THREEYIIARILI Julie =aRocquc looked determined and just little doubtful Saturday afternoon when handed her piece of clay in pottery workshop at the childrens department of the Citizenship Barrie Public Library Julie along with over I211 other children made everything from pots to Laurel and Ilar dy figures under the direc tion of Mike Smiley rules changing on Feb 15 Immigrants with three years residence in tanada instead of five years as in the past will be able to apply for ana than citizenship beginning Feb Thats tht scheduled day for ioclamution of the new Citizenship Act Passed by Parliament last vear the act will replace the Canadian ti2enshipct of 1947 Officials at Barrics llltttl ship office have declined to release detiils of the new act until it takes effect next month ill IS public document and its been available for some one from other sources Basic itqtiicneits tor naturalization under the new tare aioinwnt of thtagcot to three years residence out he pest four tollowing ad mission to anada for pernitr bent residence Ifacl day of Irlffll before such official danssion counts as halt day an adequate knowledge of litglish or VFrench adequate knowledge of and of the pryileges rt stoisibtizties of ItWah firlr it 7M3 mart not be illIll an order of deportation or an order by the Governor in oun cil stating that their naturaliza tion would be contrary to public order or harmful to anadas security Lnder the 1947 act ap plicants were reqUired to be of sound character The rupiirements respecting language aiirl knowledge of anada and the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship may be waived by the Sec retary of State on compasr sionate grounds Inlike the 1947 act the new ac treats British subjects who entered ariada after Jar 1947 the same as any other im migrants Inder the IM act such immigrants need only ap ply for grant of iicnship The new art prov files special rerpiireinens for minors and various other cases The tiltus all who tIIt citilens immediater before thencw act takrseffcct arc born in Canada after he new act takes effect are born outside tangirln it at least one anadian parent cr the tit2v act takes effect act recognics as ci with some tVIIfllUIIS Margaret Grasett dies as acti ve Vvv rr rx vi4 mid to Margare Ir rr Ifnlflfll or unto wt Jan 17 iltisilléil we thedatithtci of Hr nit Vilteriyzttcii ft Hill at tlil ittlét in thin my litt fa minifer vi it thirst Reformed Mr horriu and at the tic months Lhe tiiovttl ii eight year of age tarrie tlrn began attending lIiI 7Lltltii thorch as terry aper Slit taught Sunday school wa lflytilyffl in welfarc work and was an active rzirnirwr of the Womens Asr so Jzttifl 1W which even lthlly became the lrttgt group of the Anglican thurch WoiiitIi She al member ol the toyai ir tor ta Hospital Aux diary liuneral service Trinity Church In itxiit she was predeceased by her husband II Harry irasett whoii the had married tdo Mrs tirasrtt is survived by her daughter Henriette six tnandcloldren and three great grand htldrrn She wa prwlrccastd in 1974 by hei daughter Sirantic WhenJuan Mrs firltJH rested Stet kley Iuncral Home at thr Rev John Speers conducted s4 IIfS at Trinity Anglican thurch Burial took place lhornas Anglican teinctery Shaiin Bay IallIxarcrs were Dr Gray hris Spanis Jim Theretitan Murray Smith John lrihhle and Iohn Stcvcn sort In lieu of flowers the family asked donations he made to the Anglican thurch Iriniatrs World Relief Fund held today at St lhurch for Joseph Alfred Tremblay Joseph Alfred Armand reinhiay ustorliai ith the aim oe onnty Born ol Iiduca tion llttl Saturday at oyal Victoria Hospital after short iilrivss Ilcwasiro Mr lreniblay zvas tyurlnttit lfl lIli Aitcr serving with thc oyal iriarltan Air bone for 15 near he pointd hc board of Itlllrlli it lttrt lfl addition to his cu duties Mr ticrninm tht hoard litllll2 Ile born iii rtlfnl 45fl4l minim1h hixwifr the former Mary iriffiths his sons Paul and Robert of Barrie his daughter Susan tMrs Gary Woods of London and his grandchildren Lori and Geoff Woods Funeral services will be held today at in in the chapel of the Stccklcy Funeral Iloine Burial Will take place in St Mary emctcry lSIIl IIIIIII SlIKS The ancient IZgyptians made kind of paper from the stalks of rrrrl called papyrus NOW OPEN Cross Country Skiing at its best Rentals Groomed Trails Allondole Golf Course RR Barrie 7285313 AN AFTERNOON AT THE LIBRARY POTTER MIKE Smiley gave some artistic advice to nine yearold JoAnne Mclennan Saturday afternoon in pinch pot session with clay Over 120 children filled the Barrie Public Librarys childrens department to make clay pots figures and plates Examiner Photosi Barrie musicians talking about recital on Wednesday By MlRlICl IIIIZIIIR