EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation 7266539 Classified Advertising 72824 All Other Departments 7266537 113th year No 42 Vance Hussein in talks AMMAN Jordan AP Cyrus Vance United States sec retary of state flew to Saudi Arabia today the fifth stop on his Middle East tour after visit in Jordan with King Hus sein Meanwhile Beirut news papers reported today that the US has pledged to prevent Is rael from invading or annexing any part of south Lebanon Vance had breakfast with Hussein and then left for Saudi Arabia where he will confer with Crown Prince Fahd For eign Minister Saud alFaisal and other officials on Middle East peace and oil traditional friend of the US the oilrich Saudi kingdom has resisted two stage 15per cent increase in oil prices de creed by the Organilation of hairless Water water Petroleum Exporting Coun tries The Saudis who have held their increase to five per cent have warned that they might reconsider their price policy if Washington fails to pressure Is racl into reaching an accord with the Arabs FORBII INVASION In Beirut the government censored newspapers reported Vance conveyed US assur ances to Lebanese President Elias Sarkis during fourhour stopover on Friday The assurances were said to include guarantee that the Carter administration will not allow Israel to invade or seize any part of south Lebanon The US also is said to have guaranteed that any overall settlement would not be at the expense of Lebanon territorial integrity the newspapers reported In return for the US assur ances Sarkis and Foreign Mill ister Fuad Butros were re ported to have pledged to keep Syriandominated peacekeepiir forces away from the imme diate border region with Israel In Amman King Hussein and Vance held second round of talks at Hashmiyeh palace In formed sources said llusscin stressed the necessity of Pale stinian participation at Arab Israeli peace talks In Washington President Carter said he is inviting Mid dle East leaders to meet with him in Washington in preparation for the possible reconvening of the Geneva peacetalks Medonte man charged under Animals Act Medonte Township man has been charged with 16 counts under the Dead Animals Dis posal Act after the carcasses of 18 animals were found on his Mount St Louis Road farm Friday Ontario Provincial Police Orillia said the remains of Hereford cattle and seven sheep were found on the farm of Howard Dunlop 67 Police and the Ontario Humane Society searched the premises after the Whitby Humane Society received complaint that Mr IJIIlIlOp was causing unnecessary hardship to cattle police spokesman said two of the animals had died within the past 48 hours Others had been dead two years He said he had no indication of what the animals died of The Dead Animals Disposal Act provincial statute re quires owners to bury or dispose of dead animals within 48 hours first conviction under the Act draws maximum fine of SSoo 11FEglngfl flvjEiiCS Narrow escape for president BUENOS AIRES lAPi Argentine security sources said today they believe remote control device was used to set off bomb that ripped iiiby 15foot hole in an airport runway seconds after President Jorge Videlas plane took off Witnesses said the jet car rying the president and 10 other persons shuddered from the force of the blast which occurred almost directly under the jet 20 seconds after it took off The bomb that exploded was concealed in drainage pipe underneath runway adjacent to the one used by the presidents plane com munique said second bomb was found and defused nearby PRESIDENT IIICI seconds count Secret funeral for archibishop NAIROBI tReuteri The body of the Archbishop of nganda has been secretly buried in his native villagc in northern lganr da it was announced here today The announcement by anon Burgess fair secretaryvgeneral of the All Africa onfcrcncc of Churches was confirmed by Uganda church sourccs rcachcd by telephone in Kampala Archbishop lanani Iuwnm Land Minister Erinayo Wilson Oryema and Internal Minister Ar phaxed Tharles Obothofumbi who had been accused of coin plicity in an abortive cotip against Ugandan lrcsidcnt Idi Amin were offically said to have been killed in Kampala Wednesday in car crash $879million contract signed LONDON Ont tTI An $875Hnillion contract for 330 or mored vehicles for the armed forces has been sightd by the federal government aiid General Motors of anada it was an nounced Friday The Piranha SIXWllttl iiiiilti purposi machine to provide transport or fire support for troops was designed by anti will be built under liccncc from Mowag Motor Wagon FabriqueAtl ofSwitxcrland Chemical spill 75 miles long CINCINNATI tAIt 75 milclong spill of toxu chemical believed discharged in West Virginia is flowing down the Ohio Itiver and threatening water supplies as far south as Louisville Ky Public officials urged pcoplc to boil all drinking water Joseph Harrison chief of water supply at Chicagos branch of the US Ilnvironmcntal Protection Agency EPA said the chemical carbon tetrachloride can damagi the liver and has caused