ALTERATIONS ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will asswe you of the finest job possible EAVESTROUGIIING LADIES AND gentlemens alterations 26 GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING Eaves Mary St 735 ALUMINUM GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Siding Eavestrough Soffit Windows FOCIO Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRoofing Porch Enclosures Stonework For free estimate Call PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business ALUMINUM WINDOWS EoErETsiaergTséliTi Fascia and trough all colours 20 year guaran 4246073 APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales grid service 18 Alliance Blvd 7283392 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Serv 17 Mary St 7265441 REPAIRS CONvERSIONs Engine Rebuilds all small cars Import Domestic Safety checks Labour $12 hour Owen Racrng 416 Tiffin 7261245 BIRD HOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sale Apply at 92 Melrose Ave Barrie or telephone 7285283 CARPENTRY AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations additions fireplaces gigranteed 7371507 CARPENTER Specralizingï¬ EEC terior remodelling trim etc Please call 72888847 aftirrlgpirrl CEDAR DECKS rec rooms extensions etc Fully experienced 7269002 7262609 QBINET MAKER European trained Kit chens vanities Pine furniture renovations alterations Domestic CommerCIal 726 2948 LICENCEDCARPENTERSI custom homes Cottages renovations repairs Satisfaction guaranteed and ConstructionL7267461 CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations Lemodelling etc Nojob tovsmall 77276127717 CONSTRUCTION licenced Tcarpenlers for renovations additIOns homes cottages Free estimates CARPENTER WILL rdovany smoII ideSpecialr izing In remodelling and renovations Phone 9i lshnsw 7265793 aniline CARPET CLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning today Revitalize your carpets with Al carpet steam cleanirlgr726632I CARPET INSTALLATION WALL TO WALL installation carpet and vinyl lvlr swear34 yew €3443 CERAMICS WINTERICKS CERAMICS Floor and wall filing and repairs 7266263 CHAIR CANING ANTIQUE CHAIR CANING Over 35 years ex perience Tele COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST Logo design art work layout etc Plese call collect 416 9362631 CUSTOM FENCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood fences Improve your property 737 1507 CURTAINS TIRED OF heavy draperies Try Canadiana Curtains tiebacks and hers polyester or muslin $20 to $40 per pair Call 7269667 7261949 or write Box 833 DRESSMAKING DRESSES FIT it made by JOSIE AOUINO SpeCializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 76 Worsle 726m Telephone 7373432 or residence lroughing installed Call 7286628 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists Ice and snow removal from roofs only Free esti mates Call 4241956 New Lowell ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Residential Industrial Installations and ser vice 7264996 SIMCOE ELECTRIC lndustrial Commercial Residential Farms Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 7288234 EXCAVATING ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage septic systems trenching loader work ggvoi 4361558 4361257 BUILDOZING smoIIonJlorgo jabs ETEoson and Sons RR Minesirig7267638 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excov Trenching Horizonta Augering 7289833 METREPLIICTES Fl REP LACES Specializing in natural stone antique brick Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed PETER HENSTRA 7372871 TF STONEWORK and fireplaces specialty Vic 09139919fsgaslmqlsj 7281599 AND MASONRY Specializing in fireplaces have fireplace this winter Phone 7285673 FIREWOOD SEASONED MAPLE Ash Elm approximately 16 long Single cord $3000 Deliver anywhere Phone or 7373653 FLOOR REFINISNING HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and refinishing old and new guaranteed not