Bill Gage of Guthrie shows some rare items including shoulder flashes from the nowdefunct Essa Township police department to eightyearold Teddy lohn stoii ot Barrie during the Iluioiiia Numismatic Asso MORE THAN HALF MILLION DOLLARS IISILAY AT IN SHOW stamps and other items were on display IIIxaniiiier IItttlol ciatioiis show HIUIUUI Hayfield Mall Hull MINI mm Hm ha niilhon dollars woh C011 Fashionconscious Romanians find ways around restrictions BLCIIARPISI APt Stylish Romanian women pick their dresses from western cata logues although the mailerder houses are inaccessible to them They solve the problem by ripping out the catalogue page going to their tailor and telling him Make me dress like this We haye special tailor shops that will make what we want 23yearold secretary exv plained And we make some things ourselves Fashion magazines and cataA logues are prized in East Bloc countries where style takes back seat to uniformity Ro mania imports as little as pos sible to save foreign currency for its industrial development We have three big shops said young woman wearing turquoise turtleneck sweater and dark skirt But they dont always have the things we want Friends and relatives in west ern countries are the source ot most ot the magazines and clothes that find their way into the count ry MATERIAL POUR The tailors are very good the secretary said We choose the material which is Homa nianmade The quality of the work is good btit the material is less good tailoinmade dress costs too to 500 lei about 34m Many young women wear formfittiiig boots to just below the knee The lashioii is to wear them with midiskirts or with jeans rolled tip to the top ot the boots The boots are made in Romania but the lew pIitITttIIIl thickssoled shoes seeii were im ported And jeans are hard to get Ito look They make jeans iii mania but they dont right said young man pair ot western jeans has to be obtained through friends or the black market and costs about too lei Romanians said cant find Itltltl dress said young woman lerhaps could get one troni the West but it would cost Too lei IICIIIIG LI It II II Ieddling ot western clothing received iii parcels troiii abroad can be extremely lucrative and is trowiied upon by the goyeriiiiieiit The average monthly wage is Lotto lei Some women still wear mini skirts but they are going out ot fashion Romanian men are also tasl ionconscious but they hare easier time buying tIolh readymade With winter setting in durtl IIlItINtivtIIlIHl Itoiiiaiiil have several months ot coat weathcraiid are eoiiiHtd with having tashioiiable ltct £II This winter leather WW shiny or suede are in hell seXes mans leather Will lined with imitation turn too lei popular style tor tltttft lurtriiiiiiied suede brown or green Sina itmtti ric designs are tlllItrlIII 11 intervals along the All coat reminiscent tmlm tolk patterns While older WWW vltltt scaryes and krttI Ilétl younger women 11 Hdl wool or lur hu Vim VII IIiIIli What woiiierltliikt HM selves is sonietltï¬ till it knitted liom WI III Hll hatsorsweatct Society turns shouer on prisoners fanily MUNIRIIAI ttlt Society turns cold shoulder on women involved with prisoners and the exixrimice of doing time on the outside is soiiiitimes harder than spending term behind bars says Marilyn hintsilver case worker with the John