cancer in laboratory test animals Miller warns on forest fires TORONTO llt Natural Resources Minister Frank Miller says Ontario is facing the earliest and potentially worst forest fire season in its history In statement Friday Mr Miller asked everyone in northwestern Ontario to support and become involved fit an expanded ministry fire prevention program He said that more than tio slcciwr fires are already smouldering as deep as It feet into the dry forest floor undcr the snow mainly in the areas west of Thunder liay around Atikokan Fort Frances and Kenora Stcvc Wallace of Sub Ser vices Itd iiiarinc saluigcrs spent most of Friday morn ing on the bottom of Kcinpcufclt May fustcninL chains to the bulldocr that went through the ice during the preparations for the winter lthough tlic saluigc optration was completed to Opposition raps action on costsharing move Oll tlt Opposition Mls used debate on federal provincial cost sharing ltglslil tioii Friday to accuse thc fed eral government of dictatorial action that could only lead to tht tlttlllSttit ttitllttlttittitiii loc tlark liogrcssiy on scrvutivc lczidcr said thc tcd cral government had imposed on thc provinccs llt fiscal ar rangcmciits on health and edit cation programs without con sultiiigIarliuincnt Such action could only lead to further disrespect for Iarlia ment and tontcdcrution ltll Mr tlaik said lid litozidbciit tender of thc New Democratic thirty tltl the new arrangcincnts wcrc not even agrccablc to the pro inccs and quoted Albcrta Iltlllltl Loughccd as saying the pro inccs had accepted thc llt lllitl only because they feared cvcn more horrible legislation would be forced down their llllOill harlcsAithur latithicr So cial rcdit llitllllltl tor ltoh crval said Financc Minister Donald Mucdonald was dicta tor by forcing agrccmcnts on prmtnccs that continuc to litlxf more iiioncy from thcni than thcvrccciyclroinOttawa lZXlIItILS fltllt Ihc opposition attacks oc currcd iiiiid second rcatlnig dc batcon thciicw Fiscal Arrangi inttits ct fiirrcnt lcgislation expires March Ill and thc tcd cral govcrmncnt wants ncw ltycycar legislation Illlttl to rcplacc it The ltiIltlltill being debated puts into law thc pact rcnchcd bylrimcMinisterlrudcouuiid Andy Ievine is dead at 71 OltANtilI talit tAIt torAndy lcinc best known as thorotund sqiicaky voictd dcp lily of tclcvisions Wild lil llickock scrics tllttl Friday familyspokesmansaid licvinc Tl had suffered from lcukcinui and pcriodically lt ltlltttllltlilltlllltillllltlll His acting carccr spaniicd from the goldcn days of silttit movies to his ippczirancc last year in Won lon lon thc liog IlltitStivctlIlollywooil liuring thc lililos ltlllt ap pcarcd lIl Illtll of niovics and bccausc of lllft ital wcstcrn background lic ciiicigcd 1w tlic fat friciiil of bctlci known ccllu lotd cowpoktsol tlitpcrititl As his film career grew so did litiiic llc first appeared as shin collcgian ind lifltl weighcd If at llt In his Sios lt vine dropped to about 153 poiiii dsoiltloclohsorders provincial premiers last December at first ministers conferencc in Ottawa The federal government agreed to transfer additional taxraising power to the prov lllt woitli about St billion to gctlicr with cash payments to rtpltict current itrso dollar matching arrangements for health and postsecondary edu czitioiispcndiiig The opposition MIs claimed that these new arrangements will place iiirthtr financial bui dcns on provinces as they try to incct iiicrcasing health and ttllltulltili costs without coiir lllilllltlll from the fcdcral gov crniiicnt to pay Tio pcr cent of tliiixpciiscs li lark said his party at ccpl In principle the new or iiiigciiicnts but decried the govcrnmcnt torformulatingthc ncw policy it coiitcrcncc itli thc proi llltt and not in lillllilr liicnt ONI ltlt Ollll llc thcn divirgcd troiii thc lllttlli topic ltltl litgun in attack on tln libcial inability to his tci tJtlll of national unity li Ilrouilliciit churgcd llll loll would balkanic tanadu as thc ziiious ttgltitl IlItilttl llltll mgci at lllf lctlcral LM 13 boys perish tlll TO South llil lilllltll lhittccn iicwspapcr boys were burned to dcath III van hcrc today after it tttlllflttl fill car lhc youths wcic trapped hcii illt of ncwsptipcrs caught llltlllltllllt ans gnso Iiiictniikcxplodcil lwo other youths cscapcd oinot thcni with scrioiisburns Dollar hits low level MONlltlIAlwtli nadiaii dollar hit Icvcl siucc last ltt on New York moncy markets it llic low of trading Friday falling to swim in terms of lnitcd Statcutuiids tliian tlritfiths spokesman lot the ltoyzil ltank here at tribiitcil lllt drop to iiiticipa lion by dealtrs that thc Hank of tanada would reduce iiitcicst ttlc list IM the iiniidian dollar tell to Stu mm in tcrms of lnitctlStattsfunds lhc its lowcst IN COMA SINCE MONDAX UK Foreign Secretary dies of stroke lONlON tlgt lliilish Foreign Secretary Anthony trosland who was working on isoltitiontotlicllliodcsiacrisis whcn llt collapsed from strokc lust Sunday dicd caily todaytitthcngcolfit lhc toicign otlict iiiiiolinct that titrltiil who had bccii