Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Feb 1977, p. 11

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Kempenfelt Bay motor bumed out continue nival Workers raise the seventon bulldozer from the floor of Work stopped Friday afternoon wheii piston in hoist Steven Wallace of Sub Services Ltd marine salvagers said the engine will have to be replaced before the work cati Mr Wallace spent most of the morning with Steve Bellisle in the water hooking the hoist to the bulldozer The machine owned by Jim Rowe of Barrie went through the ice two weeks ago when clearing snow for the winter car Hoist motor broke down cancelling Fridays bid to raise bulldozer Piston problem plagues pul but dozer lifted this mornin Sightseers had to wait until this morning to see salvage lr Rowe who owns some other heaiy eqiiipmeiit said the work ill not cost him anything because it is covered by insurance lie was at tliesite watching the proceedings group of people gathered around the large steel sled over it little in the ice watching as the biilldocr was beitiL prepared Most moved away when one of the work iiieii shouted Why dont some of you people get the hell out ol here in casethistliinugoesthroughtlieiee tgtnce the biilldocr is out of the water large tront end loader is expected to pull the sled atid ehicle away from the liolt barrie today Eighty honors and awards to college students Wednesday in April 1968 seven scholar ships and awards were presen ted to graduates of fulltime day programs during the first awards day ceremony held at Georgian College in Barrie At pm Wednesday about 80 presentations will be made to Barrie campus students of the applied arts business tecnnoiogy and health sciences divisions during the tenth an niversary awards day ceremony being held in the College theatre on Duckworth Street This wealth of awards illustrates the generous support and cooperation the college has received from the com munity it serves since it began its store front operation in the Wellington Street Plaza in 1967 The awards are donated by business firms and industries service clubs private in dividuals and institutions and will be based on academic per formance leadership and con tribution to student activities Many of the donors will be on hand to participate in the ceremony Awards earmarked for the applied arts division are The ssociation ol Food Services and Hospitality lleiihitors Award The Barrie Broad casting tonipany Limited Bur saries The Barrie iyinette lub Scholarship Blue loiiii tain Pottery Scholarship Blue Mountain Resorts Limited Scholarships anadian Restaurant ssociation ltillll datioii Bursary toin inoiiwcaltli of Holiday Inns of tanada Merit Award rush lii tcrnational Limited itllSitl ticorgian ollegc Alumni Association Bursaries lluroiiia lourist Association Bursaries lliiroiiia Tourist Association Bert Rumble Memorial Award Fashion Promotion ll Award labatts Untario lreweiies Scholarship lrotoloiir Photographic Services Award and The Rotary tlub oi Barrie Bursaries lllSlNlISS RlS usiness students will receive The Alaclairen Jursary The Brown anadian lirc Associate Store Bariichursary ell anada icorgian Bay Region Scholar ship Business and Professional Wotiicns lub of iaiiie Awardleorgian ollcge Altllilr Community help for youth Mental Health Barrie topic How can the community help its youth Peter Wiseman chairman of the Ontario Interministerial Council for Troubled Children and Youth will discuss this at the annual meeting of the Barrie Mental Health Association Monday at pm in Barrie entral Collegiatcs staff lounge Those in Barrie working with youth are invited to attend Mr Wisenian who has many years experience working with youth will talk about how ser vices in the community can be integrated to help youth Mr Wiseman attended public and high schools in Barrie before attending Town to Normal School He has bachelor of arts degree frotn the University of Western Orr tario and master of cducat ion degree from the University of Toronto He taught for three years in lctIr Wiseniaii tro Township one year at tht Penetanguishene Protestant Separate School and spent eight years as teacher vice principal and principal in Scar borough Before he was appointed chairman of the council toi troubled children and youth in 197 he was made special assistant to the director provincial schools branch of llit ministry of education He was also member of the staff foi five summers on the principals summer course offered by the ministry In October 1969 he was ap pointed associate supciiii tciident and group chairman pure and applied sciences curriculum section ment of education Before that he was assistant superintendent curriculum section depart merit of education and inspector ot schools for the inspectorate of Ontario No Whitbyoftice Mr Wiscinan is married and liaslour children depart The council for troubled youth was established in Sep teinbcr 1973 Originally called the lntcriiiinisterial oiincil tor lliiiotionally llSltltlHtl hildren and Youth it was tor med to assist the minister of education in setting program policies and services tor distur bed children The name was later changed to the lntcrininistetial touncii lt Troubled liildren and Youth iii titlltill liiiisai lranis tlub ot lviiiipenlel liay Bursary attoiial Secretaries