FRANK MACDONALD left director of education for the Simcoe County Roman Catholic Separate School acdon aid discusses policies with Vince Eagan chairman of the board Mr told the boa rd Wednesday llmlrtl Depodestat August date set for resignation By PETER lellESlA Examiner Staff Reporter Frank Mcdonaid director of education for the Siincoe Coun ty Roman Catholic Separate School Board is resigning Mr Macdonald told the board Wednesday night his resignaA tioti is effective Aug 31 TheSOyearold Barrie resir dent was hired as director of GdUCation wheii the board was formed in 1909 He has almost 35 years iii the education field including 15 years as teacher and prin cipal in North York 11 years as an area superintendent in Sim coe County for the ministry of edu ation and nine years as the Trustees The board accepted the resignation and appointed four lohn Brennan Gabriel Marchand Maurice Ilclarland and Michael ltontm to search for new director Mr Macdonald said there is no particular reason for his resignation at this time apart from the 113 years he has work ed lm iii perfect health he said He said as soot as the resignation is tflttli he iii tends to do all the things never had ime do before in cluding traveihng curling golfing and enjoying his cotr night resigning effective Aug 31 Examiner Photo by Peter he is director of education tage Floating PD days considered by board Vince Eagan wants some flexibility in the 19771978 pro fessional developments lays for spearate school teachers We should have floating professional activity day which is used when the teachers can get to schools and the children cant Mr Eagan chairman of the Simcoe County Roman Catholic Separate School Board said Wednesday night Mr Eagan put four trustees Gabriel Marchand Mary Jo Quilty Maurice mclarland and Lynn Murphy on cotllttitlr tee to decide the professional activity days The coitiniittee is to report to the hoard by April Frank Macdonald director of education said the board has to set specific dates for profes siotial activity days which are approved by the ministry of education Any changes to the dates he said has to lic ministry ap proval Soine day when the kids 21113 get to sihool theie are some teachers who cant make it ttthcrf he said Mr lacdoiiald saiit there is maximum of 10 tl1ool days til 10771070 and at cording to the iiititstry the board has to have at least 131 teaching days This means maximum of 12 professional activity days can beset hesaid THERE WERE handshakes and smiles Wednesday night when McDonalds Restaur ants held blacktie dinner to celebrate the sixth an niversary of the Barrie fran chise led iorski left owner of franchises in Barrie rillia and Midland rcceii ed special handshake from George ohon president of McDonalds in tanada lim Adair manager of the larrie outlet had lot to smile about too tlduiminer Photo by Sheila lctfmerni McDonalds celebrates $15 million success Take 210000 pounds of meat 240000 pounds of potatoes and clown named Ronald do it all for everyone and youve got gross incomeof$1 million Wednesday McDonalds franchise owner led orski gathered his staff frotn Barrie rillia and Midland together at the Embassy Hall for black tie dinner They were celebrating the sixth anniversary of the Barrie franchise along with the open ing of the Midland franchise iii December 1976 the opening of March date of rctic Cup The Barrie Rotary Rugby Club will hold its annual Arctic Cup SnowBowl March star ting at 10 dm on Kempenfelt Bay just off Centennial ark Teams from throu bout the provinceareexpecte the rilha franchise iii lay 1073 and the extensive renova tions to the llarrie outlet scheduled for completion I11 March ttver the long liattl Mr Gor ski said McDonalds ltcs taurants are the largest and fastest growing fastAfood stores iii Canada While the staff gathered iii groups and shouted out the name of their franchise Stilltlr ding like high school students at football game graphs adorn ed the walls attesting to the rapid sales growth of McDonalds outlets in Snncoe ounty Last year the larric otttlet sold 200000 hamburgers 220000 cheesebuigers 1115000 Quartcrpoiinders 133000 Quarterpounders with heese aiid5370001ig Macs It grossed$1ï¬ million Staff motivation is impor tant Mr roski said lheconi patty uses program of iticen tivcs and personal recognition tokecpthcetnployeengoing lhe ilarric store hires lot of students who remain with the company anywhere between one month and four years he said btit the average is about four months George tohon president of McDonalds in anada said the restaurants began in the United States 20 years ago and have spread to 23 countries around theworld They all stick to the basics of quality