EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation 7266539 Classified Advertising 7282414 All Other Departments 7266537 113th year No 37 U112 flame Examiner The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Monday February 14 1977 15 Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly WEATHER FORECAST 16 Pages 17500 On Ice Over Weekend Im tickled pink says Ed Tschirhart over Carnival success ByRICHARDDUNSTAN Exaniinchtaff Reporter Barries Winter Yarnival were held at Molsons Park place less subject to weather problems than Kciiipenfelt Bay some events but also kept the crowds comfortable from the ankles up until Sundays wind Sunday He said the financial picture will be clear at months end Klondike night Friday at the Barrie Arniouiy featuring games of chance and dancing came back to the bay this ice But the weather still began cutting through coats The chamber went into this and drawinga crowdestimated weekend and on the lVldcntt managed to give the event and jackets few snowflakes years carnival more than at 300 and two pancake itstheretostay beating last year as rain Vii drifted down as the carnival $10000 in debt from past can breakfasts also at the ar lm tickled pink carnival chairman Ed lschirhart said Sunday after most of the crowds had drifted off the ice and returned home think we went in the right direction we brought it back to the people The 1975 and 15170 carnivals tiially washed out one days gate receipts and put the already debt ridden carnival deeper in the hole This year both the weather and the money took turn for the better ltl171111 temperatures put slush underfoot cancelling Check on P0 W8 not thorough says committee WASHINGTON tAPi Do fence department officials did not conduct thorough iiivesti gation of whether any US ser vicemen violated military law while they were prisoners of war in North Vietnam spc cial Pentagon committee says The investigations were min imal and the rationale support ing dismissal of charges that It suggested that this resulted from policy guidance from high officials in the defence depart iiieiit at that time Melvin Laird was defence secretary whilc preparations were made and policies drafted for the expected freeing of the Americans held as war prison crs wound to close but predicted rains kept theirdistance ii the financial side car nival organiers took the worry otit of the weather report by abolishing the admission price and relying on draw ticket sales concessions and con trihiitions from business to meet theeventssitgooo builtit Draw ticket salesmen were everywhere and organizers say response was estcllem HRH Kli lll€ id have complete con fidence in breaking even and hopes of moving on the debt Bob llollywood general manager of the sponsoring ircater lltlllt arrie haiiibcr of said Old books are frozen itilttixlti itti lNitll31li valuable booksdaiiiaged by wa ter during inulti million dollar tire at thi lniversity of toininerce nivals Estimated attendance was 10000 Saturday between 7500 and 10000 Sunday rganizers differed on the Sunday turnout lce boat races and school broomball were among events cancelled because of slush while the skydiving exhibitions Sunday were called off due to wind conditions World brooinball and motor cycle races were top attrao tioiis while helicopter rides and horse drawn slcighs lid boomingbusiness ill the ice highlights includ ed an arts and crafts show which drew an estimated 7000 to the old anadian Tire building on Dunlop Street moury will total ol 000 pod plcservcd The arts and crziits show featured cverytliziig from nature lltilliiliitill to clocks and from stuffed animals to lltllrSth hoiiieinelc airplane and organicr ljleanor Jackson said exhibitor did well finanr cially They went out smiling she said ity police said they had no trouble with mi ritualgoers though traffic was congested on Simcoc Street dri look3d fornonvextstciit parkoigspots lll llt llltls ltlISllflrs tt ltliSi St ANllllllISlttltlSll£ Barrie CA branch issues disclaimer The Barrie branch of the on sinner Association of anada has disclaimcd responsibility for an application for federal seven students this summer for consumer rescaicl The applications were sub inittcd without the approxal or Toronto liiiday re le bomkfmm IQWS l1t funding for consumer in knowledge of the Barrie ex agamst Others 19 wag ltit to pltHlll ic foimation MP oima ioiio aiiit 11 1U La very weak thCdeUlct run titiiisns11111pitssrplu commmcesaky nivcrsity officials said The application filed by Tm hm Hut my today that the books are being branch member Ken lowell Mun Li froen in vacuum chambers in asks for 300000 under the for consume ch tliluilllt proccsssiiinlai to diat used to anada Works program for hm mp Wm mugHi iiiiilzetreeedriedcoflec establishment of an office liking 1l spokesman cstiiiiated that which would employ eight full Thl mum Kissinger lliMthilt Del tAli Richard llclins former direc tor of the cntral in 10 per cent of lioooo engineering Hun were destroyed in the fin Alexander Rankin university vice president said that crews worked around the clock during time ltilktlS Mr lowell also applied for $11l4t11undei the Youngtanada Works program to hire six or ligating