Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Feb 1977, p. 43

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ThePoP Shoppe Now AT FUDAS I2 30 Fl oz BOTTLES Mixnmatch Any of our 14 flavors 24 i0 Fl 02 BOTTLES Mixnmatch any of our I4 flavors case plus deposit case plus deposit large Tropical BANANAS Ont No Small Cooking ONIONS OTATOES LB LB We reserve the right to limit quantities it We reserve the right to limit quantities We reserve the right to limit quantities Canada Grade 65 Canada Grade Fresh ROASTING CHICKENS ROASTING CHICKENS lbs and up 69 Canada Grade Fresh BOILING FOWL 39$ DAVERN BACO Mary Miles 09 Robin Hood layer Icing MIXES 59¢ Chain Price 19 Save zo 4to$lh 59 Fresh Never Frolen CHICKEN BREASTS Fresh Never Frolen CHICKEN LEGS Mary Miles Bulk 10 lb pack STEAKETTES 69¢ 499 SEE Backs on Backs on Monarch Cake Icing MIXES $1 Chain Price 35 Save 45 Robin Hood Bundt CAKE MIX s1am9 Chain Price l69 Save 20 Monarch lb Cake Pastry FLOUR Del Monte Cup PUDDINGS Monarch SPONGE PUDDING Chain Price 59 Save 19 Chi l03 50 Aylmer 32 01 KETCHUP Chain Price LIS Save lb Tang 4s Orange Crystals Chain Price l23 Save 24 Heinx 48 DILL PICKLES 99 Chain Price 43 Save Carnation 23 01 HOT CHOCOLATE II 01 Jar COFFEE MATE General Mills Country CORN FLAKES 299¢ Chain Price or save 35 Budget 01 Dog or Cat Food $1 Chain Price 27 Save 31 Purina 01 Tins CAT FOOD $1 Chain Price 27 Save 35 Aylmer I4 01 Peas Carrots DC I4 01 Varieties PINEAPPLE Burford I4 Peaches Pears Green Giant 14 019 Summer Sweet Peas Chain Price 35 Save 40 chain mice so 32 Mix NMatch Toastmaster Sunshine 24 01 loaf BREAD 3$I 00 or lUNCHEON MEAT 59 99 Code Bleu Spreads 69 SANDWICHPAK 59 Vegetable 48 ll VB JUICE Orange or Grapefruit Juice 48 fl oz TREESWEET Schneiders lb LARD 48Fl 01 cans tillC mun DRINKS Manning 14301 BAGCOOKIES Pkg of 10 mo CITRON 59 l5 01 Rollon 19 Part Skim at BAG MILK Beekist lb CREAMED HONEY BOUTIQUE NAPKINS lohnsons 12s Looms Fabrican Pkg of SI FOAM CUPS 117 169 69 ULTRA BAN 12 Fl or Shampoo HERBAL ESSENCE I2 ll 01 creme rinse IIERBAl 49 ESSENCE ft or tinalnet 69¢ CLAIBOL 59¢ 59 49i 999 49¢ 159 Nabisro I8 01 SHREDDIES Mothers lb MACABoNi 129 199 The Market Place Wednesd February Its 1977 15 Make plans for Orillia fair DRILLIA Staff President Gerald Walters and members of his new executive have started making plans for the 1977 Orillia fall fair which will be held at the fairground in Orillia township in September Horse racing livestock comv petitions midway rides and agricultural displays are plann ed and new features are to be considered Russell Carter and Doug Langm an re vicepresidents of the sponsoring rillia Agricultural Society with Dorothy Comer secretary treasurer and Olive Walters recording secretary Directors include Ellen Gilbert Linda Hewitt Albert Anderson Charles Berry Yar roll Carter Murray Brown Bill Downs Elmer Johnstin Jim Bieser Ron Hewitt Gord Hewitt Lionel Iturnball Bert Holmes and George McKay Junior directors are lhyllis Burton Harold Downs David Hewitt Bob McKay George Thomson and Tony Iellord Edenvale native is chosen for hone By AIHCI lllINNEBRY El ldfi Many years ago Daniel Webster wrote Whatever makes men good hristians makes them gooc citizens If the eminent Mr Webster were penning these lines today they would probably read batever makes persons good istiaiis makes them good ci iens and if he knew Mamie Grant he would no doubt consider her an excellent example of his belief We dont know exactly what ingredients he had iii mind with his word whatever but we do know that Mamie has an abundant supply of the qualities which make for an outstanding citizen course she wasnt always Mamie Grant In fact she wasnt always Mamie Mary was the name chosen for the daughter born to Mr and Mrs dy McNabb of Edenvale school years took her to 14 public school Minesing was familiar ll iitory because of the popularity ot house parties throughout the area in those days Also she oltcn came with her brothers or musins to skate on the old rink where Mrs aiinan Itowncvs home is now Somehow soi time in these early years Mary was tagged with the nickname Mamie and it stuck It has been said that nicknames are usually given to people who are liked so evcn in those early days some of hcr endearing qualities must have been show ing From Edenvale to Barrie it was 13 miles by horse and buggy and 13 much longer miles by horse and cutter but Mamics faintly got her there oiicc week for music lessons The Mc ibbs efforts paid oil in wonderful legacy not only for tbcir daugbtcr but for thc tltlltt community How many youngsters have had their lics enriched by the piano lessons Mamic gavc over apcriod of many many years How many solos dticts tri and quartets owc llltll success in part to Maiiiics faithful guidance and sure accoiiipain iiicnt How many danccs tt cnbuncd