be asked to leave by the centre Yonge Street doors of each Store There they will be greeted by John Craig Eaton chairman of the board of Ea tons and George Eaton execu tive vicepresident at the Queen Street store and Fred BARRIE DENTURE CLINIC cotEuA Dl Complete Denture Service 72644721 Eaton president ol Eatons Lanada and director thor Ea ton at the College Street store The Barrie Examiner Wednesday January 19 1977 PICKS ONE FOOD REMOVE SPOTS flhe Verreaux eagle one of folk remedy used in In Amcas largest is ClaSSEG as diana in 1876 to remove treckles gourmet and prefers one food was to wash the Spots in dew little rodent called the hyrax May Eatons props go on market lUHUNIU JP liopS and tixturcs troni both the Eaton to Ltds downtown stores be sale ot all merchandise in which close their doors Feb both stores will be on sale to clear the way Mr Purchase would not tor the opening 01 the new Ea elaborate on the amount 01 re ton Centre on Feb 10 ductions to be made on the mer At spec1al media preview chandise but another and tour 01 the new store lhur spokesman for Eatons said sday it Purchase senior that at least 10 per cent would Vicepresident lor Toronto and be taken ott the regular price ot Ontario Eatons stores said all items that the disposal sale Will con Both stores oltiCially close Alter the extt ot the linal cus tomers from each store the Ea ton family will lock the doors for the last time College Street stores Beginning Jan 20 there Will Acid Special Regular $35 HOUSE OF BELLINI clude 13 days ot speCial pro their doors to the public Feb I49A Dunlop SI Barrie grams to commemorate the atopm Member Demuriï¬socie ofonario Allandale Gowan Stu Barrie closnig oi the Queen Street and At that time customers Will COR SAGE FOR STUDENT MAYOR Mayor Ross Archer pins Barrie the Kiwanis Club of corsage on student mayor of the week Colleen Dunlop who not only was guest Monday Kempenfelt Bay and the Lions Club of Barrie but was also celebrating her 14th Gives Satisfaction Always night at the combined meet ings of the Kiwanis Club of ANN LANDERS Husband given girdle by Wife ltar nii Im soyeanold lady With her own Equal Rights Amendment Last summer my husband and spent two weeks camping lhc lccling oi treedom was wondertut Part ol it was gouig without my girdle tor 14 glorious days the tirst evening back home we were eager to share our ex periences with some close triends so we treated them to dinner hcn we got home my husband said You looked little slop py tonight hyd1dnt you wear your girdle became atigry and invited him to look in the mirror and see which one ot tis looked sloppier We both deemed to go on diet the next day was still mad went downtown and bought girdlc tor him When he came home said Put this on You look little sloppy He thought was kidding and replied those things are tor women told him they were lor any body with bulges and he qualil ied Now we both wear girdles and he not only looks better but says his back is giving him less trouble Print this Ann We might get something going Equal In Dubiiquc Dear Equal doubt well start trend but thanks tor writ mg our letter was my laugh tor the day litair Ann Your response to the woman who hated smoking was downright gutless No Go ln San Leandro told you she ttlntnttl thc ashtrays in her liying room but it didnt help Her brotheriiilaii called her sonic kind ot nut lit Cigarette anyway and ptit the ashes in his pants cutt Her neighbor star ted to smch in the kitchen saw no ashtrays handy so she used the pot oi Atrican yiolets Her husbands boss simply dropped his cigar ashes on the rug and said lhisll keep the moths out hy didii you tell tier ias you have told so many others to substitute that macaroni in tier spine tor little stittcr sttiltfl REG was shocked when you simply commented on the oddball trailic pEnFECTLy pRETTY in tier house and suggested that she keep some ashtrays handy Now 792 To 7829 DRESSES FOR GIRLS inst in case IN SIZE RANGES know toptlight