The Barrie Examiner Thursday January 27 1977 13 WIN AT BRIDGE DAILY CROSSWORD 41 Edgiiruï¬ve Answer to PreVIOUS PUHle TELE VISION GUIDE NAME BONUEU 0F Four diamonds wrns big not ï¬nger Egg mountain ISr rum some Bode JOB 50MEONE INROTE tT NORTH table but wound up one down Russian kings 45 Marble so BUFFALO 33mm guru aOPgNngNeyYANASNgOHEH HOCKEY overseas House after John Mohan opened the Mental moigriggspo Romo BunAlo TORONTO For Friday Jan 28 1911 P6 U6 king of heartsl algd contlianued folmponent 52 Bring up the suit wit oger ates ARIES March 21Aprll 19 ln 12 Tic WW 56 Olympic Mulo PETEaBOROUG tuition tells you youre fortunate BROKEN SITK careftllhllylglaymgmme ï¬cï¬and toe boald abbrl BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL materially and its right Dont WEST EAST the 5° as °° Or 13 Sour fruit 57 Wed secretly IIIIIISDAYEVENING °° h°w°V° V° wk 10 10 mm heart 14 Actress 61 Article extends to dlscusstons with 10 Farrow grog Mons 1120 partner or mate 15 Summer Fr 35 2+7li22News 9McMiIIan assNews Li 64 Heat unit an SMovie All the Way 7Welcome Back Kotter iizao TAunus April 20May 20 You it 10 Awe abbr 52033 ï¬Movle Patch of Blue zzSgxpite Opposite wont be too happy at work to iOSUTH Nebraska reader wants to 17 tggksilosely 65 osmchlike Iégzaaknsd death 42 Signqu vscrrv Show News 7224 day Perhaps your mind is bird lawman ipoiiceasriryappenmg 1153th cm elsewhere Youll feel better sq knm yourArebld With so Depths gaimï¬gde 44 00 7Mary Hartman when the whistle blows and you 10 xx xx 67 Her Majestys eP zzGong Show 22Second City 11Lany Solway 22 Pxe rEDIY 46 Leading 23 48 GEMINI May 21June 20 nerQY mi 24 Plays on ice 100 3Charlie sAngels 35 Clubs DOWN 49 Quote as an n2ggglgl°ï¬lel Dollars sztsiiii 2203 Minutes Live 232 iï¬sdbflfteletthlï¬kggrfgji we North Ea south The cone rebid is pass 28 sagflmers Paragraph WldY 5o $221312 ggincgï¬uon 7Bmey 14 3Movie Bridges at head Later socially youll have You have minimum Opening em Social 27 5m 59 ward like 7ro Ten The Two Ho to earn your applause Dbl Pass and undoubtedly two clubs is 30 Therefoe appointment 29 Broadway 7Mowe Portrait of Pass 40 Pass 34 Author ane iIriiiï¬iélrroiiirf 313 asth Doubles ise CANCER June 21July 22 Plan PICK Pass Pass Pass the best place play the Fleming Genls °f 31 Figl MW ncy assics map es WMy Three Sons 7Tony Randall sliiiienlsrilge something that gets you out OI will pass Rand tYou partqeg ghould Kosher Assemon service 53 Hanker 730 9Maclear 11MovieH0te the house today You ll be Opening lead aye 888 our or his 37 Tavern right 32 African animal 54 pmow ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬eoggtgï¬zmwl 100q 22Movie Viva Las restless if you stay home and will raiser 38 Genetic Buddhism pl covering 4StrikesSparqes 23535W V9885 blame the family when its not By oswald James Jacob material type 33 Unirs 55 Skinny fish gmggrnleigzsk Kotter gigBarnabaJonesa 1240 me faun Th 39 Cleaning Friend Fr 35 Metric volume VeVarlcafte ps °5 4T0m8 IS years an er an imp ement Spoil abbr ourceo 9Sanford and Son Ppelvmchw r00 LEO July 23Aug 22 You re 40 ucelebmy Revue 7Roots Part5 not anuan to thin mechanical Spingold were both won by wee Light meal 36 Granite state meta mTattletales iozao today so take carg working with team captained by DR George abbrel Urchlns abbr 60 Ginger éflmce fogaces Small Places thdggggttcrcle of tools or machinery Your best Rosenkranz 0f MeXiCO City 2Parenthood Game 2445791110 concentration is on an emotional that included Dr Richard Sscam Burnett 22Mary Hams iiIBMerv Griffin level Katz Larry Cohen Roger PARRY SOUND Ont CP Bates and John Mohan The ritlollumlmoorl Vinoo Aug 23Sopi 22 You for cafnplng trlpS team averaged just over 40 The potential disaster from 1200 9Joyce Davidson 400 have erroneous Idea lha you Oil Spills in Georgian Bay iS zName That Tune 79City Lights zzLittle Rascals must impress people