to chiipornpreiel 32518341 NANOVMAN FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 between 10 min and 530 pm HOME AND COTTAGE Maintenance Rain ting Plumbing Roof and Chimney repairs 4394105 HOME iMPRovEMENrs INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec rooms Call Russ 4363681 after 30 References available NEED MORE living space rec room extra bedroom play room laundry office storage space Also painting wallpapering Murray Ball 7288906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement planning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number for all your needs 7288906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck painting chimneys waterproofing brick and stone caulking win dows and expansion ioints Work guaran teed 4589346 CONSTRUCTION House raising foun dations renovations additions Phone 4362955 or 4364175 alter lNCOME rAx INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bar rie area S5 up Dabson 4245910 alter Sand weekends INCOME TAX returns prepared for small business form and home Mitchells Book keeping Service 7262973 INCOME TAX returns donerfrom your home Personal small busrness prompt rea sonable 9to to 9pm 4364828 INCOME TAX CENTRAL DATA PROCESSING Complete Accounting And Bookkeeping Services Year end Financial Statements T4s lncome Tax returns For an appointment at your convenience PHONE 4364952 TThSTF TAX RETURNS sopamdi OOSTITIEd ex perienced free estimates low rates Call 1l85932939I 7767901 TAX RETURNS prepared personal small business farm Reasonable Call 7284634 or 1299967 errxlme LANDSCAPING PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING designs sup plied Tree removal Custom spraying Fer tilizer lnsecticrde Herbicide 4873401 1289369 MASONARY MASONRY block and brick fireplaces No job too small Reasonable rates 737335777 MICROWAle OVENS DELL MICROWAVE Services Amana Litton Panasonic Hitachi Toshiba Sanyo Sales Amana Sanyo 100 yr warranty on Amona Save up to 75 on Hydro 7264177 days MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN MUSIc for people who like to dance Good rates 72889545 MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and popular Marcel Potvin Guitar Studio 7261489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ beginner and advanced months trial instrument loaned for home practice Canadian Aco demy ofMusrc I21 8ayfield 728 1799 PIANO LESSONS Will teach all grades beginners and advanced Make arrange ments Call 728 3430 Experienced teacher OFFICE SERVICES COMPLETE DOOKKEEPING and typing ser vices offered at reasonable rates Pick up anddeliver 4246731 PAINTING PAINTING paper hanging experienced free estimates Jock Richardson 726 2012 7568874 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In terIar exterior Work guaranteed Establish ed 30 yearsr726 2609 7269002 WAYNE FOLEY Professional painters El terror and Interior Free estimates Work guaranteed 7267389 DON SIESLING Professional painting in terior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteed 726 6808 HILLSDALE DECORATING Interior ox terior wallpapering custom textured walls and ceilings Telephone 705 835 5387 Iorcil PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlap St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sires Phone 7283270 ABBEYWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 7370832 See our ad in the Yellow Pages ARTTFRAM Custom picture framing Wide selections Fast service Half price 7288633 PLUMBING NEW WORK and repairs drain and sewur cleaning complete kitchen and bathroom renovations cerarnic tile Bilotta 4584233 38 snowmobiles 40 articles for sale 40 articles for sale I973 TNT FA 340 Ski D00 Condition S750 Phone705 756 2691 1975 YAMAHA GPX 338 450 original miles trouble free tachometer and speedometer $800 or best offer Telephone 726 7742 after 1975 MASSEY FERGUSON Ski Whiz 344 twin used very little in excellent condi tian S650 Telephone 737 I449 