ALTERATIONS LADIES AND gentleiriens alterations 26 Mary St Teluplinne 7373432 or resrdence 728 8416 Lv1WEIHIL GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS Siding Eovestrough Soffit Windows Facia Doors Shutters Awnings AdditiorisRoofing Porch Enclosures Stonework Forfree estimate Call PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales and Service18 Alliance BIvd 728 3392 APPLIANCE REPAIRS MAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIRS Day or night serwce All work guaranteed Instant replies 72674381 ask tor Phil AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR Birtrsh European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Seiv 17 Mary St 7265441 REPAIRS CONVERSIONS Engine Reburlds all small cars Import Domesic Salety checks Labour $12 hour Owen Racing 416 TiflIn 7261245 BRD trousi PURPLE MARTIN Houses tor sale Apply at 92 Metrese Ave Some or telephone 728 Wï¬CARPENTRY AND General Contractor Kitchen rooms renovations additions guaranteed 737 1507 CARPENTER Specializing rri rec rooms in terror remodelling trim etc Please Call 778G884 alterap CEDAR DECKS rec roams extenSions etc Fully experienced 726 9007 72 2609 CABINET MAKER heris vorri es alterations 2°48 LICENCED CARPEHiERS Custom homes cottages renovation repairs Sahsfoction guaranteed RaidJConsiructiuii 726 7461 CARPENTER will do rec roanis renovations remodellrng etc Nolabtosrall 7261271 CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters tor renovations aditlrnhs homes cottages Free estmoles 435 4995 CARPENTER wrll do any small lob SpeCiaIiz rec Irreplaces trained Kit renovations CCtlIltiUrUOI 726 European P110IU111llt Domestic mg Iri remodelling and term13110115 Phone Bill JIhrisra 726 8708 onyrrmc CARPET CLEANING TAPT YOUR spring cleaning today anrral In your arpws wrh carpet steam clean 725 6121 CERAMICS VrIIJER It CI AWC Flow urn wall tiling 07111101 72 C263 CHAIR CANING ANTIQUE CHAIR CANINO Ove 35 years or pEtcrtft Telaph 111 Sonrers 436 2299 CHILDCARI WEEK END SERVICES meals nnrevtarr rrirri able rates 42 6731 COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCiAI APIISI 24 hour SUthIlSIOrt Loring care Reason Logo design art work layrut hr Pin all collect 416 9362631 CUSTOM FENCING RESIDENTIAL FTNCIIIC Clfl frrrlv custom wood 1mm in vir property 737 1507 DISC JOCKEY COUNTRY 1C D1I Brian HItI Disc jockey villi1 rtrtrli rtr Bariumts rlanrrs Wings 77 7w DRESSMAKING DRESSES FIT It It Speriolrr II trJIIS 76Wrlrvy iy JOSIE AQIJINO Ir and mum 020 VDRYWNALL SPECiAiiziriC lti lJr1fIIT warrior witty nIq Catl its AUTOMOTIVE SNOWMOBILES 191 MPH Jlr Jrr ii 3120 rI Iril Ht 7634 19 YAMAHA Irllcivtl rrtrrlrrtri tiir ti ir rlr ri SIIIFI biizws IIï¬illlir llI lrriI 855 Call titti3r6 iii 111 1316 19 MOTOUF Crirrr 79 twrr wrttr THf 3600 lrI Lkw Norirr rw tmrr wrlw trgirk Still Vwry llLll InlllIIUFI Fiir trir $170 7M 7750 ARTICLES FOR SALE Look Incredible 26 Zenith Color 5393 22 RCA Color $249 26 Electrohome Color 5347 Only $4 weekly starting April lst 1977 Phone tonight and Ill give you free gilt with any purchase Krazy Kellys 165 Wellington 7371182 MTuThFTF FIPI ILli HARDWOOD sensation tuprrunlrty IrllTrll 6$li 125311 or ILIIIItUI llitrlll III 116 1175 IAICJIIi2NlJ MHzAN till Liii Spruik IVI1VtlllN 111 irili Illliltl HR 6100 ARTICLES FOR SALE ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory EAVESTROUGHING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING troughrig installed Call 72876628 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists Ice and snow removal Irorn roots only Free esti mates Call 4241956 New Lowell ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Comrnercral Residential Industrial Installations and ser vice 726 4996 SIMCOE ELECTRIC Vindustrial vResidentiaI Eaves erCommercial