cleanliness anti speed to ensure consistency he said Mr tohon said he is concern iid about every competitor that moves into the anadian market bitt he is not greatly concerned by the prospect of the American giant llurger King entering the anadian market He said he had not received any indication that company is intending to niakea bigmoveto tlietanadianmarket Jail sentence to Barrie man Thomas John Lewis 22 of Barrie convicted of indecent assault was sentenced to two years less day definite and another year indefinite in pro vincia criminal court Wednes day by Judge Don Inch Lewis had pleaded guilty to the charge Feb harges of attempted rape and attempted buggery were dropped by assistant rown at torney Tom lcary at that time Ile as charged in connection with an incident Nov 18 at the Simcoe oin Laundry at Simcoc and Maple Streets He has been in custody since then Lewis is now serving two con secutive terms of six months for theft Judge liicli recommended tnedical and psychiatric treat ment for Lewis and suggested Guelph or Brampton institu tions because of their tnedical facilities Lewis suffered severe in juries in two accidents one in 1968 and another in 1969 which defence lawyer Paul llermiston said will require lifelong treat ment He said after the accidents Lewis was said to have verbal IQ of just 66 at age 13 but that he was fully recovered as long as he stays on medication and doesnt drink lle needs structured socicL ty and he needs medical care said Mr llermiston Rehabilitation at Guelph or Brampton could be real factor forliim lts unfortunate there snt some other place than jail to help him he said Mr leary asked for reasonable amount of time in the sentence because the public needs the protect ion long period of indefinite time could be the answer he said Sales still slow for new licences leople who waited in long Iiiie tips for their licence stickers last Feb 21 havent learned their lesson liiii Webb manager of liar rics motor vehicle liceticc of tice says sales of 1077 stickers are rttniiing at the same rate as last years and promise another lastrmmute crush Feb 314 The week before last was exceptionally good in sales he said today but then things went back to normal It looks as if were going to be in the satiie mess iii the last week of sales He said Saturday when the of fice was open frotti am to noon there were number of sales including ones to people from oitt of town The office is open am to noon and to pm weekdaysaswell lart ofthc problem once the motorist arrives says Mr Webb is ignorance over what the office needs Motorists should bring the fee their motor vehicle permit and proof of insurance lS THERE AN owner out there Scamp blonde labrador retriever sneaks peak around the edge of his kennel while renewing ac quaintance with kennel maid Mrs lhyllls Rolfe at the Barrie Humane Society The Ifarrie Examiner Thursday February 171977 shelter Scamp is one of about 50 dogs and cats now living at the shelter Based on 1976 statistics his chances An excited welcome for visitors but of finding home are slightly better than 50 per cent Ex aminer Photo Death is the probable fate for half of Shelter guests Most of the dogs in the Barrit lliitiiane Society shelter on latr terson Road howl an excited welcome to any visitor to their compound its as if they know theres chance new home may be coming their way and are be ing judged by the warmth of their iecepttoii But one German Shepherd didnt move muscle She lay placidly 11 her kennel return ing stare with htt le more than ati aloof ackninvlcdgcmtnt She seemed beyond the point of car mg coiitetit to take liitever fate would deal her it could be death The grim reality lS that 11130 unclaimed Saving water saves money con tends Ald Bill Knowles Ald Bill Knowles would like to save some water iii Barrie Atid he hopes his fellow city cottiicil members will help him doit Ald Knowles says he plans to ask as soon as possible folcolttr cil endorsement of water saving devices such as reduced flow shower heads toilet tank liners and acrators for kitchen taps Universal use of such devices by Harrie residents could save as tnuch as 102 million gallons of water year better than months output for the citys sewage treatment plant Aid Knowles says When you work up the numbers if comes to hell of lot of gallons and hell of lot of money he says The biggest contributor Aid Knowles says would be the rediiccdflow shower head Such devices he says cut water consumption froin 100 gallons per shower to 40 in million gallons year based on one shower week for 30000 people The special shower heads cost about $15 Aid Knowles says and similar results cati be obtained with special restric