funding tor icntre which would the volunteer help with some itltldltl lance the release saiti LlSSlfs telligcnce Agency has told 1r officials that ll be is indicted on perjury charges he will name former state secretary Henry Kissinger as the man who or dered him to he the Sunday News Journal reported during thewcekcnd llelnis could not be reached forcoiiimcnt but sources itlnii the tlA justice department and state department said that llclmss vow is the reason pres sure is being applied to prevent multiple count indictment the weekend to storc books in milk cartons and clean the two buildingsdamaged by fire The fire destroyed the Tit year old Sir Sandford lltlllltlt building lasscs normally held at the builde for ooo engineering students were being held in othcrbuildmgs tomputers housed in the San dford building and valued at ST million rcccivcd minimal THOSE CHILLY winds did chilie from one of the conces sions helped this carnival goer stay warm Saturdays mild temperatures and Offer made to CGE employees thousands of feet turned pages and Sports Page much of the ice surface to Examiner Photo by Rolf slush but threatended rains Kraikeri stayed away See pictures blow across the Kempenfelt Bay ice Sunday but fur lined parka and bowl of 7A PS ULE NE WS Two hurt in thwarted hijacking ANKARA tAli passenger on Turkish iirlincs Dtrs foiled pistol wielding 17yearoIds attempt to hijack the plane to Yugoslavia but not before the youth wounded the pilot and stewardess slightly Police said the passenger who was not identified sneaked up behind police cadet Aslan Mintas and grabbed his gun is the lmllh ll llbll jetlmer was about to land Sunday at llllllldi airport rear 17 cred them itli tarpaulins ifti Tmka Im ml llw mlmm The plane which landed safely was carrying passengers IRtllhl him by federal grand as 851 reques He jury newspaper reported in Union leaders are supporting Canadian General Electric contract offer which would give workers at the firms Barrie Late night looms for city council City council will sit down to short council meeting and long committee session tonight beginning at pin Main council business will be approval of reports from last weeks general committee meeting Only one bylaw to enter an agreement with the Red Cross for homemaker service to the citys social serviced depart ment is on the council agenda But vote for adjournment will not mean aldermen can go home and put their feet up Half of last weeks general commit tee buisncss was left unfinished when the session ground to halt after midnight and this week council members will try to catch up Among items scheduled for committee consideration are this years development pro gram for the lakeshore between Bayfield and Mulcaster streets preliminary discussion of the 1977 current budget and an open ditch on Brock Street Items dealt with last week and scheduled for routine coun cil approval tonight include fiveyear capital budget calling for $2124 million in capital spending in 1977 The council meeting is open to the public but the committee session will be closed except to city staff and the press Downsview man still in serious condition Downsview man involved in twocar collision early Saturday morning in Per kinsfield is in the respiratory intensive care unit of Toronto General Hospital today listed in serious but stable condition says hospital spokesman David Allen Roy Parker 34 was involved in collision in the villages main intersection at about 130 am Saturday PP and was treated at Huronia District Hospital before being taken to Toronto General with extensive chest injuries say Midland Neil Lcspcrance 35 of Perkinsfield the other driver in the accident was taken to lluronia District Hospital with chest pains and knee iijury Controls unpopular with British labor LONDON tlteuteri The leadership of 400000 skilled workers voted oveiwhelmiiigly Saturday to resist further pay curbs as part of the British gov ernmeiits twoycar wage rc straint policy The 23401 vote by the execu tive council of the Association of Scientific Technical and Managerial Staffs ASTMS ad ded pressure for return to unrestricted wage bargaining ASTMS sinkesmcn said the governments wage restraint policy has eroded their pay difr fereiitials in favor of unskilled workers Union leader live Jenkins told reporters he is urging members to prepare claims for the end of the current pay agreement this summer plant raises in the area of per cent union spokesman said Sunday Workers at the Barrie plant and 12 other GE plants in in tario are to vote on the offer Thursday Laura MacDonald president of United lIlcctrical Workers Local 543 representing Barrie plant workers said both the Local executive and the unions negotiating committee representing all 13 plants have recommended acceptance of the oneyear pact The proposed contract would increase the lowest wage rate to $352 an hour from $508 and the highest to $700 from $700 Mrs MacDonald said The raises would be retroactive to Dec 24 when the previous con tract expired Wage rates given are rounded to the nearest cent Actual rates include fractional cents The proposed contract also includes improved safety pen sion and insurance provisions Mrs