The Barrie Examiner Saturday January 29 I977 15 BROKE mccmm REVEAI lltlE NAME Chi Cheng of Taiwan was the The real name of American first girl to run 100 yards in 10 author Mark Twain was seconds flat Samuel Langhorne Clemens wwwwvwwvww Anthony Pester is course co ordinator of Georgian Col lege carpentry course run as Fails to get an apology OTTAWA CP Bob Holmes tPCLambton Kent failed in his second attempt Thursday to get public apology from the government for CB television program an adult studies program to train students for Jobs on carpentry construction which showed stripper danc ing in hotel in Paincourt town in his constituency Instead of an apology he was read statement in the om mons from the which said the sevenminute documentary on Paincourt was little essay that without the stripper would have been less than reflective of the connnunity COORDINATES GEORGIAN CARPENTRY COURSE Students work with such models as the beamed roof trame behind Mr Pesler to The reply was read by Jacques ttuilbault parlia inentary secretary to Secretary of State John Roberts minister responsible for the Mr Holmes said his con stitucnts were insulted by the program shown on Windsor station BIIIK lie quoted from letter saying the documen tary was nothing more than gain experience Examiner Photo free publicity for the Dover Hotel thirdrate strip joint in the north section of town Mr Guilbault said the show was one ot series of short es says on rural communities in southern Ontario The camera crew shot pastoral scenes men tioned the bilingual high school and interviewed shop owner and the hotel owner GEORGIAN COLLEGE CONTINUING EDUCATION Get to know your community college in I977 Just two examples of the many courses being of fered by the Continuing Education Division this Winter into Spring GARDENING AND HOME BEAUTIFICATION This series of evening sessions with Art Cole will stress How to hints for the home gardener in dividual problems will be discussed also soil preparation landscaping pruning and groom ing etc GET READY FOR SPRING STARTS Thursday February 10 W77 weeks FEE$2500 700930 pm PAY LESS TAX SAVE MORE MONEY LEGALLY This course is designed to assist people of all wage groups to analyze the variety of tax relief and savings plans available so they will be able to select the best tor their individual needs Sub iects will include pension plans RRSP defer red profit sharing RHOSP buying real pro perty annuities and preparing individual tax returns with emphasis on maximizing exemp tions STARTS Wednesday February W77 10 weeks FEE $2750 FOR INFORMATION REGISTRATION AND BROCHURE CALL 705 7284951 Ext 3I7 OR VISIT US AT GEORGIAN COLLEGE Hurrythese savings are in effect Monday only Please fill out the application below and return it to THE BARRlE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayfield St Barrie 9rPe9reJ2ee5i Name Address BEWWEJgiJ MAAk AL AALLAMAA ITS FIIN BE Earth Examiner CARRIER and it 291 Yes being Barrie Examiner Carrier is fun and it pays in so many ways Our carriers earn money of their own They learn to keep records they learn how to handle money and the value of money They learn courtesy and how to get along with people They become sharper and brighter and are thrilled by the challenge of salesmanship Barrie Examiner carriers are operating business of their own getting valuable training and practical experience It you would like your son or daughter to ioin the Barrie Examiner Action Force inquire today about route in your area Why not apply for route now M4AM Save on General Electric 26 color console This smart Mediterranean style console has 26 picture 100 solid state circuitry black matrix picture tube for sharper color replaceable modules for easier service and automatic fine tuning Cabinet has warm pecan finish Top qualityat big saving if you act now Our Reg tagged price $649 Better value price Delivered Includes manutai tunrs warranty tree llt year home srrvit Save on Moflat 30 selfcleaning range Packed with features Electric self cleaning infi nite heat switches for the widest range of tem perature set tings timed appliance out let automatic clock control plugout ele ments for easy cleaning ur Reg tagged price $449 Better value price WhitconlyTolorï¬itttiwtra Delivered lIItlIItltS IIIiIIlIIltltlIlItIS IIIilIll Iotal satisfaction with Iiletinu service guarantee on lurmture Better value prices selection service For Finest Value Selection Visit Our New Carpet Department Highway 26 27 Barrie 7267053 IIIUI tttNVINIINI NtlUtil llRMS ummmu