The Barrie Examiner saturday January 29 1977 FOSTER MOTHER Foster mother for more than 60 animals at the Toronto Metro Zoo Mable Southam holds her latest baby Wednesday The Blymonth old hinese leopard named Cheung Chi the name means First Sam was rejected by its mother when born Mrs Southam doesnt get paid for nursing animals back to health She calls it the labor of love 1P Photoi Integration seen for schools By MATT FRANJOLA JOHANNESBLRG iAIi South Africas top Roman ath olic says his church is in tegrating its schools because we could no longer liye with our conscience Archbishop Joseph Fit zgerald tByearold Irishman who came to South Africa as missionary in 1948 said in an interview with The Associated Press that the church hierarchy had been discussing integration for long time The door was thrown open few years ago when the gown ment asked us to take in the children of black diplomats he said We looked at them not as children of diplomats but as blacks and took the analogy 1f the governments new sports policy can allow black and white to batter each other in boxing ring then why cant they allow black and white chil dren to sit behind the same desk The Catholic church con demoed the whiteminority governments apartheid policy of racial separation in 1952 and has opposed such repressive measures to carry it out as im prisonment without trial house searches and banning orders restricting movement OTHERS MAY FOLLOW Last week about til black In dian and colored lmixed racer children were admitted to nine of the 171 atholic schools for white children in South and SouthWest Africa The Angli can aiid Methodist churches iii dicated they will follow suit The number of integrated schools and nonwhitc pupils in them is small because few of South Africas nonwhites are allowed to live in the white resi dential areas in which white parochial schools are located The atholics also operate schools for black and colored children in thc segregated townships in which most urban nonwhites are forced to live The decision to integrate was made quietly so as not to pro MIDHURST COLLEGE Are you thinking about UNIVERSITY IN 77 You can qualify in Sept by taking Grade 13 now at Midhurst College Compete grade thirteen semester course starts Feb ends June ï¬llihhurgt allege MlDHURST ONT LOL 1X0 705 726 9685 yoke fight with the govern ment the archbishop said We do not see this in terms of race he said Our schools are private and atholics should not haye to ask per iiiiSsion to send their children to Catholic schools THREAT LIFTIII Government officials initially threatened to lift the schools registrations and prosecute parents who continued to send their children to such unlicen sed schools But Education Minister Piet Kooriihof had second thoughts and invited the churches to discuss their ad mission policies with him He conceded the wishes of parents would have to be taken into ac count The Catholic church lias 616337 members in South Af rica about 70 per cent of them black There are 1250 priests 376 brothers and 4776 sisters The church does not classify people by race so it is difficult to ascertain the number of black priests and nuns church officials say Archbishop Fitzgerald said all Catholic churches in South Africa have been officially in tegrated for years But he said le facto segregation has re sulted because the laws requir ing blacks and colorcds to it in segregated areas forced the building of churches in those areas and this discourang in terracial worship Elsewhere in Africa the ar chbishop said the atholic church has been trying to shake off its former connection to colonialism Christianity is becoming Af rican anti Africans are becom ing hrisfians contributing to the universality of the church hcsaid ltlull2f