Strong export market needee III lnllil the LOOKING tor all the world like some part ot the landing apparatus on one ol the Apollo lunar IIIIssions what you see LEFT Is the scat toldmg used In painting the ceiling ot the ILyIIInasnnn in the new addition to the ï¬ftlttl hall ya tip tlw photoeraph will he tlltvtttl youuing track ltlllt Ipptxnai tiltmop II III haw l1tl It Itl tIItIII IIltttv illicII ll at yIII to avoid recession in Canada ByRttllltlltsl Examiner Stall ritei Only strong export mar ket W1 keep tanada trqu itt 8101 In 1977 John lttiikard economist with the tanadian Imperial Bank ot tonimerce told the Barrie Rotary Huh Thursday But he said Ontario should do better than the country as whole and the economy ol the Barrie area should be tairt strong Mr tlinkard oronto zest dent described the tanaruan economy as In the doldrnms and as lihding dilliculty In get ting luel tor recovery The recovery which began in mid1975 seems to have run out 01 steam he said For1977 he predicted an Inllation rate ol about 73 per cent nationwide cont pared to his estimate ot 73 per cent in 1976 tbut tigures releas ed alter his speech was prepared show an Increase ol 58 per cent In ttie consumer price index In 1976i slight Increase Iii unemployment with the average 1977 tigurc rising to per cent lrom last years7t reduction In the real JOIlXt LINKARI lack of confidence growth rate Itiross National Product growlli corrected tor InllatIonI to per cent lroiii 41 Ill 1070 drop III housing starts lroin 270000 across the country LOCAL AND GENERAL ALARM SOUNDS Barrie tiretightcrs were calls ed to store at thintop St Vt Thursday at 540 pm when Short In Wall socket set oil the alarm Deputy Fire Shiet Len Mills said damage was Iniinal SIXTEEN WIN AWARDS OF EXCELLICNFI Sixteen pupils at tlak Park School have been given the Award 01 Excellence tlie highest rating In the Tanada Fitness Award Program lor reaching the highest stau lard in all six events used It OttttRSli he master ol education course sponsored by the On tario institute tor Studies III Education voislcu will not he held Saturday at Park street ollegiale III Utllilil The course will he held Jan 22 at the school ttstliil ItiieI shown are IVRONI RO htevc Neal tell trade lcrry Wilson trade Murray Hamilton lcter Ward Wendy llalket Inda latou all rade7 and Beverly lIauginau tirade ll lttTt toJitiltllt this car continuum lack ol coo lIdcnce on the part ot ttusuic leading to slow rate ol capitol Investment an Increase III anada balance ol payments dclIcIl ItcspltcunIncreasingsurplte III merchandisetrade an Increase III exports III 141 per cent III lttTT due to IIII proveinents III the eeonoinu positions ot the Inted states and other iiiaior trading pail IIcrs III tntario he predicted growth rate ot ti oI to per cent below the Win level but aboc the expected lttIf pcrloimancc ot tanada Is whole an average unemployment rate ot to per cent agam worse than 1970 bill better than the rest ot thccountiy about 730o0 lo ltltooo bolts mg starts again downhill trend NOI llltCRtl Mrs lmkard said the usual Ingredients tor economic recovery Increased housing construction tollowed by in creased consumer spending lollowed by Increased business Investment are not present Toiisumcrs lack the con lidence III the economy to III crease spending and business lacks the contidcnce to step up Investment he said and recent moves to stimulate the economy by dropping the Bank or tanadas Interest rate do not appear to be helping Reasons tor lack ot Investor coiilidence Include the Anti stuttnlt lit tae out son 1011 and lim iVIllilS botli trade ti Sandy llark ness trade Kim lracey trade and Kerri lulphick and Diane Hall botli trade Others given the award il lI ltt tI Ll lIc Ill II It iitlt III MI It cellnltlv Io It IiIeIlt lion ltl1tft or lilil tli II llllII pielet lainz litatu lln tt IIIIIilI lot cm Ir tlmlgxitt ll tweent llc Iltl IfIll cporl Illilliitl will lletpr II tune the lack ot Ifth tIIlItIlllII pro Spec ml liltltt 1I lllliIIl IIII he could not coinluen III detail ttttlll Htltc IeoIIIdIIII tlllltltl lttit tstflellrldli Itllfltttllt VI his ttll It il tlJIItlyt iten to IIIIfII to IOtHlt lI II lloeel 11 let lla It will not repeat the Mod lll loom ot 1977 ilttjlll llltiill prices III ittlttlllll hue chuccd residents ltltttltlU to move to placesIikcltarrle 7llllIll tllciyl Iilitiiol IIIIt lalIIIIIy Marlin all tIavlc About itoo studeutu Ieie tested at the sttuml and 00 more will he or lttt It the sptlllt runaboutI Iillillt PAIR JAILEI Doesn buy their story about Old World boat deal