WWWcc BUFFALO TORONTO 11 HAMILTON 600 Newsweek aMovie iMarriage Italian Style 245News 760 Amazing Kreskin 11 Forest Rangers 19 Polka Dot Door 5Gcnies en herbe 79 FBI 6210 2479 News sRogers Report 11MRl1 TV Bingo 191ont Ask Me Nouvelles 700 22 Movie Autobiography 05 Miss Jane Pittman 2Hee Haw tlls Academic 5801 McLean 7News 9Canada up 76 111ut Your Heart Into It 17 Lortg Chase 25 Cosmos 1999 79 Boogie 7210 4Treasure Hunt rAndy 7NIIL Hockey 11Great Debate 197Dr Who X100 2Emergency 35 NHL Hockey Penguins vs Leafs 555 9Focus 600 ZWorld of Survival Cartoons IIAHllallOUS House of Frightenstein 6210 2This Is The Life 7Christophcr Closeup 9Encounter 700 22 anadian avalcade 2Ecumedia News tttrossroads 7Faitli For Today It Lncle Bobby 7977 Chinese Show lo Church Invitation 30 Lvatlral Roberts Day of Discovery 11 Crossroads rlirections Flintstones ll Circle Square 300 22 Jimmy Sw aggart 111 Day of Discovery Farm Report Sunday Surpnse 73 lkranian Show 15 In Touch 10 12 Toronto Christian en It 1300 luthaniptonship Fishing l7 Garner Armstrong Movie The Outsider laying Tomorrow 77 Tomorrows Woman Album TV Scmaine erle 79 Fun De Semana l5 Way Out 19 Mon oin De Pays I2 30 lMeet The Press ererald of Truth Market Place IliNews 1213 11Business Report litA AutirNomie 100 Fishin Hole tip Music To See Superstars l+1aniily Finder 11 1l Dueli IHerllages Et Lsages 2511mm dcmatn Wirililtlliiltlts of Greece 1110 lttlltlt Basketball 00 24 chts rr World of Disney 12 Newsweek tr Money Magazine lt Polka Dot Door 13 Declic FBI 0210 Wild Kingdom lt17 Contrrsation With Georgi1t Torgi Ntttx 11 New Faces 111 Midia 77 foitvrllis 700 92 Gong Show World of Disney 1173 Heathcrimbcrs 60 Minutes Nani Drew $01illion1an 11 Are you bring ser vod lit Four For Adventure Qunm ans plus tarrffi boogie 7210 12 ScienceInternational 15 Ton Randall 11 1oyieloveboat It 10 Olympic Profile 23 Evans Iirriaiicliisiilio 22 rWild Iifc fincma Movie ilhe Spelli cltst opic THE DOCTOR SAYS TELEVISION BARRIE surmo BUFFALO TORONTO 12 PETERBOROUGN BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL SATURDAY EVENING FMary Tyler Moore 9Movie Last of the Red Hot Lovers litNovel to Film 25Cinema Une belle fille comme moit 71 Toronto The Good 1130 +1 1w Bob Newharl 79m Free For All 900 ZMovie Rio Lobot 4All in the Family 711Starsky and Hutch 930 422 Grammy Awards 1000 711Most Wanted 9FKR 7S Religion 1030 25Nouvelles 79Wrestling 1100 2345A79117 News liarNostalgia BPolitique Fedtralc 1105 11Vic Franklyn 1110 23Cinema Trottai 1115 tipProvincial Affairs 1120 359 News 1130 2Track and Field SUNDAY MORNING 2Jerry Falwell Jimmy Swaggart kTarzan Rocketship 11 Masters Touch 19 Polka Dot Door 7943 Voce Della Speranza 900 22 Search The Quiet Hour Old Time Gospel Hour 4Aldentity 11Father Meehan 19 Hattytown lales 2774 Woody le pic 704 Macedonian Magaline ll 15 Sr Movie iThe Ghost Comes Homer 19 Jeremy 930 22 ome Walk The World ZVHex Humbard +71 The People Day of Discm cry 11 It Is Written 19 tucuniher LEA Mon amt Guignol 11 ll Canzonicre 1115 23i La Bible en papier 1000 22 Avramis Greek Show 31eoples hurch +7 Lantp lnto My Feet Rex Hiimbard 7Ftntstones SUNDAY AFTERNOON 157 ouniry anada Tennis 19 Mangcaillc 113 NBA Basketball 300 22 Gospel Singui Time ll mssroads ttlethon People Of Our Time 19 Cher Nous 2s Lniyers dcs sports 71 ltaliantssmto Sunday 213 To Italcinc 2110 Anglcys rusadt 5771976 Olympics 11 Marcus Welliy 19 Pins and Needles 211 227 hurch 777 Auto Racing 19 ivilisation 2130 227 Agape Grandtarid tr Ironside Il 1181 Ilau 257 Heure llts tilllllts 100 22 News Special SUNDAY EVENING 11r Superspccial Rhoda 97 Sonny and her SITMillion Man 197 Pallisers Toronto The Good xio Phyllis 22 New Special 25 Sraux 1lfllitfltllf it Fric For All 000 22 Hoots Iatt 13 For The Record 40 Switch Movtc Sftrflb 10 Judy Ia1arsh llit Govt We Deserve 9110 Big event 11 Police Woman 1000 firs larkctplace 22 Stiintimcns chain pionshtps 79 Movtc Iuppit on liain IJtlveccliio 10 En St Itacoiitaiil l11istoiri 111 102110 11 What is Truth 1100 Mixed IIOLIlilts 2143911NIWH 19 Tariaditns fanaillos anayens