Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Feb 1977, p. 15

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League bowlers are the backbone RUN ARMSTRONG lion Kisses Grade stir dent at limothy fhristian School proudly displays the am in Barrie sive weapon inmate of bawdy house she failed to appear narcotics fatal accident lan ed ltnsc St ieets Feb 22 uilding on the north side up Avenue Bodyrub mar set for May Five people charged in connection with the operation of Barries first bodyriub parlor will go on trial May at 10 It took time to sort out lawyers and defendants in the case luesday in provincial criminal court when the date was set and bench warrant was issued for one woman wner Greg Marshall will be tried on charges of being keeper and inmate of bawdy house and of having anoffen Jeanette Goetgheluek 19 faces charges of having an often sive weapon while Tolin thureh 30 is charged with being an Diane lhainc 19 faces charges of being an inmate in bawdy house and bench warrant was issued Tuesday when Sharron ll Byram faces charges of being an inmate in bawdy house and is also being tried April 15 on possession of Byrain has been in custody sinceJan 17 Trial June 15 For Minesing Man Gary layton Matliersof Ritz Minesing will be tried liiiie 13 in provincial criminal court in Barrie in connection With Mathcrs rill was charged with impaired driving and driv ing with more than tlti mgs of alcohol in his blood following the accident in which Violet Winnitred lleitmar 36 was klll The accident occurcd at the intersection of St Vincent and Man in custody after fight Barrie man has been charged with assault causing bodi ly harm in connection with fight in front of the Simcoe llotel early this morning say Barrie city police Sgt Frank Light said today lcter lairchild of llunlop Street was arrested in connection with fight involving two other people and will appear in provincial criminal court By PAlL DELEAN Examiner Staff Reporter Bowlers have tended to be the forgotten men and Women of the sports World despite the fact city leagues involve over 2000 members weekly Attention has been drawn to the sport this week because of the annual Big Brothers Bowl For illions Celebrities raised $8425 taking to the lanes Satur day with another crop ready ing their delivery for this Satur day The celebrity participation is significant and appreciated but so equally is that of the league bowlers With very little hoopla city bowlers are making their con tribut ion this week during their regular league outing incomplete results as of luesday for both city alleys showed the total raised at bet ter than $4700 lhat averages to more than $50 each in pledges for the 90 bowlers who participated during the first two days Theyre the backbone of this event It simply would not be great success without them certificate he received as this months top safety patroller Staff Sgt lialph He said lairthild is in custody Proposal goes to zoning committee Planning board refi rrid to its zoning committee Monday roposals which would put tit storey lillrunit apartment of Edgehill Drive west of Anne Street and 107 rental townhouses plus nine single family dwellings on the northwest corner of Bayview llrive and Lit said Bowl for Millions chair man Ed ennings Mr Jennings noted that 180 league bowlers raised $13000 in 1976 55 per cent of the $23000 total He expects that roughly the same percentage will hold true this year trip to the Sheas and Kempeview alleys Tuesday confirmed that city bowlers are behind the Big Brothers cause Elwood Atkinson captain of the Stinkers squad in the Five Pin Classic League at Sheas had 52 cents point in pledges which translated into better than $100 if he got anywhere near his average of 222 Last year blew it and got 180 still raised over $100 though be related Mr Atkinson said most of the bowlers iii the league were either sponsored or sponsoring for Big Brothers It gives you feeling that youre doing something extra as bowler Everybody knows its good cause he said He receuited most of his spoir sors at his place of employ ment the Continental liin Dwayne Crane was bowling for 51 cents point most of it POUD SAFETY PATROLLER DISPLAYS CERTIFItAT Berry of Barrie tity lolice made the presentation assisted by lioug lteiiault of of BowlFor Millions fund rais raised at Barrie Tanning where he works lot of our employees are involvedeither as sponsors or bowlers he said Mrs Fay Spurway who has 145 average for the Turkeys of the Tuesday Evening Ladies 