Goldwater fair society Sign midway on Friday and Saturday Sept 30an Oct NEW OFFICERS Along with the new president officers for the new twoyear term are First vicepresident second vice Ken Hamilton secretary Betty Williams im mediate past president Don seeks to SHIRLEYJENNETT COLDWATER New presi dent of the Coldwater and District Agricultural society Elmer Gratrix along with past vicepresident Walter Orr represented the society at the Georgian Bay Fairs Associa tion meeting in Barrie and will Blue Jet Soap pads for all the kitchen cleanup JObS be giving reports at the next local meeting The secretary Betty Williams will attend the On tario Association Fall Fair con vention in Toronto later Peter Marchs midway will be sought for the 1977 Col dwater fair which is to be held soar PADS FOR of Beige Spice John Orr president All Sheer tits 911 Chorce Bell Committees will be composed of heavy horse Garnet Bell and Ken Rose light horses Howard Robinson Don Bell and Roy Edwards pony and sadle William Henry and Art Boyd Cattle Howard Hawke and Don Woodrow Sheep and Swine Ken Hamilton grain ve getables and fruits Elmer and Joe Gratrix and Clinton Fagan Flowers Mr and Mrs William Wylie Mr Victor Turner Nell Clarke Mrs Booth Eva Lovelace nee dlecraft Helen Walker Dorothy Robinson Jean Walker Catherine Hi Ann JACQUARD BATH TOWELS 100 Cotton Bath Towels Approx 90 40 in floral pattern Dean domestic science Rachael Dcvine Iris Bolyea Helen Bell Mrs McMillan machinery Burton Taylor Walter Orr Charles Gratrix School Fair Mrs Lorraine Orr Leona Wassell entertain ment Tom Smith dance 0m mittee Betty Miller and John Jennett races Paul vnmck race secretary Carinan Robin son Ernest Miller Gerald publicity Lorne Letherby advertismg DOW Hawke Miller auditor Tess Robinson BANQUET AT mnv About 60 attendedthe recent annual banquet and meeting held at Early Community hall Head table guests were past president Don Bell and his wife Helen Elmer Gratrix Walter Orr secretary Betty Williams and her husband Alex boutiful meal prepared and served by members of the Eady Community Hall Board and their helpers was enjoyed by everyone During the business meeting which followed upstairs Mr Bell expressed hearty thanks to all the helpers who had pitchlt ed in to make the 1976 fall fair the best ever for Coldwater Encouraging remarks were ad ded by Medonte Reeve Ingram Amos Dep Reeve David Walker Coldwater Councillor Al Brand Roy Edwards trustee for the Simcoe County Board of Education and Lorraine Oir chairman of the School Fair who praised Mr Bell for his ex cellent leadership during his two year term as president It was also decided to try and arrange to have judges present in the morning to judge the adult fair entries rather than late the evening of preparation day cheque for $25 had been received for first prize for the CDAS float in the Santa Claus Parade and John Jennett and Lorraine Orr were thanked for their work in this reEard mar1s Gives Satisfaction Always ON SALE FEBRUARY 16th T0 19th WHILE QUANTITIES LAST 3PCEWOODEN8 SPOONSEr CUP avrCAsr iRON SKILLET 88° TWIN PAK SPONGE MOP REFILLSW FEATHER DUSTER 889 ORiP DRY 152 880 ILHANEEREH Ti Ply balls Assorted ftltlli Excel lrrrit ihlily ygirri CRIMP SET 100 NYLON YAR AF L0 LR DSize Batteries Anginati 4PACK BATTERIESï¬ï¬‚ Vd 80 DECORATED CUTTNG 99559 PDT 88¢ HOLOERs The Market Place Wednesday February 16 1977 Alliston mourns death of Sidney By MARGARETJ STOLTZ ALLISTON The sudden death of Sidney Owens at his home recently came as shock to his many friends not only in Alliston but in the surrounding communities His untimely passing at the age of 58 is great loss not only to his family but the Simcoe County board of education his church Alliston Rotary club and as highly respected citizen The large number who called at the funeral home and attended the service was in dicative of high esteem Born in Mariposa Township near Lindsay on February both 1918 son of the late Mr and Mrs Herman Owens he at tended public school in rural area Lindsay Collegiate and graduated from Peterborough Normal School His teaching career began in ambray Ontario while work ing on his BA which he later completed at Queens Universi ty wherc he met his wife the former Jean Telford After military service in the Navy the couple resided in Brockville and Mr Owens was vice principal of Veterans rehabilitation program Ile received his Masters degree from Toronto University and for short time taught at Iic ton and for years prior to com ing to Alliston was principal of school in Barrow Ontario Succeeding McCaus land Mr Owens came to Alliston in 1937 as principal at Banting Memorial High School where he experienced several additons to the school as well as tremendous increase in enrol ment of students and staff In 1969 he was appointed superintendent with the Simcoe ounty Board of Education and later named superintendent of planning position he held at the time of his death involving surveys of future student population necessitating pro posals for additions or new schools throughout the county and he was also head of the night school programs in Sim coe ounty Mr and Mrs Owens had planned to attend the of ficial opening of the new high school at Bradford on Tuesday night As an active member of St Johns liiited Church he has served in many capacities lie was Sunday School sult Illlltlltltlil and teacher for number of years served on ses sion as an elder was active in the oiiplcs lub and