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crowd believed had conspired to overthrow the military government Among those present at the meeting was Anglican Ar chbishop of tganda lanani Luwum who had been listul among the conspirators Luwum was seen to shake his head in apparent denial as one of the statements appeared to implicate him lDl AMIN promises trials Summer gasoline price hike NEW YORK Ali Gasoline prices started rising late last month in the lnited States and will probably continue to rise through the summer oil industry experts say Last year at this time prices were falling as they otten do once the summer vacation driving peak is past Warns on Levesque language law BELLEVILLIZ tint itli Ontarios Liberal learlei says Quebec lremier tent Levesque will likely iii troduce some outrageous language legislation as prelude to referendum on separatism Stuart Smith told reporters at luncheon Tuesday that the legislation would be designed to get the backs of EnglishCanadians up He said the resulting furor in the rest of tanada would give Premier Levesque more support for holding separa tion referendum Dr Smith in the Bellevillc area for twoday speaking tour said the federal govern ment shoutl have taken Bill 22 Quebecs controversial language legislation to the Supreme toiirt of Ianada since it violated the rights of Canadians of other ethnic origins RENE LEVESQUE cause furor To pay for statue damage NEW YORK tAli Six Iranian students who hung banners from the Statue of Liberty to protest alleged imprisonment and torture of political dissenters in Iran have agreed to pay $3408 to repair damage in the statue officials say The authorities said no other action will be taken against them The six walked floors to the statues crown Tuesday ordered tourists out broke windows and unfurled two bedshect banners that read Free the 18 and Down with the Shah More humane traps tested OTIAWA ttl The ommoiis forestry committee opened hearings on humane trapping luesday and learned that three potentially more humane animal traps now are being field tested The three undergoing the advanced testing are among designs submitted so far to the Federal Provincial ommitr tee for llumanc Trapping lltllli DaliStewart of Manitoba group chairman told Mls Boy lt rescued from fire TORONIU ttli 21¢ yearold boy whose mother was deported to South America several months ago was rescued Tuesday by neighbors from the second floor of burning house Police said the boy had been left unattended when the fire broke out in the house where he lived with his godparents Mr and Mrs Manuel Ramas Mrs Ramas said the childs mother was deported for stealing front department store liireman Bruce Mackenzie 40 suffered heart attack while fighting the blaze and wastakcii tohospital Israelisstate peace terms JERUSALIZM tAli Israels leaders were giving US State Secretary Tyrus Vance their terms for peace negotiations with the lalestinc Liberation Organization tllti today and it up iared unlikely that they would be met me highranking oreign ministry official said the PLO would have to affirm its acceptance of the Jew isb state and also approve United Nations resolutions recognizing Israels sovereignty before Israel would even consider peace talks in which the Palestine guerrilla organization took part Women bandits lee on bikes ESSEN West Germany Reutcri Three women armed with pistols robbed bank of more than $85000 Tuesday and escaped on bicycles policcsaid they said thewomcn threaten ed the bank personnel and packed the money into shopping bags within 30 cotttlS THING TRIP TO MOM AND DADS BAKERY WAS LOTS OF FUN FOR SCOTT GILMORE LEFT AND FRIEND ANOTHER IIIOTO ON PAGE 15 The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Wednesday February 16 1977 BITING THE IIAND THAT SAVED HIM This dog was so confused after his masters home burnt down Tuesday in Toronto that he hit the hand oftircman that saved his life Later he hit policeman that was trying to help calm him Council delays decision on pay MIDIHIRST Staffi Sim coc ounty council today delayed final decision on the rate of increase in per them pay for its 525 members pending fur ther study The general gchriiment and finance committee headed by Reeve Morris Darby of Tiny township will make reconr mcndation for councils con sidcratioii next month when budget figures Wlll he presented as preliminary to setting ltfl county levies on its Ctmembermunicipalities survey of municipal honorariuiiis and allowances was advocated by Reeve Rill iibbins of lnnisfil mcmbcrof the finance committee and former chairman The inn nicipal allowances should give us good indication as to whether we are paying enough hesaid statiiighc felt that adequate pay helps hcttcr administration by encouraging more qualified people to offer tlicirscrviccs When it was mentioned in an earlier period there were often only token allowances for the mayor and others usually scrv ed trom civic pride the recvc remarked conditions are much different today from that past era It takes great deal more time to deal with the in volved administration pro bleins we now have toface The lnnisfil reeve said he had to devote many more hours to public service now than his father did when he headed the liiiiisfil council years ago Reeve Alan Johnston of Vespra didnt commit himself on the question but pointed ottt membcrs allowances of $45 per day havent been increased for two years He agreed any in crease should be within the restraint guidelines Deputy Reeve Allan McLean of ro stressed the county coiiii cil should strive to hold the tax line as iiiuch as possible on practical basis This should be the guiding principle hesaid Last year an increase was made in mileage rate to In cents Members are paid for at tending council and committee meetings No strike action plans say carriers Rarries 40 letter carriers are upset Jerry lopiiik letter car rier said story in lucsdays Examiner gave some people the impression the letter car riers are considering strike because of working condit ions Weve got no problems he said Were not any strike action Mr lopiuk said the carriers members of the Harrie local of the Letter airicrs Union of anada are not associated with the anadiaii lliiioii of Postal Workers IlW They are two separate and distinct unions hesaid considering down but thats to be ex pccted of dog whose name islippy lllhotoi Me Ian Smith No February holiday There will be no holiday in lltebruiry this year The federal governments Hill that would have the third Monday in licbruary desig iiatcd Heritage Day statliatory holiday has only made it through first reading in the tonne of ommoiis WE WANT OPINIONS We want to know what you think about The Examiner On Page 117 of todays IIx aminer there is question naire about The Examiner and it is your chalice to