ittlllllMK havaln and Peter olgan are lacing jail terms to day alter being sentenced by Judge lartcr on the open mg day ol county court sittings III liarilelhursday he two toronto men recent ly trom tMchoslovakia were cntcnced to jail and proba tionary period ol one year they had been lound guilty by Iiiry hctorehrlstmas havalir 32 lound guilty ol tlicll III connection Willi boat motor and trailer taken lrom Sport llaven Marine III Shanty My was sentenced to 00 days lte lil serve It on weekends troin In Fridays to 10 pm sundays olgalL 34 ot possession ol was lound guilty stolen goods Jury was chosen and two prosecution Witnesses took the stand lhursday III Simcoe touuty court III the trial III Willowdalc Inaii charged With possessing dangerous weapon The case Is the lirst Jury trial III this county court sitting III tarric which Wt run until next Friday henucth Neshitt 20 has pleaded not guilty to charges he pointed dangerous weapon toward the large plateglass window ol gas bargrocery tore III ollmgwood last April msIstanl rown Altoriiey tout teary told the Jury but was seen entering and totality the store and then II Itttlll slitttll handgun lrom lll llttltt ot car partled out the gun was later discovered Driver educa ion the driver education course splitt ored by the Simcoe toun ly Itoard ol iidltttttlttll III con IIIIIctIon with the Ontario llepartmcnt ol lraIisportatioii and toiiimumcatIons and local driving schools still has open nuts tor applicants going to tairielnghschools Ihe lltt course hcgms thc II ly ol ehrIIarv running lIy III lifwcek session plications an be obtained at high school olliccs The $123 course Is open to students actively attending the ltirec Harrie high schools and there Is IIIiIItcd number ol openings and Will serve his 10 day sentence III the same manner Judge artcr delivered the sentence alter hearing tmal statements lrom the lawyers delendmg the men They maintain they were we thus 01 swmdle and unknow mgly purchased stolen boat Kavahr and olgan were art rested July 1975 alter timolhy Welsman ot Shanty Bay saw two men leave marina Willi boat motor and trailer under what was termed suspicious circumstances Welsman notIlIed police who stopped the two on ounty Road ll heading north toward OrIllIa Judge Sarter called Kavalir the prInCIpal ollcnder and Is starting pistol dangerous weapon to he starlers pistol leary said it was the Jurys duty to decide whether the gun was considered dangerous weapon Prosecution Witness harles McQueen 24 said Nesbitt was squabbling Willi people III the store belore storming out amt said shortly alter he saw Nesbitl poml the gun at the store wmdow McQueen ol olliiigwood said he ducked behind cooler loi salety and then heard the car start tip and leave He said under cross examination he had Iiol heard Ncsbitt make any threats ot Violence Audrey Lougheed to was waiting III car outside the gas har tor McQueen and soul she saw Ncsbitt point the gun llOlll the drivers seat ol 190 blue convertible She was 20 to 30 teet away lrom the blue car she said Nesbitt later turned himsell Into ollingwood police VOIUIL tarily The threat ot snow stopped delence lawyer Bruce Ourno lrom getting his chance to crossexamine Lougheed Judge arter relused to let the trial rtiii past Vt pm hecatisc the tililtttt ol the six manst wonianjury lIvc out ol town and laced long drives home and Judge arlcr said had weather had been lorecast Court resumed at 10 am this morning and Cleary said he ex peels the trial to be over Mon day who wt nt hoth Jumped olgan man along III deal at He said laahrs business XlXtltlRt as seltrcmployed man made It hard tor him to believe hIs claims that he did not ttitlllt he was getting stolen boat III deal with two unideiitilied people They bought the boat tor an unusually low sum ol money theyudgcsaid Judge arter said sentencing was minimal because both men haVc deixndcnts laalir has wile and two children while olgan has wile III loronto He said put terms were given because sentences have been too lenient recently III tlielt and property cases There has been record alter record ol peo ple with lemcnt treatment he said and they continue to show up III the courts He said Kavalirs actions smacked ol criminal Intent to comnut thell and called claims the two men were he customcd to Old otmtry deals with handshakes rather than written agreements luv herons CITY NE WS The Barrie Examiner Friday January 141977 3w $153 000 profit in PUC budget $153175 profit thats the goat 01 the Barrie public utilities commissmn PUC 1977 budget The commisswn