valuable member of the Building Planning oinmittee during the erection of the new Iiristian Education wing and more recently the demolition of the former Sunday School rooms and erection of new Fellowship Hall Sid Uwcns as he was affec tionately known to all collaps ed on returning home from his two and half mile morning walk program he has been tollowing faithfully since recovering from heart attack twoycurszigo The body rested at the John Thomas Funeral Home then was taken to St Johns Owens United Church for service and commital with his minister Rev James Shilton in charge Spring interment will be in Alliston Union Cemetery Besides his wife Jean he leaves five sons John of Toron to David of near Lindsay An drew Alliston Robert atten ding University in Calgary Alberta and Richard student at Waterloo University and one daughter Mary at home There are two grandchildren Rhonda and Mark and two sisters Sarah Mrs Tamlin and Jean Mrs Walling both of Lindsay He was predeceased by brothers George and Jack Pallbearers were Joe Delaney Ken Gradwell Don Ferguson Jack Hanna Gordon Murray and Carl Jewel with Gary Alex Jack Ramsay Gord Wright and Les Far quharson as honorary bearers Besides the many floral tributes there were donations to the heart Fund and the staff of Banting Memorial High School have set up memorial scholarship fund in math ematics as tribute to the memory of one who served so capany and was highly respected by staff and students during his 12 years as principal Pick wardens at St Pauls By DORIS PRATT ST PAULS Paul Stunden has been elected peoples waran and Larry Srigley rec tors warden of St Pauls Anglican church for the new term The new parish treasurer is Mrs Craig Hunter who suc ceeds Mrs Charles Sproule Mrs Sproule was given gift in recognition of her many years of faithful service Ernest Holyer is the deputy warden pancake supper is planned for Tuesday Feb 22 when the men of the church will be cook ing and serving the meals Rev Walter Lee agreed to be head chef The World Day of Prayer will be held at the church on March Two diplomas presented ALLISTON Staff iiploma from the Ontario Police College was presented to Constable Roger Gadd of the Alliston force by Mayor Oakla Gray at council meeting here The mayor explained the diploma was for successfully completing fraud investiga tion course at the college Another presentation by the mayor was certificate to Con stable Harry DeWolde from the Canadian fire investigation school certifying that he had at tended the course held at Arn prior April festival at Midland MIDLAND iStaff Plans 88 PROMOTIONAL ZIPPERS mi W41 PIN PLASTIC HAM BURGEEPRF8J WALLETS 86 LCLUTCH PURSES ROUND SOUP 880 LADLE LUISHPANN qu llllftlll Staff Siiiicoc oiinly home for the aged Simcoe Manor here has been in operation nearly eight years Arnold rincisc ot Not tawasaga was county warden when the SZJNKHNXI home was officially opened on October 21 196 Melvin McKeaii was then chairman of the county social services committee Downer then MII for Siiiicoelmfferiii riding cut the ribbon and Donald Henderson of thc Diiiikcr onstriiction company presented keys of the home to inltlttll Mason Arthur Evans MII for Sini coc teiitrc also spoke Mayor of olliiigwood at the time Mick ll McDonald tendered civic welcome to the gathering about 500 at the ceremony have been advanced here for STEEL HASH ICE CUBE WOODEN PASTRY the 31st annual Ys Mens spr MleG BOWLS LELASSWARE LTRAY CLOTHESPINS 5° BLENDER Whmv iiig music festival which is to if img open on Wednesday April 20 and continue to Friday April 29 More than 1000 young com pctitors are expected to com pete again for various awards including scholarships for dif fcrcnl age groups Adjudicators will be thristine Wilooz Thompson in the vocal division and William Vaisey in the piano COlIlptllllOIIS The arrangements call for the festival to be held at the Midland YMtA building Lead ing musicians will be selected for special concert which will be presented later at the Midland secondary school auditorium with Wednesday May the suggested date As in other years con siderable early interest already has been shown and many of the expected competitors have already been practicing for their numbers COMBmAHON HANGER 77777 or RIVER STRAINER Screw 886 SET OF W000 880 lSALAPBOWLSiu The Georgian Boy Chapter as of the Society of Industrial Accountants are hosting oneday Seminar for Simcoe County businessmen on Motivation and Leadership The Seminar is designed to help participants improve interpersonal relationships and increase 88c ALUMNUM 880 PLASTIC 880 HO SEHOLD 880 PCE 880 CHROME ccELL achievement capacities within the modern LSCSSQRS We WEE WRENCHL organizationolsetting opics covered include lj behoviourol concepts and their practical ap plicotion individual and organizational needs evaluation and strengthening of personal ability to perfrom the influence function MENS LOAF COOKIE 880 BIKINI 880 FULL 880 SPOOL 88c OUEEH SIZE 880 PM SHEET lame jfllEES my 99991N80X JEANTYBQSE 98535 995 Seminar leader Victor MacDonald um Professor Queens University Time Tuesday Feb 22 om pm location Continental Inn Barrio FEE $3000 includes lunch Registration is limited MART PLAZA HIGHWAY 21BAYFIEID 51 CREDIT Your Satisfaction Guaranteed rundod Mon 0mm open MON TO FRI 10 AM1Olo PM In SATURDAYS AM TO 10 PM For full information telephone Mr Ben Furulmwo at 726 nur Warrior LIFE 656 bus or 7286353 home Ii An SIA Participatory Program