irrFarms Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 7288234 SIMCOE ELECTRIC Industrial Commercial Residential Farms Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 7288234 ELECTRICIAN Li specralizirig iii reiiova trons additions Alch repairs to any maor appliance Free estimates 737 0966 EXCAVATING ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating septic systems trenching gravel 4361558 4361257 BULLDOZING small and large tabs Easorr and Sons RR Mrriusrrig 726 7638 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excov Trenching Horizontal Augering 7289833 FIREPLACES FIREPLACES Specializing in natural stone antique brick haulage loader work Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed PETER HENSTRA 7372871 TF STONEWORK and Irrnplales srurqty V11 Walsrirt Iar free estimates 728 1599 FIREPLACE ACCESSORIES CANDLE AND COPPER HOUSE GUTHRIEONT 4873442 AND MAsONPv Stu1 Jumg tr fireplaces hoyt rrizm rm Phorir 728 5673 FIREWOOD SEASONED MAPLE Ash rim sum 16 iong Sriglr mid $3000 Drliyiir uiI Phone 728 3775 or 737 3653 FLOOR REFINISHING HARDWOOD FLOOR relrrrishi old amt risv hrporprrl 325 8341 HANDYMAN FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 between 10 am and 530 pm HOME AND corrArr M0rrr Prirrr tirrg Piurrihm Paul city um 4364105 IITsTnllUIilr grid glJOTerrrdi Itrt HOUSE CLFAIIUIS Prirvirrrrq grirrral TIUlltLtIlTJH rr rirpsuilly 411 5919 JP MIFFIVFMFNT nr INTERIOIJ PE MODILIIIJO Call Rus 436 311151 RsltlLrLQ uvarlatilu Krrr llili wr rrmrrrs Uitr 6710 7RTICIES roaTATr KRAZY KELLY SAYS We are stocked with repossessed rebuilt and pre owned televismns Now is the time to save Giant selection of Color black and white portables and Con soles EXAMPLES 16 RCA XLIOO color only $275 per week 22 RCA color $490 week 20 Brentwood 400 week 26 Electrohome 350 week hour delivery KralyKeIIys 165 Wellington West 7371182 MTuThFTF FIREPLACE NAHUMODDS illrlillr by ttri lull turd trii iiilivrr Alsri tuna and posts 718 16 or UN 439 SWIMMING 1001 firir riiicr Leading Canadian IerIITUIrIl turlrr iriit IIIITIIJUIOF hii rilurriinuin OOI lilt OVIIF Irurti 1W6 srnuuri int rurirnritiell iritillitiriii and terms Ciili nitrict rtii or rvrriirirt 1416 2714841 Avignonsin ATTENTION COTTAGE OWNERSFARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS NE GRAINAIRIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH USED ALUMINUM PRESS PLATES 23 35 009 THICK 30° EACH AT THE BARRIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 TF Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest job possible HOME IMPROVEMENTS NEED MORE Iivmg space rec room extra bedroom play room laundry office storage space Also painting wallpapering Murray $011728 8906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement planning and decorating pTIVOLy screens and patios aluminum door The number for all your needs 728 8906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck painting cliiiniieys wateipruoling brickuridstarie caulkirigwin dows and uxparisiori lorrits Work guaran teed 4589346 LEARN ABOUT YOUR LOSS Most older homes lose 50 to 60° at your heat Stop Hiarrriq Ontario INSULATE With low cost Crllulosc Fibre Irisullatiari RPIUIIIS your money within two years LOCAL AND MODERN INSULATION 7266392 F8 INC iNCOMr tAx rlIUIIP plipOHVJ Angus Bar rte area $5iip DOLtHtH 424 5910 altir Sand weekends CENTRAL DATA PROCESSING Complete Accounting And Bookkeeping Services Year end Financial Statements 145 Incorne Tax returns For an appointment at your convenience PHONE 4364952 TThSTF INSULATION SIMCOE ECONOMY Insulation fibreglass blowing and patting Free estimates Scott Mutt 728 1767 LANDSCAPING PnoIISSIOIiAi LANDSCAPING dwgm sup plied Titeriiiriovu Uuoutspmymg re TIlIllT IDSQTIHIKEI Hirbirdr 487 3401 720 9309 WWW MASONARYV