Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Feb 1977, p. 4

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Elli fliarrir Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario WILSON Advertising Manager ELIO AGOSTINI Publisher and General Manager HENSHAW Managing Editor The Barrie Examiner Wednesday February 16 1977 County council faces tax levy changes Like other administrations in this inflationary era Simcoe County council faces challenges in trying to hold the tax line for the current year Already made preelection they would do their best lines as much as possible on prac tical baSIS and if past records mean anything can be depend do just that As pointed out by the new warden Allan Glassford county councillors have been conscientious in carrying out their responsibilities in the past This is clearly shown by the payas yougo policy which has been follow ed for years and has enabled the county to carry on without issuing debentures or going in debt This in itself has saved proper ty taxpayers considerable since the county levies against municipalities are paid perty taxation Other county revenues are mostly provided from government grants and financial assista smaller amounts from licences interest on reserve funds various payments for serVices and other miscellaneous recognized in county circles that the government asswtance also comes from taxpayers but in other ways than property taxation Last years gross bud for total expenditures of By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Interesting and positive Thats the cautious extent to which United States state dc partment spokesman was pre pared to go in comment on Fidel Castros wish to restore relations with the US The comments from Castro were made during an interview in Havana with American cor respondent Bill Moyers press secretary to former president Lyndon Johnson Castro obviously is hoping for new era with President Jim my Carter to replace the re calcitrant Republican adminis tration of Nixon and Ford For them any negotiations with Fi del Were out of the question Castro also knew of state ment from Cyrus Vance the new US Secretary of State to the effect that the new adminis tration wants to try and achieve normal relations with all coun tries And on Cuba Vance was slightly more categorical by saying at this point he was prepared to discuss nor malization of relations with Cuba without preconditions All of this sounds like an opening between Washington and Havana after more than decade But if so it couldnt be more than very small squeak Fidel Castros precondition was is and continues to be the Ellie Barrie Examiner 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 72645537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Motor Throw Off $3900 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year yNational Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 1541710 640 Cathcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Renter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tisin and editorial material crea ed by its employees and reproduced in this newspaper Co yright Registration Num r203815 register61 WWWWWWWW there have been preliminary requests for increased budgets and if all were granted there would involve some fairly substantial increases in tax levies Most members of the new council promises that and net county levy of $3835888 The former was record level but the latter was down slightly from the previous year due largely to greater government help and in creased to hold tax ed upon to possible to bonded member from pro such revenues from payments as from residents of coun ty homes and so forth Even though overall spending was up the reduction in total levy did not come easy It just wouldnt have been possible if initial budget re quests were all accepted But under the leadership of last years warden Orville Hughes who did not hesitate to emphasize the ad ministrations prime responsibility to ratepayers and general co operation the county council made extensive reviews and some cut backs which made its achievement While the county has done much better than most in holding down ex penditures review of figures shows that there has been some in creases Considerable changes in administration responsibilities such as shifting the former county jail payroll to the provincial govern nce with issumg of is well ment have helped to hold down these rises Figures for decade ago show the total county levy at $243164329 back in 1967 Currently ratepayers are in terested in the prospects for 1977 and the continuing effect of rising costs and prices and how this may affect their taxes If precedence is followed the county members can be counted on again to do their best get called $10334152 burdens THE WORLD TODAY New era in relations hoped for by Castro end of the 16yearold American blockade of Cuba And where Congress the dc fence department and many US licymakers are con cern there is Cubas contin ued presence in Angola which now is spilling over into role in the mounting guerrilla war against whiteruled Rhodesia LISTENINGPOST It is known that representa tive of