TRADITIONAL WARDENS HAT Former warden at 76 praises county policy MIDHURST Staff An ac tive member of the Simcoe County ExWardens Associa tion Ernie Miller of Coldwater still takes close interest in county affairs at 76 The native of Mount St Louis in Medonte township headed the county council back over 30 years ago in 1946 During 17 years on Coldwater council he was reeve for 13 and councillor for seven In recent years he has continued to attend county council sessions regularly and frequently acted as official messenger Mr Miller was among former wardens who have stressed the countys prime responsibilities to ratepayers and opposed change to regional administra tion which has resulted in in creased taxes elsewhere SOUND POLICY The countys pay as you go policy of financing which has enabled the administration to avoid debenture debt and its carrying charges has been com mended by Mr Miler at various times It was policy he follow ed himself when warden It was sound financing which helped to keep down county highlighted by his election as warden in 1946 In Coldwaters 69 years as village separated from Me donte Mr Miller was only the second representative to gain this honor for the village The late Charles Eplett was warden in 1923 From 1950 to 1966 Mr Miller lived in Barrie when he was superintendent of county buildings He also maintained his home at Coldwater during those years and after returning there he was again elected reeve and served five more years as head of the council from 1967 to 1971 inclusive Long interested in sports Mr Miller was an ardent supporter of Coldwater hockey clubs in the past He also took keen in terest in lacrosse and followed Orillia teams back in their championsip era of the 305 when they won the Mann cup emblematic of the Canadian lacrosse championship three years in row The Orillia team then played its home games in rink known as Epletts arena which was owned by the late Mr Eplett of Coldwater attended the games when Orilia Terriers played in Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto as well he recall ed He also took an interest in achievements of Barrie hockey teams during the years he lived in Barrie DISTRICT NE The Barrie Examiner Wednesday January 19 I977 mUMY GLIMPSES Tay council sets new meeting dates VICTORIA HARBOUR Staff Regular meetings of Tay township council will be Call second Oro meeting By BESSIE CRAWFORD 0R0 STATION January 13th just wasnt the right night for the community centre an nual meeting and it wasnt even Friday Very little interest was shown when only nine persons braved the unusually cold night to ap pear and the meeting was re scheduled for Tuesday evening Jan 25 at oclock The community centre offers much to the area and communi ty The nursery school meets here each week card parties are held 4H club uses its ser vices and senior citizens hold their meetings and socials It was suggested at the original meeting because of the tumout the centre might be turned over to the township or sold but after discussion it was decided this was not really what people of the neighbor hood desired and the new meeting was arranged held on the second Thursday of each month starting at 130 pm it was decided by members Reeve Charles Rawson heads the council and other members are Deputy Reeve Bruce Tin ney and Councillors Dave Moore Tom OHara and David Walker Reeve Rawson was appointed council representative to the Waubaushene public utilities commission During months when second meetings are necessary coun cil decided they should be held on the fourth Thursday TOSIIOW SLIDES MIDLAND Staff Author of the recently published book Meet Me At the Station Elizabeth Willmot will show slides at the Midland public library on Wednesday Jan 26 ANNUAL MEETING SEVERN BRIDGE Staff Annual meeting of the Morrison Agricultural Society which sponsors the Severn Bridge fall fair has been arranged for Saturday Jan 29 of next year at the local hall Plans for the 1977 fair will be discussed TO PICK OFFICERS MIDLAND Staff Elec tion of officers will be held at the annual meeting of the Midland Horticultural Society on Monday evening Jan 24 following potluck supper VESTRY MEETING HAWKESTONE Staff Annual vestry meeting for St Aidans Anglican church will be held at the home of Mr and Mrs Irwin McMahon on Sun day Jan 23 following com munion service at pm EARLY SURVEY COLLINGWOOD Staff First survey of town lots in this Georgian Bay area was made in the spring of 1855 Three years later rin 1858 Coll ingwood became an incor porated town IIAWKESTONE Wl HAWKESTONE Staff Members of the Hawkestone Womens Institute will meet at the home of Mrs Victor Hart on Wednesday evening Jan 26 with the meeting arranged to start at oclock IS EXAMINER Evalyn Lindsey of Tollendal has been appointed an ex aminer for the Royal Conser vatory