MASONRY hwk and lvrrrk Illtr1ll Ho lul rm striaI RoastIrwibli run 737 3357 MASSAGE BY APTOIPIIMJI 111 rv Itiirripiur imr rinwm in m7 111 424012 MIMI MICRO AVE OVENS DELL MICROWAyl Siwri Auttrrriigrrt Arrrntia Slllifv Sum it all Mltlliwtlnr Tibdllaiiyt MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT HAPPEN BMW ILit uni Irr pm lit In lllt 954 MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS CurlP Lissuri l1111 urrri lrrillll Mar illt r1 71 mm lILHw Lu1l Acrrirtrwiti riur and nr1rrr III ti In iiirwi Tl llITllTTIIArgt lrmrrw Curindrxrr Ail Jerry 1ru PIANO suziri mum lIr irl nqiv ir rr 5n rl 7733150 PiAriu tissliiiu inn rri mum1 writ rtrnm Otiytirrt OFFICE SERVICES council Goorrrwiiir rirrl mm yrrtrs IitHlJ qr rwir 01 ITJTIVIT 414 Iltl PAINTING PAINrIiir illrlI lwrwr rrIml inn it rir IIr 726 201 itu intro lri 11rr11l 75 11111 vlLthlG1 IAltllltll IiIt trrnrurrriq Iri tigtrri rr 1V tilIJ Establish illtLIyIrl in VAiIIF lilit tu ri ll1 fr rm irl Innr Er rrltr lylrlb gum tI 77 7311 DON SlfrtIHr Ilw xtt1111 rm 7IIm Hrlk srrrr trim print 126611071 lllLiilJAll II OilVIII IIAIIIII prrrntmy Ill Illlliltt sit trnrrrl walls Ulrlltlrli riiirtiirlrtrir PICTURE FRAMING yqI Ilpilfl AII lIlrlr xt rt ill PIit mi 127i EIwl Ill Irirk rliOriy urn liirr ARTICLES FOR SALE DEAVIITTITCTwiMrx1M riri Whirl t1ir must Illilil 01 196 IlI rtltltllltllI11TKIi in slur Ir Snr tll rirrr Irtr igt1llrtll1 rnrrciwt Irll11 MrtllIrllll lilirl Itriiriil IIIw rvyrttrliilltl irriirlr l111 lIiriiI IIIIIF wrrlk i1 FIIUIII riir Irrr mid thitrlilly Sill IS it 3145 rll1 rtr trriris Crill Prri ltllt rtiy iii tyII rirr 141 4818110 SUPERB Yirritti 7tiurrrrrnliir II lull llririr irin lllt iTlt tii your tri IIIII SINt Irish brin or my rttt L6 ill Nrll With no down priyrrrrrir HTII no piyriiwrrt till flirt il 11 you lilIlTI trIrIirttiI yriu riiri Iiiki Ifll JIIIVIT illltlt1 iip trrilutil Kriily KiI lys luIIFII Pliilri Ill 111 INCREDIBLE Fur iUI SKI ilt nitrikly you riiri own this LJIITTTIIIY1E AI It rrlrrr X1 III 01 Or TIOFIrtlllt IIII iIuti at our sltpit 1r rrritrl lllllilillrf phiri Itiriiii tltrriirltit Irtkl instant rliiywry rirrrt litt your Irlr Ditflr tut llll Iiiullly iruwri irrrt stiirt yulir priyirivrit ltl fiiril Yiny krlly11rirrir PliIIII Ill Ilttl FIIJI Wtirll mritiir lll 10711 IITIIIIJ 211IIl1ll0rlirri iIrii iilirt trti rril our TV IIlilIItll trir VlltlllT iiIriritr ll1itlVlell IlilllrlliI liliuliiu riii turr Ti2illl or 1th S7 li llr vrIk lli IIrIy il rIIl 1llllIF iiiIivrry Viny Krlly16 WlIlirriilitriW Ill 1151 MP ItlfrlNl HUMAN ltiniii Iritmsun ALIVIFIIitltL LTrlrrl Ht 150 Iiir r1 III pIIIII lltlltI IItTTF11IltIt irtvritrsiritr spur lrIIIll rIIII l11rlil lilll IWH rlllnlllr irl1111lil1llflrtlrlllrtlll 1F FVliION LlrII lirirt VlItlll innsrilrr Willi UTIIIHIIrtIITTIl Frilllfilrtlfflli IrlIT In good tItlItIlOII Itllllllllllr Hit 460 IELFVISIUN 76 color Blrtltilllll riitiirwt Must sell IIIIIIIFl H6 7500 ll tiII 5p or Hit Iill ittir rn HLJ1E sold rllIlI IIlUrl slII Uriusers 00111111111 lllI FITII rriil Irriiriy ltllllI iir IIII77Filltfliliirirtl Rf INSIAI AIIONi iTIIlI IIIthT on iII new and Urlll IUtIIIIlIII iiid drapiriis Jrri irinritury SrtIl 50 all Sirrid Iittlrtltliir Irll lrrlixiri Clrrrlt 1111111 lIrtIIIIrItt Ilit 7041 11 N18 ltFrlJIIII Irmir Piruvrr kiti Iillt ctiiir lriiiri ltUlk sriit titntvrtirIrls Ski itriri 4it itivlti and VrHItrliTIT ciiwr Isirrii ltItI rliill Awn irltl 116 641 unit 76 6101 HANK HAI II Ullll itlll iid TrIIIIrllIV1lllIitII 1tttlllttlrl stylr Tilil lnr lt FIITIIIIUIH 116 7715 PVIIIIII POI AR 151 fIJ riiii liri iiII Itllltltll iiiyllriri lit Ill 11 11 iw 466710 ttlW 71 II Iorit It IllliltK wrrtr IrIii Tillilll TIPIIIIIIUIH Hit 617 REFRIGI RATOII tiliniiii sllll by Sltll wIiiti tlurir rririiIrI $119 Mattiit 24 IrlIlQl 