anytime 1973 YAMAHA GP338 condition with tackometer and speedometer low mileage helmet included 3500 or best offer Telephone 705 436 3735atter pm 1970 MOTO SKI 21 horsepower capri Cover excellent condition 5195 Tele phone726 5056 40articlesrtor7sale UNCLAIMED FREIGHT BRAND new King KOil box spring and mattresses double size both pieces only $139 guaranteed No money down low monthly payments Free delivery Unrlaimed Freight 202 Dunlop Street West iust west of the Barrie Arena 726 2900 SWIMMING POOL Sacrifice Leading Canadian manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools left over from 1976 season price Guaranteed installation and terms Call collect days or evenings 416 221 4840 LEADING SWIMMING Pool Wholesaler must disposr of1976 all aluminum pools in stock Sacrifice pricri for desperately needed lactOry warehouse space Brand new swimming pools include filter walk round deck tom and warranty size 15 27 ft $1355 cash or terms Call Perc collect days or evenings 1416 481 8807 LOSING PRECIOUS heat Try heat miser salvage lost heat Well built CSA approved electric fan 728707755 UNCLAIMED FREIGHT BRAND new piece bedroom suites beautiful walnut finish full price $188 No money down low monthly payments Free delivery Unclaimed Freight 202 Dunlap StreetWesHiust westol the Bar rieArena 726 2900 DONT BUY 1977 Swimming Pool We still have 18 above ground pools left over from 1976 They have to go now Sarri lice for as low as $888 Call Duncan cOI lect days or evenings1 416 560 3511 UNCLAIMED FREIGHT BRAND new Sanyo televisions $98 No momy down low monthly payments Frer delivery Unclaimed Freight 202 Dunlop Street West iust west at the Bar rieArena 726 2900 INDOOR SHOWROOM 41ul sized pools on display Come in today or call 726 4606 for free 32 pagr booklrt of inground and abovr ground pools Pioneer Pools Baymart Plaza UNCLAIMED FREIGHT Over 50 brand new kitchen suites on display starting as low as $69 five piecv set Free delivery no money down low monthly payments Unr Iaimod Freight 202 Dunlap Street Wrst iiistwestof the Barric Arena 776 2900 VACUUM CLEANERS Singer Pricrrd from $48 Cannisters $79 upright Iran ers Singer Georgian Mall 778 7960 40 articles for sale 40 articles for sale ATTENTION COTTAGE OWNERSFARMERS REFAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS NE GRAINAIRIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH USED ALUMINUM PRESS PLATES 23 35 009 THICK 30 EACH AT THE BARBIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 TF UNCLAIMED FREIGHT SINGER automatic Zio Iaq sriwmq machian Full priu $68 88 No money down LOWmanthly payments Pfl own ed Unclaimed Frright 202 Dunlop Street West liust west of thv Barrie Arena726 2900 WESTINGHOUSF refrigerator Ifii Ull loot lrostfrer range srlf rlian With rotissrerc and portable dISllwitShLr all poppy red excellent condition years old S900 Phone487 5382 SNOWBLOWER HP Moto Mower reasonable Phono728 5796allrr UNCLAIMED FREIGHT Brand new piizcrz living room suitis $299 lull price High back chair ror king swwLI chair toot stool Chesterfield Free delivery NO money down low monthly payments UnCldlleT Freight 202 Dunlap Strret West lust west ol the Barrio Arena 726 2900 PUNCH PRESS for sale 10 ton nmtrly new Telephone 7281617 lor further in formation SAXOPHONE Alto Selmar like new condition $400 Phone436 2688 alter FIREWOOD FOR SITII rut split rlnfl delivered Cut to sizr reasonable pm as Phonu3221317or 361 1766 WASHING MACHINE Sanyr apart mrintsirri ï¬llOrfl11l3 years old In ex ellrmt working condition Aiktnll SIOO Irlliphonu716 2206 UNCLAIMED FREIGHT Brand new solid stati stereos models AMFM radio tapv player record player lull DIICI 5188 NO moniy down low monthly payments Frie drlivrry Unclaimed Fruirlht 202 Dunlap Street West just west of th Barrir Arena 726 2900 KITCHEN TABLE With matching leather and chromr hairs in excellnnt condition T011ph0n0737 1471 FURNITURE years old gold plaid Colonial