Surgery not inevitable here tNews Movie ry Rapet 11Movie Electra Glide in Blue Twice 797 Laurel and Hardy Iassics 1115 Saturday Night 1150 Movie iGoldi 5+ Movie iGumshoei 1200 Movie The Midnight Mani Movie Ice Palace 794 Intemational ineina 1255 7hallenge 15 21on Klrsliners Rock 125 77Ncws 140 llMovie tHcllo Goodbye 200 yAlfred Hitchcock Hour Movie iFollow Start 230 9Movie iAri American Dreamt 420 3Movie illorror Island 500 Ironside llvltalian Panorama 19 Big Blue Marble 25Jour du seigneur 79 Sounds of the East 1030 22 Festival Portuguese Open Rap FLook up and Live 7Junior Almost Anything Goes 19 Long hasc 73 German Weekly Mir ror Hill rOral Roberts 11 Rex Hiintbard Inside Albart 5r Meeting Place Gilligan 5P Peoples hurcli 19 Human Relations and School Discipline 25 Son et images 1130 Rev James Andrews Face The Nation Animals Animals 197 tolargol 23 rtine Magainc 73 ol Ila 11tr1tt1fl 115 Johnny Lombardi Festival Italiano 197 Jilffllll1 Sensations 1135 la Sunrunners Movie iStalag NHA Basketball Tr trosspoint 19 Ski Ilc Haiidonncc li 19 Echcc Au Roi 1110 22 Money Talks 113 Money Makers Wide World of Sports Question Period 10 Electric foinpaii 23 Le niondt iri ltbtrtt 79 Moyie 15tltllll Kim 300 22 bugs Hunn Road Runner if llyttin Sing Last of the Wild 11 Wild Kliigdoni 10 Sesame Street Ii Second Regard izlll Stratas toiirt llovtic Meeker Iiolf it Hraily Huncli ll Lawniii Wilk 513 Mr lliips 23 Noiiyillcs 1111 It Vfl Nations 11lllllls 1130 NIA II 110 12 laugtit 111 the All Movie 11lllltlli World Al War Mary 11i1rl111411 ll Healthlarcloda 10 lcuniw lotiiivs Iiis Fous 23 Iolitirpii Mot 1111 ml 1110 23 fintnia Ludwig 1150 It Motic llii lthShrirxi Movie Saridcrsofllic River 1200 52 Mrivii 1111 Great aruso Mantis Wellif 11 Peter Marshall lliivid biisskind II Intdin Lini It oiiirnttniqiii 71 International liniina 1110 Sunday Surprisi 110 With lliis Hing Ill A11 News Bernice Bode 001 For Sunday Feb 20 1977 ARIES March 21Aprll 19 For more enjoyment arrange your plans today so that youll share the company of persons who are as active as you are TAURUS April 20May 20 Your aims have greater chance of being realized today if your ap proach is subtle and indirect Let others act on your hints GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Profitable information could be exchanged today with one who is imaginative and enterprising Listen attentively CANCER June 21July 22 Be the one who takes the initiative in joint ventures An opportunity could slip by if you wait on your counterpart LEO July 23Aug 22 You have clever grasp of situations to day You are able to inspire others to act On your behalf if you chose to do so VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Very liker youll be bored unless you direct your energies toward something productive It should be along selfimprovement lines LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Today you shouldnt be loner but you wont fit comfortably with too large group Spend time with select few SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Minor tasks clamor for attention today Get right to them and they wont bite too heavily timewise into things youd prefer doing SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Free yourself today from ac tivnies that are worldly and mun dane Enjoy yourself doing what you want to do This Will revitalize your outlook CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 To get whats due you today you might have to assert yourself trifle Stand up for your rights but keep cool AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Even thOugh your conceptions are shade or two sharper than those of your peers it still behooves you to keep an open mind today PISCES Fob 20March 20 Y0ur material prospects look qutte encouraging today owmg to y0ur inventiveness and enter prise Follow through on moneymakers floor Feb 20 1977 Interestingly it Will be series of small things this coming year that Will be your greatest source for gain They Will add up so as to please you For Monday Feb 21 1977 ARIES March 21Apr1119ltw1ll