Ill coma sincc Monday dicd ptticclully at Oxford ltadclittc Infirmary llis witc and her family were at his bcdsitlc whcnhcdicd troslaiitl foreign sccrctarv sincc last April had bccii cii gagcd in the most vital work of his political ctirccr He was coordinating efforts to obtain black majority rtilc in thc icbcl llrilish colony of ltlio iltsni hc was negotiating the fishing limits ol Iillltit off shore wattrs and he was chair titan of the onnnon Market niinist crs incct ings in lllltsstls ttilttltl went for walk last Sunday bclorc returning to his Heading for the lake bottom the point here the biilldocr was lifted halfa to the surface the opcratiou Is postponed until repairs to fault winch motor wcrc cf fcclcd llic bulldocr was raiscd to the icc surface this morning tIltIlIllltl Ihotot dictatorial crnmcnt for increasing the it nancial burdens of poor prov lIl lcinwhilc rich Ontario would gain about $31 billion fromthclcgislzition ln ordcr to how national tin it all regions of anada must be treated equally Mr Broad urlcrs with diftcrtiicc ttikc to the rink at thc liariic urling tlub on Friday iiior iiings chcral partially and totally blind curlcls practise their skills One of the hair Oxford country home to settle down to work Susan soiiicthing has hup pcncd he told his wife He was rushed to thc hospital where his cotiditioii worsened Ill what doctors called progrcs sivc sttokc He had liccn listed as dangerously ill since Mon day and family sources said he suffered lllilt brain damage Mrs rosliind tlll American born journalist who ltlts in dcr the nann Susan ltzirnis bcnt said and then upbraidett thc onscrvntivcs for com plicity agrccing in principle totlicbill Mr iilllllllll the Social trcdit spokesman said thcgov crnmcnt will hurt national unity by continuing to siphon money out of Quebec Showing the av dictips snlfcrcd by some of tlic curlers are problem with night iitgtll and sometimes flashlight tit lhc cud of the rink can supple incnt thc crlnil instructions said her husband had always been hard worker He would not have wanted to live any othcrway lributcs began to pour in il tcr roslands death was an nounccd Prime Minister liinics allagliau said am deeply saddened by the tragic death of Tony rosland For it years he was close collcagtic and friend and major political fig tirc whose death is great loss to thc gchrnnicnt thc coiiiilry and the Laborpurly Che Eartha Examiner The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Saturday February 19 1977 WEATHER FORECAST COLDER BERNIER 0N CONSER VA TION Nonresidents have hunting rights too lOltONlO itli Although controls on nonresidcnts are sometimes necessary more comprehensive and sophiS ticatcd management is the key to wildlife conservation in Oti tario Leo licinier Ontario nor thern affairs minister said Friday Mr Bernier said in an inter view following speech to the annual meeting of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Run ters that many conservation problems could be alleviated by moving hunters and tourists out of areas where game is do pleted Summit talks for Carter WASHINGION tAIt Wes tern diplomats arc talking about the possibility of Presi dent arter visiting some key European capitals if two springtime summit meetings in London can be arranged officials reported the idea is in the talking not the planning stage with nothing definite for either of the con fcrenccs Nonetheless the officials said this much is certain mfhere is to be summit level meeting of major iii dustrialized countries in Loti don on date yet to be agreed urrcnt thinking suggests twoor threeday session on economic and probably po litical affairs may be held dur mg the first week of May artcr already has signalled his willingness to attend those important talks surces said Ihcn May iii and 11 in Loti don there is to be meeting of the North Atlantic oiincil to be mummmmtw JAMAWV to make aiming more ac curatc Itogcr tiillispit uses the shining light here to help the curlcr at the otlir cud of the rink More photos on page It Ilainincr lliotot fresland was to have accom panied allaghan to Washington next month for meeting with President Jimmy artcix and was planning this summers British our inonwcalth conference in Lon don rosland born Aug 29 ltfltt was the son of senior civil serr vant and an honors graduate at Oxford University in philoso phy politics and economics llc iscrvcd in tlicSecond World War as paratrtxipcaptain attended by NATO foreign ministers and possibly also by heads of those membergov ernments Willing to come presidential decision to participate almost certainly officials suggested would at tract most of Carters fellow leaders with the probable ex ception of French President Valery Giseard dEstaing In 1973 Giscard dEstaing made political spectacle of not attending that last NATO summit SEPTIC TANK FROM MARS LOUISVILLE Ky AP thn meteorite exploded over Louisville two weeks ago scientists thought they might find scores of fragments They asked the public to help but now having theyre thoughts Ive got pieces of paveL merit