10 PinLeague made the rounds at Royal Victoria Hospital in her quest for pledges Shes into her second year of bowling and was participating for the first time in Bowl for Millions representative from Big Brothers came around and passed out pledge sheets thought Id give it try she explained Some bowlers seem par ticularly motivated by the event Bill Gearie of Sheas Tuesday Twilight League rais ed over 3260 last year At Kempview Tuesday four bowlers from one team in the Mens Major League put together their best game of the night for the cause and raised ovei $000 Ron Armstrong president of the league said that the event had been promoted by the ex thi linmcii lub sponsors of the award ilfixainnicr fliotoi Five spots open The iarrie and llistrict tTnitid Appeal will have five vacancies to fill on its board of trustees when it meets at the Barrie YM YWtA eb 15 at Yzilti in for its annual meeting oinplctiiig their thrHyear terms as trustees are Mrs Bet ty Shier tieorgc Wood Major lIric raigg and Mrs Sandra Marshall and chairman Bert took The board has 13 inciiibcis it is responsible for all phases of thetFnitedAppcal Nominations to fill the vaean cies will be accepted from donors by the chairman of the nominating committce at Box 644 Barrie on or before leb Zl The nominations must be in writing and indicate the ap Students from Barries three high schools will learn the hazards and problems as well as tfic advantages of entering various careers at job in formation market April ill at theBarrieArmoury The project is being spoil soicd by the tanadian Man powcr tciitre the lliironia ltotary tlub and city high schools Unlike most carcci llltlllf when employers or rcprescii tativcs of professions and trades address students and answer questions this occasion will be more of job super market according totM on Appeal board proud of the candidate to let his name be used Board members should he cxikiicnccd capable men and women who are slip porters of Tinted Appeal and willing to do their share of the work to ensure success and con lllllllllt tinuity of this service to the community They should be recruited from wide and balanced tions the meet mi not ice range of occupa said chairman took in ecutive and visit Brothers representative We went to the 10 team cap tains and asked them to pro moté it on their teams This way everybody was covered One of the things we stressed was that if you cant get spon sor sponsor yourself he said Ive never had refusal added Buronia Bowlers Association president Tom Cowan Wynn Gare secretary of the Municipal Mixed League notic ed how everybody was saying lets make the second game our better game for Big Brothers think its good for bowlers as well as Big Brothers cer tainly dont think bowlers are doing this for praise or publici ty for themselves or their leagues commented bowler Bill Grant All bowlers consulted Tues day agreed that the event was far better organized this year than last Given that the recordbreaking start this year and the general enthusiasm on the alleys the 1976 total of $23000 seems likely to be sur passed Save ltillolilt subdivision in ing WYNN GARE donn mature hardwoods stan demand residents Allandalc has been held up while city planning board in vestigatcs the chances of sav intI about docn trees which would be wiped out by the dcvclopmcntsroad The trees are among thc last vestiges of what ncighbors say tlicy wcrc oncc told would be permanent grccnbclt public meeting Tuesday on the proposed lordhomc single family home subdivision to be built north of Springlionic ltoarl drew protests from neighbors who said they had bought their homes under £lllll11tt that the tt acrc lhllttl would be used for tlltllil oi left itieiiitnlt llaiinini board ofliiiab tllti thcj had no knolwcdgi of any tllll the city ha cyci had to uw the land loi greenbelt llir toiiethc llt foi school wcic iliiniiloncd lll favor of lc illtltll ictiiiicl lublic ilioid tlt tii Illillillll lililx loiii tll ill lands hic been owned lc ihc curicnt deiclopci llltt ion il iolil lli liltli itli lill liotilti lt the about Tlitt An lotf to iw iiir ding in an area currently designated as the subdivision road During planning board discussion following the meeting Mr Jones said the trees are not particularly at tractivc and do not appear to be worth saving in view of the difv ficulty of re aligning the road Moving the road would pro bably cut two lots off the sub division The board deferred the mat ter until its next meeting March while the citys