Crewmen lrom the Coast Guard cutter loint Brower secure the 26 foot sailboat Mr Boat Friday alter Donald lark 30 at San Francisco is shown llllllily atterothe Coast iuard pulled his 26 loot sailboat Mr Boat to San Diego slorin Ielt flark admit in the lacilic Without sail and on short rations three weeks ALMOST DIES BUT HES GOING BACK plucking Donald Clark 50 of San FranCisco lrom the vessel and pulling it to San Diego Clark on voyage ago tuiiaboal radioed tor help when it tonnd him 400 miles south ol San Diego near NleXican waters Clark says he sails vast distances atone for the same reason men climb inotintaiiis and Will go back to sea lAl lhotoi Success makes Kathy aggressive less shg IIMMINS nt Mil Stic cess hasnt spoiled Kathy Krci her It has only made her more aggressive or as she says lessshy lhe 19ycariold liminins skier only anadian to win gold medal in the 1076 tllyin pics received tier latest honor when she was named anadas female athlete ot the year in Canadian Press poll was very cxcited said Kathy who spent tiic hrist mas holidays at home but lear ned about the poll while catn paigning in luuropc with the Canadian ski team didnt think ol the selec tlon being made at all so it was complete surprise when was called Kathy became an instant ce lebrity on Feb til last year at ter steady but uneventtui skiing career when she won the giant slalom at Innsbruck th warting the hid tor third gold medal ol ltosi Mittcrniaier ol West iermany who had won the downhill and slalom FEELS NltlltlL RELAXIZI llas lile changed tor her since that day certainly go to more lunc tions dinners and press conler cnces she said have opened up more and tee little more at case when attending these events have learned to relax and take things as they come and to let people take me as am alone lrom Hawaii to San Franctsco was adrilt on short rations for three weeks alter storm ruined the sails ot McCague the tiny boat Clark was in good condtition and vows to return to sea AP Photo reviews provincial bills By GEORGE lcIIE MPP Diilleriii Siineoel For my tirst report ol 1077 would like to take briel look at the tall legislative session at Queens Park Iwentysix hills were given royal assent and number ot these will have ina impact across the provmce ll instance last year com munity arenas in many parts ol this province were lound by qualitied engineers to be an sate As these lacilities are otten extremely important to the area they serve the govern ment decided to set up new program through Wintario tnder this the province will absorb up to 75 per cent at the repairing or rebuilding costs and the community itsell will be lctt to raise the remaining 35 per cent llt1 INCOME Just belorc the House closed the governments Iariii Income Stabilization ct awas passed This new bill establishes voluntary contributory plan tor larmeis which will ensure tloor inot ceilingi price toi their products liiis program will supplement the lttltlitl governments inadequate na tionalstabilizationscheme Small business was guen break in the last session the Ministry ot ttllSIIllltl andtoin iiiercial ltelatioiis introduced bill Isubsequentty passedi which wtll aboliin annual returns tor corporations unless the iiiloiinatioii has changed It red tape really is strangling tree enterprise in tlntario then it must be cut back tines ol comiiiunication between businessmen and government should be open ttiur lrogressive onser vative taucus has tormed Menibers ommittee on Small HIISllltSS to enable us to recom mend methods by which gttytlllltltlll can better serve the interests at independent businessmen haired by Mar vin Shore I1ll London Northi this committee in cludes such 1lls as our neighbors lack Johnson and Hill llodgsoni Slllt2l The ljinployees Ilealtli and Salety Act passed in lltCtltllXl allows lor the lor mation ol labormanagement satety committees centraliz ed occtipatioiial health and stilety division within the labor ministry and more direct in olvcnicnt ol employees con cerning satety standards in their own work environment ll course we have some im poitant legislation to discuss in the coming session For iii stancc Attorneyiencral Itoy Ic1tirtry has introduced some sigiiilicant changes to various lctltlllS ot thitarlos lamily law changes liicli are aimed at making individual equality reality Among his proposals are property used by whole tamin would be shared equally by husband and wile and matrimonial disputes would be much more individually reviewed Naturally hope that my own private members bill The loodlands lrotcction Act Will be discussed in the next session During the recess ol the House oiiiinittee work will be continuing and the lllls will he gearing tip tor budget and lliroiieSpeech Speck statements not introduced llltiAtin tAli ltichard Speck who has publicly pro claimed his iiinocencc in the H030 murders oI eight student nurses confessed to the Illlll ders three days alter they oc curred says the surgeon who lirst identitied him to police In an article in the current is sue ol Medical ljconoinics magazine Dr licltoy Smith is quoted as saying that Speck ad mitted he strangled and stat bed the eight women in South Side townhouse on July that year But Smith said the statcmen ts were not introduced as evidence during Specks trial because he had been given inor pliiiie and atropine about an hourbctorcinakingthcin Smiths account is the last ever made public which said Speck had conlessed Speck who was coiiyicted and is servmg tile prison sen tence was turned down tor par role by Illinois authorities last year Dr Smith an orthopmic sur geoii who now lives in Michigan City Ind contiiiiied the maga JIH statements in telephone interview lll1llllltjlSlllllltI