Wm your By Polly Cramer years age Dr Rosenkranz greater than on the high seas tgsftgywwer ngews 2mgmMy Friend Ir Lryancial Martys togayI lfeep Years bmught average because of the islands in thc in sona IOSO ica ane 5men Court 200 3M01Ia Hunt DEAR READERS Camping has become popular way p1 df area Stanley Darling Progics 9Uncle Bobby pos1teSexes 4Merv Griffin BRA so 230 23 The nt an romt efma Sr glve mgervatjve MP for Midday 5A In The Fam PM Your Choice for many of us to erpy vacations and Visns to far away 23 familymay give you some flak we amon very Shaky Parry SoundMuskokn said nGene Taylor Bazaar 0Alan Hamel 7Commander Tom places Many of our readers have made discoveries that make 1230 7420000 Pyramid Munsters Show today because you just want to ch an contr30t Una 35 due to the Fucsdny 28 2Magazine 79Doctors Diary ssmrrrek be ten atone solitude is like DEV °LLY ewe My ek favorable lie of the cards Mp Darling supporting For Tomorrow zészews Kgï¬gsgnd The panacea to you so youll find P0 hen we our Sma fry campng That is it makes if it is bid stopshipping petition signed by 35 svRyans Hope mo you own We comm trip we take along their small inflatable SWimming pool It IS DR Rosenkranz Stopped at 2200 parry Sound residents 9Flintsiones GemGuiding Light 400 sconplo 24 22 filled and Pm the to warm the water The Children Play four quite properly The said in an intcrvicw there have Iggimvwwmelom ggrï¬kms fgrinhmns Island Anh in it for fun and bathe at the same time defense Started with two been five groundings in the bay tune or HITOne Life To Live 77Iltm tDuosiiglas day oxqgoviyrltguarreorigirg ctreosntessilse DEAR POLtLY Planning héelad for our Eelxtthsuntlmelis rounds 0f hearts and Shifted to in rfcem years 43 100 300 lIDinah camping vaca ion am saVing yworn was owe to petition presenter tot our roblem Bern close to an 2B°° Pwudfe 2° ï¬ndefstandin may or at ma pot holders and dish cloths They can be used until sotled and duh George won ms hmd federal government earlier 29Another id Doris Day and Since he was in four laid sBob McLean 35Take Thirty 3Lucy help then thrown away This saves packing wet or badly sciled ar the diamonds as Iucsday in Ottawa asks that manclitlyllée 4All In The Family SFriday After School tjcles for the return trip Sofertl la H1 continued with shipment of 011 by tankers 3213 re 3311 era sï¬Emergmcy SAGTTARUS N°V 230 We always take along plenty of plastic Clothespins since thrillghtmOrtililll Bil 20 Still 22 5F 21 Friends may try to lure you the queen after the lack pcd until com lctlon of III in or The Money 330 3Early Edlllon they have many uses They fasten the ground cloth to the un into Situations that Will cost youa dropped and wrapped up his rt lt Days 00 Va 22 My w°man 22 Adam 12 derSide of the tent The CI road ma to ether or II tlicm Walla SI mr 57 iAs TheWorld Turns ssCelebrity Cooks 5Room 222 wad of dough Get Involved in contract communityinDecember 7Fam1y Feud StMatch Game 11H0Hand5 some inexpenswe Drolect at open the gm placeswe Clp paper apkms to keepthem South became declarer at Parrv Sound is about 60 miles FRIDAY EVENING home tsheeplcnmc tabtlte Snidnchp handkercmegfo the car atï¬nal so three notrump at the other northwest of rillia mo as spo par ng area course ey are 2474 I22 News 3Movie Fear Strikes llGreat Debate 79Movie Harper 830 ItLarry Solway nMoney Game 1135 CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 An unfortunate day to talk to the always needed for hanging wet things We like the plastic pins best since they wipe dry and do not absorb moisture FUNNY BUSINESS boss or become embroiled kgugours tagCm and M3 130 Mmues any serious conversation Keep DEAR POLLY We find the followmg must for cam News ï¬ï¬Ã©gpugygntér tgovieigght all things gm and carefree pinglentlLusiasts Alvtvasys plan and prepare ill home rtlhc firs in one amus reassure un