iolS which cost on $4 The devices do not harm shower quality says Ald Knowles who has reduced flow head on his own shower Ald Knowles lists several methods of saving sortie of the five gallons used each time standard toilet is flushed Special toilets costing about $00 extra can cut consumption to two gallons per flush he says or foam liners or even few bricks can reduce usage on standard tanks lf 30000 residents flush twice day and save three gallons per flush by one of these methods Ald Knowles says total savings would amount to gallons year Another saving of about three million gallons would come from use of tap aerators in every home Ald Knowles estimates iii addition to conserving water Ald Knowles says use of such devices would mean substantial savings for residents on their water bills and also oii the cost of heating tater since less water used showers means less but water Moreover he says the city might beablc to saveon capital costs as reduced water use would mean expansions of the sewage treatment plant would not have to come so soon Aid Knowles says he would liketosee taterrsavingdevices tiiadc compulsory in new con struction but the city has no power at present to lay down such requirement though council recently voted to slip port Region of Waterloo mo tion asking the provincial government to give mimic lpalities that power Meanwhile he says the city can at least endorse the use of such devices animals had to be destroyed last year by the Barrie Society tin happier note 1300 were adopted and 000 reclaimed by theirowncrs ecil Henson who recently took ovet as manager of the shelter after three years as driver is the man with the iinenviable task of deciding which animals are to be pttl to sltll lhe deed is done with an injection by veterinarian Dr llllt1 during one of his regular itsits Its not happy task for Mr llciison He knows the potential enjoyment that some of the ibandotied pets could provide tine of ills two logs t1 Wltt haired terrier cross called liny was an lth hour adoptec lniy was brought back to the shelter lltt by people who stiltl she was too hard itillillltlli ltcr three weeks her time was starting to rim short was real attached to her atid finally took her home Money wouldnt buy her now Shes titted right 111 at ottrhotiie he said liogs picked upon city streets and area roads ltecoitie the pro pcrty of the Humane Society alter l1t days if unclaimed by then owners lbey ttlilltll pitt up llil adoption titiials are also put tip for adoption trectly it brought in by then owners small percentage of what we get here is tagged Mostly theyve got no collar no tags nothing leyust hopetheowner will come and claim the dog would say 00 per cent of people 10 pipes freeze up Water pipes are fret7mg this winter in one of the worst years the citys water departtncnt has experienced says depart tiient spokesman lohn itittl its one of the worst years weve had both on private pror perty and on tnain lines he says len tiiaiii pipes have froen so far while Mr Firth estimates another 20 have had to be thawed on private proper its problem communities throughout the Georgian ltay region are experiencing says lledley lalmer regional marketing manager for tntario llydro Its cotiiiiioti problem par ticularly iii the sainll towns lll the Muskoka region said Mr lalmer today We have con tacted all electrical utilities in the Georgian llay region rciiiitt ding tlietii of the danger of fire it steps are not taken to isolate frocn pipes from the electrical system when people try to thaw them 111 llarrie ltlt workers are usually on hand whether thaw ing is being done oii city or privateliiies Anything frown from the property line itito the house isnt oitr resmnsibility says Mr birth but we tell people to call welders and we try to helpout People doing it themselves can cause problems says Mr ialmer The usual method is to use niotordrivcn welding generator he said that generates fairly small voltage leoltsiipto20or24 lart of the generator is at taclied to the frozen pipe with the other part attached to the main system hesaid When they start it up the current flows through the water pipe and it only takes two to three minutes to thaw it out hesaid ilut while current is thawing the pipe says Mr lalmcr it is also travelling through groun ding systems and can ignite fires iii nearby homes where grounding points arent conr pletely secure in addition to the serious danger of fire electrical ap pliantes may also be dainag ed says Mr lalmer He says people with frozen pipes should contact lU or llydro workers before trying to soIVethe problem themselves do not buy dog tags for their dogs said Mr llenson MANY NWARE In his view many