Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Feb 1977, p. 1

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EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation Classified Advertising All Other Departments 113th year No 40 7266539 7282414 7266537 The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Thursday February 17 1977 Cite flame Examiner 15 Per Copy Carrier HomeDelivery 85 Weekly WEATHER FORECAST 16 Pages CGE workers decide today On wage offer Workers at Barrie and 12 other Canadian General Electric plants across Ontario have up to 30 today to decide whether or not they will accept the companys latest wage offer The contract offer which would give employees at the Barrie plant an 85 per cent increase is supported by union leaders Sunday Laura MacDonald president of the United Electrical Workers local at the Barrie plant said the local executive and union negotiation team have recommended acceptance of the oneyear contract The proposed contract would increase the lowest wage rate to $552 an hour from $508 and the highest to $766 from $708 Mrs MacDonald said The raises would be retoractive to Dec 24 when the last contract expired Negotiations had gone to mediation before tentative agree ment was reached last week Contract talks involve about 450 workers at the Barrie plant and 6500 workers across Ontario Families ordered to leave homes KlltllENER Ont itPi lwo lowincomc families must vacate their apartments imme diately Judge Elizabeth not son ruled Monday She found that Mr and lrs Emil Zubcroyic and Mr and Mrs Damas llamel have intcr fered with the reasonable cn joyment of other tenants at the apartment building just dont see prolonging the agony shc said im surc the welfare people will assist lhc Zubcroyics and two sons are living on disability pcii sion The llamcls who have three children arc tl wcliaic Apartment owners ltadar Steven and Michael ltclic oi lo rotito sought the evictions ihc iamilics ill how about day to vacatc Pilots group union fined ll itl lhc him than Air LincPilotsssociation tCAIJA and thrcc top union leaders have been iound in con tempt oi court and lined ior pir lot work stoppages during nay tional air crisis last June lr lusticc tattaiiach of the Federal ourt oi tanada ruled in decision issued latc cdnesday that ll and the union leaders did not do all they could to ensure conr pliance with court injunction ordering pilots back to work duringthcnationai airstrikc lhc Ftdcral touit iiidgc oi dercd AlJA to pay Simon and ll president Kcn Ialcj $11M Robert MacKinnon an other top union oiiiciai hits iincd $730 and Norman httsttl Toronto local lcadir was or dcrcd to pay SBoo Mr Justice attanach said the union leaders did not have to actively promote breach of the June court injunction to be found guilty oi contempt oi court gt lwo arca dairy farmcrs who participated in tlic Simcoc ounly llolstcin lubs iarin tour tcdncsilay iltcrnoon had more to talk abotit than To avoid lttlllL in coittciiipi tiic dcicndanis had to show thc did all thcy could to picycin brcachcs oi thc court iii iunctioii Nllh illt tilti not ion llt said Furthci there was oyci whclniing evidence to the con trarj tlititl1t wcrc piiyy toall actions and policies adopted it tll MlSllllltlJll lli lustici tittatiach concluded that iostcr lo ronto ll lcatlci hail oi tlcrcd sonic ll piio it tlitiill iichinc tl Tilt iiiicrilonisicttit highcsi inotiycs siiiciivi iil hoiitstlj litlrl lhtj iitol ttilt sidcicd air satcty to iii para mount lint thc law must bi uphcld hc said liiczchcs oi court or ticis totllti not licttitiitolicii ilso riiilii ilt ir anada tl Air and riastcrii lroyincial iiii litgun illt contempt Itirftilii casc aitcr pilot oi stoppagis inoii iiiiinlicr Jtill thit is just samplc of tlic cli tlinsiasiii shown by thcsc car racers ciincdi night at mon the winner llic Kill Kar rally at Trinity Anglican church Iiyc ciib packs totalling some 120 cubs Inadc tlicir own cars aitd raced them on the track made by leadcr llcnk an lcr cldcn in semifinal Kub Kar racing linals will Bell appeals rollback on 13 000 employees llll3il tl lmll to appiii till iiti in coi no li iiii ision to roll iii stiiatlt int iringc iiiiii ltced dispute talks planned liliiltlls itiit tl ln liltl tlit tniion ptcnitlcnt dc scribcs is last ditch itttnipt at ltl ii triki by illittlil 253 bii it against llccd lid oiiriiils of thc conipaiiy and ltllillil and awinili Work ci nioii locit Ztii hau iiii to tilt tlici contract talks xi iixlaj ill kii Farmers in cartruck collision cons ifltr lhcy ycrc illOl ed in cartruck collision on Sidcroad to in llo lowii ship lhc latcniodcl scdan WAY TO INTERROGATION SAY