by the group for which she played piano And our iticii of the Year has played for more ttkts and weddings than MacNaiiiaras lxiiid Most itiipoitant of all how many church services have bccn embellished with the in spiratioiial rendition ot hymns and skillliil accoinpaniiiiciit to aiitliciiis lractisc nights and seryiccs Mamie has been providing thc Mincsing lintul huich with music for it cars It hasnt always been easy Ip lllllll about anda halt Htls ago she lived mile otit of thc lllllL1t andthcrcytrctiincsin winter she walked the lcnth the only way to get thcrc lly the way did you ever hear about the time she went home lroiii choir practise went to lrd wakcncd about in with the terrible leiling she had neglected to turn ott thc clcc tricorgan Well out she went in the pitch darncss to get thecar out of the shed how to the Village and cntcicd totally darkened hutch inst to check thats dedicationtodiity BASICllllll Long before this incident Mary now Mamie McNabb had changed her name again liourtyfive years ago last December she became Mrs Charles Grant How did it hap ell it seems Mamie was interested in baseball and her oldest brother Doug played on local team tine of his teammates was fellow named harlie You know the rest They have daughter Merle Mrs Morrow soniiilaw Keith son Bill daughtt law Dianne and nine gra children That in itself is Illlllfa mntributiontotliccoriiniuriity Fortyfivc years and Mamie has never lost interest in baseball or harliei She is still keen fan at local baseball games whether the players are adult or youngsters llow keeii broke her ankle on the way to game one night but waited til she had watched the game to do anything about the ankle lur itixen of the Year seems to have been born witl de vivrc which is sha who come in contact and particularly young people are concerntxt has given graciously ot her irric to support and cr age all their activities Lltttdlil tions sports music and danc ing ln tact there may well be some in the audicnic tonight who as shy teenagers years ago learned to waltz and square dance under Maniies tutoring She regulai ii the ladies bowling league loves game of cuchrc and is first in line at quiltingb es llcr capacity for enjoyment is matched only by her capacity for work She was only ibout sixteen when she first hand Womens Institutc and is still an active member today There wcrc sonic interruptions of nurse such as having babies but her record ot scrviccis shiningesample ll Ill IT Mamie has held many offices in Womens Institute Shc has workmt lll1 +ll group iii structcd adult cotttscs been representative to otb com munity orgaiiimtions such as the litcreation toiiiiiiittce She has sat on docns ot commit tees worle on liiiiid of ptirtccls baked thousands of rolls Hy the way llt also tamous tor her wedding cakes aiidthristma kes You might say as Womens Institute member and ltW member shes had her finger in more pics than the pastry chefs it lhclloyalYoikl spoke earlier of Mamies musical contribution to the life of the church and in spite of the magnitude ot that contribution it still only part of her ser it She has been member of thc liiitcd hiirch Women since its inception and before that member of the incns ttllllltli She has sat on iii uiiicrablc boards and inmit tccs offering wise Hlc on pilicics planning for progress and improvements tor the church andbunday school broni lcadcrship to pniticipation from the large to the little llltlt haw been tcw things in this communitys litc that have not been influenc llllllOl ed by her good Judgment and nitttttioti sense nd Hit per sonal leycl she has proyided care and concern tor thc sick taidcrstanding to the troubled comtorl to the bereaved She has laughed with us wept with as encouraged and admonish cdiis llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll RT GILFORI Ill PROJECE illlltlll The girls of liltord At It Homemaking club have started on llltll spring protect totton llcvicw and leaders report early progress The project concerns instruction in diltcicnt colors and lines and dcmoiistratio show how they create various in pressions in clothing styles Each member has been asked to make cotton garment keep record book and comp sewingbox Mrs Itoscwcll and Mrs Hughes have been instructing as leaders Clcvcn girls have been involved til the project headed by their president lanct lack Meetings are held every Iliursr day night with projects scheduled to be ready for achieve nieiit day in April IllllllIlllllllllIIlllllllllIlIlllIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllIllllllllllll MORTGAGE MONEY for an Useful Purpose prime rates tst 2nd at 3rd mortgages buildeis interim loans Call collect to 7267861 Barrie 3254334 Orillia Western International Funding Corporation

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