1719 Robinson ttdwv ti Dunlriti it Hartli MAICIthli WI iliING rriIrit ririu not hit ill and IIUitlt Tlltllllttlli Ill 7117 PICTURE FRAMING ABBEYWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 7370832 See our ad in the Yellow Pages ARTIFRAM Custom picture Training Wide selections Fast service Hall price 7288633 PLUMBING NEW WORK and repairs drain and sewer cleaning complete kitchen and bathroom renovations ceramic tile Bilotta 458 A233 PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM LICENCED MOBILE address system available Ior OTTHTIQTLIUI or music for all occasrons Reasonable 728 2155 RENTALS TIFFANY PARTY RENTAL Everything For Entertaining Tables chairs dishes glasses etc We Deliver Reserve Now 7371388 248 Tiffin St Barrie RIDING INSTRUCTIONS RiDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie live minutes Windy Hauin Farm 726 out ROOFING AND ROOFING New and old Reports Free estimates 3221897 alter in SEWINGMACNINES SEW TECH CO SPQLIOIISIS repairs makes industrial domestic sewing ma tirrils New ustd Agents Brother Sewrrig Machines 7371621 SNOW BLOWING all WI SPECIALIZE in snow blowing driveways Tiii my istiuiati Call JUIIt1737 0960 Dr Dari 737 2859 RESIDENTIAL SNOWBLOWING liliiir $3 50 77 5489 SNOWPiowrNG HAUL SNOWILONINC rorririirrtlal reasiriiablc rriatrs call Paul 737 3064 NRIGHTS SNOWPIOVJINO Small camrriiir tint and rrdrrrrrul Runsrirlnhll rans Drpiintriltli 72a 7757 SIMPSON Residential andruinnieicral srllrwpltiwrtig 01172023860 726 7501 Kl SNOWPLOWINC IltttthI ml 31 trout 436 2695 alter DANS SNOWILOWINO ROSKJIHIOI and siirull mum iul DriiIirTialili Reason ablr Britllt iirl Anqii Call 726 919 JOFS SNOWPLOWING Commercial Residential Iiiisrrrrrrbli OILl Phone 726 7365 BOHII Mrrihgrrrq AriturrMills SMALL SNOWPLOWIHG Iiarirl itll 2151 rPdOVYILVIil plIIIIUIII rates 81 set Cnl Bill Allan 7312892 or Low rates and ash resrderirrul rates 1100 RIlSldHiilcl $4 00 726 7191 anytime labs also touts rin trI Iriwri 7I 4604 ithVJ fLOIiVIHG iirrlirrtlril a1 glrwial limit it rrrlti ltil 7266167 ruiirrrIirrial Crowtorit must STucco RU rrlLl IIXTURI SPRAY Entirrrir stuuu rrirrrrrr tcntiiird wrlll urrcl iilrirqs Fier usrrrintw DaliRusmll Midliiirst Tullpliultl It TAILORS THf TAILOR SHOI Frill Grant St Chamber 1irtitriilirButldrllg cumin tarluttiiq and QlnrftlrlJtii TELEVISION lEASING Brirru rrrrly House at Leasing ease your rrw irilur TlUlII37DptTi41MII at Barrie rv lxlburlluliSl 778an UPHOLSTERY CLEANING CttliTlRI II 11 AtlLJ rlrurrrrt iu itulrissiurially Iy no 726 6321 liltttrl rrr ilrlril rlnlly lytrlilqu rrll WELL DIGGING ONE STAR WELL DiGGiNG STROUD Murhrrm lug wells Firtriiis Curiaqrs Ftltltl industry Spur itlrrrrq IrI Clint HIl lili SimI tlltlirill int run rirri rilir ll liiriqtli Irir srilu Diuiiritii 21 All 7370511 ARTICLES FOR SALE DISItWSHI Kiti Ittn Aid by Hobart SliplWlIII IIUIII in Orii only tlaor modiI plli £61990 SDTTIrII $509 95 Robinson liriwr 31 Dirrituti It Brirrir JNOWIH OWF Ri It II Cnnncliann 16ruti sriiwd torwnrd reverse dit IIFtFIIIriI trivi RM 310 15 Spec irtI $67500 only Robinson Hardware 31 Diiiilririn Ilnrriiv P1FE klittttn llï¬tlit SlllIl walnut rotor irhrriIi oval Iiiblr With 1011 tiiir lllfllIl Ior Ottaqr $40 plus 6r Ifltrlilt OIIltTJINPi$101511 ti 710 600B OFFICE FURNITURE 0111 Full Sun RIIIDIIUITISI or SiCrLidIY Drnk $100 One swivel two standard at in IIrTIF $66 one iIrr tric portable Iyplwtitvr itll orir Iilinil rhbinet $30 All in iixr tlllnil onditian Phone 726 3171 iwtwrin ti and 10 pm DUNCAN IHYFI rhiir $215 In 17621H6 WINCHIFiTFR 94 IIIINL 30 30 Hand tiriisliiil huritirict ritlir tor sale or Trddl tor rnricinuni with Phone 728 3780 attir6p in dining table and tour quad OndlilOn Call BOATS AND MOTORS SHEPHERD IniIIIqutnY boat iluulili hull yliridir Chrysler inboan