sofa rnati hing chair $250 Solid wood cotton talilr $100 pircr dinette suitri brown 875 458 450 ONE SIDE of burl governmInt in spLclcd Cut wrapped to your iplCITICEI tions For further information 728 808 41boats and motors 22 F1 SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull rylindrr Chrysler inboard motor condition Asking 2500 TCICDhOnlIU 4245iiltiir 30 AIR BOAT 16 It aluminum hull Volkswaan powered trailer included Ptirinr 7284057 OUTBOARD MOTOR COURSE starts luesdiiy FM 22 Call Georgian CoIIIqi 728 195110r details PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM LICENCED MOBILE address system available for commercial or music for all occasions iaggnable 7282155 RENTALS TIFFANY PARTY RENTAL Everything For Entertaining Tables chairs dishes glasses etc We DeliverReserve Now 7371388 248 Tiffin St Barrie ROOFING and Roofing New Asphalt shingles Repairs guaranteed quality work Reasonable 14168957533 collect AND ROOFING Newand oIJfRoooiu Eigeestimates 3221 after prn SEWING MACHINES SALES SERVICE SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS All makes of sewing machines Free estimates Singer Co Georgian Moll Barrie 7287960 SINGER TRAINED serviceman will clean set tensions Oll delint sewing machines $6 regardless of make model or condition Call Joe 72629 SEWING MACHINES SEW TECH CO Specialists repairs all makes industrial domestic sewing ma chines New used Agents Brother Sowmg Machines 7371621 SNOW BLOWING WE SPECIALIZE in snow blowing driveways For free estimate Coll John 7370966 or Don 7372859 KENS SNOWPLOWING Resden Ital 54 00 COtntttleOl $15 00 hour 726 7191 anytime 436 2695 after SNOWPLOWING PAUL SNOWPLOWING commercial reasonable mates call Paul 737 3061 WRIGHTS SNOWPLOWING Small onlmer cial and residential Reasonaqu ratns Dependable 726 7757 SIMPSON Residential and canimnrcral snowplowuig Call 728 2386 or 726 7801 JOES SNOWPLOWINC Commerual Residential Reasonaqu rates Phoni 726 7365 Barrie Minesing AntenMills SNOW PLOWING residential arnnierual also general OTTTOLIIITQ Crawford Consl Ltd 7266162 SMALL SNOWPLOWING robs also roofs cleared Healing ables Installed 436 2387 STUCCO residential and rates free esti RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY EKFVIOT sturrii interior textured walls and TllllnqS Tree estimates Dale Russell Midhurst talcphant 728 4392 THE TAILOR SHOP Ticif Grant St Chamber of Comment Building Custom Utl1llq and alterations ADVANCE CUSTOM Tailoring all kinds ol alterations inert and women 45 DutilopE 7286450 TELEVISIONLEASING 507110 only Housr of Lnasmg Lrasr your new 0101 from $3 75 pvt wiik nl Burrii TV wDuIilop St 728 4297 TREE REMOVAL TREE SURGEON for Inn for siik trims and brokrri lirnlis 726 3501 Mini pin and weukiiids WELL DRILLING Gilbert Wntrr Well Drilling ROSIduHIOI and CornrnrIriul FirL estimati IO ytOtS expiIiuiirii Angus 424 5657 WELL DIGGING LONE STAR WELL DIGGING STROUD Machinedug wiills Homes Cottages Farrns Industry Spocialiring in Conuntn Tile Steel ruinlmr ed concrete tilu lengths for sale Diameter 21 48 4364359 42 articles wantgrl CASH 08 old IIJFHIIIT117IOOIS UISIICT old on turm locks 0110 and inds Prv I950 itrrn 728 8714 AUCTION SALE rviary TIN night n1 Consiqnerl man hiindisri Wlll omrt Old Canada finad Budding Hwy No 11 in mm Com of 0m For information phoni 487 204401 487 1726 ALL CASH for old lIirnilIIrr Cflrllfi rtr etr 487 5189 pir lUrrih 44dogs and pets EDGEHILI AQUARIA Aquariums fisti plants all flthSSOrllS Loweul prii 143 Ardiiah Rd 726 0094 OARRIP POODLE Salon Shampoomg rtlld clipping of all breeds Sophia StrnIt East 726 4141 POODLF TRIMMING professional grooming all broods pick up and do livery 726 898 Petitudm MAYS POODLE PARLOR Onll clipping and grooming mahli rahs TllrphOlN 726 0061 REGIS IF RED YELLOW Labrador mate yriars old champion sirr rlflr 10737 1610 TWO ilLKY toy trrrivr pupa for clate wruks Old hath rniilr $175 lrtltl Taliphone 726 8046 FREE TO good