be an active day for you and youll have lot of ground to cover Thats good you func tion better when youre buster TAURUS April 20May 20 It you need assrstance go to those youve had occasuon to help in NSL Guam CAEï¬PtR GEE UNCLE YOU Amos 0U6HTAl KNEW YOUD we Fauna GET YOUR RECORO$ FINALLY LIKE THE MU5IC BEFORE THOéE MAUPLIN RHYMES BUT WE DRIVE ME TO THE BRINK MADNEQ in 19710 NH Inc 1M Re us Vat 0n the past Theyll be glad to wipe the slate clean GEMINI May 21Junc 20 Youre best suited to activities not of business or financial nature Its OK to map plans but hold off their execution CANCER June 21July 22 Even though you can use number of methods to realize your ambitions the ones that will work best are the most simple and direct LEO July 23Aug 23 You pick up ideas by listening to others today The more people you talk to the greater the variety of new thoughts youll accumulate VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Anothers complicated problem is duck soup for you to solve to day Youll get to the root of things quickly LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Before making deCiSions ex amine all aspects of any Situation today If your analySIS is thorough the results Will be good SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Chances of advancement are ex cellent today prowded you choose colleagues who are in telligent and imaginative SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 You are good manager to day and you can perform valuable serVice But dont butt in where youre not inVited CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 Family matters redone top priority today It you venture into other areas youll be spreading yourself too thin AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Deal With those plans that have to do With the here and n0w The future Will take care of itself PISCES Fob 20March 20 Your chances for personal gain continue to be firstsrate but dont spend it as fast as you get it Build yourself nest egg fiuutt Ellltftiljiiflug Feb 21 1977 There Will be stabilizing of con ditions that affect your baSic scourtty this year Dont be im patient if the process is slow Youll DIOIII in the long run Your wedding invitations 11y 11 1111S1ESON MI Dear Dr Thostcson In re cent physical the physician after what thought was some considerable poking around located very small hernia in the groin He said it was as yet too small to be concerned about Is surgery inevitable for every hernia or is it possible to check or contain the enlargement What recommendations do you have am 50 and my oc cupation does not require much physical exertionx Mr 1111 Surgery is not inevitable for every hernia even though it may not become smaller or dis appear Nor will the hernia in evitably become larger Your doctor cart Show you how to check its program by yourself It involves putting finger over the area and giving slight cough You mayor may not feel the impulse of the her inia if it is quite small But you will if it becomes larger Since your work is not strcnu ous you will have to be even more careful about unaccus tomed heavy lifting Ihc hernia should be checked by your doc tor at least once year or if you detect bulge Dear Dr Ihostcson Send me your booklet on sinus trouble and while youre at it tell me please how allergies are involved in nasal polypsJW person with tendency to allergies develops nasal polyps more readily than does the nonallcrgic person The reason is that it takes very little irritation of nasal tissue to set the stage for growth of the polyps and mild allergy can do it have seen polyps develop into large clusters of tiny growths rather like bun ch of grapes One can usually tell whether the polyps are allergyrelated by measuring the amount of cosinophils in the nasal mucus It will be higher in allergic persons Eosiiiophils are special kinds of white blood cells that show up in certain staining material NOTE MRS VJ Your varicose veins seem to be qtiitc small Vein stripping is not al ways necessary especially with smallcr veins Injection