Anglican arch NAlltOltl Kenya ltli The Anglican archbishop oi Uganda and two government ministers accused with him oi plotting against President ldi Amin were killed in car no cidcnt on their way to be questioncd liganda radio reported today Archbishop lanani luwnm liriol lllll£t Orycma minister ior lands anti rcsonr ccs and hailcs Oboth jumbc minister for internal affairs were arrested Wed ncsday following rally in Kampala thc Ugandan capital lhcy wcrc implicated by three intn uh oiicsscti taking part in iii alleged plot line oi thosc ioiiicssing tlic iorincr litad oi the public sciv icc commission said tllt plot to overthrow Amin was planned by iornicr president Milton tiboic whom Amin oiistiil in 1971 llc lives in iicigliiioion laiilania Archbishop uwuiii lllti Jill Amin in Kampala last iiickcnd and dcnicd any part in plot against lgimdas iulci Uganda ltadio said it was un dcistood llic iiittt iiicii were trying to ovcrpowcr an oiticcr in bid to cscapc iroiii car whcn tlic iccidciit occltttcd llic oiiiccr ho had littil driving was taken to hospital liiycn lctcr Iitaguc ltlt ilistoii and trIIck diiicii by llciir lcinoldci ltli llllil collided on winri lic was reported uncon stltills INQl IEH IlVVlCl itill iiiycsligation into the cicuiiistiiictm oi tlic crash will bchcltl thcizidiosaid in London it spokcsinan ior ihc ittlilililnip oi aiittibiiiy lti ltonald tiiggiin spiritual icadti oi the Angiican toniiiiu mon ollti Alilililfdittl luwum great tinistiaii huge pcionaiil and big man in all ways llc said lti ioggan was deeply shockcd at thc nch oiliisilcatli thiircli oiiicials outside lgandii Hitlt tlicy icat Amin is planning piirgc oi tlirisiiinis iii hi ihltl iricin country fits to it Hit oiiicc ti1ltl by tom pci cciit tcll pcrsoniicl viic picsidcnt llariy lilk IlLITirti iiitStllj union Iciidcrs picdgcd not to tilslilltl custoiiicr tlltt through piisstiic tactics lr liikiiigoi iiii thc company will shillii lij iiistiiititioiis it Liii Tlit lunttlt iot ll pti tllll vfliit tlll bcoctit packagi lii igc stiiycy showed that sillilllis oi Quebec and tintaiio clciical woikirs had ialicn lttlilllti ratcs oi othci group niti itttitti spcciiil id justiiicnt lioiirti itiilill milil final titcision oii tht ioii itiltk is cx pit thl no to thrlt months at tcithcoppcal isinadc wlli narrow citric on the road about foitr miles southwest of lllnivulc tlIxaiuincr Photo by John ltriicii REPO bishop of Uganda killed About lialioi lgandas ill mil lion pcoplc arc tliristians but Amin and about 13 pcr ccul oi thepopulationarcMoslinis Archbishop luwiim was among number of church leaders amt govcrnmcni offi cials assembled Wednesday outside Kampalas Nilc lar dciis Hotel to hear confessions read by iiballa Anywui former head ot the public scrvicc com mission John lolio an official oi the labor ministry and an or myoiiiccr Licut lien gwang As the three men read their statcmciits 3000 troops brought from all parts of the country shouted Kill lhcm iLili liicin loday ltut Amin Alianwhilc In thc litSltlclth lradc iiacticcs toiiimission said Wednesday that it plans to Initiatc major investigation undci tlic om lll1f investigation Act into cs ownership oi Northcrn lclccoiii lid lht investigation would dctcrmiiicwhcthcrthcrclation ship is in lill publics intcrcst commission yicc chairman luc toutuicsiiid The investigation expected to take six months is to include public licaiiiigs 1n cvtry prov incc tttlawa be held May fiild photoi wilds yycck it thc itlliiiltl iiit Niall k7 at Olav 15 Daddy is being slave the some as being poor $1 000 BILL SHOCKS BOARD Stirooo hydro electric bill ior January shocked Simcot tount ltoman aiholic Scp aratc School Hoard trustees icdncsday night in reviewing the January accounts ior the board Itaiiicy orbicrc supcriiitcn dcnt oi business drcw attcn tioii to the hydro bill for stllllttl maintcnancc and op cration lhats lot of hydro said ltoss Saunders trustcc Mr Saunders suggested the board administration send lctlcrs to thc lioaids 3t clcincntary school principals asking thctn to lll down tho usc oi electricity as much ispossihli Mr orbicrc said tlic board docs cncoiiragc con scrvaiioii oi electricity iii ilic schools llc addcd tlic board was hit with 311 per cciit incrcasc in hydro rates in January bccausc oi the Ontario llydio raic incrcasc its big itcin licsaid Industrial milk shortage caused by blunder expert KOlllJClt Ont tl milk expert with the Ontario ministry of agricult urc says the provinces cheese and butter makers are having to use milk from Quebec because of blunr dcr by the icdcral gchrnman Joseph Mciscr said in an in tcrvicw Tuesday that while there is no shortage of