home yillaw purrlhrorl Labrador Ritrievrir CKC ftgISIITld 10 month Old ready to train Plinnn 728 0730 DOBFRMAN lINCItFR piippirs blar and tan horn Jim 1977 Ready to Canadian and Arnrrir an Champion bloodlinis $750 458 944 Prolrit rllrlr 50ga rden supplies TROPICAL PLANTS All variotirs Big plants our spicialty Briiys Gardrn Crntri 26 Flrndrlll Dr 726 2951 57livestock for sale SPECIAL CLEARANCE of New Horse Trailers Several Also lease and rentals 726 1551 HARNESS REPAIRS hockey eqmp mrrnt repairs saddles and trick HendIr Used and miikis Sons SudIlIirr 222C Yongr SI Pains wick 737 2982 SMALL BEEF herd lar sale butt years part Simmcntal crossbred and Hereford cows to years heifers Quality buy if wiintid 726 2048 59poultry7chiclrs READY to lay riullets Also farm fresh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Stroud 436 1811 FOR SA LF Livr hens approx lbs 7Sr andSlDo each Phone 726 5957 60teedseedgrain HAY 7000 halos at lust and SlCOlNll ut dry stored Phoni 835 2512 altir in ST RAW AND leid biirliry for Sflll Phone 7281206 Harry Adams MiniSing On taro HAY FIRST cut approximately 1600 bales $1 00 pir brilo Telephone 456 5014 800 BALFS of good quality hay no rain 85 cunts 1150 Moon straw good site balls 7ir Tints Teluptionr 458 9489 HAY FOR sale 50 rents Inll 6100 IT bale Toluphonc424 594 63 pasture wanted CATTLE PASTURE water shade and fences in good repair Reply Box T53 Barrie Examlner rutfarm machinery WANTED FORD DEARBORNE buzz saw for point hitch also for sale Single row potato planter PTO dlgger andrbagger Asking $700 726 8526 67fruitsvegeta bles APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession Oro 7261907 7288489 Closed Sundays Your containers COOKING ONIONS so lb bags at $430 per bag John Gracey Telephone 7289685 POTATOES fOrsale No Sebaga 75 lb bags Charles Eltsmere phone 728 4956 68 personals TELECARE Why light your problem alone Let friend help Call Tetecare 7267922 anytime ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7286581 if you drink thats your business If you wanttoquit thats ours Call any time UNWANTED HAIR removed safely permanently medically approved Ly dia Hrenchuk Certified Electrotogist 7372671 INTERNATIONAL Investigation Ser vices civil criminal divorce sur veillance Discreet confidential 7372972 PLANT SITTING SERVICE Going on trip or vacation Leave with an easy mind knowing your plants are being competently cared for For in formation call Barbara 726 3020 RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie live minutes Windy Haugh Farm 726 0192 HOE DOE VALLEY Fun Ranch Year round catering Now booking winter par ties 728 6875728 9734 WHY SUFFER agony with Corns and Callouses Relief now is yours from England Carnation Corn Caps have been sold for over century with effec live results medicated pad that really does the iob Corn caps or Callous Caps now available at Ciisrlens Shoppers Drug Marts and all druggisls TAX RETURNS prepared personal or small business also accountingpayroll for small busmcsses or contractors 7261888 BET WE have the multler for your car The Muffler Shop 180 Innisfil Street 726 2282 HORSE DRAWN sleigh rides Weekends evenings Close to Barrie Call Duncan Murdrx 726 4756 evenings RIDE AVAILABLE from Painswick to SILCIDS Finch Weston Road aria Working hours to 30 TLlf phone 737 1509 69instructions ENGLISH RIDING instruction WcII schooled horses Indoor arenii minutes rrom Barrie 726 0192 70Iost and found GRL CAT lost SDrlYId tomato years old Answers to Silver Could DP in BettiVim and Grow arca Reward Please telephone 728 3430 71 help wanted 71 help wanted Applicationstgiving full details of education and experience will be received by the un dersigned up to March 1977 for the position of INSPECTOR with the CITY of BARRIE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Duties will entail inspection of roads sewers and municipal services Preference will be given to ap plicants with some