lost off Sable Island with 205 lives 1889Gabriel Dumont Riels military leader in the North west rebellion was pardoned and allowed to return to Can ada 1897Adelaide Hunter Hood less organized Womens In stitute l911Japan cancelled trade treaty with Canada milsFire at Hollinger Mine Timmins killed 39 men 1950Canada contributed $25million to Colombo plan 19tit+ Liberals were defeated in House of Commons but gov ernment refused to resign Gentlemen said Were going to stick with our line of slide rules These electronic pocket calculators are just fad