recreation department checks on thccondition of the trees The line of trees extends beyond the area to be de velopcd into an acre parcel tlicttlycloptl ill add to thead Joining filttlllltltl Park and on llllotilttlllllt3lillhltstll lhc subdivision proposal which Mr Jones had recoiii mended for draft proposal con forms to existing oning on the land The board is not requirml by law to hold public meetings on piiiposals which do not need reoniiiii but does as mat tirot policy Board wants to think about 25foot lots burnK planning board will tool into proponnl to put ttlll detached hoiiicx on to foot itil ltil tor Iitll dwelling unit ill the ltlllti littilli sub dot ion liit thc board iii back slitlip ly luc day on illelopci lcff ladilcic proposal which would haw put the tllll on in lol currently dcsigiiatid for siiiilcfainily titllllligt ll Madden Will be allowed to make thc change on no moic than cycii xuch lots and then The provincial natural resouiccs office in Midhurst lucsday advised county cottage ow iicrs to check for heavy iccumulntions of snow on cotlaiuroots lhc hcayy snow the ministry warned could cause the roofs tocollapsc llairy tlallctt of the Mid hurst office said older cottages are Ill the most danger follow mg record snowfall this winter ministry of Newer ones he said would be built to take the snow So far this year he said Shovel the roof ministry urges only if public response is good at public meeting to llt held onthcpiotxisal Mr Madden told the board Monion he wants to make the change as an cpcriinent He said he has had many requests for StIIHx with garages but cannot build them on the stan daid no fool semi detached lots io feet per titlilllt unit and still keep the price within the i1lttl Home tlltlllltl lro giaiiissiiiooolimit quite few boathoiiscs have collapsed in the area north of oldwatcr tottagc owners in the Six Mile Lake area Mr Ilallett said should check for heavy snow accumulations as soon as possible The situation will get worse he said it there is prolonged thaw If there is any rain he said the snow will compact giving the ippearanec of only light accumulation But the weight thcrc hcwarncd is still Georgian taking look Information market is all about careers In addition to the choice of trustees the annual meeting expected to shed some light on the futureof the Appeal in Bar rie Last years campaign gain ed only tlti pcr cciil of its goal At meeting in January agen cy reprcsciitatives agreed that thorough rc organiation was needed Georgian ollegc is taking an in depth look at what it offers the French speaking residents oflenetanguishcnc hope we will be able to do something more substantial Trustees meet with advisers Simcoc ounty Board of titltttlllltlll trustees are holding special meeting tonight at it at tundlcsllcightslublicSchiml The trustees are meeting with members of the French language advisory committee Itoy Blair coordinating counsellor for manpower said We want to provide the op poitumty for students to discuss the features of job ltl an informal manner with per sons VWllltifliItWt tvlllltlllly WWW imam5 proud iinpoyii ia tot mum Mr Blair said the ltttttt three trustees push Mary lilltkfstll Brown and Alvin liavcllc are members of tatives will have been on the iob long enough to llhtllvfn it in depth but not so long that they the advisory committee with haye forgotten the pioblcins wtx iiicinbcrsofthcpublic and haIards as well as the ad lilt pllbllc members are vantages lloiiglas Leroux ltoland Desloches Marcil to trganircrs are have Ito different careersrepresented hoping to leliumcur crmain lauthicr Jobs and ltomco Asselin and Basil lloiion at French programs than we have in the past not only for the lirancophoncs but also for the Anglophones who want to learn and take specific courses in French says Itobert rawfoiit college presi lent llavid lliillips director of community services said the college is always interested in knowing what people want in courses leorgian now offers summer craft programs in French llcndon ollegc of York University and the Simcoe ounty Board of llducation are currently offering French programs in the area and Mr Phillips said the college would cooperate with the other groups The survey is being funded through the Advisory ouncil for liranco tlntarian Affairs provincial group and the preliminary study was carried out by ltaymonde lesrochcrs of Algonquin ollegc in ttawa bilingual community college Georgian is awaiting Mr hesrochcrs report before iiiak ing further