niiitiir condition Asking 2500 TIBIIIHIOIII 43 424 11 30 pm ARTICLES WANTED AIt OR 010 Iirrnitiire books dishes old girl turns ll ks odds and ends Pre 1930 itetii 728 $1214 13 MM irirl rr Wldl tiririlr lens wanted tor Ciiiiiii Auto EX camera also used touts piltirtt 726 6165 DOGS AND PETS EDGEHIII AQUARIA Aquariums 11 plants 111 accessories Lowrst price IAJArrInqtiRd 726 0094 BARRIE P0001 Salon Shampooing and clipping 01 ill Lineds Sophia Strtetf itst 726 4141 FOODLF TRIMMING protessional urtxiiiiiiiii all brrrrls pick up and dr Iivrry 116 8790 Pet Studio MAYS FOODLF PARLOR Proles sinnnl clipping and grooming reas otmlill riitis Ttlplll11726 0061 GERMAN SHEPHERD pups tor sale wrvksiild Pitrisi telephone 312 2351 GARDEN SUPPLIES lleOlIcAl PLANTS All varieties Big pliinls our spir ialty BTrIYS Garden Centre 76 Ftrndilll Dr 726 2951 CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY IORK llITS 75 usrd reduced low prices Besthuysevtr 416 677 5020 ARTICLES FOR SAtr SIMCOE COUNTYS Only True Discounter UNCLAIMED FREIGHT ROOM GROUPING ONLY $59 IHG OF LIVING ROOM SUITE OPC IEDRODM SUITE OPC KITCHEN SUITE NO MONEY DOWN HI STORE FINANCING PAYMENTS TILL APRIL FREE DELIVERY WE ACCEPT ALSO SEE OUR UNCLAIMED FREIGHT mun HEW LUXURY GROUPING FINE ROOMS OF FURNITURE ONLY $897 FREE DELIVERY AFC LIVING ROOM SUIT CDHSISTIHG OF HIGH BACK CHAIR ROCKING SWIVEL CHAIR CHBTERFIELD DTTOMAN IN IEAUTIFUL HEICULDH arc IEDIOOM sum iii mu WALNUT rtttiSir SPC KITCHEN SUITE WITH HIGH BACK CHAIRS IH IIOWH OI CHROME HO MONEY DOWN IN STORE FINANCING H0 PAYMENT TILL APRIL Unclaimed Freight 202 DUNLOP JUST WEST or um um PIIONICOLlECT 7261900 J15 1820 FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SPECIAL CLEARANCE of Used and New Trailers Several makes Also lease and rentals 7261551 HARNESS REPAIRS hockey equip ment repairs saddles and tack Hender sons Saddlery 222C Yonge St Pains wick7372982 PINTO STALLION years old broken to ride very quiet $300 or best otter Telephone 4240680 POULTRY AND CHICKS READY to lay pullets Also arm fresh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Stroud 4361 11 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession Oro 7261907 7288489 Closed Sundays Your containers POTATOES Dr sale No1 Sebaao 7571b bags CharlesEllsmereypVhone 7284956 POTATOENSTClTOICE quality also some and red potatoes Will deliver 7287677 or 7289378 PERSONALS ESCORTS MALE El FEMALE PART TIME Hosts Hostesses Required Excellent Remuneration APPLICATIONS WELCOMED BETWEEN to pm 72 DUNLOP ST J20 CUBA Jan27 ony$329 save $120 Feb3 only $359 save $1 10 meals daily air flight and Hotel treasure Tour Hays Travel Service 7284700 J141821 TELECARE Why tightyour problem alone Let Iriend help Call Telecare 7267922 anytime ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 6581 it you drink thats your business It you wanltoquitthatsours Callanytime UNWANTED HAIR removed solely permanently medically approved Ly rtiii Hronchuk Certitied Electrologist 737 2671 HORSE drawn sleigh rides Weekends and evenings Duncan Murdock RR Barrie 726 A756 evenings INTE RNATIONAL Investigation Ser vices Civil criminal divorce sur veillance Discreet and conï¬dential 737 7972 PATS DIAL DATE We might be the best present you ever gave yourselt 737 3610 DRUM LESSONS available teacher Lloydebriel Telephone73 3610 HOPE WE can serve you in 1977 Bet wt tiavu the Muttler Ior your car The Mut Itrr Shop 180 Innistil St 726 2282 HOE DOE Valley Fun Ranch now optn Year round callring to private parties 778 6875 GENERAL MEETING 01 Parents Without Partners January 19th at In Grace United Church Grove and Cook Sts Elaine Evans business can sultant will speak on income tax Everyone welcome For turlhcr in tormalian 728 7245 PLANT SITTING SERVICE Gornq on trip or vacation Lenvn With