experience in surveying and inspection Full fringe benefits and salary schedule in effect TAMBLYN Eng M8A City Administrator Box 400 BARRIE Ontario L4M 4T5 AVON All it takes is phone call Learn how you can earn money as an AVON Representative by selling world famous products right in your own neigh borhood Call now 4245797 am lo pm or write PO Box 485 Barrie F19 FSM12 WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR well established Hardware Plumbing and Industrial Supply Distributor will be opening branch in Barrie We will require Several persons interested in this industry Please write giving details to BOX T56 BARRIE EXAMINER F19 iiimetered SUBCONTRACTORS REQUIRED for senior citizen housing in Penetang 40 units Electrical Mechanical Masonry 20000 blocks 75000 bricks approx Framing and facia and exterior trim Roofing 185 sq approx Aluminium soffit 35 sq Insulation steel studs drywall 100000 sq ft finish carpentry painting 40 suites Ceramic and Quarry tile Vinyl asbestos tile Carpets Landscoping Paving curbs To view prints and specs Phone Barrie 7282460 and ask for Bruce DELMAR CONSTRUCTION 1000 MACKAY ST PEMBROKE ONTARIO ROY PUHN PROJECT MANAGER 6137355681 M4 AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY Classified Supervisor vacancy exists in our classified department for person with supervisory and sales capability The selected applicant will have free hand to in stitute and direct sales features and to promote existing classified Interviews can be arranged by calling Mr Wilson at The Barrie Examiner 7266537 TF THE BARBIE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS THE BARBIE EXAMINER CBEEMOBE STAYNEB ELMVALE 71 help wanted SPARE TIME If you want to work ap proximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays Or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over 21 yrs of age poss medical Then we wont YOU Call Mrs Sim Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 7285941 TF RELIABLE PERSON wanted to babysit in my home Napier Street area one day week and occasional weekends Ref erences please Write Post Office Box 253 Barrie Toronto Star Ltd requires men and women to assist Toronto Star carriers in improving their paper routes Car allowance plus generous commission Evenings and Saturdays Phone 726 80019 WELL ESTABLISHED firm in restaurant and hotel renovations re quires one sales person for Barrie orillia area Commission car expenses Mr Vtipil 416 677 6192 EXPERIENCE LEGAL receptionist re quired pleasant personality and neat appearance essential Apply Yvonne Matthews 726 3004 EXPERIENCED lift truck mechanic permanent position Apply at 141 Tiflln St or phone 728 517810r appointment KITCHEN HELP required must be ex perienced Apply in person at Crack and Black Restaurant 325 Baylield Street north RELIABLE BABYSITTER required in my home Atlandale area for pre schooter from pm to pm Call 7260554 anytime SHIPPER AND receive for Ontarios largest Furniture and Applianci hain Experience nrccssary Phone 726 7053 for appointment Ask for Manager or assistant BAKER REQUIRED Male or female Preferable mature prrson with rx prriencr Training providerl Must be able to work wetkrnds Send COTTTDIIVF resumrx 10 Box 1047 Barrio On tario BOOKKEEPER REQUIRED for small loral business few hours prr week Must bi experienced Telephone 737 0621 oreveninga 7370984 PART TIME waitresswaiter days at Colonial Restaurant 165 Wellington West Tolvphone brtwcen and 2251 SALES CAREER Full or part time Male or female or cou ple Il you can quality can show you the way to earn $15000 or more prr year full time or $5000 or 1071 part time on 90 day trial hams Frne training No in vestmunt Ciir required Please forward reply co sales Career Box 968 Barrie Ont WANTED IMMEDIATELY maturr flSDOnSIDlI housekecprr Live in prefer rod Required for months References For furthrr information 611 726 5139 alter 30 WANTED EXPERIENCED lull time grown to work