the Rhodesian Patriotic Front led by black guerrilla leaders Robert Mugabe and Joshua Nkomo has set up resi dence in Havana His name is Joseph Dube Indeed Castros announced involvement in the Angolan civil war in late 1975 brought about the end of an emerging thaw between him and the previous Ford administration And another result of this was Cubas cancellation of care fully worked out antihijack treaty with the US which now would have to be renewed as part of any package of negotia tion The future of USCuban relations is much more than academic as far as Canada is concerned Hundreds of Canadian com panies and suppliers of services and technology have built up what now is $270 million an nual trade with Havana Much of this is in USstyle goods and services of the kind on behalf of taxpayers who bear the unavailable to the Cubans since the early 19605 but built to pat terns and designs which fit casr ily into the aging American equipment left in Tuba major caseinpoint were the diesel locomotives ordered by the Cuban state railways from MLWWorthington in Montreal and the moder nization of old dielscls bought by Cuba before the revolution from US locomotive manufac turers who are unable to repair them The growing CubaCanada trade connection also has played an important role in the development of Canadian eco nomic nationalism Canadian industrialists sup ported by Prime Minister Trudeau jointly called for an end to US controls over Amer ican branch plants in this coun try doing business with Cuba This resulted in release of the controls exercised through the US Trading with the Enemy Act which still prohibits Ameri can parent companies from trading with Castros Marxist economy AFRICA INTERFERES Given Castros ambitious and disturbing African in volvement real opening bet ween Castro and Carter is still remote But there is an inevitability about it which chills Cubas Ca nadian suppliers Berrys World ©19HtinfAJnc See it you can get hold of Billy Ive got this terrible craving to talk about peanuts dunno whether to be brinkrobber in onfreal or on agentfor Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd Ry STEWART IcI ll Ottawa Hurtnu Thomson Ncws Scri icc Getting back to Supply Minis tcr qunIicrrc loyci and sonic of his qucstionnblc political judgmcnts it may turn out that his decision to mzikc John Iicfcnbukci pay $125 for cnch copy of his Hill of Rights will bccomc his most embarrassing lilllX pus You can but your bottom dol lill that Il icfcnbnkcr wont 101 the incidcnt bc forgottcn lIIAXIIIIRRIl tli IIR Hy INIZNI HAN Business and oiisiiiiicr Affairs Analyst Ihoiiisoii News Scii icc Investing in licgisfciid Ri tircmcnf Savings Plan has bl comc rcgular wintcr habit for thousands of anudiuns If you arc onc of them its worth icmciiilwiing that you how thc choicc of invcsting onc plan or scvcrol Sonic plcfci to pul cnch years contribution into tlic same RRSI Thats con venient way to do if saving thc YOUR HUSIN Sincc thc foiiiici primc ministcr pilotcd thc Hill of Rights through lniliomcnt in 19350 and won hc has sciit llllllhilntls of copics lo lll dividunls and institutions across tunudu Most hc find lllllttl ut lllgt own ixpcnw md thcsc lllillltl tlxltlllr iri still bcing Mnt to ncnrly 3pm in dividuulscznhyciu Ihc lutgci copics ll inclics by 34 mihcs had bocn supphcd to Mr Iltlllllilktl by lhc dc pnitiiicnt of supply and scii lccs About L334ofthcxcurvwcnt out in in ovcrngc ycrn lo schoolsniidothciinstitutions Most pioplt llli tllltitly to thc til ycuiold li lhcbnbo kcl llllllllll lucdllsc lllt bill tiikcs on iffltltil lflllllllillltt iihcn ll comm from thi mun who lullicicd lioplc iiwd to illli lo IIfltlll lol topics of thc lipllt lci flog FLUSt IHRIC lriildcnlilly ouch nitmlwiof Iilllllfllltlll still piovidcd with Jill liiic flags 121m Illilll oncs md Boo Idpcl pun for he liibulion to llllllflllil and in dilutions in lllilllil ltk diffi cult to pm down lhc cxuct tiixl of llllr goyciiiminliil Lttlltflidly but ltl you con snlcr iol ll iic inyolivd you can sIc how financially in igmlicnnf intJIM copnuof lhc illot lilllil Its idso worth notzni that thc iovciiiiiicnts llll lllllillill ltlil timc it tukcs to set up nddi tionnl piuns md ihc tioublc ll may tnkc to kttll your iccords straight in thc othci llillltl it could bc to your udvuntngc to launch ncw RRSI cnch yczir lhc most obvious idvuntugc in having numbci of diffcrcnt plans is this If you havc lo gct some lnolicy out of your RRSI bcfoic you rctirc you can Itlt gistci oiic plan with littlc troublc and lcnvc fhc othcrs in tact You Would of couisc liuvc ammo no it Nfllt mm in Pat Holloway right students from and Toronto Goyer stepped in cowflap again With Bill of Rights decision Hoard has distributcd 700000 licc study kits to Canadian schools And on the day that Mr lliclcnbukcr lczirncd that fulurc hc would bc forccd to pity for czich copy of his Hill of Rights li tioyci an nounccd fl Slittl433 grant for studyingpnpcriccycling If its strictly in cosc of saving govcrnmcnt momy lr ioycr could scf his sights on biggcr tziigcts Scnding $21075 bill to Mr Inchnbukcr isnt likcly to illltltilllllitlltlllillfltlll Winn thi