Simth then resident at took ounty Hospital said he encountered Speck three days alter the murders He was called to treat Speck who had attempted stiicide by slashing vein in his upper lclt arm The article says Smith recog nized the man admitted under the name it Ilryan because ot lroiit page newspaper sketch and the tattoo IStilll to Itaise llcll on his loreaim Smith said in the article Httore he was wheeled into surgery Speck became cocky and started talking about the murders He admitted being on drugs at the time llealsosaid he had been drinking lot ot wme Smith said Speck asked it was going to get the reward In the intciVieW Smith ex plained that bctore he could re ply coworker in the oper ating room leaned over and told Speck dont think youre worth $10000 tthe reward ot tcrcd tor capturing the nurses slayer my mp1 iliiit SINGLE VISION EYEGLASSES $3100 Peter St 2nd Floor Orillia 3252601 ii ti tlll Km if COMPANY 5le Stevens outlines new program By SINCLAIR STEVENS MP YorkSinicoe The federal government has embarked on new em ployment strategy to be known in part as the Canada Works Program While bill boards and ad vertisements in our Riding have been proclaiming the program it is particularly im portant that constituents become familiar with its workings lrue we in YorkSimcoe do not have as high level of unemployment as other areas of the country but we do have large number of people out of work Last month there were 14669 unemployment insurance claimants registered with the Barrie Unemployment ln surance ollice Based on work lorce ol 195000 this represents 68 per cent unemployment level compared to the provm Cial average ol 62 per cent It is estimated that apmeimately 20 per cent of the areas work lorce and 20 per cent 01 the claimants come trom the NewmarketAuroraBradford district FlVFLYEAlt PERIOD leature ol the new em ployment approach IS that it will continue tor live year period and Will thus amid the on againell again leatures ol the Job creation programs ot the past few years Time and again we have received com plaints trom those who hoped to create employment up $1 Million portunities but found it difficult to operate under the sporadic schemes introduced by the government Often by the time the program was known to those who might participate it was too late to apply Hopelully this situation Will now be corrected For the first year ol the new program the application deadline date for the first phase Wlll be February 1977 which will allow for protects to start as of April 1977 The ap plication deadline date lor the second phase Will be August 26 1977 which will allow tor proyects to start as it October 31 1977 Another feature ot the program is that emphasis Will now be placed on sponsorship by recognized and established organizations such as municipalities themselves local servtce clubs boards ol trade and church groups rather than on indiViduals as was the case With the Local Initiatives Program In addition youth element the Young Canada Works Program Will operate throughout the summer mon ths For this program em phasis Wlll again be placed on sponsorship by recognizw and established organizations Application lorms are available at all anada Man power Centres aiid Job reation Branch oltices or trom my constituency ollice at Snowball ltlt Kingtfity MISTAKE PAYS Mary Blurton is smiling alter she incorrectly punched an exacta race ticket at the New Orleans lilll jiounds Wednesday where she is paiimutucl clerk She tried unsuccesslully to sell the $3 OFF ticket to other bettois but there were no takers so she had to buy it hersell the ac cidential picks came in one two and she collected $1100940 tAl lhotoi 20 SPECIAL PRIZES OF $100000 AND Helps quash spider fear TORONTO CF psy chiatrist once sent woman to Dr David Barr of the Royal On tario Museum hoping that Dr Barr could help his patient overcome her tear of spiders He couldnt have picked better person to help the woman Dr Barr who oversees the secondlargest collection of insects in Canada keeps live tarantula and two live scor pions in his laboratory His ot lice is littered with Jars ot pickled spiders and other insect spec1mens and has blownup poster of Spiderman on the wall Dr Barr head 01 the mu seums entomology and in vertebrate zoology department said he spent hours With the woman patient showmg her the spiders and helping her team that they are harmless started With the dead ones then worked up to the live ones he said She thought they drop down on your head which they dont Dr Barr who once had wa ter mite named alter him by scientist is responsible lor the museums collection of 60000 insects almost all ol them dead It was started 19H by an interested museum emlt ployee and has since been in creased catalogued and collated many times The museums live insects kept in steellined basement chamber called the bug room have spectal purpose The millions ol tiny bugs are pro teineaters that clean bones lor museum zoologists You can never completely clean the skeleton ot an ani inal Dr Barr said So we Just put the skeleton in box and leave it in that room tor couple ot weeks 10 SPECIAL PRIZES OF $25000 have been added to the 2nd draw up to 150000 prizes available Twenty special prizes of $100000 and ten special prizes of $25000 have been added to the second draw of Loto Canada The second draw of Loto Canada has only one series and now offers 12 grand prizes of $1 Million 28 prizes of $100000 and 10 prizes of $25000 each All grand prizes and special prizes will be awarded Buy your tickets now at banks caisses populaires most trust companies some credit unions and retailers all across Canada Your chances of winning are better than ever before 4s