in easy mind knowrna your plants arr bvinq competently cared tor For in turniation call Barbara 726 3070 PL TIRED GENTLEMAN Wishes to ttillI lady between 60 and 70 tor cornprin Ionship Has late model car Please rrp ly to Box T24 the BBTYII xariirnor iNSTtiucTioN ENGLISH RIDING instruction Welt schooled horses Indoor arenri minutes tram Barrie 7260192 ARE tHERE any pupils wishing to ltilrll to play the piano Arranqerrirnts rIII bl miidrr tor them to do so Call 718 3430 xpiriencvd tear hir HELP WANTED Parttime $150 to $300 per week Must be able to work MONDAY TO THURSDAY 630 PM TO 1030 PM Saturday am to pm Hove car Be able to learn quickly No experience necessary Full training provided For interview call Mr Hudson 7371904 DISTRIBUTORS J18 PROFESSIONAL SALES OPENING for right person in BARRIE area International firm pays high commission rate on sales to in dustrial and commercial ac counts Write Byas co Consolidated 2300 Schenker Street Ville La Salle Quebec WELL KNOWN Company has several tull time and part time positions opened or ambitious persons with car Choosr your own hours and earn an above aver age wage Telephone 416 895 6532 HELP WANTED CONTACT 824 King St Aggressive Interested in an exceptional income self starter Able to deal with people CHEVOLDS DEALERSHIP The Barrie Examiner HELP WANTED HELP WANTED or Automotive SALES REPRESENTATIVES Urgently Required You offer Enthusiasum Sales Experience preferred but not essential Dependability Ve offer Excellent Commission plan Complete Training Fringe Benefits We are progressive dealership interested only In career minded people It you are dependable of good character like interesting work meeting people and are determined to earn above average income Call from 24 pm to arrange confidential interview with 7285558 Douglas LincolnMercury Sales 81 Essa Road Brian Taylor or John loveless Barrie Ontario MINISTRY OF REVENUE Assessment Trainees to $12000 You will be trained in all aspects of real property valuation in the estimation of building costs soles analysis income analysis and real estate economics Promotion through individual performance Location Barrie QUALIFICATIONS diploma from college of applied arts and technology in an assessment administration course or degree from university of recognized standing or an acceptable equivalent in education and experience related to the field of assessment PLEASE submit resume or write or telephone 728 2270 for an application form which must be com pleted and returned by January 25th 1977 to Ministry of Revenue Simcoe Assessment Office 109 Ferris Lane Barrie Ontario THESE positions are open equally to men and women Ontario Public Service Y1 McDonalds LI Ontario PART TIME MAINTENANCE PERSON required to work am to 12 pm Saturday and Sundays $375 per hour Free food Apply in person at McDonalds Restaurant Boyfield St North HELP WANTED AVON SELL BEAUTIFUL PRODUCTS youll find you never looked so good No experience necessary Call 7289652 or write AVON PO Box 485 BARRIE Ontario J31 KTFCHEN Supervisor and Short order cook regurrid VtIIIITI company Denttits Apply rti Porsnri tn Mrc Kierrmn at 1111 Wiylnri Restaurant Hwy 400 irictrl Cookstovin LOCAL company HQlttlt Senior Ar countunt CGA or iiaiiivnliirt to Imnitlv payablrm rorriviihlrii LTdyIUII under general SUDTVIII1 54IIriry to $11000 pcr annuni plus hittlliis Apply In writina to Box T19 the Trlttlt Fx aminer HAIRST YLIS reauued tor downtown beauty salon Exrmriiirir Cl lSSiIFy Excellent wnui plus commission All rti quirovs Onlldtnlldl Pli isr LOIIIdlI Loon 726 7671 or at other iltttl RE SPONSI BLF MAT Rf person rt qurtd t0 are tar year old lull din Hill yonr old 14 day in my hciriiu For tiir ther inloriiiation plrusi id 726 5726 Riverwoort Farm nriii MATURE FSPONSIBI pir rliII