of ten takes care of them niccly Get second opinion Your definition of small may dif for from mine or from your doctors IIFIAllIIIII 11111116 folk remedy used in In diana in 1870 to sto bleeding was to read silently rec times the Bible verse Ezekiel 100 BORN LOSER BUGSBUNNY NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service IN THE ATTIC TRUNK IT SAW OUR MUSIC THOUGHT OF YOU MIGHT LIKE TH 15 comroserz GOLDEN AHOOPLE OLDWHJUNE 117 preserves old homes HALIFAX ZCPi small firm here has found way to overcome this citys worsening housing shortage and of pre serving buildings of historic value Historic Restoration Co recipient of the Heritage Can ada Award for its work has bc gun taking old city homes and without changing the historic value of the properties turned them into apartments lhorndcan Sawyer House and Marian lryor House are three examples of their latest work projects that combine the best features of con doiniiiiums apartments and historic properties Each of the buildings was re stored to its original appear ancc complete with open cook ing ovens and fireplaces and then sold to their new otttlr pants lantisz and Maud Rosinski operate he new business In Halifax we saw unique potential in preserving rather than demolishing tlicsc older homes Mr Rosinskisaid time when much talk was coiiceiitrattd oii anadian identity we felt something had to 111 donc about it and fast litfore many oI them were torn down IIICIIHIIISIIIfIZIIUIJHIIIS The part owners of tlic projr ict are known as resident shareholders scheme which allows them to Iiirtn nonprofit toriipaiiy lllll gives each of llltlll perpetual ltasc oit llltll lioriics IIyiction II it should ever be tilllt itcccssary would be ac coiiiplishcd by having the par tlll company llll out the shares of the residents Mr Rosinski said The basic house ltllt is main taining the period of the dwcll itig Shaicholdcrs own property 111 percentage worked otit by square footage of units and share tlllllllttll expenses such lights litat taves lllSlIlr 11111 and maintenance its 1H5 NUMBER Lloo HAVE BEEN ALLItlb FROM HA5 SEEN 0110005 L150 ter CURKY YER BEST STKAGEDY IS STAY AWAY FROM HIM TILL HE TIRES ILL AtaREE To THAT til1111 iiK Willi 0leny 11 13712 OKAY co our THERE AN Fowa My iNStRUC Small firm WIN AT BRIDGE Both partners Tl NORTH 10 WEST EAST 10 10 10 SOUTH 11 4111 Both vulnerable West North East South Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald James Jacoby Nice defense partner said both East and West simultaneously It was nice defense and each one made his contribution Things started out simply enough West opened the king of clubs and continued with the trey after East signalled with the nine Declarer dropped the jack on the se cond club but East was not fooled He knew that his partners three of clubs was the fourth best of his original their bit holding and hence South had least one more club East also wanted to get rid of dummys fourth spade so he continued clubs to force dummy to ruff Now South could do nothing better than to play out three rounds of trumps before leading diamond At this point it was up to West to do something for his side and West came through nobly He played his eight of diamonds This was the start of an echo designed to show that he held an even number of diamonds If that even number happened to be two East could do nothing But if it were four then East was in action He ducked one diamond won the next and led heart South was out of diamonds with no way to get to his good dia mond in dummy He had to lose heart in the cool of the evening I5K5hy5 pggoppg California reader wants to know the correct opening bid with AAQ954V K7 AQGilJEH Either one notrump or one spade is acceptable with near ly all authorities preferring one notrump Hospital preop training success TORONTO tCIi Toronto General Hospital officials say the hospitals preoperation briefing and teaching program not only removes much of the anxiety associated with surgery but speeds recovery time by an average of two days redUcing costs and increasintI the number