bill did tllllYt Mr llicfcnbilcl imincdizitcly thought uiilllt umor public sci yont llllitllt of lfJHlllltlll just nimlc llllplt slip and that thc innttii would bc straight cncd out as soon as ioycrs officc got md of it tut ho ho ho yhcn in aid to Mr ioycr was informcd of thi bill hc quickly yolunlccrcd lhc inforiimtion lhut ll find bccn scnt on llhlllltlltlllA from the llllltlltl With all thc nnlllll facing lllt LIHJllllllllll its mcc to know thzn Ii tioyci still finds tbc Hill to think of tlicsc littlc lllllltl IIC hit thcn Mr ioyci has Ell ways found thc timc to conicup yith uniquc idins IIuihci wc ltltlltfl to his grand schcmc to import loom Killtdll Inimicrs to lIUlop ihc lhciti for sun ls to pay incomc tax on the full amount of thcdcicgistcrcd plan in thc yczir in which you hqui dutc ll Its also possiblc to uchicvc thcszimc rcsult by liqiiidutiiign loigc plzin taking lhc cash you iiccd and turning thc rcst of your Illltllllll savings ovcr into ncw RRSI Hut flint rcr quires sonic fancy financial footwork lo avoid lht risk lliiil thc cnlirc amount will bc dcic gislcicd ind bccomc ixnblc nc othcr udvuntugc in buy ingzi multiplicity of plans isdi Stzirfs own ampaign to savc Canada secondary school display fliinpci stickers promoting nc Canada with young people being hcr first target You might recall that Mr Illlllilkl sccmcd to get large clizirgc out of that one He Would chortlc about it but Mr loyer didnt sccm to enjoy the jokc Then thcrc was thc ministers otlicr plan to bring penitentiary inmutcs back into society by as signing hcm to livc with oldzigc ixnsioncrs lhc pcnsioncrs as you might gucss didnt think much of this Ncifhcr did Mr Dicfcnbukci Ihc two men are rcally not traditional buddics and thc for mcr pi iinc ministcr oncc pillil phrnswf romwcll by saying In the mimi of End go ioyci ll coursc you l£tll whcn Mr ioyci munzigcd to wrunglc frcc zurhnc ticket for his vciy intimutc fricnd who Mr Ilicfcnbnkcr icfciicd to as at common law wifc It was lhc liincc Albcrt II who first raised this in thc ommons last ycnr and thc ministcr lntcr for kcd ovcr thc momy to Air 11 idzi bit cmbmrzissing If thcrc wcic four cowflups in lo icrc ficld loycr would step in lI onc of thcm says Mr Ilicfcnbzikcr Ihc mmistcr has probably bccn sitting back waiting for any opportunity to cvcn thc scorc Hut hc should havc wnltcd longer bccnusc thcrc is cvcry llltlltlllltlll hc has just stcppcd in anothcr onc Investing in more than one plan could be to customers benefit vcrsification of vcstmcnt Over numbcr of ycurs for cxnmplc its possiblc to build up balanced rungc of RRSI iiivcstiiicnls Sonic could bc in funds that invcst in bonds othv crs could bc invcstcd in an un dcrlying portfolio of mor tgiigcs still others in common stocks Izilthough thats bit risky for your rctiicmcnt savings and soon You might also feel inclined to achicvc 1i divclsification of financial intcriiicdiurics your in CI Ihoto letters to the editor Creditibility destroyed by column on smoking DcarSir huvc beside inc clipping from one of your recent issues in which Don Ullcarn lhom sons Quccns Iark correspone dent discusses the Non Smokcrs rights group and their work There was nothing to indicate that he was writing facctiously and it came through to me to be half in fun and whole in earnest an expression of an noyancc at the attempt to in terfere with his rights as smoker llis suggestion was that after these dogoodcrs had achieved their object ivcs about smoking they would move on to try to place restrictions on garlic eating because of the smell flow can he draw such an analogy Another recent clipping bears the title Ihc True Story of the Death of Walt Disney and it reveals the long suppressed in formation that he died of lung cancer removal of one lung having failcd to save him He had been heavy smoker of cigarettes have just bccn listening to piano recording of the late Nat King olc who also died of lung cancer He entertained for years in night clubs during Hy HUB HHIN If thc situation bctwccn Ircn chzind Englishspcnking zinndixins sccms overly straincd thcsc days it might be of some solace to look back to 1838 The rclwllions in Lower and lppcr anzida had bccn qucllcd but thcrc has ncvcr bccn morc bittcrncss bctwccn Ercnch and English British Rcformcr Lord Dur ham was scnt to unadzi to be governor of all Ihc British Nor tli American colonics llis chicf task was to propose solutions to thc problcms and grievances that might cuusc Britain to losc licr rcmziiniiig North Amciiczin colonics as shc had lost the lnitcdStntcsin1775 Ilurhzim did not want thcjob Ilc was ill and dicd two years lutci Hut hc acceptcd the task as patriotic duty illtl mndc in inipicssiic arrival at Qucbcc in May llc lovcd pomp and ccrtL mony illltl brought along his wifc zind childrcn six Sttltlillr ics cight oidcs plntcs for tlillmliflt dinncrs lurniturc uniforms horscs and grooms It did not tnkc Durham long to rcnlilc us hc put it that nnudn was two nations war ring in thc bosom of if singlc stutc living to thc rcbclhon thc lcgislotuic of Iowcr iinudn had bccn suspcndcd smcc Icb lo but thc problcms wcrc fur dccpcr than polit ics nc of the