mem CB egomaniacs hog power Dear Ann Landers Please may use your column to reach Old Orange Country Dear Orange Country Fla This afternoon tried to use my CB radio to call my mother who lives one mile away It was im possible Why Because you are sitting down there in Florida with so much power you ruin all CBS here in central Illinois Its against the law in case you didnt know It is also against the law to talk all afternoon It would be different if you were doing something important with your CB but you rich Floridians are such cgoiiianiacs all youre interested in is seeing how far out you can get so you can Children need support When parents divorce MINNEAPOLIS AP For several weeks nintsycarold Alice had horrible secret and she didnt know what to do about it her moiii and dad were getting divorced But Alice felt better after dis cussing the problem with their ds at her elementary school and finding some ol them had gone through similar trauma The discussion was part of demonstration protect called hanges that has been started at Harrison pen School The twoyearold project is cosponsored by the domestic relations division of the ileumL pin ounty court services do partincnl and the Minneapolis public schools kids need support base just as parents do said Paul asperseir counsellcr with the department Parents can take courses at the university to deal with changes in their lives but kids cant The program includes di vorce death moving new brother or sister mother going to work or just about any fam ily change children might ex perience CHANGEINEVIIABLE aspersen said the program takes away the myth for the kids that there are ideal fami lies the basic idea here is that The Barrie Examiner nglejday Iiehruaryriti 19777 Tambl together bring you special savings this week brag ll iid rs iid in or at night in the school system change is inevitable its life Many time Ive looked out the window and seen my husband in the truck and wanted to tell him something on the but couldnt because of you jerks in Florida with all that power This is the Bikini State alling The Land ot Lincoln Who cares Well ldo and am lad In Illinois Dear Mad Your beef should be evaluated by the open ators They know the score and dont What about Maids cotnplaiiit Is it valid This is Annie Baby calling all good buddies in landcrs Land clue me soonest Dear nn In regard to the wile who is concerned because her husband refuses to kiss their baby boy My husband never kissed our three sons on always shook hands with them When complained he said Boys dont kiss boys He still feels that way and refuses to kiss his grandsons As for the psychiatric nurse who said father who doesnt kiss his sons may be bisexual or perhaps he considers his son competition for his wifes atlect ion shes nuts My husbands father never kissed him and our sons dont kiss their sons So please tell the wife to hang in there Shes got enough to worry about if she has baby to take care ot iian nv Dear lranny Shake hands huh With fourw ceksold Ill tant If father doesnt feel comfortable kissing his son would hope hed at least hold the child iii his arms baby male or female who isnt cuddled by his parents grows up emotionally deprived and unable to give or rcccivc love This is where the cold fish come from Dear nn Landers went with very charming man loi six months He treated me like queen and was in hcaycn Ht spoke of marriage was widowed two years ago he lost his wife about the same llIlt Last week he borrow cd Slot from me to pay for his mothers dental bill Yesterday learned his mother died to years ago Today he informed me that his former girltriend is in town and he cant see me for at least month What doesthis sould iiit ii youBalfled ln Bloomfield Hills hear Baff think youve inst had Moo worth of pcrience Wait and see what happens It you hear troin him again most unlikely insist that he repay tthtoo then cool it yn TRAVELWAYS Stock Brothers Bus Lines Ltd OFFERS BUS PARCEL EXPRESS SAME DAY SERVICE ORILLIA BARRIE TORONTO Five Return Trips Daily Monday to Friday Three return trips on Sat Two return trips on Sunday ORILLIA LACLIE ST 3267377 BARRIE 331 BAYFIELD ST 7280700 Dear Ann My ltt£llvtiiti triend Just got her driicrs li cence Gloria drives lousy and cant understand how she passed the test She has no idea what the signals llltilll and in scared to ride with her Yesterday she turned into oneway street and thought ll was curtains Please tell me hat to do without ruining our friendshipNervous In NH ada Dear Your life is more important than Glorias triciid ship Refuse to drive with her until she proves she has learned to handle an automobile It would be an act olfricndship Scope bonus pack 45 more 352 fl oz bottle mouthwash Head andShoulders 100mljarortube shampoo Spring Wardrobe Values Sport Shirts Sale 5833 53 Casual Suits Sale $49 5829 Bic Disposable shaver blades pkgs Aquafiesn Fluoride anticavin tooth paste Politient tablets FREE bonus pack denture Of3s cleansers oz 36 bottle 100ml box tube rollo deodorant ll2fl Ornoun hil il relief for cold symptoms Neo abergo up Wheat Germ and Honey sham ooor condiioner napkins 125 pkng bottle Loblaws Tamblyn £159 Johnsons Citran baby $85119 513111 78 For your shOpping convenience these specialty priced health and beauty aid products are available at all Loblaws and Tamblyn stores Prices are effective until March 22nd We reserve the right to limit quantities Youll agree theres nothing wishywashy about this How can you miss when youve got an ad intinitum value after all $4095 saving is almost half price choice like this Sport shirts that are tastmovlng And we like thefact its on aCanadian made tortrel crowdpleasing all spirit and spunk Winners you and wool Piece leisure suit thats casual and can bet on it alICOmlortable casual and colourful carefree yetwith enough fashion pizzazz fora night Youll find print knits yarn dyes geometries in on the town Blue Grey Camel 38 to 46 caretree blended fabrics regular and tapered One of many fabrics available cuts steal at $888 JACK FRASE IAYFIELD MAll BARRIE 1263531 CHARGEX MASTER CHARGE ACCEPTED