The Barrie Examiner Thursday February 17 1977 Female teachers mistake strength for weaknesses Men women are too busy for socializin SINGAPORE AP Mar its books ranging in age from riage bureaus say business is 18to70 Others are very choosy One men before she found her Mr client had to be introduced to 30 Right EDMONTON CP Heleen McLeod assistant superinten dent of pupil services for the Edmonton public school board disagrees with the opinion that school administrator has to be highly authoritative with people preferably over 55 and male Ms McLeod 35 doubts that even with encouragement many more women will seek out administrative jobs Some of the reasons are quite subtle The women tend to think this is going to be their whole life Many young female teachers mistake their strengths for weaknesses and think that because theyre pri marily interested in kids and parents and the community that theyre less qualified for top administrative role But that interest is what its all about Ms McLeod said many women forgo promotion for family reasons For good or bad if youre going to raise family there has to be at least as much com mitment for that as for your job Many women think its un reasonable to think they could do job like this well and still raise children WORKED AS CONSULTANT She started as counsellor teacher in 1961 after leaving university and combined work with university masters and doctoral studies summer re search project in Greenland and consulting duties with several city agencies In 1972 she applied for job as acting director of coun selling services and to her sur prise got the job year ago she became assistant superin tendent Now she said feel people are watching me partly as my self and partly as woman feel great sense of re sponsibility to do well for other women Ms McLeod said that after 15 years of work in schools she has becomean optimist Im optimistic enough to be lieve that our schools provide diversified experience to meet the needs of almost every child Theres greater emphasis on individual education to take care of the needs of special youngsters growing tendency to look at the youngsters strengths and build on these AWARENESS GROWING She said there is growing public realization that if child cant do well in school it doesnt necessarily count him out for life All youngsters cannot achieve the same in each area People are seeing greater need for children to stay in school longer to get special training People were more willing to ask for extra help or special treatment for child who was unable to survive in programs geared for average youngsters Students and parents are more open about the childs special needs talents weak nesses There arent as many labels as before Particularly heartening was the move to integrate children with special problems with nor mal youngsters TEACHERS VITAL At one time she said parents and society used to lock away youngsters who were retarded but today it is possible for many retarded children to go to school and with special train ing eventually become em ployed The greatest strength of the school system she said is the good teachers Theres real difference be tween the bright and the me diocre teacher and its not something thats dependent on their training or education great teacher can excite the students get them excited about learning unlock their minds Ms McLeod said she doesnt know whether she will seek higher position in Edmonton or in another school district lot depends on what hap pens with my private life she said SUNNlliALIC ART CLASSES Kathy Wismer proudly displays the result of her labors at Saturday morning art class conducted by lica Ilogan at Sunnidale Coin munin cntrc Texture rub bins and contour drawings wcrc also on thc program for the 30 students Saturday the first day of the class Ex aminer Photo Waterfowl influences art BOLTON nt tCIi Batik artist Joan Donnelly goes to the birds to find inspiration for her work with fabric She says the waterfowl raised as hobby by her husband icr aid at their farm near this com munity give her plenty of ideas for patterns study the way the swans geese and peacocks move and play around with the colors but the designs dccidc on finally are sort of an essence fantasy of what they are she said Thc walls of her studio arc covcrcd with skctchcs filled with thc motion of wings and splashrxl with rich colors Mrs lionnclly oncc dcvclopcd rich blue velvet with pattcrn dcrivcd from thc flow of color and line of pcacocks tail tcathcr IIicrc arc pitiii of tcaihcis shc said lictausc thc peacocks Iosc hcir tails in ugiist Mrs lonncll has writtcn pamphlet on the art of batik for the Ontario education ministry and teaches the craft She also works with leather and likes to experiment with collage paint ings Most of her work has been iri fluenced by her surroundings she said Oh not everything comes up birds can get carried away with the shape of leaf or but terfly wing And bugs are really interesting ANN LANDERS Sleep alone for own safety Dear Ann Landers What is wrong with man who hits kicks or pulls his wifes hair in his