IIowardSociity The lamilies of prisoners are Victimiml in at least the same way as their husbands if not more Miss IdIltSIIVUI says Landlords weltare agencies Coll DARLENE Darlene Bristow For All Your Travel Information The Best Servlc In Town BRISTCW Tra vel Serve II plumes of OI 737034 737034 29 Owon SI Bonk OM and schoo are hard on IIltH The whr attitude is om oi rejection She saw the hardships are not just tiancia lhtyiiiotional and Homo implicgons ol his being in prison etiemendoiis Thetsappointnieiit oi homo rejectl by tiieiids and handy memrs who comm womi tainted can be over whotiiig shesay so anything tor my with it llesidcs would hayeto wlp 9d 37 year old doctor borrow sewing machine Most 1Tlt gate IV western young women dont have one Wm tor Iiow but iiist the older wotiieii and new liad lllllt to do anything iiiaids Anonymous ï¬g was Ullman lleai IlllIIlII1IZ litcciitly yoti printed an IIssay on Youth The sender said he had tottiid it bookmark and the authoi wasaiioiiyiiiotis May throw little ltuht on tlitstibicct That essay waswrit teii tieii IllitlLIih licitliui iii case you want to set the record straight ity hear lor the IIAILIIII record please read the follow iiig Itiar iin llie livaj on Youth was written by my grand lather ttttlttciiiiticll IIIIiitIttII liiiiiiiiiizhaiii lwoiity Uni tlltl iiij uiaiidtatlitrk death ioiiiiialist who wasiiiterytcwtiiitticii litrthurit hi Tokyoheadquartersiii lttlt 31tIIiIIttIIIJ traiiied potiii oii IittItI It wastilltd otitii and the atithor apparently iiiltttlllttll The general utltl IIlv ttf had been sent to hint jcai Iiitoitaiid he touiid it sttlil itiiiielittittgtk unliciexci he went later learned the essay appeared in print under the title teiicri1Micitlitiistiedo 5o llIi will you kindly llltl the entire essay in your column as my grahdtaliii Samuel Tilinlti wrote it It would make tlioscot us who toyed hiiii proud Haiiiucll llniaii III Itoir Ill It is with LIlfti pleatire that run the complete ad was written by your giaiidtathcr Samuel llliiian Thank you tor pro ItIlll inert ith the lact Hl III In SII Ill II Youth not tiiiieot Tllt it IJHUI lllllltI it lllltl mat ter ot rosy check icd lip and supple kiiec it tiiatter ot l1lTI duality ot the iiiatiiiatioit ti izorot thceiiiotioiis it IIiIIIiIlt ot tlitdcepspiiiit ot Itlt tt Youth lllttll teiiipciaiiietital piedoiiitiiaiice ot courage oxci tiiiiidity ot the appetite tor JltIlIllllIl WII the one oI eaw lht ottcn tll IIi man ot tLtI more than boy ot tht ailtody LIttv oid iiterel by li iiig iitiiiibci ot years chrow old bf descrttiii ottr tIttl Year may wrinkle the ktii but to L1t tip enthusiasm IlIiITt the otil Worry tear sch doubt how the heart and turns tinspirit batl todtio thcther or Hi there is in every human being heart the bowl wonder the llltIJtllllILtIllItI IlIiItllIIttwlIf ot whats next and the toy ot the Lilltltttt Il iiiL Ill thctciiticol your heart and Ht1ltIllII1III1ItIIlTIIII ioioti it recents messages ot bcaiit hope tIlltI iiidconagc otitiejoitiiL When the icrial artdown aiidyoui still it iscotitrl with the shows ol ttlltlll and the ice ot Ivlllillll then you have grown old ll it in Hot lontgnyotir aerialw are up tocat chtlicoptiiiiisiii theretliripcyoiimay dityotiiieattttt itcar llll ltoi iIII Illt to accept date to an iiiipot taiit part tioiii