siitl£ltiill lll tiriiaiioiial Bursar Rotary tlubot liiltlttlltllxitllt ll tolcinan and Hunter Scholarships donated by the corporation ot the toiiiity ot Slincot tieorei Siiiithwn liliisziry and the crov ot taiiada Fellow b1p ird Awardstothc tiiden itt llt technologyrli1sionilltc lhc lf lriiiliiiie lnlu Yig lidiicatioiial lilltililiill ltit Bursary telltaiiadatieoiijmn lt ltllt littluislilti toopei lool iltttlti liiiimir ljdwaids ot tanada Stliotai ship lalnainct llllllttl Bur saiy tlcorihan tolleilt ltiitiiii Stitiltltill liiiirarie lbe ioldeii iiiiiiersary lioph oi the Kiwanis tliib ot Hiiiic IBM Scholaiship Award Motorola tltiitlitttlt lroiliiie Bursaries ttiitariotioodlioad Association Bursary ttntario flood Roads ssociatioii Scliolailiip Xerox oi tinidi Fellowship ward and the ieorgiaii Bay legioiial tiotip ot tliitario Land Stirieyois Award The health tltllttgt awards are The tieorgian tollege lllltilll Association Bursaries The lltillulits tllllttll lttllli llllltillil llll lttl4Ill lllllilllltlllllll tlllllill lll lltl iiot ttttldlb tii mailed lot ttitllltlllill doth oi tainpus Ilt llie ilvlliltli tliaiitable liitlll tiilltilt lllll lll lliiltllmttlllt lltlttlitt llttitlll Sclioliiliiir llilae toiint Sebolaishiin tlhiili ll lyik foundation ttl tieiieia liieaiid liiib lttl tompanj ot tiiiidi llliltil ltiiisaries ilttlilllll iiil ital oinpiiic iiiisaiy lttltlI lxcm pciitclt thapter iiiisaiy lhe llllllt ttiilt ot iiiiiie iii wiry lloyal tanadiaii ciioii llliltltll llT liiiisai liayelways Limited stoel Brothers liis llltv Limited IIiriry iiid the liiiyeisit toiiiens tliilt ot iriic ward tonti ibiit ions to thcticorgian ollegc Loan Fund arc The tieggs ieiiioiiil Loan rtitirt ltcilbis tanada Limited The lloinr tliibot Ilarric llie Siiiieoe latic tantecii Limited Loan lund lhe Lillie lraiers Loan llind and lay or loods Limited Awards My presentations tor the Ulllllil campus and tiweii Sound campus students will be made on March ti and March to respectively iiiie ttiitaiio University students already on job trail By SHEILA lclICRN Examiner Staff Writer The Canada Student Mati power Centre is gradually gearing to full power as univer sity students take advantage of slow period at school to begin their search for summer jobs Nancy Draper graduate supervisor at the Barrie office said student manpower has not found location yet but fair number of students are coming into the main centre on Bayfield Street Mrs Draper predicts this will be good year for students You have to be realistic and unemployment is sort of bad word these days she said But it was bad word last year and we had our best sum mer ever Student manpower gets good response from the Barrie coin iiiiiiiity and people are willing to help she said dont know it all aieasarethat receptive lltl IN Right now the centres main emphasis is locating jobs tlirongli employer visits and teaching students how to find job tiiir centre is here to help them liiid jobs she said but it is not tlieiiltiiiiate Mrs llraper described the centre as learning es pcrieiice Students should register with manpower she said but they must also show enthusiasm and get out and look for idt tliein slles Ae teach them not to be all that fussy she added plainingI llyear old boy with no experience cannot tpcct to land 224 an hour Monday to lllltlit ltd Hut lrs lirapci tiiids most students particularly litiih school students tltlllltlLltt take anything They be en thitsiastic versatile and aware that they dont haye any perieiice slltttl The centre tries to tind pills that will allow students to retain their work tiithiisiawii sliimltliil ltilts range tioiii liabysittiiiiY eaiiaries to onsti lltlliill and ot iiie work His illititl said There are lot of pail llllll ot incital tolls llt iii tiiowini and window cleaiiiiii iiiieisily student receiv tiist lillltltlltt tot ioln providing they how the tilialttieatiod tiidet tiideii lllltilttllittllttiiltlf hit high sttidcii make up the larget iiiiiiibei ot rob dtlxll iii iri ie llittc iti Hiiie Ittlts with ii lttlllllllllltl be and but llltlldltd lot that itlttlt ntiicil toiliiiliscliool iiitliiit tlIl Illlillll lll lts limpet said eiil ieiiistiatioii help but the ltiiltiitn titltl lxitp thilhiltL ttlll keep tlioppiiii iii student silpml who nights lot ol ttithttsiaiii iiid keep IHltilll into the lll tti like to lIt tiiiiiiillniiil to iittllisllliil ll1tliltl lvlittdl JV lgenite it ancy Draper says lht also idiscs ttltltlit to ask questions about llttlll the iol they tlt iplellL tor and ptihap oltiin wiitten iziiiineit on the number ot houriiitli ii year students lttl terid it the Itaiiii centre llictt were mil ltlltl ot lltlt ltllthtJtl tillttl blip UV liirc student Sotiic ot the positions were filled before iiiiiiipiiwci coltltl ttteiiiiyoiittotlltlti tinidian Forces lose or den itiiittally bites the largest niiniberot students In lay the centre will be reteriiiig sltltltlits to iobs in the Young anada orks program Crown does not show no election trial date Illll2 trial date was set lriila tor tiinitlicr Schweigtr charged with violating the Municipal lIlct tioiis Act because the iowii attorney responsible tor the caseilid not show up lr Scliweiger an itiisiic eessliil candidate for Vasaiia teach council and his lawyei were present lIl provincial court liiday