ftMiS The first anadian paper mill established near fiachinc Que in 1803 produced writing wrapping and printing papers from rags Low cost thats the tlcket when you take tip on in All1Lt Iloolting haitcr flight youic tiiycliiigon the Hills economical fiic plin thcic is And yhcn you fly with liftH ift yii Wirdiii tiiiidis lloli diy Aiilinc yoiirc doing cycn bcttci and heres how stiit tlicii holidays yoii pittci to tiicl iiiid ttl wc lcic on We go when you want to films of out flights dcpiit on days liftist proph liidiys iiid ittiitliys ll Wednesdays too toniiiig biit lt is iiist is kl Ytill tl Llititist lll l1titttli lillt Itll Meet the crew on ltlilltl Wardair gt17 thcic iic is lliiltiV is l7 flight iiiciidants it yoiii scryicc nioic than on any other Noith Aiiiciican iiilinc lhcyll hunt you inipoitcd wine with 1Illf iiicil toi cxaniplc tIltl bii sciyitc including your choice of iftcrdinnci litlticnis ill at no tttl cost iYoiid pay for dunks iiid winc on An tanada ind ltiitisli iiiwiys thiitci tlisstircs Galley at our service guiltn silid llltt iiiigiion with Ltllllt dcsscii tci ot totfcc ill sen ed on hini hot bitikfast beloic you iiid Every Wednesday Friday Saturday May to October cruise nonstop Toronto roundtrip to LONDON 0m5299 via Wardair747 wccks Its ill the siiiic to its ill the illilt low when yoti fly Watt iii yoti tiiioy dclii ltills hot meals on boiid he Illtllll Usually filyl ticsh If your flight is sclicdiilt to ltiIVL llltl lfl in youll be sLtVttl genttoils old pliic Midiiight iiit plus litfli Cabin comforts itli in thc dctp suited toiiifoit of out of our Baggage below Vlftll you fly Wiidiir to liiitain you cnioy thc benefit of our gciici otis io lbs llLLl1lgt1ltlkllltlIiLL Yoii iic only illowcd iH lbs on sthcd lllt tl iiiliiics hiitci tliss fiiics All the liltltt lot you to bring lllllHt gitit btiys tioiii the lT ii oti tly Wiidiii Wiidiii 71s It you tccl l1lxtlflllll yoiii tJI tilts bat lt iiid blanket and pillow iit yoiiis foi the asking flight ittciidant bring yotii personal iiidio lltltltl pit Iio cxtia thiitc oii yoiid liiyc to pi cum on An yiiiidii or liritish Ali iysl so you can listen to otii liyoiiiitc kind of iiiiisit whcncyci yoii lltl lllst ll yithoiit llsillflllllifld sotil iidiii Every Saturday May to October cruise nonstop Toronto roundtrip to PICK mun PICK on or YNESE RETURNS LASY PRICE PER DEPARTURE ZWEEK JWEEK IWEEK GWEEK BOOKING DATE PERSON lltiS Apt jti Miy it My Mar 77 ltilli ll itit ltll ft 8299 Sr Aor so Mdy fit MttyIJi mi xii ll Mir 5299 Ma ti to on low at iv $319 sit in mm tli8 frat in l8 me $319 from Wed Mli Mliy ltw loll it Ms 5319 ll MW i3 Mo 77 ill ii if Jl lll 14 lvl 5319 not won PICK out or THESE RUURNS LAST PRICE my Sit May Vii iiuw llilt lll Miv $319 DEPARIURE 2wmt swm WEEK smut nooxmc on PERSON Wee Mr l8 itiitrf lama foil to ili 5319 iv 90 itnw in ll my to ï¬t 5339 5234 IM iv 31 ii Mli Va lui lie tv 5304 xiv tidy ylliv lV it 51 41Vr AM Pl Fr IVJ Il ry Plii It Pï¬jv llp f1v 5339 fox lliivH lv if 5324 it for $339 or llill Hi it 5354 in Tvi linief it ii lt llli in $354 5369 Vi it it ti ratio 5354 At 5359 mi al it $369 tr its 5384 3i S369 li it 31 5384 $369 yi i3 3384 ll 5369 5384 5369 ui $384 5369 lt1 $384 Jet 111 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iwtii Pl Mill imi $369 PICK mun PICK ONEOI IMESE nuunns usnooxmt emcth ii fun if rim gap 1H iii ill 5359 ntPAniunt 2wm war wm want our PERSON NW ioi li ioit il be ll Sept 83 our $369 MW to 39 mi swim so is sum fll Mm no 5369 ff Slit tot Ill Sffit Vi ifti ill Slfllt if llt ll Ml il 5359 Mii Mfr all Ii Wtrf Aug 21 itfjf Hep ti faint up no4 5359 in May ll Mt tt little vw clot kilo 21 $304 to now ictitfi Sept smiyi on MW $369 in and WW WI ll 15 pf 532 mil Aiirl Sent to wit it sum of it to iw RH 