with standard bred race tiorsrz Livi in at Barrie Raceway Call Lloyd Sriinkuitflit 0384V53nlflq5 LADY COMPANION preterably miitdli iigvd to live in With anotherlady in modern homr in Barrie Light duties mly Must on non smoker and non drinkir Please WTITI Box 261 Sun trudge Ont for appomtment in Barric GIVi details and rrlrIroncru FULL TIME front dIsk lurk tionin ClptrlCnCl pritirrcd train the right pirson All company txniliti Apply in piron to thr In nkltDlr it 1111 Holiday Inn Barrie 72sa les hel pagents EXPANDING CANADIAN OilComDanr niwd dopnndnblr pIrson who can work wnliout supervision Earn $14000 per your plus bonus Contriit CUSTOmlr iruiind Barrir We train Wrti Dr Prim Southwoiliirn PotroIium Branipton0nt LOT 2in AN OHIO OIL CO ilfirs PLF NIY OF MONEY Ullt rash bonuwn at homi training for rnatiirw individual in BAR racer but will HIE irini ILIIIFIIIISE of IXTHWIITWP writi Iiiart lris Ameriran Lutirii int Col Box 696 Dayton Ohio 46401 SELL LIGHTING EXIMVHITIIIIidlti17fr$0n how illinu on SIOH lfIII and apiirtniint IiUIldInd ritiiirint moldy holils rhurrhiii srhriol Iiiink noxpitalri llldllSTrlPi fmtnrws lnylLITIOnS itr to Slll our Qtfflrdnlftlt lunuiwr lifi nationally rIIVTVIlSlU lighting products Sidi lintor lull timii figi no Iiiirrirr car nrciissary HIJIIli1 runimisions plui bonus triiwl and tilt awards paid rivvry Tuesday on automatic ytftr rounrl reprint bUSImSS No trhniciil knowledge nierled as our Silt Manual which wv srnd you With 10 Int maill shows you how to Tilkl rrnnry With your V1TYIII1I€III Chair Olflfll frrritary 0t Barrie and district nIist lillvd immediately wrlfl Diytron 80 120 Hamilton Ontario 74 opportunity for men F991 FREE SAMPLE LESSON HIGH SCHOOL Grades 913 Finish at home in your spare time All books sup plied Low monthly payments Write for Free Booklet including phone number to United In stitute PO Box 152 Station Toronto Ontario M5N 2Z4 HIGHLANDLITTLE AREA ECCLESWELLINGTON AREA OBURYNOBTH AREA HOLGATEBAYVIEW AREA BAYVIEWGLENRIDGE AREA LITTLE LAKE AREA Please fill out the application below and return it to Circulation Dept 16 Bayfield St Barrie Ielgphone BE or Phone 7266539 The Barrie Examiner Saturday February 19 1977 l9 WyÂ¥r¢3g4y gNyOUNCEMENTs Wm SPECIAL NOTICES Additional words cents per word In Memoriam no verse Verse per count line extra 21 cents per line Coming Events $322 per columniinch WWW 81 births GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounce the birth of your Child in The Bar rie Examiner clippings of the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives in those far away places Place an announcement after birth Call The as 88 coming events BINGO EVERY MONDAY Barrie Examiner Classified 7282414 WW Bitengagements CANADIAN LEGION JONES TwooocoCK Mr and Mr Brandt 147 Jones of Barrie are happy to an nounce the engagement of their youngest daughter Karen to Mr Robert Woodcock son of Mr and Mrs Wood cock of Barrie 85deaths St Vincent St and Cundles Rd JACKPOT $500 CONSOLATION sioo COUSINS DaVid at Bracebridgo Hospital on Thursday February 17 1977 David Cousins beloved husband of Delphine Cousins Dear father of Joe of Barrie Phyllis Mrs Ron Reynolds of Novar Bob ol Angus Ernest Of Bracebridge Betty Mrs Ken Ander son of Bracebridge Dorothy of Navar and George Of Barrie Mr Cousins is at the Addision Funeral Home Huntsville Service in the chapel on Monday at oclock Interment Huntsville PORRITT John Allan suddenly at Barrie on Thursday February 17 1977 John Allan Porritt beloved husband of thr late Phyllis Porritt Son of The late Howard and Elizabeth Porritl and brother of the late William Porritt Resting at the Steckley Funeral Homc 30 Worstey St Barrie Complete service in the chapel on Saturday February 19 at STF BEAVER REBEKAH LODGE NO 190 155 Turns Lane Barrie Spring Tea Fall Bazaar Nov 1977 OPEN HOUSE F19 pm Interment Barrir Union Cemetery MCFADDEN Marie Mariorie At Sunday Feb 27 1977 Soldiers Memorial