tell us what you like about your newspaper and what you dont like Readers are invited to answer the questions and return the questionnaire to us RlllIMt lRII l5 Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllIIIIllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllIlllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllltlIllIllIllllllltllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll flame Examiner IN CREEMORE $20adog plan working says More By lIIllIR De ltlDlIST l1amincrtaff Reporter Dogowners here are furious and frightened And Don More couldnt be happier lr More advert iscd the weekly recnioic Star that he was willing to pay $20 for any dogs running loose in this village 3o miles west of Harrie The results have been terrific Mr More said luesday Ive got them the dogownersi scared be said Its worked iurposc of the advertisement he said was to get dog owners to keeptheir pets tied tip li More says he represents group of illeitc rt ltltlil con ccrned about the nuinberot dogs running loose hcic About six children have been attacked and bttcii by dog since last summer he said itliin week almost all of the dogs have been tied tip iii town he said Weve frightened people so much there hasnt been that many dogs runmngloosc Any dogs bought are given food and water and are kept in Mr Mores house until Rarric animal shelter worker can pick them up Mr More said many people were worried about what happen ed to thcdogs and oncpcrson accused him of selling the dogs to researchers guess now Ill be accused for every lost or missing dog he said IIlllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllIlllllIllllllllllllllllllllllll alllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll WEATHER FORECAST CLOUDY 28 Pages Residents turned in three dogs without any itltlilllltltlltill he said biii only $20 was paid Two people refused to accept the rcwarl money because they agreed with the purpose be said Here finding lot of the citizens are in igiceizcnt ith us he said lr More received one anonymous letter saying he is crook and thief taking advantage of little childrens pets Rut hesaid this kind of bother is worth it it dog owners keep the animals under control dont dislike dogs he said Ive got nothing attains dogs It someoftlicirowiieisI dislike Mr Moresaid he will not accept dogs lltlll people he does not kiii He had otters to sell dogs from two people lviic outside the community He said the village has been unable to control nc tliLIi since its dog catcher quit recniore hired the Harrie Animal Shelter to patrol the village hesaid but this has very limited effect The towns hands are tied he said The council told us it we catch thedogs we can turn them oyer to tlieaiiiiiial shelter The war against the loose dogs will continue he said as long as people refuse to control the animals We mean business he said It has worked it has really worked Weve accomplished what we wanted The Ontario Humane Society still plans to stllil an in vestigator totalk to Mr More about tthBo adog reward Upper Bayfield six lanes province considering it Snow ll ltltllARllDINSTAN Examiner Staff Reporter The provincial government is considering making upper Hayfield Street six lane highway transport minister Ianics Snow told The IIxaminer today ity officials have been ask ing for fifth lane to relieve congestion on the heavily travelled fourlaiie road above Highway 400 and Mr Snow met earlier this week with city delegation headed by Mayor Ross Archer to discuss possible wideningof thestrcet Mr Snow said in telepone interview today he has reserva tions about epxaiidiiig the street to five lanes rather than six continuous ltflrlltlll lane could cause problems with cars travelling in both directions us ing the same lane for turns into the stiects many business en traiices he said In addition he said wideir ing highways is not cheap job and expanding from four lanes to five and perhaps later to six would be inefficient because of the need to re construct curbs gutters and catchbasins twice We probably should at least be looking at the possibility of making that section six lanes rather than five he said WOULDNTSIEULATE Mr Snow would not speculate on the likely date for widening but said it is not likely to hap pen this year because of the time it will take to omplete technical work and acquire the necessary property The city has most of the land Record profit for auto firm DElROIl tAlt Ford Mo tor Slld record rofits of $083 mi lion in 1976 despite fourweek strike which the company said trimmed ear nings by an estimated $348 million it needs to add fifth lane but Would need another 10 feet on the west side south of undles for sixth lane Mayor Archer said luesday Mr Snow said the right of way is already wide enough north of uiidles and the road would be widened from High wayttto totlie city limits He said the project will pro bably not involve widening the bridge over Highway 400 job he said would be too costly Mayor Archer said the sixth lane the farthest west could end just short of the bridge as lifllllvtlllll lane for southbound traffic to enter southbound lanes on Highway 400 Mr Snow said no cost estimates are available for widening either to six to five lanes He said the ministry is making no commitment on ci ty request for 100 percent pro viiicial fundingofthe project Standard ministry policy calls for 73 per cent provincial funding because the street is ruonnectiiig link on Highways Bit and 37 but the city is asking for total funding on the grounds that the province encouragtxl the business development which has created the conges lItill Ministry and city enginixriiig staffs are to work together to seek the best long term solution to traffic problems on the street Mr Snow said lCNIRAL OIIICiIAIII Bands brass quintette won first place at Kiwanis Music Festival competitions Mon day in Toronto The five left Ri and 1ch Watson Kneeling Stephen Hall and llriaii Smith defeated eight standing Scott musicians lien Warnica lialkin other groups This is the se cond year in row Central has won the competition Examiner lhotot Another first for band Members of the Barrie cn tral ollegiate Rand picked up another first and second place finish at Kiwanis Music Ites tival competitions luesday in Toronto entrals clarinet choir finished first in the woodwind ensembles class with mark of 90 tollingwood ollegiate finished close second The brass ensemble placed second behind North Toronto tollegiate and was again followed by ollingwood in third spot ollingwoixt which is enter ing the competition for the se cond time placed tiist and so cond iii the instrumental ensemble class second in the brass quintettc and third in voodwind quinet et The festival will continue throughout the week enlral has entered 20 different com pet it ion cisses