of Music Toronto and is examining in Toronto and Hamilton for the next two weeks Mrs Lindsey is on the faculty of the conservatory and has several local students PIONEER LIBRARY ORILLIA Staff The first public library in Orillia know as the Mechanics Institute was organized in 1864 IVY MEETING IVY Annual reports will be presented at the vestry meeting of Christ Anglican church here after the service on Sunday Jan 30 pot luck lunch will be served and childrens care will be provided during the meeting COUNTY COUNCIL MIDHURST Staff Two members of the new 197778 county council were councillors on the same administrative group 10 years ago it was shown by records here They were Reeve Lloyd Pridham of Sunnidale and Reeve Ingram Amos of Medonte Mr Amos was then deputy reeve The county council years ago had 53 members two more than at present FULNI FERTILIZER PRAGUE AP man who was gardening found 3000 yearold skeleton in Aleksmce Czechoslovakia CIK news agency said Archeologists said it probably belonged to no mad wholivedintheStoneAge lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll New warden of Simcoe Coun ty Allan Glassford finds traditional robe and hat still novelty as he proceeded to preliminary budget requests be made about future sessions ed in the meantime municiplaities were finalized for further study Last years gross budget 88889825 the year before budget levy totalledSZ328722 Tecuin set under rivillc llughes as warden managed to hold down the dias for todays session of county council Ill be used to it he muttered with smile Examiner Photo gillllllllllI1llllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllfl To begin budgets soon MIDHURST Staff After days rest Simcoe County councillors resumed their January sessions at the county complex today to hear applications for grants and some Most of these were referred to the new general govern ment and finance committee for further study and later report when budget recommendations are made After todays morning and afternoon sessions the county council will be returning on Thursday when decision will The finance committee is expected to make some budget recommendations at least at the February sessions which are due to open on Tuesday Feb 15 unless otherwise deCid Last year the county tax levies on the 33member in March The council then overall levy below that of the previous year after first sen ding back original budget requests to the finance committee called for expenditures of SlongJSZ and net county levy of 33835888 down from Records showed that five years ago in 1972 the county Four of the eight members of the new finance committee were active last year They were Reeve Bill Gibbins of In nisfil Reeve Alan Johnston of Vespra Reeve Morris Darby of Tiny and Warden Allan Glassford who is reeve of New members of this key county committee are Reeve Peter ameron of Alliston Reeve Ken Wood of Bradford and Reeve Theo Bernard of Victoria Harbour $1IlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Beef support policy outlined at Elmvale ELMVALE The govern ment of Canada has announced program that will support beef calf prices at 90 per cent of the national average over the past five years it was announc ed here by Robert Hum phries associate agricultural representative of the North Simcoe office All beef cow calf producers with herds of five to 100 cows will be eligible The federal stabilization pay ment for 1977 will be determin ed in early January 1978 You will stop smoking on Feb 25th it you join smokILndcrs now and follow our pleasant prograiir llntil recently as smoker you had very little choice Illlltl you continued to smoke or you suffered the agony of cold turkey withdrawal Now there is RlAL choice Sinoklzndcrs At smoklzndcrs youll smoke as much as you want while you learn to quit Wll llOlll hypnosis willpower scare tactics or climbing the walls Sinoklzndcrs is committed to making the quittingl experience easy and rewarding We will enable you to achieve initial success and the means to continue As is the case with the On tario Plan farmers do not have to sell their calves to receive stabilization payment Cows that have been bred for 1977 calving and are on farms as of April 1977 will be eligi ble for the payment Complete details and reg istration forms will be available in March at the North Simcoe agricultural office here BRING BACK tlllTENlISS lo whiten piano keys wash them Wllh alcohol it throughout your life oinc to RH lXlLANATRY SlSSlN cigarettes by leb 25th you wont need them anymore LOCATION Newmarket Optimist Youth Centre Forhan Drive oft Davis FREE SESSIONS come to either Tuesday Jan II or 18 730 pm lst block of Sutton Road Aurora Aurora Conference Centre RR St Johns Wednesday Jan 12 or 19 730 pm Sideroad West Barrie Continental Inn 394 Dunlop west of Hwy 