NEW FACE Theodore Sorenson is both new and familiar face on the Washington scene with the advent of the Carter ad ministration The new direc tor of the Central In telligence Agency he was power in the capital in the early 605 as White House aide and one of President John Kennedys most in fluential advisers Loghouse building his forte COBALT Ont lCPi Early in 1975 Bill McIntyre decided to make his break He packed up his wife Fran and llyearold son Albert and left promising newspaper ca reer in southern Ontario for return to his native north coun try Two years later he sits and writes in the comfort of tree fringed log home he built near the shore of the Montreal River in Gillies Limits Ont near Co balt Mr McIntyre is an advocate of an alternative lifestyle built upon energy conservation and minimum demands upon the economy And he believes there are thousands of Canadians who share his feelings For his part Mr McIntyre is not only writing book about building log houses but rough ing out plans for Northern On tario school for selfsufficiency He discovered there is de mand for the skills of selfsuffi ciency when he offered to teach course in loghome building for adults for the Haileybury School of Mines INQUIRIES BRISK skeptical school adminis tration placed few advertise ments and received more than 90 inquiries Mr McIntyre is teaching three classes now each comprising 20 persons The instruction is practical he said and if he can teach people to avoid all the mistakes he has made himself they will receive pretty good basic edu cation in loghouse building Mr McIntyre estimates he has spent only $3000 on mate rials for his Ilastorey log house He arranged with jobber to buy redpine logs from the Ma tabechuan area and made deal with sawmill operator to let him cut them to six inches square The only professional help he received was from carpenter who installed the roof beams Mr McIntyre made this con cession after he and friend were working on the beams and everything collapsed in tangle little oldfashioned scrounging helps The homes bedroom has stainedglass win dows from former Cobalt church The handsome down stairs windows are from Kirkland Lake Ont school Heat is supplied by wood stove supplemented with lit tle oil during cold spells and Fran cooks on propane stove Longrange plans include the use of solar and wind power and enough farming to provide the family with essentials We arent rejecting society were just trying to consume less and he more independent he said believe there are thousands of Canadians on wel fare or unemployment insur ance who would be glad to get out of the cities and do thesame if they knew how Cobalt is 73 miles north of North Bay TRAVELWAYS BUS TERMINAL OPEN FROM MONDAY FRIDAY 830 AM T0700PM SAT SUN 200 PM1030 PM VIN They rehabilitate Montreal buildings By DONNA GABELINE Montreal Gazette MONTREAL CP Archi tect Peter Woollven and devel oper Keith Bryant have just in ished playing Henry Higgins to two Eliza Doolittles grimecov ered buildings that appeared to be prime candidates for de struction and replacement by shiny office towers Its question of whether fell in love first and then be came involved or became in volved and then fell in love said Mr Woollven of his two year relationship with fine old building on Place Royale in Old Montreal Theres need for conscious rehabilitation in this city said Mr Bryant whose firm has rehabilitated 63yearold post office that has been vacant sin ce 1972 Mr Woollven discovered the Place Royale site with his fa ther an architect and interior decorator four years ago We thought the building was one of the most handsome in Old Montreal and we ended up buying it the younger Wooll ven said Renamed Maison belisque after nearby monument the Better value prices selection service fwstfor Bedrooms Tee different styles structure has been turned into set of luxurious condominiums But two years ago its future looked unpromising ABANDONED 10 YEARS It had been abandoned for 10 years with no heat and no light Mr Woollvensaid The pipes had all burst and the plas ter was falling down We even had few pigeons nesting in there Built in the 1850s it had been the head office for the Port of llontreal and was later used as offices for the Montreal Trans portation Commission sailors hostel and offices for the contractor of the St Lawrence Seaway Now it houses six apart ments space for boutique and Woollvens office The apartments range in size from onebedroom on three levels to twobedroom with ZGbySlfoot living room and 12 foot ceilings None of them are alike Some have beamed ceilings others stone walls One on the top floor boasts huge skylight Each has at least one working fire place and of course brandnew plumbing electricity heating and air conditioning The Barrie Examiner Saï¬turday January 29 SELLINGSLOWLY The work was neither easy nor cheap and the con dominiums which sell for $50 000 to $100000 are not moving fast So why did he do it felt need to resurrect this building think of these apart ments as beautiful cocoons They arent gaudy but warm shells that gain their beauty from simplicity like Japanese houses The post office on Greene Avenue in Westmount was spared from the wreckers hammer by the federal govern ment after pleas by local 7pcecontemporary suite in Rosewood ï¬nish Contemporary design for easy living Suite consists of 66 master dresser twin mirrors door chest 96 extended headboard matching night tables All with lustrous rosewood 4pce Colonial suite Choose any one of these three bedroom suites Remember price includ Boys exclusive life time service guaran tee on furniture citizens groups and Mr Bryant acquired 25year renewable lease on the property as rec ycling project Today the building has he come multilcvel shopping centre with 16 boutiques ramps for wheelchairs and baby strol lers and restaurant on the way The shops offer childrens clothing plants old lithographs copper fabrics and art It is not enough to keep turn ing old buildings into French restaurants and craft shops said Mr Bryant You have to put them to new uses which will pay ï¬ne es Bad SEE tllll lusilcns EDMONTON lll Disecrs are capable ot doing an ex cellent seeding JOi With many crops it adjusted and operated properly says the tederal Ce wwvVï¬ 7v partment ot agriculture Tests across Western Canada have shown equal or better yields w1th discer seeding than other methods of seeding on medium and heavy sods NOW OPEN Cross Country Skiing at its best Rentals 04 Groomed Trails Allandale Golf Course Value bonus From King Koil With the purchase of these or my other bedroom sets you get KING K011 54 sleep sot mattress and box sprmg with oldfashioned charm All the warmth of Iolonial styling has been built into this beautiful suite quality crafted with oak musket finish Includes tldrawer triple dresser hutch mirror with display corner shelves 5drawer chest and cannonball headboard to accommodate 54 or 60 width bed This suite would grace any bedroom and at this low price we suggest you come in now to view it Night Tables Optional Extra For Finest Value Selection Visit Our NewCarpeT Department Highway 26 27 Barrie FOR ONLY ill irr llllwitl sipaililiqu an be lmiiillit itSilil 4cpce suite in luxurious French styling Style plus craftsmanship add up to sheet luxury in this elegant lrench suite nietii ulouslyrcrnfiid vitli ir lane Cherry finish The suite lllt lllll tidrliwer tiiplo dresser base landscape lliillll dresser mirror Sdrawer chest and panel headboard Night tliliierz optional extra You must see this suite to lippriiinto but iii outstanding value it represents first Total satisfactionwith lifetime service guarantee on furniture 7267053 RR Barrie 7285313 one low price Plus value bonus if you act now Your Choice Better value price $4 49 Delivered $69 This wine bones good only until Saturday iniliiniy 1tl so hurry Vttl ttd fly Hurlain tuitn IIiI Non Mtirnlmcl StudII allow lint llilmt oi ii imm tank In llnn commun euucii IUWS IUJ Mums