residents appear to be pleter unaware of the bylaws regarding pets leople move up from loron to anti figure werc in Barrie now the dog doesnt need to be tied up The bylaw says that dog must be kept tied and confined on its own property During daylight theres no bylaw that says log cant bark llut it must be taken in one hour after sundown Then it can bark its heati off as long as its confined to the garage house kennel or whatever Theyre not suppos ed to be let out iiiitii one hour aftersiinrise he explained lr llcnson suggested that copy of the bylaw be distributed when owners register their animals at the first of theyear Most of the animals at the shelter are dogs llumane society drivers dont pick tip cats on city streets thus the only way we get cats is if sottitlititl picks them tip atitl calls us said Mr lleiisoti me of the recurring tactics with cats is to drive out into the country and drop them off Nine otit of 10 are females said the shelter manager Through his experience as driver Mr Henson has seen the uglier side of the pet scene An array of pictures in the lobby of the shelter depict pathetic cases of animal neglect Barrie coin city tioii positions The board approved six per cent increases within anti intlation board guidelines for the director of education superintendent of schools and superintendent of business and finance The director of education will get $2124 added to his $134th year salary while the two superintendents will get $1701 each added to their $29900 salaries All the increases are effective as ofJan 11977 No increase in fringe benefits holiday schedule or any other form of remuneration Report asked on restrictions Planning board has asked the citys planning department for report on zoning restrictions which prohibit bus ter minals on an upper Hayfield Street site which is in fact being used as terminal by lravelways Ltd The city is moving to enforce zoning restrictions on the property and planner Rick Jones said iii memo to the board the firm which must have Harrie terminal within half mile of Highway 400 as con ditioti of its licence for its rilliaBarrieToronto service may relocate outside city limits if zoning restrictions re main iii force Wins first at music festival Desmond Maley 22 of Barrie won first place in the con cerlo for piano and orchestra modern class at the Kiwanis Music Festival in Toronto Nll Itinancial tiit ic Guest Speaker Marion Bryden financial critic for the Ontario New Democratic Party will discuss unemployment and the economy at general meeting of the Simeoe en tre Nll riding association Feb 122 Mrs Bryden tMliL lseacliesWoodbine was elected to the legislature in 1075 She has served as member of federal and pro vincial policy review coni tiiit tees and as the research director of the Ontario Nll caucus She is currently member of the task force on social security and family allowance for the tanadian ouncil on Social Develop ment The general meeting will begin at it pm at the Bar rie Public Library He won the concerto class last year as well Mr Maley student of Evalyn Lindsey has been study ing piano off and on since he was nine and has been serious student for the last three years Three named to bylaw committee The Slmcoe ountt Roman Catholic Separate School Board appointed three trustees Lloyd LaPlume Joseph MacNeil and William llodgins to an ad hoc committee to review the boards policies and procedure bylaw NDP financial critic guest speaker Some people have called and said pick up stray dog You know when you get there that the dog wasnt abandoned He belongs right there Its irresponsible when theyve lost dog and dont think enough to call us lot of times an owner doesnt really want dog Its cheap way to get rid of them said Mr Hen son ROOM FOR 75 The shelter has room for peak of 75 animals at one time The facilities are particularly taxed in summer when females allowed to run loose while in heat are brought in with their pups and kittens Theyre kept as long as we cancpossibly keep them to find goo home for them Eventual ly though we run out of space and theres only one alter native says Mr Henson The local Humane Society hasnt yet had sparying and castration clinic such as was recently introduced in Toronto clinic offering lesser prices for those services would be welcome innovation in his view lwo posters in the shelter lobby tell the tale The first reads Have them fixed Oh no we want our kids to see the wonders of birth The second with litter of kit tens overshadowed by hand clutching needle reads dont forget to show them the Salaries go up for administrator The Simcoe oimty Roman atholic Separate School Board increased the salaries for the three top administra