statute0333502suitoroozing ow ween H7é9News 9Rockford Files zzMovie Fun in 3piggdiyfiteWOTJTJVSelpnii J2 ed and camp prepared dinner is quickly completed and serv flo 163 gggffcam an Astra break open that piggybank and ed always make lot of cookies ahead and store them in ID LIKE TO SEE SOMETHINQ m0 Couple um do something run with the family tins also bake type of pound cake that can be eaten as it is IN DESE tggnwclznlgrgotriogollais 1000 lmines sees Fob 20 March 20 or served later with pudding or sauce on top RT BOOT yganie Reef zNews Midmgmspecia1 While you feelme urge mix DEAR POLLY Each of our children IS responsible for 7To Tell The Truth 2Rockford Files SMovie Too Hot to looking after his own belongings made each child toilet kit 0PiLOT asmisky and Hutch Han WM 9909 l°dayv don way 00 iiShow Biz 4Execuuve5uite die far from the beaten path Overly or an old Shower curtam They are StIIChed mdke 59 iiiMy Three Sons ErePolice Story innovative actions can cause tions for hair brush soap toothbrush and comb cloth bag ngusting Loose ltgerepiiltclsebate 13 tr0uble for each family member holds pair of pajamas towel 2Match Game pM 79Mannix Movie The Far Out thongs short beach coat and the todet kit Beach coats are gzoymry Hartman 1545M Th wad made from old knitted Slipcovers We use them over our owe create 0$958333rfflégciiniirlgPT tars ce is 220 as year saw am llEin Prosit 1130 llMervin Griffin mummies mopposne opposite 3100 who knew how to be kind to trees Drlvmg nails into trees for My Sexes 9M°Vemey Ran For hanging one equ1pment IS thoughtless practice To avord 2Code 2Johnny Carson Their Lives Jan 28 1977 2Sanford and Son 4Movie Code Name 320 this they had punched extra holes in mans old leather belt were Dont and we éfrélhhlbi2i223illg eJcaï¬nr en ar OVIe no 7+Donny and Marie Draw Flronside you re not making progress this DEAR POLLY Wornout heavy socks can be cut into pieces to make jackets that stretch around glass jars of food This keeps them from breaking as one travels year When the little benefits are added up youll fare better than you thought THE DOCTOR SAYS HIRE IIIICRAIISI Price rise SllAWA nt lhc Durham County board of WISlK UP on portancr to the board but it education has voted to hire zl sumcrs can cxpccl some nomi would scrvc no pllrpost to hurt fulltimc speech therapist for nal pricc incrcnscs in all milk priccs at love ll which con mentally rctardcd children 221 products by April the chair sumcrs would not buy by parasite By THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson have just found out that have scabies The thought of it is just awful Could you explain what exactly scabies are and whether there are after effects Also what are the con sequences if it is untreated am very upset about the fact that contracted them am very clean and live in clean atmosphereCL Scabies is infection by parasite that burrows under the skin leaving an itchy red streak The female is the cul grit who deposits the eggs in the urrows where they hatch and prolong the problem It is ighly contagious Dont feel too bad con tracted dandy case of scabies while interning despite my fas tidious personal hygiene School teachers and others in contact with youn sters are of ten subject to sea ies so they must be watchful Outbreaks usually occur on the hands and forearm but will spread all over the body if not checked One consequence of an untreated case is that scratch marks can tending the boards schools The board sct Jun as deadline for hiring thcrupist to work with tho trainablc retarded youngsters man of thc Ontario Milk Mill kcting Board said Tuesday Kcnnclh McKinnon said in an interview pricc stability for producers is of prime im ©19tlthlfll TV lhcrc will sonic pricc tid justmcnls in tlic coining ycilr but only those that arc rcliitcrl to farm costs hc said According to my Sensitivity and Realism Group