plans THERES MONEY iii tht line with this delivery from Mrs lay Spurway but its not for personal gain Mrs Spurway is one of many bowlers from city leagues who have enlisted pledges for this years Big Brothers Bowl for Millions week Mrs Spurway plays on team The Barrie Examiner Wednesday February 16 1977 15 called the lurkeys part of the iuesday ltllll1 Ladies lttliii League at Slieas Bow iExaminerlhotot American bad habits affect Canadian CBerS By Sll Rtll Llllli l1amincr Staff Reporter The recent crush of Bers jamming radio channels has the good buddies lll the loroiito federal department of coin lillltlltéltltilh lltlti officerch ing with prohlciiis says authoriation supervisor ieoichilson lcople dont know hov to use citicns band radios and theyre pickini up bad habits fioiiiiiiciiciiiliiay Mr Witon told ovcr ltlo peo pic at radio information night at Siiiiioi tiict School 111 Angus Monday thirc are Siriioo radio tations hccnccd in lll area which llltllltil iaiiic andsurroundingtowns Weilonthictl1ttitnctosit down with friooo operators and tell them how to use their eqiiipmciit he said This is where radio clubs conic in itfi appointed trainingofficcrs Ilcsays the problem 151 lack of education Most of them dont know one end of the microphone from the other but ltltl two times on the air they think theyre hot shot radio operators lhcic are rules and regula tions to follow once youre licenced general radio scrvicc ttllt operator Mr Wilson says and there are number of commonViolations lcople who use handlcs rather than their given call numbers shouldnt be rccognir ed he says because they arent operatingproperly once got call on my frc quciicy from guy who said his handle was the ircat anadian lantic Stealer he said What kind of idiot operator do wch1vclicrd ll lnltli Mlllifi llc tlltl people iamminLi channels with music extended coiiycrsations or deliberate in tcifeicncc are all breaking lltSrulis Mr Wilson said lll depart iiiciit wont approvc American cquipmcnt and those who bring it iiptotanada are out of luck We will not licence American equipment lhcrcs nothing but crap being sold downthcrc serious matter is using boots to amplify or expand trinisniissionspower ttncc youve attached boot youre no longer licciic Mlopeititoi said Mi Wilson lciialtics for using boots can brmgfmcsof up tti$25tltl or 12 months in prison and the equipment can be scied and kept by the lttMl ilZtht ul St iV 51tltltlritlios He told new radio operators at the meeting to get as much iiiformition on how to operate their machincsas possible learn the procedure and use common scnsc on the band llttltf llc new instruct ion pain phlcts are in thc printing stage and will come out with the new 40 channel sets and licences Change to 40 bands coming wont change power output lroposed to channel citicns band radio unit ont decrease Bcrs tlJllllllloll powci says George Wilson authoriu tioii supervisor for the federal department of communica tions hat they will do is decrease radio band width hcsays Speaking at radio informa tion night this week Ill Angus Mr Wilson said band with will beciit inhalf Both LLl and ttichanncl sets will havcto be reduced from 200 microvolts per metre to five says Mr ilson llariy lonkman of Mom and Dads Bakery at Little Avenue and Bayview Drive shows children from Assikinack lublic School some of the finer points of lhcrc is still the same power hc told the audience of 110 but this will clean up the channels lhc new ionipineiit got up proyal Jan and Will be of ficialattciprill llcsaysoiwratoiswillbcablc to get licences renewed for their present equipment as long as it is in 1lt lt he had the equipment prior to last ltlolttl he could get permit said Mr Wilson He warned radio operators to be careful Ill buying new equip niciit baking The children taking part in an electives program at the school are visiting variety of businesses each lucsday afternoon Apart llic stores tune lot of the old cqiiipiiiciit on nlit right now licsaid He says tanada has been dumping spot for equipment and warned people American equipment isjiiiik Mr Wilson said Llit channel equipment cant be converted to new specifications because of the conversion from 100 to five microvolis To cut down the harmonics youd have to do lot of shielding he said in question and answer period llllil FINER POINTS OF BAKING from trips the children could also select woodworking tie dytng skating folk dancing and crayon crafts Ex amincilhotio

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