MacDonald said She said safety provisions exceed stan dards set by recent legislation and mark great step for ward Negotiations had gone to mediation before the tentative settlement was reached Thurs day the same day the union could legally have gone on strike Tontract talks involve about 430 workers at the Barrie plant the citys secondlargest industrial employer after Mansfieldlenman and about 0500 across the province Frozen Lake Erie no pleasure path IIlll ASStHlAIlID lltlISS The thought of walking across frozen Lake llrie was more than four men could resist nc pair failed turned back by howling winds and the thoughts of worried loved ones The second pair strolled into Taiiada almost undetected Because of this winters perr sisteiit cold temperatures the lake was sufficiently froen over to perinil the trek Wesley Schalamoii 42 of Val ley fity tlhio and Daniel Greene 24 of Cleveland alked 30 miles Saturday from atawba loint near the Sand usky tiliio side of the lake to Iolchester iit about 15 miles south of Windsor Asked why no one outside their immediate families was told about the trip ahead of time Schalainoii said The object was to make it didnt care about coverage or public ity That really complicates things There was good chan ce we werent going to make it Id rather tell about it at tcrwards Brian Kiiial 50 newspaper copy editor and his boyhood friend Bob Bliss 31 former submarine crew member also set out to cross the take but from poiiil near llric la Crash victim listed fair lort Severn man is listed in fair condition with multiple in juries in liarries Royal Vic toria Hospital after being iii volved in thrHLvehicle crash Saturday night Midland police say John Mack 50 was taken to Barrie after an accident on Highway 09 at Port Severn shortly afterti pm Saturday Mack was driving northlt bound at the time of the acci dent say police when his car collided with southbound vehicle driven by James Stotliers 41 of lslington third car driven by Lorne Woods 70 of Midland was southbound at the time and pil ed iiito the two vehicles Taken to lluionia District Hospital with minor inuries were Tracy Mack 11 Stothers his wife lilkc 37 and children Kaien 14 and Lisa 12 and Woods wants to die by firing Squad Bill liry of the Toronto Demonstration Team vol unteercd his stomach as cutting table for csar Borkowski during martial arts demonstration Saturday copy rht article at icorgian ollcgc llic deinoustration was part ol the first fullcontact karate and kltkrlltlxlllfl tournament to come to Barrie How did it hooked up to another computer throughthetclephoncsy stcm PARDON MY SWORD go over How did lllt cantcloupc make out Better still how did 1ltry make 0011 Results on Page 10 thx aminer lhotoi all links on 200imle flight from lstaiibiil to Law on the Aegean coast Police arrested the youth as sour as the plane landed The wounded stewardess lsil ltoitbay said the uitorned cadet went to restroom shortly after the plane took off from Istanbul reappeared with gun and tried to force his way into the cockpit saw the gun and tried to block his way through the cockpit door she said managed to close the doii but then he started to tire about He was extremely amiry llc am telling me that the plane should go to Belgrade Federalism must change Fortin lltltlAllllT Que ltli The federalist system must be changed if Qticbeccrs are to he convincr ed not to leave onfedcra tioii the leader of the federal Social redit party warned duringtheweckend We can no longer remain indifferent towhat ishappen mg around us ndre lortin told an audience here lt is certain that the election of the larti Quebecois is going to force anada to re think Itsrole Instead of discussing ways of bringing home anadas constitution the 10 provinces should sit down and write new one hesaid It is urgent that we settle the constitution problem ourselves and stop wonder mg whether it is going to be brought back by plane or by boat Dltlf Hill ll Blue llountain win for Duvillard tllilithitl tint tl lrcnchiiiaii llcnri Duvillard recorded his eighth victory in 14 starts Sunday and passed the saloon mark in winnings this season when he won the World Pro Skiing slalom raccat nearby Blue Mountain linvillard 20 the defending champion and lending money winner had little trouble winning when challciigci Manfred lakober of Switzerland ran off the course in both of the final lllllS lakober who picked up $3000 for his second place iinish was the big money winner for the weekend collecting total of $0400 Wearing his lucky ski suit Saturday the second year 30 tillr old pro won the $5400 first prize money when he beat com patrioteJoseftdermatt in giant slalom race dermatt who finished second in the giant slalom was third in Sundays slalom No clues from snowmobile arcli ltlllilA ttll Mciiihers of the tirillia SnowBees Snowmobile lub Found no traces Sunday of private plane missing since Jan that carried ltavinda Saiidhu Toronto policeconstable and his wife Anja both of taky ille int The club members were preparing trail toi an outing next Sunday club spokesman Keith Marshall said Their route took them near Longford lownship where tieirard troisct Dutch clairvoyant says the plane might be found