last night Various measures have been youre ripping me off salarywise tried over the years for relief of postherpes painsteroids ner ve injection and even nerve cutting These are often in effective Dear Dr Thosteson Con cerning your booklet on vagi nitis On page 13 you mention mixing white vinegar with wa ter for douche Since take tub baths could the vinegar be used in the tub water and how much vinegar should use am 69 years oldLI The usual mixture is about two tablespoons of the vinegar to two quarts of water But dont think youd want to bathe YEï¬TERDAY WE CAUEIHT HIM CHEWING3r ON H6 NW FATHER ON NEW LIQUID DIET ABSOLUTELY NO ULJ6T LlQLJIDS 1011 THIS FLIPPiN GOVERNMENYS As USELESS AS THE LAST LOT THEY DONT AVE CLUE WINTHROP ANDY CAPP WHAT DID TELL You NV in such solution so suggest we you stick with the douche CURLS era DONT BE gift éHOW HIM 9R0 method Also the bathwater WOULD AM You an TALK DEAD will not get into the vagina as EVEN COULD effectively as douche Dear Dr Thostcson Please settle this argument for us My mother claims lady who has had her baby cesarean should not breast feed the babyIIl You say should not breast feed Do you mean could not In any event pregnancy starts the milk BC SHORT RIBS 77 become infected flowing and cesarean babies Prompt treatment eradicates can and should be breastfed if the pest In most instances that isdesired VISIT YOUR NEW DOWNTOWN STATIONERY STORE treatment may require three days involving prolonged hot baths followed by ap lication of lotions containing enzocaine and benzyl benzoate from the neck down Your doctor can prescribe for you Dont feel embarrassed Hes seen plenty of this even among the most meticulously clean Dear Dr Thostcson have serious problem Im married woman with five children If any of them did what do in our local grocery store dont know what Id do cant go to our family doctor because Im so embarrassed Ever since started seeing the toilet paper advertisements VICTOR has cash register tailored to your business Inquire about the individual Clerk Responsibility and Complete Profit Control NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 It mm iwmr features at Whitfield BARRIE PLAZA 137010I OFFICE OUTFITIERS If you allow matters to wor on TV have had the urge to go THIM WL Homo BULDA MuéFUM lt7 sen treatment may have to be squeeze it in stores am 33 SUNVHEIT liOU KKIUWHEAO tartair 10 THE OPEN worries of TripEVA EJEFE How MANY more extensive including oral cant understand whats come AFI AND Ul lUFE OFOUR TIME VV work Mgga antibiotics over meSAS You imp Dear Dr Thosteson Im sure you can bring this member of my family has been compulsive behavior under con it suffering from very painful trol It probably can be equated postherpetic neuralgia for with walking on sidewalk year and half Despite con cracks and banging picket ten stant and extremely competent ces rm medical care the condition per 17 sists without relief Could you suggest some effective rem ER Shinlgles infectionédlbam iii sure you now is caus ue herpes virus Itattacks the ner CP Sulphur dioxide and THE pLACE JUST GAME ON EMS CARE LOOK AROUND ye root thus the term post gthef1 chergicgl effluents beigg TH MARKET AN 114 pgicE pLiiftisiLY Up5TAtRS SOMETIMï¬ï¬ ERNIE 195 erpetic neuralgia nerve isc arge oran CONSTWUCTED pain The two drugs mentioned Mines Co have damaged vege gt YOU LACK FAITH in recent reports are of the tation in part of this town in with amitriptyline and phenthiazine northwestern Quebec lands class Singly they are not ef and forests department study fective Together they ap says parentlyareforsome The report released Just on the chance your doc Tuesday said the affected area tor may not have seen these re is becoming enlarged ports you might mention the The study says damage of up drugs to him He would have to to $7000 has been inflicted on prescribe area properties