drinking milk in Ontario there has been shortage of industrial milk this winter Industrial milk is used to make dairy products and does iioi meet the standards of milk for human consumpt ion Mr Mciscr said the shortage said the prisoners Would get military trial and be judged properly before any sentence is passed Amin said that the coup was to have taken place on Jan 25 the sixth anniversary of his own coup lobo in his confession said two groups were seeking to oust Amin one in Kenya and the other in lanzanla lr luwum enthroned in June 1974 was only the second African elected to the office He was 52 Ordained priest in 1956 he spent several years studying at the London College oflivinlty is the result oi per cent rc duction in production ordcrcd by the federal government last April 15 Mr Mciscr said after piodd ing by Ontario Ottawa ordered four percent increase in in lustrial milk production but it was too late farincrs had rc dticcd their dairy herds to live within the cut JANANI llllll thrcc killed lIllllllllllllllIllllllllllIllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllIlIIIlllIIllllllllllllIlllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllll Wolf attacks two men near Port Severn Police and Humane Society officials are looking for brush wolf said to have attacked two men in the Port Severn area Tuesday Midland OIP Corporal Tom Geall said to day the animal was shot twice by Ontario Humane Society agent Bill Burns after it bit him Burns tracked the animal but had to stop because of darkness he said lcoplc in the area have been alerted say police and four men patrolling cottage coun try iii the area have had instructions to destroy the animal on sight Corporal lcall says all Oll patrols in the area have been alcttcd Hoth police and Humane Society oiiicials agrcc turns was attacked by the animal on the side of the road but their accounts differ Police say Huins had been looking for the animal after hearing an unidentified truck driycr had bccn attacked and wounded by the Wi ll torixiial ticall said litirns notified police he was looking for thc wolf and had been bitten Alexander Parry of the societys head of fice in Toronto says he knows nothing of another man being attacked He said Burns was attacked while helping an animal injured in car accident Parry says Burns has been treated by doctor with tetanus shots and antibiotics and says Burns doctor is waiting three days before deciding whether to give rabies shots was rabid He said he couldnt say whether the wolf One always has to anticipate that when wild animal comes down to public highway it is sick said Mr Perry Corporal Geall says he doesnt think the wolf has gone far He was shot twice with 22 calibre rifle and it depends on where Burns shot him he said today would imagine he is lying on the ground somewhere and has stiffened Corporal Geall says this is the first inci ent with brush wolf in the area he knows of He says fullgrown brush wolf is usually larger than German Shepherd IillIllilillllllllllillllllllllllllllllilllllilllllllIllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllll SCBE may begin study of Francoph ones plan Siincoc tounty Board of Education may start an cxtcn sivt study of giving Fran cophoncs in lcnctanguishcne education in French lrying Harris superintendent oi education said the board will coiisidcr motion from joint nicct ing oi board nictnbcrs and lrcnch languagc adusory committccVicdnisdaynight lhc two groups met to discuss the boards policy on Frenchspeakingeducation Mr Harris said coiniiiittcc with members from the board and the advisory committee would study Frenchlanguage program at Penetanguishcnc Secondary School The proposal will come up at the next board meeting titcdnesday at pmt he said Marcel Bcllchumcur chairr man of the advisory commit tcc said this morning the meeting at undlcs Heights Public School was very annnablc lhcrc were no fireworks hc said this morning Mr icllchumcur said be In DIRECTOR QUIT Penitentiary unmanageable NIIJ iilISiMlNSllJt it tl totiSwan said tcdiiis day night in quit as acting di rcctor oi the ltritisli olnnibia wnitcntiary bccaiisc thc ccn tiiry old maximumsecurity in stitutionisunmanagcablc lr Swan told special toin mons subcoiiiiiiittcc that it probably will takc thrcc yczirs to gct lilt pi ison back to normal iitci last Siptiiiilicis riot in which prisoncrs causid SI milliondaiiiiigi llc said lilt prison tcztlly is siycral lollctl into one with wine prisoricis iii supcrniax iiiiiiiii units othcrs in proicc tivc custody and othcrs in thc gcnctal prison population Milk price going up ltiltttNlO lt ltoininion liirics lid and lioidcn Ltd