Musicians in Barrie are already talking of the Recital to ie heard Walncsday night it Jeorgian tollcge Theatre The concert involving oboe assoon and piano promises to De rare treat and the trio of irtists invite the public to at tend Ihere is no admittance charge for the program Two or the three performers Lire wellrknown Barrie musicians ttnc of them Jerry Robinson became the top bassoon with the Barrie Iollegiate Band and achieved certain amount of local fame while still young While in school he plaved with The Toronto Youth Orchestra when the group travelled to Swit erland representing tinada It was conducted then by Jacob tiroob After graduating from the ollegtate Jciry entered the Iniversity of Toronto com pleting two years of the Bachelor of Music in Ict formancc cotit st However already he was becoming known for his ex ceptional and reliable work on bassoon and was asked to go on toiir through the with the National Ballet ompany ol anada Allan Smith Kiwanis Youth of Month Allan Smith tirade student at liastvitw Secondary School has bccn named youth of the month by the tarric Kiwanistlub Allan son of Mr and Mrs icorgc Sinith of tiarrett Ircsccnt is prefect stliltyl house leader and strident council member lltllt where ht tias It average Itollowing the tour Jerry was accepted in second year Bachelor of Music program at the Juilliard School of Music New York Last year he graduated from the foursyear degree program and is now back with the National Ballet While in New York Jerry studied with Ilarold ioltxer first bassoon with the New York Philharmonic Studying with the master has given the Barrie artist confidence as well as technique and musical un dcrstanding Pianist for the Trio Recital Ilclcn ioorthand is also well known throughout the city She has been on stage with the King Edward hoir as accompanist for to years She retired with the director Jean Iobson last spring Ilelcii ioodhand decided to have more time to do the many things she really loved As result many young musicians spend musical evenings at her home performing and talking music Mrs Iomlhand lives in Midhurst where she has been organist for 11 years with the Midlitirst lnited Iiurch She has restricted class of sttiden tsandcnioysheitcaching is chosen He is involved iii curling and in orgainiiig dances and spearheaded the schools lniterl Appeal drive which brought inSrtIt An avid skier and border Allan drives trtick during the summer months Ile plans to attend Queens lnivcrsity and bccoinc chartered ac toiintant TAKEA FRIEND FREE TRAVELWAYS INTRODUCTORY TWO WEEK SPECIAL People are talking about our new Golden Carpet Hostess Service Heres your chance to try it Leave the car of home and travel the relaxed way From Monday January I7 to Saturday January 29 take friend free Two people will travel for the price of one Heres how it works You buy ONE some day return ticket and you and friend travel on the some fore To take advantage of this you must reserve two seats by calling the number below ORILLIA Luclie St 3267377 BARRIE 33 Boyfield St 7280700 Enioy being pampered Orillio and Barrie are the first two cities in Ontario to enjoy this prestige ser vice at regular fore prices TWO WEEK SPECIAL ONLY January 1729 1977 Orillio People Return $905 Barrie People Return $695 lOIS OF FREE PARKING FOR YOUR CAR AI 80TH TERMINALSI Because she has taiiiilv of five children it was not until the oldest became somewhat responsible that she decided to try her Assrwiatc examination at the Royal onservatory of Music She achieved this with first class honors and gained iiiticli personal confidence It was then that Jean lobson asked her to become the official accompanist for the choir And because of Helen oodhands relaxed and versat Ilc approach to music she became beloved withthechoiimembers Becoming part of trio and duo music IS joy to musician and Mrs ioodliand has the faculty of fine rapport with fellow musician Sandra Iohian from Niagara Falls will be playing oboe for the concert She is colleague of lcrry Robinson graduating from Inivcrsity of lorontos Performance Bachelor of Mtisitn She also has been active with the National Ballet and has playwl with their fall program and hristmas Nutcracker She will be performing in the orchestra with Jerry Robinson during the coming prestigious season tha begins next month it ttReefc tcntre fora fivc tcck run Ihc Recital whit ll ocgnts at it in will tlltlttlt lrto Sonate by Icleiiiann for bassoon oboe and piano An lante and Rondo by Weber for Bassoon and piano Sonata Hp ltiti by Saint Sachs for oboe and piano work for bassoon and oboe and finally Trio by Ioiilenc and dedicated to Manuel dc Ialla PEOPLE AND PLACES BABY SHOWER baby shower was held Sun day for Dianne