tiill ed tar niqttt work in hildriris IIOIIit to nights wrrk TPILDIIOITi 778 11737 HELP WANTED Requires Paul Loschke Sales Mgr Phone 705 5263781 SALES REPRESENTATIVES To sell new and used cars Experience preferred but not essential Roger Hunter Motors Ltd J19 LI Sr J18I9212426 ITELPWANTED TRACTOR OWNER OPE PATOP rt qurrlwl to haul Iiirilts In Ontario and f1 Hist roast cit Uliliid Itlitw pllltrlr 416 ENS171 MATURE INDIVIDUAL with lilIILn IrrvrlTLl tKlttlf tor piirttrnie ItIIVtI StFvIlT lullphone 7311NW No alli attrr MATURE RELIAITLI ltiiltyilllll ri iiiir rtt tor month 1111i hild irict Si tiau arii Inldrerr ilsri llQIli holiskurk 31 rii to 30 ni Panimir iTIllt Mus have own transportatrciri ne lt Iiild wul cariil FOVIITIIFVNVI1111726 7718 T001 AND 110 ItTthlI rectumt 51mm oh IdILI ITIITIIII Hill wrlliriu to war ayirlrriii Apply to Stanley Tool and Oil Ltrt Oiilrrn township rnrllistrnil nirk Ptiurrirlflr 7817 CL ANINi RSON rnrrrrirru 011TtyJ per vwik Rose Street area RIILFLIILIL IlltthI 1IIITIIOTII 776 3513 ETTLF COMPANION lini chikinii tor ii OITTINI rirrirt tor in elderly lady DrLILIï¬LIIy Widow or single Indy drivvrs 11011l would 111 mi lsSrI completely tTiOilltlT IIUIIil wrtli Ill l1L11tllTlr Is rVfllIiTlilIl in LSIIFVII IlTlTIIIIIlIII home With no linnrir lrl ILiltt1wlllllillw tor the riulit llrOtI ilruui Wrtlt IiltSOttiil rmmntv to box 125 liviriivf xniiiiiiir $200 10 $300 per month rixtrii ITTOITIII tamin IJLISIITISi 1iisi rmrt illlilOplItliili lot in iIIITLHIIOUr inupli 0r irictivrrtual For IITitTVltVV IIIIDIIOITK 716 0100 rIruosdaylariiuary 181977 13 SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Births $500 maximum 40 words additional words word an of Thanks 25 words $500 Additional words per word Memoriam no verse 5500 Verse par count line extra 21 cents per lhe Coming Events 3122 per column inch BIRTHS GOOD NEWS STORY When you an ounce the birth ol your child in The Bar is Examiner clippings or the notice are vailable or Babys Book Family Tree ecords and to mail your friends and elatives in those or away places Place announcement alter birth Call The arrie Examiner Classilied 7282414 DEATHS BLUNDELL Cornelius Neil Sud only at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Sunday January 16 1977 Neil lundell or Barrie in his 69th year otoved husband or Dorothy Payne and tear lather of Shirley Mrs Tiltey Betty Mrs Pera June Mrs Stephenson Beverly and predeceased by Ellen Mrs Elliott Also survived by nine grandchildren and one great grandson Friends may call at the Ar 10ch Funeral Home 127 Baytield Street Barrie alter pm Monday Funeral service at Midnurst Anglican Church Wednesday at pm Interment St Pauls Cemetery Innlslil Masonic service Monday at 730 pm Minerva Lodge No 304 MATHIESON Audrey at the Royal licturia Hospital on Saturday January 15th 1977 Audrey Mathieson Beloved wile of Cecil of RR Phelpston Loving mother at Marlene Mrs Danvers Bonnie Mrs Johnson and Fred all 01 Barrie and John oi Toronto Step mothiir ol Darlene Mrs Pelletier of North Bay Dianne Mrs Emoss at Toronto Gary and Doug both ot Barrie Dear grandmother oI 12 grandchildren Dear sister 01 Noreen Mrs Jenkins at Toronto and predeceased by Frank and Larry Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradtord St Barrie SCIVIC and committal complete in the chirpel on Tuesday January 18 at 11 lntermentMincsing Union Cemetery MILLER Douglas at Toronto Douglas Millrr beloved son at the late Ray and Lavina Miller Dear cousin at Miss Marguerite McKinley Mrs Anah Webb both at Barrie Mrs Bessie Brodeur 0t Waubashcne Harold MC Corikey of Midland and Mrs Pegqy Han na CI Scarborough private tamin serr vicr was held under the auspices oI Rev Stewart St Andrews Presbyterian Church tram the Jennett Funeral Home 157 Bradlord St Barrie