said ciliicsday that thcy arc planning wholesale pricc iiiciczisc ncxt wcck that would raise the retail pricc of milk to consunicrs by two cents quart ltosxcll yiccprcsidcni of liominion Dairies said the increase is to cover higher costs of labor packaging and cncrgy The Ontario Milk Marketing Board also announced chiics day fivcrpcrrccnt iiicrcasc in price paid to dairy farmers ci fcciivc April ticrald Ray president of Horr deiis said the company would definitely announce retail in crease after the producer in crease goes into citcci quart of homogcnilml milk now is sold for bctwccn 34 and 37 ccnts The producer increase which raises the farm price for raw milk from $1061 per him drcdwcight to $1201 falls within guidelines of thc fcdcral antiinllation board Most Ontario dairies in creased their price by onc cent quarter in the summer The l1ltSlt increase of fcciivc Monday has been ap proved by ilic antiinllation board WE WANT OPINIONS We want to know what you think about The Examiner On Page 15 of todays ltlx ainincr there is questionu nairc about The Examiner and it is your chancc to tell us what you like about your newspaper and what you dont like Ilcadcrs are invited to aiiswcr the questions and return the questionnaire to us Also appearing as witnesses at the subcommittee session inside the ltrfoothigh walls were Dragan crnetic who resigned as director few days before last Scptcmlxirs riot and Ken lctcrson who was ac ting director for several weeks To tcinct ic blamed ttfypcr ccii irnorcr in guards and an CA PsoLE NEWS believes few minor details were resolved by the meeting As the supply of Francophone teachers increases he said the board will hire the teachers as replacements at Penetan guishene The advisory committee meets about once month to discuss possible changes to the boards policies concerning teaching school subjects in French The committees recommen dations are submitted to the board for approval average turnover of 142 prison ers month for the hostagetak lugs and disturbances that pla gued the prison during his 33 monthsasdirector Mr Ccrnetic said he had closed the solitaryconfinement unit and had shifted prisoners to regular cellblocka fatal mistake No arly end seen to AlB tllAA lt Federal spending estimates show no evidence of an early dismantling of the antiinflation board despite speculation that wage and price controls mi ght end earlier than the original target of late 1978 The estimates rilcased icdnesday show slight increase in the boards budch and no reduction in pcrsonnel Letter rates to go up tllAA ili First class letter rates will increase to 12 cents from to on March the post office announced Wedne sday The increase is part of second stage of revisions to domestic postal rates the department said in news release llowcvcr the March domestic changes will not affect first class parcels over one pound parcel post and most special ser iccs Domestic second class rates for publishers mailings of ncwspapeis magazines and periodicals will increase by about 30 per cent tiic release said Asks restraint from Cuba ZASlllNGlON tAlt lrcsidcnt artcr is asking that Cuba pursue policy of restraint abroad and respect for human rights at home as his price for friendlier US rclae tioiis with Havana tuba in turn is demanding tliai the US lift its trade cin bargo against the island if Washington wants an extension of an antihijacking agreemcni past its schcdulcd April expira lion aitcr took his White House advisers by surprise when he said icdncsday he has rccciv ed indirect word that uba in tends to remove its troops froin Angola PRESIDENT CARTER his price Dairy farmers get price hike lOltt Nlt lt Ontario dairy farmers will receive price increase of five per cent on milk produced for table use effec tive April Kenneth McKinnon chairman of the Ontario Milk Marketing Board said in statement Wednesday that for several years the board has determined the price for its pro ducers by using an economic formula as guide The formula more than just ifics this five percent increase he said Ruled dangerous sexual offender lOliONlOtCli Eric Young convicted last year of raping l7ycarold girl in lctcrborough Out was declared dangerous sexual offender Wednesday by Mr Justice Thomas allon of Ontario Supreme ourt Young 35 of Bewdley Ont who once wrote diary outlining attacks he said he had made on nine women was ordered held indefinitely under preventive detention Mr Justice allon said Young who was certified in sane in littit likely would be unable to control his sexual im pulses and might cause pain injury or some other evil in future

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