coal rocks fossilized coral pieces of blacktop roads limestone things like that says Tom Boone astronomy professor at the Tniversityoflouisville One person reported melted hole in the snow When one of Boones as sistants went out started dig ging he found warm septic tank Scientists did find four fragments which had struck two roofs window and the hood of an automobile second Seeks damages for prisoner lt ltt tNlt It ltironlo lawyer representing ltenc Vaillancourt says the convicted killer has ordered him to site the federal government for cruel and unusual punishment dont blame him lawyer IIail llasncr said lhursday After six months in solitary confincincnt hcshad it iillancourt was sentenced to hang for the murder of Metropolitan loronto policeman btit larlianicnt abolished capital punishment last year However there has been no decision made as to how killers should be iii caiccratcd To date aillancourt who is It Millhavcn penitentiary and others like him have been kept Ill narrow cells up to 23 hours day Mr llasncr said he will lllillxt an application to the Sn prcmc ourt of anada on aillincourts behalf He said he will also ask lordaniagcs lhc unadiau Bill of flights says that unless otherwise pro llttl laws shall not be inter prctcd or applied to impose or authorize the imposition of cruel and unusual punishment tililtfllllltltl know there are some people who would like to see all foreigners ke tout he said But we ont want to be isolationists We like to go to Florida and other places to en joy their resources so dont think we can keep everything to ourselves the other hand we dont want to give our resources away MAY INCREASE FEES Mr Bernier suggested that nonresidents may increasingly be asked to bear their share of resource management through increased licensing fees Mr Bernier recently took over the newlycreated nor thern affairs portfolio after several years as natural resour ces minister Ile said government concern for conservation is underlined by the addition Friday of seven new wildlife species and one plant to the provinces Endan gered Species Act Species added to the list which means they are off limits to hunters and collectors in cludethe piping plover the Es kimo curlew the golden eagle the white pelican and the Lake Erie water snake The addition of the three oth ers to the listthe West Vir ginia white butterfly the cou gar and the small white ladys slipper orchidmark the first time an insect mammal and flower have been put in the endangered category in On tario Manhattan rocked by blasts NEW YORK AP Two ex plosive devices went off outside the Gulf Western and Chrysler buildings in midManhattan shortly before midnight Friday night authoriticssaid Two pedestrians received mi nor cuts from flying glass at the Chrysler building man claiming to represent militant Puerto Rican group known as FALNArmed Forces of National Liberationsaid his group was responsible for the explosions The FALN has claimed re sponsibility for several ex plosions at banks and buildings in Manhattan in recent years including blast that killed fotir persons more than two ill$ gt Con tract won by blackmail MONTREAL ttPi spokesman for Montreals sub urban mayors says the 5200 po liccincn of the Montreal Urban oinmunity won contract set ttenient earlier this week through blackmail and in inidation Descary mayor of Lacti tlld chairman of the orr ruce of Suburban Mayors Friday the agreement the urban communitys iiic Brotherhood represents surrender to group off ttiiiarnied men The suburbs he said are dis uirbcd by the prospects of high costs involved in police pen sion settlement made retro active to 192 Under the settlement reached lhtirsday morning between the brotherhood and the Public Se curity Council policeman will have scvmreigliths of his pen sion indexed to the cost of living from the retirement age of 55 Two sentenced in dynamite case Sl IIIOMAS ttlt Iwo Blenheim men were sentenced lliursday to two concurrent thrccycai terms in pcnitcu tiary after pleading guilty in provincial court to dangcrous use of explosives Michael Fields lit and ltus sell olcbrook 19 were charged Nov 20 for placing dynamite along window ledge at the lircwcrs ltctail store in ltodncy about 30 miles west of here blowing otit the front door and windows and causing dam agcof$ltl3tl They were also charged for placing dynamite against hydro pole in the town of West Lorne about 23 miles west of here knocking down the pole and shattering windows iii three houses Fields was sentenced Feb 10 in liatliain court to another tlirceycar term in penitentiary for possessing 97 sticks of dyna initc All his terms will run con currctitlv olebrook was sentenced Feb in tlic liathain court to oneyear term in penitentiary for breaking and entering and for theft of explosives from workshop in llovcr Township Ilis terms will also run con currently laines Aldertoii 20 of Bleir heim and Larry Dakius 21 of West Lorne both pleaded guilty to charges in connection with the explosions and are to ap pear in provincial court here on Feb 21 for sentencing