400 lm iiiicluri liiiipcls Milliii smokEnders of Toronto 51 29 Thursday Jan 13 or 20 7pm peas lliil dwwiw to Quit lllitklllgju Blueiay Crescent Oshawa Ontario 416 9613860 taxes he noted First elected to Coldwater council in 1935 Mr Miller serv ed four years as councillor before moving up to reeve for stretch of eight years Conference on forage ELMVALE The North Simcoe Soil and Crop Improve ment Association is sponsoring one day conference on forage crops to be held as part of the Ontario Soil and Crop Improve ment Association annual meeting This conference is to be held at the Holiday Inn Barrie on Tuesday February starting at930am Dr Stan Young of the Ontario Agricultural College Universi ty of Guelph will speak on forages in the livestock economy while Dr Bert Christie of ntario Agricultural College will outline the ad vances that can be expected in forage plants in the future Match the Forage to the Soil will be the topic covered by Dr Elwood Hatley of AC Harvey Wright and Bill Hurst soils and crops branch ministry of agriculture and food OMAF will speak on forage management and maintenance of stands and on making good haylage MAF engineer Hank Bellman will present up to date information on storing haylage while Bert CARPENTERS SCHOOL Want to mak Buildall makes it easier than think som hing of it If yOure like most people you probably have prob lem area in your home valuable livmg space thats Just wasting away because you dont know what to do With it Its time you made something of it Buildall can help Its really eaSIer than you think Supposrng youd like to transform that damp dark basement into warm cheery rec room You can do it you know With little help from Buildall Or how about an extra bath room lts eaSier than you think thanks to Burldal At every Buildall home improvement centre youll find the materials you need from lumber to ladders wall paper to paint Youll also meet friendly staff of sales people ready to help you With any budding problems Right now you could be wasting lot of potential liVing space it you want to make something of it talk to Buildall Its easier than yOu think Prefinished Moggach will talk about hay harvesting equipment Doug Cellular VInYl Hoskin of Cobourg and Mike Mouldng Clitherow of odrington will discuss the forage program works better each uses on his farm In addi than wood tion to these speakers there will be panel discussions both morn ing and afternoon All farmers interested in at tending are asked to pre register Local Soil and Crop members are invited to attend the tario Soil and Crop Improve ment Association annual ban quet on February The dinner starts at 700 pm The guest speaker will be the William Newman ntarios agriculture and food minister So versatile Cellular vinyl moulding can be bent to it arches and curved walls can be nailed within 18 of its edge without splitting does not need staining or puttying wont burn is not affected by humidity When you need moulding choose Cellular vinyl Plywood and Framing Lumber For your building projects Strong durable plywood is versatile and easy to work with Laminated with waterproof glue to give you moulding from compact strength without bulky weight Spruce Buildall framing lumber in 1x2 1x3 2x2 2x3 and 2x4 are essential for most rec room jobs 1x28 1x38 2x28 8PCE BIPCE 8PCEI cope 34 05 BASE CORNER Panellin Louver Adds beauty and atmosphere to your home Were Having Another BiFold Doors Carpenters School As beautiful as they Woodgrained panelling BEECHNUT are practical gives warm homey at Use these handsome louver mospbere to any room Go for weekend Carpenters doors to hide storage areas creative add interest and or for decoration They will variety by doing one or LAMINA enhance any room The top more walls in walnut WALNUT is pine open louver the BUCClllIUI panels to con PoMo bottom is birch plywood trast with your present worked in decorative lGCOI drop and reQSIer today design Louver Bitold doors an attractive Is lIMITEDI addition to any room 95 HARDWARE INCLUDED GoldVeined Mirror Tile The light bright decorator touch Fast Friendly Service Free Ample Parking Free Home Delivery On Most Products 7282496 Yes Husband Wife can learn together How to Build Your Own Rec Room or Remodel Kitchen or Bathroom ITS FREE and easier than you think CHARGEXl master charge and bring your in rum1 IiMl IHlllod SEMINAR STARTS Ho Let goldveined mirror tile if 0n ay ursday Tuesday give shiny new look to ilï¬ eammspm ClASSEs ead 22V2 hrs January 25 conventional walls in your Friday tll19pm 730 pm rec room bathroom or any SaudaYsamimfPm room Adhesivebacked ll Tobe and easy to apply mirror mm tile is the light touch to VESPHA make your walls glow and DOORS reflect the mood of happy OF Thursday BREWERS llVlng 12 12 tiles in it January 27 CARTON OF 12 pm boxes of 12 RETAIL AHMX IAlt cw