executive who owns very successliil cos MENS FANCY motics company in Lakewood Uhio He has signs posted all SPORTFOATS Iaéoly unto 1574 over the place that say lHANK iot Hm MllSMUKlMl birthday PREI lts llldl time of year again time or us to take count of our stock time for you to save And save big But liurry while selections are at their best in tl ltHIlttl Illi In 33ml ltliIi QuintHim Itll lli rtuI the Itoit II III Qimriltax lEAIIIEII WIIIII GXHIIIII Canadian made LeattietOtlordSWitli loam sole Black Mens 6t2 mart Price AlIIIIE WORK IIIIIIIS lt¢tll work boots litl iii lItilll Mons mart Price CHILDRENS FALL COATS REG ties to $4 99 NOW II89 2333 COATS JACKETS FOR HIM iiv ilttil luv tl it anyone lights up cigar or Cigarette in his otticc he says REC aa 73 NOW 489 T01049 sorry no one smokes in here lt you must have cigarette 3249 thcrc room down the ball you can use NOW GIRLS To Now there an approach admire Outspoken tn ihio PANT SET licar Out recognize the man Hes my good triciid Jcss 21 JIt icll ou are right Bell approach is lorthright and adnii arc 897t01584 rablc urgc other executives to tollow his example Sorry Lw Ur took dive thanks tor hauling me up short 50 17 75 To 59 NOW 598 31058 17 82 15 555 FAR FOR app mar mm mm HTTFFFiPES mini nnrss rims BETTER Buy TODDLERSCOATS Hill MEN AND BOYS LUGGAGE ll Chilis V4 REG 99 to 99 iit uwit seait iiii REG 16667TO 2i 96 Now 288 To 533 5lllrjiutll1ALEX Aiiittnittidlllttuiirtiiilvï¬ti pal doc tituis Btiitititii KEVIN llill the present and tuture health oi NOW T01484 CMILDRENs REé 88 T018 56 duality XUliilditi IUil qll Scotian tiold Lolp Ltd has me school pup the pm cosy JACKETS 11 MW ï¬i unwrap lound new market lor the ap 1ncc GIRLS SASSY now it with plcs oi the Annapolis Valley in The 10 school SKI SUITS the classrooms oi zoo schools in the provmcc lhc schools will purchase more than 1304 bushels during the current school year tirayr don ox company sales man ager said lhis is completely new market anti think the industry should be iustiliably proud to participate in supplying nutri tioiis UN and contributing to iii REG 84 T0 14 66 Rfllvd I6 2977 Now 16 85 now to To RACEY SNOWMOBILE suns Httil your an iii am i2 74 102455 T0 distribution originated Wllll Harry folioon iii lierwick and was developed by the it omen lnstitutc iii coopcration with Scotian Gold and the provmciat agriculture department 3661 1399 35 flat 1777 TO 28 77 now 133302158 An experimental program in Colchester lounty was we tremcly successtiil Wllh about 5000 cartons ot apples sold in about 40 schools AVE WITH $MILE 39 $109 FRESH PORK BUTTS BRAND NAME is 0ch EQUMENT QUA SKATES Eon PRICED TO sconE MEN BOYS WITH YOUR BUDGET lJllilllIyllIyIiIIyIlltlltitItIllttilVttI Wltll liiiltlllltltl VI ivoiyttiiiiti trout ii IIiItltl Limitat tl mini ttll Lu iiiiii tii tiiliiiit HWtiiItIw Iltw to unit wow shawl IiItItlV iiiit h1 l1i limii iiiitiiii Stuiwniiil Hun Mo iv WW iiiil tlIIItl liiiiiit tiiiiii iiiiiiiilii tiiiiiy REG 39 TO 34 97 iii LITY ICE SKATES FOR EVERY MISS ltiiiii ltlllt ninth iltlllillllt ltt lltttity MEATY PORK SIDE SPARERIBS DEVON BRAND RINDLESS BACON PORK REG 17 97 TO 49 97 REG1597 TC 2997 3570 HIFASHIDN FINDS if AT SUPER Low PRICES MISSES SLEEK PIECE SPORTY tused swms 55 SKIRT SETS PANT SETS PULLOVERS mac 597 Insulinc Arilit Witt mt iii 100 Attyltt iiioi ti IWlII Itlt illltky mitt Nylon lllllttVtl iii tbrrrta Ullllldi utytlu tor in Luew oi mick tyli wdb yoiii Iltlltl ll itiiii Malian Ciiived White Ash blade Fibreglass llt MISSES TERRIFIC Miry IIIItIIldl YUHI fiiiiiiniiiiti lItilIt liiiiq ltilyitii lillhlillttll utyli illitl tlii itiil lltitll ioliiiii IJIIII Mesa it it mart Heoutai List Price 77 it mart Regular List Price 18 BB mart Regulai List Price 44 mart Spemal mart Spectral mart Spectal 599 1299 333 KMARTPLAIA 3K IQHWAY 27£BAYFIELDSL ii Your Sattstaction Guaranteed 0r Money Cheertutly Retunded OPEN MON TO FRI 10 AM to PM SATURDAYS AM TO io PM lb box $469 EXTRA lARGE EGGS 4h BUT WAY OF LIFE