Hospital Orillia on Friday February 18 1977 in her 70th year Marie Davidson Beloved wife Of the late Reginald McFadden formerly of Barrie Loving mother of Robert ol Orillia Dear sister of McKee Davidson of Toronto Bessie and Margaret predeceased Resting at the Mundell Funeral Home 79 West St North Orillia tor luneral and committal ser vices in the chapel on Monday February 21 at 30 Temporary entombment St Andrews Cemetery vault Orillia members of Rebekah Lodge No 100 are asked to gather at the parlours tor spr vice Sunday a12pm 86wrdsotthartksfl HAMMOND Mr and Mrs JJ Ham mond of Ivy would like to thank their many friends and neighbours tor the beautiful cards flowers gifts and per sonal good wishes on the occasmn Of their 60th Wedding Anniversary on February 14 John and Susan 87in memoriams on the occasion of the 40th Wedding Anniversary for George and Florence Holt Trinity United Church Thornton Ontario All friends and DEIQIIDOTS welcome F19 24 BEAVER REBEKAH LODGE No 190 is holding social evening at the Oddfellows Temple 155 Ferris Lane Barrie on Thursday Morch17 1977 at 730 pm Any Rebekahs residing in the Barrie area are most welcome to at tend Please call Alice Van debergh at 7370663 before March 1977 for further in formation HARRIS In loving memory Of dear son and brother Clair Dawd Harris who passed away February 19 1976 He is gone but not forgotten And as dawns another ycar Inour lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of him are always near Days of sadnhss WIII come oer us Many think the wound Is healed But they littlc know the sorrow That tics in ttir heart concealed Always remembered and sadly missod by Mom Dadbrothrrs and SISILIS F19 BOAR REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise to General Manager of maior community voluntary organization EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 728 2414 ITEIEIEEPNEL 767Wem ployment wanted CHILD CARE provided in my home Near 91h line and 25 sideroad ol lnnislil Duties to include typing ex 436 4363 WV IRONING PICKED and del Wu tenSIve communit record were dain 53 00 per basket Telephone keeping mailing daily contactll with public and members by phone in person and by mail 458 9618 for further information MEDICAL SECRETARY desires either full or parttime employment Recent graduate Own transportation Simcoe County area Please reply to Box 58 the Barrie Examiner MATURE MOTHER experiede iii child care and development has day Carri available 737 3055 or 728 7035 DAYCARE IN my home weekdays Hot lunches provided Three and two year olds for companions Under supervision Call 424 0486 71 help wanted Barrie Machine Tool Manufacturing Inc 49 Morrow Rd Unit No Requires Experienced Mold Makers for iniection molds Tool and Die makers General machinists bright expanding shop with the latest equipment 7371116 TILLB PM AND SATURDAYS EXECUT The General Sales Manager of this rapidly growing company vE SECRETARY Please reply in own hon dwriting outlining experience and salary expected to BOX T59 THE BARRIE EXAMINER F192123 71 help wanted The successful applicant will be bright ambitious with experience in statistical reporting and proficient in typing and shorthand Knowledge of French language is desirable but not essential This position offers the mature applicant an opportunity to become involved in the companys overall marketing and sales program Compensation will be commensurate with experience and qualifications Please send complete resume to GENERAL SALES MANAGER CHRYSLER CANADA OUTBOARD LTD 92 Davidson Street BARRIE Ontario Full knowledge of Accounting Procedures Minimum of years experience preferably in automotive dealership accounting Good salary and fringe benefit program Apply to Box T60 the Barrie Examiner F19 F21 SERVICEADVISOR required for local GM dealer must be experienced in service IVAN QUIST Service Manager Paul Sadlon Motors Incorp 233 Bradford St Barrie Ont VF217