of hospital beds if all the hundreds of patients who have received this proop teaching orin one has coniplainwl said Hernicc Gcr liart assistant 111Blltf nurs ing surgery lon Yaskowich said he has lost count of the number of op crations hc has had since he was wiped out in mo torcyclc accident five years ago Hut his iriost rcccnt operation iasdiffcrcnt For the first time was told before an operation exactly what was going to happen to me and why he said also found that was in control of my own rehabilitation It is the psychological ad vance that most impressed Mr Yaskowich who had hip open allot The biggest fear most people have before an operation is the fear of the unknown What happens before they go on the tablc When and where will they wakc tip How much paiii will they be expected to en durc In other hospitals have been in nobody told you what was going on was aware of great deal of fear particularly among those who were having an operation for the first time LETS SEE IF ERE AM mn in lirPE sitEcAN Fmt PET NICE wm arrator raster rim nitmi rif vi iCTF we iiMI it irr 12 we Ail or if Niall7 Adagaffer True Iues VEPES We FIN FW£ viePE miminomu irniur ivtaearirmv mvslerious 667 we FEE 41inch m5 BROWN so AEHSAkE THE LAND lt 32 ctr it mm lt 7L 71 telephone PHILIPS CODEAPHONE At least two major studies on preop patient training have been made in the United States similar program has proved successful at St Josephs Hospital in London Ont LaurelAnn Wallace clinical coordinator of orthopedics and ophthalmology who resear ched the preop project and wrote the guidelines for its in troduction at Toronto General said It was largely question of adapting the various techniques to our needs here We started with orthopedic patients and now the preop classes are given to everyone in the hospital who is undergoing surgery 1f1OIS SKIIITHAI She said the innovation was greeted skeptically by some doctors at the hospital They felt the classes might be more trouble than they were worth and could contain views contradictory to their own Now they all believe in it because they have seen the results We deal with problems and procedures that apply to every patient rather than specifics Questions affecting an individ ual patient are referred to the doctor concerned Miss Wallace said there has been much lower incidence of pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis since the patient teaching program be gan lsychologically too the benefits have been great Patients are much less tense Being patient today is no longer passive role ACROSS Downcast Mess Jupiter 13 Emerald Isle 14 EnthuSiasm 15 Baseball player Met 16 Womans name 17 Joke 20 Hearty relish 21 Drvas Wine 22 Go astray 23 Actor Ferrer 26 Reach out 30 Utility 31 Travelers home 33 Stage of history 34 That girl 36 Egg drink 37 More delicmus 39 Snakes 12 School Ofganl zation abbr 18 Actress Weld 58 Do wrong 35 Leaves stage DAILY CROSSWORD Answer to Prewous Puzzle 40 Vase with pedestal 41 Droop 43 Assists 46 Good 50 Indian tribe 51 John Sp 52 Exclamation of disgust 53 Coffee grinder 54 To be Fr 55 Feather scarf 56 Outer prefix 57 Ballerinas Strong points Compass DOWN 110 20 Female Blot LItlllffjfl Aleutian 21 Delete island mler Engagement 23 km 5mm Mm 24 Safety agency gym on Ower Wild party NLJIU Legurm gu otirr iidl lacking 27 Hall 535 maturity 2817 WV iii Cheers Sp 79 Old Hornet 10 Immense 51 lrilirrilor 11 Within pref 32 Draft ar rrial all III II II II SIDE GLANCES 38 Gum tree 39 Become mature 41 Dearlfall d2 Copperfields wife 43 Red pigment 44 Actor Blore 45 Merry tune 46 Car 47 lubricantfor short 48 Opera prince 49 Sear 51 Fast plane Wt Wlftt SERVE The most peaceful part of our marriage was overseas during World War it Never Miss Call answering device Pick Up Manages from any phone Remote and Nonremote WIZARD OF ID FRANK ERNEST tillr Sill NOTHiNév TOD11 noATC NEXI fIONTti OFFICE OUTFITTERS BARRIE PLAZ 7370201 ill AFT two KIWINGI 171fo Wlch lei Pr RANCH St NE 110N111 THAT it tots ll Ni YEAR when was ONE THING IVE LEARNED SOMETHINS WRONG WHEN narrows RtGHT