5369 va lull he 532 WW1 foil ll Scott1 Serif 21 Lent 28 ml til 5339 iii lllll ltim ltl low lo lll ti lyifl row 5354 to wisp mm in snpipi statiisti ft ti Mm itiw 5339 hf ll ill 5322 iii wii until Sept littl on it lliv $339 little it to liilv luo ill will to Sm1 Wetf Scot ietil Pl Sept 98 till ml 5339 llil li ta moi iviii Ili Sept iti lirll lllt il Moo llily it 5339 lli yl llll ll ill ll no if tt in $384 but saw to swim ooi lltf onyx iii MW 12 $339 to llllvll llwif lilo if two wife MW MW 5384 WW1 Wm minim oil oil iii my in $339 lu too is im to wit toil ii for mm Mi it 5384 ll wnl li MW lltl Mlil lily tit $339 ll llily it Ate foil ll foil ll nfil flit Mt 5384 sit WU if flrt lit lltl on llit ltilf it $339 lit llily Lii Ami lli iwii fwiit lll Mm 5384 ftf illit Xl tint lltf ltl Mt lily 75 S339 ltl And foil Ill for Hop mtll Moi lone ft $354 It mp Qf llit llfl ll flt 21 Milli lol 5339 lli Aiit ll Alit ii wtil Wet ll fuli lol ll S354 ilit will lift ti lint li flfl Ploy it fol low At $339 in AM to W1 mil to moi mil Mm il 3o 5354 Wolf spurti out li lltt if oarti an fly to $339 ltf AtitiPii Swot lfl wiit Wm llitt lwieuf 5354 li 3339 in so sowt lllll on to Mon lot 5324 mf fl l9 llrl Wt lit 8339 lo wot ll Sept Hill iii ii of Milll lli it $324 wwi flll oil it til 95 mil Ami ti $319 in 5M 1i llfll iii it lift is it Mm liili 5324 ft tni tiltt Mo flood S319 lll wotï¬t flittl Ill li llil Mtfl llily 8324 ml filth flit Hill WI llfl Alitilf $319 in ntil ill flit li flit llitll lilit liily ltl $324 Wwi on liviztti xii Ami it $319 in on llfl llitli Mm mm 5304 Sr on in out Hm for M1 if S319 in lltl fl Mow Ali is $304 TRAVEL SERVICE TOPS IN TOURS 113 Dunlop St East Barrie Ont Telephone 705 726 6322 Johnson Travel 114 Dunlap Barrie 7266525 Were with you when ia you land too triiising you itioss theAtlantic is one thing but liitcryat can go lot fillilltt to help you ciiioy intuit holidiy If you want its tolitlpiiiany way from itsciyinga litiit it ir to book iiig yoii iiitoa hotel in lliitain or liiiopc foi few nights to lrftillfl iiiga coiiiplctc tiip thit iiiclodcs may lctlitciiiiiciii trtiisc oi iiioioi cuith tom of lliitaiii oi liiiopc iill llit titlti is isllt lIitttlt lliillltt it All stitilsy tt lulu lfti intitt tlttillls Nov thth tht stlitdtilc litlllLl1lllItHll NO CLUBS TO JOIN IUST BOOK AT LEAST 60 DAYS AHEAD lhtit flight makes it all so easy to see Britain and Europe nt pliont Lilll v4 mm you iiiiiitt oiii Atlantitk rtiist ii Waidaii w1iiid oii tiii hook in of thcst HOTELS iii oiidoii tioin Sl pct pciwii pti night in linthcstci ind tlisiow from $3 in Anisttidaiii tioiii $21 and in lrlllllllit lliill SW AVIS RENTAAR iii liiitiiii Hunt Mi wcclt iii llolliiid fioiii pti wtt llt lli tiiiiiii fioni $ll pti ccllt BRlTRll PASS iistf lass stlpti xxccllt lylllltllh Soil lll tlt ilRAIL PASS Him lifstk ll sio PAth by VERCRAFT tlis fioiii lllitlilll 87 ROUNDBRITAIN MOTOR COACH TOUR lll days SW EUROPE icountry NTUTUR COACH TUR days from oiidon 831 IllTiRRNEAN CRUISES lldiiys tioiiiSP itiiil llllltiil iixlt liitillliiixit foi illllfllli ilniiIs llot tom flivl tll llt itlt Mill alilll tlJlllllt llt lllJlfi liif lIlltlllll ifolms Vi at ww wi lilyum mtwdolo itlwftt Apol and Octobei Actual seat fit loiiyifliiititfllt1llltlyiil srilesolfiteasfliqnismaybefilled Allitl Botn it iiavlw flights are appvmetf by the Canadian rtt ii Isnl oi oiii fawn swimm HtlityiltiltOllhooking won balance payable gt ii villl fr to Aw ï¬lmd loom Iiotm tioo lcszivante tot ttisl $6 DOV person lii to Ttll rt +11 Ildlilltliiiv SEE TRAVEL AGENT Axi fliyol lftll littltil lvitmit low tlll Afit illfy lo Alt ll ilhf mustnt yiii Willifiiiv NOW OPEN BRISTOW TRAVEL SERVICE 29 Owen 5L Barrie Ont 7370340 or 7370341 Ilays Travel Service 45 DUNLOP ST BARRIE ONTARIO 7284700