worst insjudicinl Ilcnch spcnking jury would not convict IlilltllSptflklllll cilizcn of any act that was hos tilctothctioiyn years when smokefilled room was acceptable Today we are informed that secondhand smoke can be more injurious than the original How much poorer is the world as result if the untimely deaths of these men and countless others through cigarettes In recent months have been through experiences which have underlined the horrors yes horrors of the ultimate ef fects of heavy cigarette smok ing Especially my work as chairman of last years Cancer Society campaign here opened my eyes as to how wide spread and pathetic are the ravages of longterm cigarette use For JHearn to suggest that the objectionable natures of tobacco smeke and garlic smell are in the slightest degree coni parable is reprehensible In fact his judgement in choosing to do so even facetiously destroys his credibility altogether Yours Truly BILL BELL PS in his column OHearn writes They garlic eaterS can disrupt indigestions not to mention tempers Disrupt in digestions this from pro fessional journalist CANADAS STORY Strain not new in relationship One example was the trial of Thartrand habitant who had refused to take part in the rebellion Although he was French his neighbors tied him to tree and tortured him to death Two men were brought to trial but were acquitted by the jury which brought cheers from the spectators Then the jurors and the accused were given public banquet the other hand an Eng lishspcaking jury would nearly always be too severe when Frenchspeaking citizens were on trial or perhaps too lenient whcn the case concerned an Englishspcaking anadian on trial for crime against the French In 1849 it was the English spcziking citizcns of Montreal who burned down the parlia mciit buildings to protest the signing of the Rebellion Losses Bill OTHER FEB 16 EVENTS 1685 LaSallc built Fort St Louis in Texas 1x57 flipper Canada was damaged by floods 1867 JUhII Macdonald was married in London 18727 First session of British Columbia legislature after join ing Canada took place 1882 New parliament build ing opened at Fredericton NB ltlilf Newfoundland was taken over by commission government isisx Canadian council on duration met at Ottawa 197277 Parliament ended longest session of 496 days its INTERPR ITING THE NEWS Ambassadors comments have UN wondering By GARRY IAIRHAIRN WASHINGTON 1li For eign diplomats arc wondcring how scriously to take Andrew Young the US ambassador to the United Nations Although hc has bccn in office less than month Youngs off hand conimcnts on world af fairs havc zilicudy prompted scvciul corrccfions from the st ntc dcpnit mcnt In the latest episode Presi dent artcr issued clari fication of remarks made by Young during the 11 mbasszidor recent African tour Young had said that former statc sccrctnry Henry Kissinger had abandoned Britain on tlic Rhodesian issue leaving Britain to carry the burdcn of trying to negotiate majority rule in its former colony lllltl howcvcr said he does not bclicvc the remark was mount to be critical saying Young was simply notng that last falls prcsidcntial election campaign prevented contin uation of vigorous foicign pol icy In prcvious incidents Young said thcrc is sense in which Cuban troops bring stability to WE WANT YOUR OPINION Letters submitted for publication must be original copies signed by the writer Please include your street address and phone number although they will not be published letters which cari not be authenticated by phone cannot be published For the sake of space public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit condense or reject letter Angola the US is willing to have Vietnam admitted to the United Nations soon and the white Rhodcsian government would comply with any South African pressure The respective state com ments were that the United States does not condone the Cu ban presence in Angola that the United States currently op poses Vietnamese membership in the UN and that settling the Rhodesia problem is not as sim ple as arranging for South African pressure In another period such near rcpudiations would have been regarded as wrecking an am bassadors credibility forcing him to consider resigning But in this area as in so many others the arter admin istration is trying something different First there is Youngs per sonal mandate from the presi dent The ambassador is far more than former congress man given diplomatic he is the administrations ead ing black spokesman symbol of Carters commitment to place blacks in leadership posi tions If Young an active civil rights leader were less inde pendent and outspoken both he and the administration might be hurt by accusations that he is nothing more than state de artmeiit mouthpiece token lack When iippoililtd Young publicly waiincd that there would be occasions when he would depart from official policy and follow his con sciciicc Tllill approach could back him into ii coiiici where resignation becomes nec essary but it may also be the only way of maintaining his personal credibility at home and abroad

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