McHale in Toronto Several people from Barrie including Mary Pollard Eileen Aistrop Marg White Wendy Burton Mary Jo White BUSINESS TRIP Adrian Van de Langerijt of Barrie recently returned from twoweek business trip to Montreal ANADIAN DIABETKS The Canadian Diabetic Association Barrie Branch will hold meeting Wednesday at pm in the Blue Flame Room Consumers Gas RIGIITIOLIFE Several members of St Marys Catholic Womens League and the Knights of Col umbus attended Right to Life meeting Sunday in Brampton They were Evelyn Gervais Dan Saxton Peter LaPlante Mrs Georgia Kelly Mrs Inez Kempling Mrs Jean Mcflann Mrs Gervais McKenna Reg Bolger and Mrs Katherine Mulder BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Birthday greetings were ex tended to Jean Sass Saturday night at the Knights of olum hits lance cake was presented by Ed Lelair past grand knight xlUllleI Alcohol Pleasure or Pro blem will be the title of seminar on alcoholism Feb from 734 to 930 pm at St Joseph Iliin School The free seminar sponsored by the fol iiinbian Squires St Patricks irclc Tilt will focus on pro blems related to the abuse of alcohol Two members of Alcoholics Anonymous and one member of ALYNUN friends and relatives of alcoholics will answer quest ions The tolumbian Squires is youth organiation sponsored by the Knights of olumbus lor information call 726th or TJI 3231 SK HI SWIM IRI The first Alcona illl iiiidcs had skate and swim party lIIlt at the home of Mr and Mrs Irank Mika of Stroiirl IttIIARY MICIIIli Willard Killlt will be guest speaker Thursday at noon at the tarrie Rotary lnh which meets at the Mirainar tiardcns He will speak about mountain cltnnbing HIIIt Mr and Mrs James amp hell of Rat He attended the wed ding of WW nictc loAnnc llcrktIcy of Toronto Shc Win marrodJan llll IIIll ltI Mr and Mrs James Bowman ol Rariic were hosts of family ttttnlttll recently lrs Ruth lcaot Ilillsdaleattended ISII Mr and Mrs Leonard McFadden of Allciiwoorl visited Wednesday eyeiniig with Mr and Mrs lohn Mcladil ELMA IIUSIIHM gave former First Baptist Church minister Rev Gordon Walker warm welcome Sunday morning when he spokeas the first in series of ministers returning to celebrate the churchs 100th anniversary Examiner Photoi Long dresses frock coats for 100th church meeting Members of Bairies First Baptist thurcli may raise some eyebrows lhursrlay night on flappcrton Street when they gather for the churchs annual business meeting Theyll be there in long dresses and shawls frock coats anrl still shirt collars bonncts and tall littlr all to mark the churchs tooth birthday elcbtzttioiis night watch Years Rye and will rtin throughout 1977 under the direction of Iara lomlinson coordinator of the centennial coininittcc with New began servici Ilaiis have been in the works tor oarr year says Mrs Iornhnsnn third generation church incinber whose grand tltlltllctt represent the only fifthgeneration members in the congregation Former minister Rev Gor don Walker spoke Sunday in church in the first of series of sermons planned with former church ministers said Mrs Tomhnson The church has stood on lap perton Street since 1878 when Rev II iritfin was pastor to 28 charter members The church called Regular Baptist hiirch then was officially ttttigtillttl the year before omplete redecoration of the church sanctuary in lightstone wood was done in 19 while Rcv Albert Luck was pastor Recently the first Baptist thurch sponsored lnniswoori Baptist fcntrc which is being officially recognized during the Barriechurchscentennial Orzo25 dents it The Barrie Iaminer Tuesday January 23 1977 Graysonhelds All OPEN STOCK PIECES INCLUDED géouge Barrie 7262380 ON ENGLISH BONE CHINA ROYAL ALBERT PARAGON In honor of the centennial celebrations the church has adopted centennial symbol depicting the Holy Spirit decen ding as dove says Mrs lomlinson The birds wing feathers show the too years of the church arid the tail feathers form the church initials The congregation now led by Rev Raymond Waldock will attend founders day celebra tion with dramatic recreation of the start of the church Feb lat says Mrs Iomlinson and members are preparing slide history birthday party is planned as family night Feb 23 and on May there will be cntennial bazaar and tea entennial Mission Week with guests will be held Sept 25 to Oct while special homecoming weekean will be held ttctober to to with ban quet and anniversary service As centennial project con gregation members have voted to hold 1mm Hours of Prayer worship through the year with car It member taking hall an hour during the year to pray in the church The first of tour 23 hours of prayer is planned to start Feb Quagsoriliefld QMUSOVAQM Clttiriaélgtét Boyfield Moll 680 Maple Barrie 7374319