approved Its bugdet estimates Thursday at Its Inaugural meeting total expenses In 1977 are estimated at $9461825 in eluding $8649725 tor the elec tric departmentand $81210010r the water works department Total revenue Is expected to be $9615000 Including $8716000 tor electric and $89900010r water The major expense In the electric department Is buying power trom Ontario Hydro $7267725 while the water works expenses are means and serVIce maintenance $175000 and plant operation and maintenance $121000 Electric revenue Includes $5326186 lrom general serVIce $2954235 residential $239764 water heater rates $3000 tank rental 342813 street lights and $90000 lrom miscellaneous The water revenue Includes 8800000 lroni water sales $78000 trom hydrant rental to the city $1000 troni mis cellaneous and Zilltet trom selling sonic tlllgt Iusualty pipes 131 who ttitttllt III the 1074 plow ltliiil budget ttw ll lift surpin aritr VilllL Forced to $18Jhï¬tht Harte pIIlInu nuson ltl with tltebatlIlzdlltlw ltic conunr tuck llll blatol vtts lll iti it lls tltI iiiIII lts HILL trt quh ol lLAIIIT it III li ltllt mrI no itii Hi Muenstmhow Hill Ittot Ila lttl lyliill thaiges li lLlwn III the It $7333200 while in 1975 the prom was $37722532 with total expense ol $593198187 CAPITAL WORKS lhe commisswn also approv ed 19TI capital budget for each 01 the departments The electric estimated capital expenditures this year total $719000 Bill Bison secretary treasurer said the money will only be spent It the new equip ment Is needed for various resulential developments it the developments are not bunt this year he said the new equ1pment and substations will not be added The highest capital expense is $24250010r station leeders in cluding seven proyects to 1m prove and add hydro lines in the Clt lhere Is also $166000 ex pense tor three prOJects building substation $95000 buying 5000 kilovolt amp transtormer $36000 and buy lug two 1000 kilovolt amp transtormers $30000 the 1977 estimated capital budget lor water works 18 3000 Including $187000 tor three well protects he largest single expense is It developingandeqmpp wiltInn ttoad well and to team $111000 Io it Im tor water construc off deth um liIc depart ttte bad debts and water II mun ce to go to Haylield electrtelty or lt said ad llITt Is needed tv Itti charge wtlpanty Hilt losses many ol Nl lljtilllty mm Itttlitl ltl Conciliation 1sszon postponed to Jan 27 conciliation session bet ween the tinted lilcctrical Radio and Machine Xorkers ol America and tenlrc Moulded llastics ol Harrie stiitdukd tor thIs week has been postpt ed until Jan 27 icotge Stcvcns national represcn talive tor the limit said today The meeting with provin Ial conciliation oltIcer had been scheduled tor Monday but was cancelled due to the heavy Jlt it that tsr at dav Mr ll eertilied In st pitlltlu as bargaining agent loI employees at the plant is MtklllLi Is Irst contract 1r tcvens said last week Ieotiattons have gone well but there Is stilt disagrwment over ItlItlIl Issues ompanv oIIIIIIos have declined com IntIi World Religion Day Barrie Bahai project Barries Bahai community will celebrate World Religion Day Sunday With an pm public meetmg In the commune ty room at Municipal Savings and Loan Owen and lnnlop streets Guest speaker will be Douglas Martin who spoke III July at the World ongress ol Faiths manterbury England World Religion Day on ginated with the teachings ol Rahanllah 10thcentury lelsian who louiided the Bahai laith Bahais believe all religions are essentially one and mark stages In mans developing relationship vith ind ltahais also consider the lounders 01 major religions Moses Buddha thrist oha mined and ltahaullah himselt asmanitestations ot tod while rejecting the christian doctrine that Christ wastod llimsell In the llesh the community room Is upstairs at tuinc1pal and Is reactch through the Owen Street door IHIJIII ltriilOid Little Avenue girl Is in satislactory condition In Harries Royal Victoria Hospital today alter being hit by carat 413pm Thursday Harrie Olt said the girl was hit on Highway 11 south 01 Bar rie near the ttth concesswn ot lniustit and stillered cuts and lllttl to her tell shoulder cntt tIItziniimons 01 278 Little Ave was hit by car driven by leresa thrishaans 01 RR Harrie NIEMPRAR ARI AT lJltltAlh lhe Harrie lliblic Library Is currently hosting display It the wnmers 01 recent coin petition sponsored by tthn tario Arts touucil taiic llodgms and ljvclyn tlar IIson ot the Library stall pass critical eye over solne lie contemporary art II on display tixulilllitl llillttl