sleep Four times in the last three months Ive been awakened by fist in the face and kick in the back Once he tried to choke me Last night he was pulling my hair shouting Why did you do that When question him the following morning he seems re sentful as if have no right to say anything seeing as how hr does all this in his sleep This morning after receiving nocturnal black cyc decided to ask you about it We have two empty bedrooms now that our children are gonc Should sleep alone for my own safety My husband is as strong as an ox and Im afraid of him Shiner For My Hrd WeddingAnniversary Dear Shiner Quit while youre behind and move into the guest room If the ox walks in his sleep put lock on the door The man has some deepseated hostilities which may or may not involve you Nevertheless you could wind up with frac tured skull Dear Ann Landers That boy who cried when his cat died but couldnt manage tear for his grandmother upset me Had he known his grandmother maybe he could have cried for Iltl too The boys letter pointed out one of the major tragedies of our timethe breakdown of family life Everybody is so busy doing his own thing theres no time for excess baggage Iikc grandparents We are the lost generatiorrstrangers to our children and strangers to their children have searched my soul for answers and can find none am available and eager to see my family and they know it But my phone doesnt ring Sad isnt it Lonesome Dear Lonesome Yes it is and have no magic solution If you live in the same city perhaps you could invite the grand children to your place and teach them to knit or crochet or bake cookies Buy coloring books and paints and crayons In other words do something together Sometimes the mountain has to go to Mohammed Dear Ann Im17 and have had some bad luck In the last five months totalled car and lost three teeth in the process few weeks later fell on some glass cut my leg to the bone and had to have 25 stitches Last week broke my wrist skatelxuirding Im good skateboard rider and love the sport But that was the straw that broke the camels back as far as my dad was con cemed He says Im cursed and has ordered me to stay away from anything that could get me into an accident say Im not cursed and plan to continue skateboarding as soon as get this cast off my arm Do you agree with me Hard Luck Harry Dear Harry dont believe in curses but you certainly are accidentprone If your lad says nix on the skateboard youd better cool it fella With your defiant attitude youre good bet to land in the hospital again if you continue to take risks CONFIDENTIAL to In Very Big Mess But Meant Well Take your lumps Dont look for an escape hatch Oscar Wilde was right when he said It is always with the best of intentions Dear Ann My neighbor makes extreme statements about people we both know Some of the things she says are hard to believe and impossible to prove unless you wrnt right to thr person and asked him to his face Most of her information is so personal wouldnt dare When show signs of disbelief she gets out the family biblc and takes an oath on it What do you thinkofthisBigu Dear People of integrity expect to be believed They also know time will prove them right and are willing to wait To liar bible oath means nothing It Wouldnt impress inc in the slightest Dear Ann Just one question Why do pcoplc who Would never dream of asking fat woman how iriucli shc weighs con sider it perfectly OK to ask wrrllproportioncd woman who is tr How tall are you Im fairly goodnatured person but the amazement sonic nurds express when circumvent the question gets my goat might add The weather is just fine up here you creepsTall Enough Thanks Dear In answer to your question in casc you for got you asked They are insensitive oafs There is no other cxr planation IOR IISII ANI CHIPS BAKICI GOODS OR SUBS ITS TIIIC DIKWORIIIILAZA HIh Chip We fry Multan $170 Scludl Idud Good 000 aint tested pine till youve tasted our 50 up L99 Boultons Catering 7166694 1264171 ERMA lillt lx Bullthrow sport part of Olympics Inc of tthc days new sport will bc addcd to the Olympic gamrs calch simply too vcntion IIardcncd athlctis from all our tho world will conic togcthcr to compctc lIl om ot thc most gruelling ttlll in sports history sur vivinga convcntion Thc cvcnt ill bc trillllilllilltill of marathon IlIIllIllltL tIIlllkllllJ tcla tinst lc lying and crcamcd chickcn cat athon liut all cycs lII be upon thc iiiincr ot thr toii vcntion liccathlon scrim ot Io lrllgt to tcst the physical and incntal tiidurantt ol thc athlctcs ltitiMctcr Illcyator Iiash Two clcvators are situated in hotcl boasting 323 rooim and being the host of 13tttt convcntionccrs Thc mectings arc schcdulcd in thc Iroriicnadc Room which is on tho incraninc Iitlttll thc third and fourth floors and is scruml clcvator No bctwccn thc hours of and ti 11 III Nooncknows this Outlasting thr Kcynorltlci Sptakcr This has been comparcd to waking up It thr recovery room and bciiig askctl to applaud convcntionccr in Miami oncc sat through keynod spcakcrs in tour days lhcy say this cigar burnt right through his