llltillllllt However when tlietiowii at toiney did not appear Judge John iiio ordered lr Seliweiger to reappear March ltttosctatiialilatc rownattorney lboinp son told liidge Anio he was not resixinsible for Mr Schweiger case and did not know who had beenissigiiisltoit li Schweitzer was charged ltillillll an election day llltl dent iii which tlll otticeis were called to escort All Schweigcrlroniapolliiigplace tine ot sevcll candidates put forward in the municipal elec tioii by the asaga teach liatIpaycis ssociatieit li Schweiger was accompanied to court Friday by losiipportets titllsltll the coiiitrixiin lr Scliweiiet was asked by ratepayers association piesi dent ictie laiige in why his lawyei had not asked the lodge to dismiss the charge when the lndcr normal circunr stances one needs good eyesight to aliialc the posi tion of tlie curling rocks at the far end of the rink and co ordination between hand and eye to send the rock where you want it The rciiiarkahle lhey curl partially by voice about ellrlels at the Barrie urling tliib on Friday mornings is thing some of the that they are partially or totally blind IHHII linger illlespie giics erbal directions to lack llayiies telling llllll to aim left or right whether to in or out curl and how hard to Ilelh er the rock liltilll Ilob chaters is giving directions on where to aim the shot that Ileleii llaii son is about to deliicr Although none of the blind curlers has enough isioii to be able to read some can niakeoiit the oiitliiieof some one standing close helping in the aiiiiiiii of shot tl aiiiiiier lliolost irown attorney did not show up You know what would have happened If your lawyer hadnt showed up lltsilltl The Barrie Examiner Saturday February 19 1977 11 100 sh ipfitters walk off the job COLLINGWOOD Ont tCP About 100 shipfitters at Collingwood Shipyards Ltd walked off the job Friday to pro test what they termed an improper layoff procedure by the company spokesman for the fitters said the company had laid off workmen with more seniority than others left on thejob He said subforeman not considered to be management kept on while men with much more seniority were laid The fitters members of Local 6320 United Steelworkers of America said they would stay off the job until the companyl follows procedures included in its collective agreement wit the union James Elder vicepresident and general manager of the company said management will meet the men Monday but declined to comment on the walkout follingwood is about 35 miles east of Owen Sound What is square built like tank Whats square built like tank and is practically in destructible directory listing downtown businesses and professional peop Phil Peacock of Simcoe Outdoor Advertising Ltd told the downtown improvement board tIJIBt this week he could build directory which is more like tank and prac tically indestructible for$2tt8tt The board decided to review the plans and ask other Sign makers for ideas and estimates The llB wants at least three directories for the Simcoe Toronto streets parking lots SimcoeBayfield streets park ing lot and the Five Points Mr lcacock said the square directory made of special steel frame and covered with plywood and onequarter inch thick plastic would revolve on steel pole You couldnt put brick or full beer bottle through it he said Maintenance is no problem The directory would have 48 square feet of sign space The cost may hit you hard at the first shot but its tthe directoryt going to be here forat least Ilttyears he said He said flat billlmardtyix of directory which would be put on wall would be lesscxpcnsivccosting about $2000 PC committee on small busmess ltthtNlti special Progressive onservative com mittee on small business holds its first public meeting in arric March It The committees aim is to recommend methods by which government can better serve the interests of independent businessmen release from the caucus says Brictstotlie cominittcccan becitlier written ororal The committee is seeking information about small business problems and proposals for innovation and reform The Barrie meeting will be pm at the business building of Georgianollegeon ltickworthStreet thairman oi the five member committee is Marvin Shore lt London NorthI Trial date to be set in March lllllll Trial date for an Elinvalc youth accused of torging series of cheques worth SilJItIt over 2+month period ill not be set until March 18 laul Bernard loiicr IT was to appear in provincial court riday to have the trial date set However Toncrs initial apixIarapce was delayed for month because of heavy tilSt tiflt Draw for Jeeps to aid conservation little and liistrict lluntcrs and Anglers onservation liib is holding draw for two Jeeps to raise funds for con servat ion projects in tntario and some in Barrie llraw tickets arc available at the clubs display at the laytield Mall this weekend The club is also seeking new members Public meetings follow approvals Barrie Planning Board recommended approval in princi ple Monday for jug milk store at 11 undles Rd 10 storey tttriimt apartment building on Kozlov Street and ieoning of Sophia St to commercial to match adjoin ing lands at the southwest corner of Sophia and Bavfield Public meetings will be held on all ttiree proposals

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