the dude who ks IllIIlIJ iuy Ill call The ltoit trapped iiictzl ice by calling two months in adyaiice and am ¢iIsillc Hear Icd It gilt doesnt want to go with dude she should iy when he 12th and take her chances II she tItNMIII get better ottei Iltt IttIItI oil at Illtlllt with good book Canada Trust to Sawrigs Plan iiiar 05 on IIIOIltfy it to 10 years $10M now tor it yoarw $24It at tiiattioty doiible Haiti rato availablo on trwt All RsPs arenot alike ttmtoeiit adore you tflfditltl hit depoottod ttttw wtitttt lIttflfftitiitt Jitt ilm yoat ttpriat if you llrttélt ty haylt3 ati RSI Uttbltltd bwnctiiiiri to Canada hunt to moot now WIItlllt to tr many thld may the word Woll do the that All Ltfii iiolntt tltkt Canada Trust MD tottttit MtWULt tttiatc Uh lllttt try Durlongerhours nThuts 9m Fri 730 Sat 9m BEANS ABM EVRYY LOW RICES AR AS LOW 0R LOWER THAN OTHER FOOD STORE ADVERTISED PRICES WE DARE YOU TO COMPARE We Do PORK LIVER PORK CHOPS SHOULDER CUT CHUCK STEAK OR ROAST TURKEY LEos DRUMSTICKS CANADA ERESH ERozEN CANADA GRADE SLICED CANADA SELECT CANADA PACKERS GRADE BEEF SELECT 10 LB FRESH GRADE BOX lB MR lB NEVER FROZEN FROZEN lB LIMIT PER CUSTOMER CANADA PACKERS SMOKED PICNIC SHOULDER 865 KETCHUP SUNSPUN II 01 BOTTLE CANADA PACKERS PORK HOCKS 49f COWBOY STEAK OR CROSS RIB ROAST 85 VIM SKIM FRESH MEATY CANADA GRADE IlAll BEEF BOLOGNA RANCH smE WHOLE 445 PORK SAUSAGES BREAKFAST OR EARMER CANADA GRADE EXTRA LARGE ms UP 69¢ mm CARLETON FROZENZEAqsm HILO FRENCH 9f WHILE SUPPLY LASTS DIRECT FROM PRODUCER LIMIT DOZEN VAN CAMP PROK $199 395 LIMIT CUSTOMER I401 3$I KELLOGGSCHEESE To COFFEE BUTTER PIER CHIPS HOSTESS REG 89 pkg BURNS FOOD PRODUCTS ROYAL LUNCH MEAT COMPARE 79 BUY ONE GET ONE FREE $249 FRESH MUSHROOMS 99 SCHWARTZ 4801 ICE BOX JAR $219 BREAD 24 Ol LOAF NESTLE IO 01 JAR 359 LIMIT JARS FRESH MILK BEATRICE PART SKIM OVEN 12 oz TiN FRESH BAG OR JUG WHITE BROWN CHUCKWAGON DINNERS mm 10 STEWS WHEAT MEAT am on ANJOU SPAGHETTI EAch 24 oz TiNs Pius JUG DEPosiT I20 sizE CANADA PACKERS BACON ENDS BRISTOL MEYERS PRODUCTS JAVEX 64 OZ KILO FLEECY LIOUID 64 oz 59¢ AIIEULATED FABRIC SOFTENER ONE PER $10 FLEECY SHEETS mm VALENCIA STORE PACK JUMBO 88 SIZE 149 49 PURCHASE DOES NOT INCLUDE BREAD FRESH MILK CIGARETTES FOR DRYER 30s AIR CARE FRESHENER 33f XTRA SPECIAL ROUND STEAK OR ROAST RUMP ROAST BONEIN $119 $109 Plus 100s Of lnSTore Features of iscounT Savings 9900 50995 099 HOURS voooooo oooooo 009900 0090099 900000 oooo 0999000 oooooo oooooo tooooooo oooooo ooooooo oooooot 0000 UN3 ï¬ï¬ï¬iVVh VV¢ NH NH NON Mendmsmm 004OOO 00 090009 00099 oooovooo 099909 oooooot OOOOOO OOOOOC 000 990999 oooovooo 00 oooooo oo EOOOOOOO ooooo OOOOOOOPOOOOOO 090 P009 00 00 OOOOOOt OOOOO1 P090 0990 94 too 99 ooocvooot r00t0 ooooooltoooooolt booo 9990 901 oooooooooooooq r0991vooot Oo ooooooeoooooo 0099 0000 00 QOQPQOOOQOOOO EQOO4OOOlt oooo oooooooooggwg 0009 900 0099 oooovooooo pooolOooc oommt ooooooooorog 0900 too poo 09009000400 4h3¢ boo roooo oooo oooOvoooo Ooorooooooooooooo 090000 we 9000 oooo Iv tY OOOOOOOOOO 09 coo OOOO woo no0 mob rooooooooot oocroo 000 9000009999 09sec 0000 0004990 °O°o°o°oooo 0000 OOot on V5t wooo ï¬pqp ooo POO ¢Jï¬ ï¬‚ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ QQQ¢ ï¬g gag Wm 309 9z° 599 59 We reserve The right To Ilmfl 00 2920292 £23222 sooa To average family needs