llirlt tingcr and hcdidnt cvrn fccl it it Thc Namc Tag Ilurdlc Sonic lIlIl aIcck will always Icavc Ills nairw tags his lfVllllttltttiliiil lil tillllllHH AliWill ill fil Wtill it Hit Itll llt 111 thrth event of mi iii it mil will intit lit IAH wt tilt litl ittiv FEBRUARY 27 AND 23 AT I5 fASIVItW SICONDARY H001 rooms and you are forced to look at his face This could throw lapel man who goes through the entire convention smiling and convcrsing with chests Thc Surprisi Visit From The Wife High Jump lhc rccoid for this onc was sct in 1934 Ii cookbook salesman from Gary Ind who trird to conviricc his wifc he was ncarsighlcd and thought the sign read Message Iarlor Small Talk Hull Throw fiveday norr stop talking compctition in which thc talkcc must carry on conversation without saying anything worth rcpcating tliallciiging Thc Great Divide week of dividing dinncr cheques 20 ways dividing room service to ways and bar bills nine ways This is culriiinatcd by dividing the cost of taxi ridc to thc airport in which Frank got off at TWA Frid rode on Erics lap Harvey wciit to Itrariiff Rod to American and Neal lcll his luggagrat tliecurb at the hotel it to lhc last four events are related to onc another After the conventionccr has ovcrcatcn ovcrindulgcd overstayed and ovcrcstiinatcd his worth to the company he must return home and explain to his OIII ploycr why the scal on his convention kit is still not brokcn and why an item on his ex pcnsc account reads Tongue shaved $5 plustip the premiere the season li ll llil ll tlltltlti AJlltiNi tilt AIllI ANT iAM ANT MIISIL FOR INFORMATION CALL 728 3637 If lilhltttlltAIfl ithlttl booming because many Sing aporeans with yen for wedded bliss are too busy to seek out mates Women work in the day and take courses at night said Patsy Iay of the Singapore Marriage Bureau It leaves them almost no time to mix so ciaIIy For men who work on shifts making friends is also difficult There are more than 30 bu reaus and representatives of several said business has al most tripled since 1973 Some boast an 80 per cent success rate Statistics indicate that for ev ery one of the 23408 persons married in 1975 there was at least one lonely heart registered with marriage bureau dating service or other introductory agency One in every dozen marriages in 1975 was said to have originated with marriage bureau help Singapores population is 22 million more than 75 per cent of whom are ethnic Chinese The marriage bureaus saytheir clients are predominantly Chi nesc sociologist estimates about two per cent of the women here mostly Malays and Indians still accept the tra ditional form of arranged mar riages between families CLIENTS VARY Bureau bills range from $50 about $20 Canadian to $800 from registration to the day the knot is tied Iraditional match makers charge as much as $800 Andrew Soh said his Asia Marriage Aid charges inenr bersliip fee of $30 for woman and $50 for males because men earn more than women The fee for each intrrxluction is $5 and there is no limit to thr number of intrrxluctions When wedding bells ring final fcc of$15ti ispaid Female clients arc gcncrally attractive girls in their latc teens or early 2is The men arc often qualificd professionals younger than 45 Thcsc pcoplc siriccrcly want to get married said thc man agcr of one burcau lhc riiod crn way of life and prcssurc of work gives thcm no chance to meet friends They feel alicn ated and come to us for help The first mccting usually takes placc at the bureau Sub scqiicnt datcs arc left to thc mans initiative llowcvcr ciaI burcaus airaiigc social gatherings for groups of singlcs instead of onc to onc in troductions SUM MOVE IST Sonic sccrn to fall in lovc with thc first match gct cri gagcd wrthin thc first month of courtship and are married by their second month of acquaint ancc said thc spokcsman for bureau which claims to havi about 20m marriagc scckcls on BAYFIElD MAll WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS ARE FOR THE PRICE OF ROUND TRIP TO TORONTO WITH TRAVELWAYS TRAVEL DAYS With the purchase of one regular round trip fare $905 Orillia $695 Barrie Two adults ride together for the price of one friends husband and wife relatives Same Day Return Bay Gerard ENJOY New Golden Carpet Hostess Service Seven Days Week Lots of Free Parking PARCEL EXPRESS Bus Lines Ltd TRAVELWAYS LTD EUR TRIM COAT Oppossum Collar l00°° Wool Colours Camel Red Green Silos IQIOIB Colours Blue Gold Red Brown SizetholB FUR TRIM COAT Mink Collar l00°ro Wool Colours Block Blue Sizes to I8 Solid Grey Blue Green Black Sizes to IR FUR PANT COAT Spotted Muskrat Raccoon Collor Border Leather Trim Colours Coriiel Red Brown CARRIED ON ALL DEPARTURES SAME DAY SERVICE MILJAYS FlNALLETGO GREAT SAVINGS FU RS WINTER COATS SPORTSWEAR DRESSES At Both Terminals Why Drive Leave your car with us on our lot And Relax Call 3267377 For your reservations LIMITED GOWNS SAlE PRICE Reg $230 $11500 FULL lENGTH lEATHER CABRETIA COATS Reg $265 Reg $235 UNTRIMMED WINTER WOOL COATS Reg $125 $6250 ENGTH Reg 725 $49500 ABOVE ARE JUST FEW SPECIALS BARRIE ILJAYS LIMITED 737085