Creme tron GPASETT Margaut at the Royal Virtrirra Hospital Barrie on Monday January 17 1977 Margaret witton in her 84th year VVIII at the late Henry Grasirtt Dear mother at Henriette oi Bruno and thy lath Suzanne Cheesman Survrvrd also by grandchildren and grunt grandchildren Friends may call at tho Stecklry Funeral Horne 30 Worslvy 5t Barrie on Tuesday from rri to 30 pm Funeral servrce at Trinity Anulrcan Church Barrie on WtdIILGLLrIY January 19812 Inter ttt iit latiir at St Thomas cemetery Shanty Brty In IltU oi Ilowcrs donations to Priirrirc vvllrld RcIiel Fund CNIB or thr Canadian Cancrir Society would be ipprm trill COMING EVENTS SANAFFBINGO Every Wed Night Early Bird Games 730 pm Regular games 800 pm Jackpot 5300 must go every week Admissron $10010r cards Air conditioned hall GEORGE ST BARRIE TTF YOUNG COMPANY Fequires litter martinist iriarntmianre person Must have 10 yiars proen experience in rwsrirurrvi trans For turthor details plriisi ILlllittOrll 726 1801 SALES HELP ANp AGENTS EXPANDING CANADIAN OiICompany rer dependable person who can work vultwut suplrvisiori Earn $14000 per ynnr plu bonus Contact customers arriiinr Barrie Wr train Write Dick thTi Southwestern Petroleum Brnniirtun Ont L6T 2J6 EMPLOYMENT WANTED RELIABLE BABYSITTER will look alter LliIllltttI in my home while mother marks days woek Phone 728 7956 Tilt In OPPORTUNITY FOR MEN AND WOMEN FREE SAMPLE LESSON HIGH SCHOOL Grades 9713 Finish at home in your spare time All books sup plied Low monthly payments Write for Free Booklet including phone number to United In stitute PO Box 152 Station Toronto Ontario M5N 224 TF CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 lassitiml ULItEIIISCITILIYS and notices for TiTPsI pages must be received by in day prexiritrng publication wrth the 9x PAPI AND lull IIITTt positions open I01 JIIIIJIIIltUt1015011 wrtti car in Unit II and surroundinu rirrnis Firii above rTVtriillt wnun Itltltitlil 116 i195 6511 HELP WANTED Midland Ont option at Classrlied Display ad voriiwrnirrts which must be in by twri liuys pr mi to public attaii BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 4L vsoids SS 00 Addrtiunal words 15 per word CARD OF THANKS 25 words $500 addrrtunal words cts p8 word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES Na verse 35 00 WITI yqtst poi count line 21 cents per Irrie COMING EVENTS $127twilolunininch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Dis MIIII Rules apply it paid within days One or two insertions par ward in within TItlItJtlrlLUIliLIIISUIIOITS80nd one hall 01115 per word insertion total 5612 Six LOITSOLIIIIVL insertions 8c per wnid pir insertion total 511 52 Multiple rnsnitiiiiis may be ordered subliicl to can 011011011 when sarislailary results ob tairiiI Method at counting lower than 24 words LOUIII as 14 words Each initial ab bIIVIUIIUII wt 01 numbers etc separate words count as ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All plume insertion orders are accepted as Ullvllillthu to 11m advertisers the CIuseriDd Advartrsuig Dirpartinertt regimes ail advertisers to kin dIy re Liiflck advertisement iIiitiIiuliIy 0TH Iitst insertion in order thal any clitur or unitssrnri may be reported belurii rii III order that same may be iiirriIIiii tor the Inllewiiig day publication TIH Bflllll iiunimai is responsible lot only OtH iiiiliiim tly piiritird insertion at any ad VDIIISLITIIIIILIITLTIICHIUIIIy lathe extent at portrait al that involves the misprint Eriuis with It to iiiir Iiisseii the value at the adviitisenwiit are not lIlglhIB Iar corroc liniis by mike goods The Home EIOIDIIICV ICSIIIVDS the right to lassin iim lltiy want Is That elxii their rm ravtsa or PHONE 728 2414 NOTICE Iiitlliiiu 101 itlziSSIIiud Wlllll arts iii liIllVlttlIS day 1000 Saturrlzi