The Barrie Examiner Thursday January 13 1977 LEA VES DOOR SLIGHTLY OPEN Maybe says Ford as he bids farewell WASHINGIUN tHeuterl President Ford bade tarewell to the United States Congress Wednesday nightbut he left the door slightly open for an other bid for the White House in 1980 Ford who proudly recited his accomplishments during the 30 months Since he became piesi dent noted he was giving Con gress his last State ot the Union message Maybe he then added to the prepared text of the mes sage arousmg new speculation Congress has not seen the last of him His assoc1ates did not take him too seriously but said the ï¬tyearold preSident has not made up his mind about ttie tu ture and does not want to count himself out Ford who on April 1974 succeeded the disgraced ltich ard Nixon as the first appointed US president amid the Water gate scandals delivered gracetul valedictory It was greeted with prolonged cheers and applause N0 HARD FEELINGS lhough bitterly disappomted at his inability to win man date iii the election he in dicated he has no hard feelings about tiis deteat by President elect JlIIIIII tarter in the A0 vemher election He said he had worked tor smooth transition because wanted the new president to get on to an easier start ttian had and he wished his succes sor the very best for all that is good tor our country Larter ho Will take the oath as the 39th president on Jan 20 PRESIDEi FORD comeback try was in Washington for brief Visit as Ford spoke But he was busy discussmg foreign and de fence poliCies vith adwsers and did not watch the president on teleVismn Ford critiCized Congress for what he said was its growing at tempt in recent years to inter fere With preSidential responsi bilities for foreign policy and delivered warning to Carterw Without mentioning him by namchthat cutting the defence budget would help only the So Viet Union IN BETTER SHAPE Ford told the Jomt sessmn ot Congress and packed gallery that included his cabinet the entire Supreme Court and the diplomatic cor pswthat the United States and the world are in much better shape than when he entered the Language order hits pilot Ull itl Federal toiirt deciSion upholding gov ernment order restricting the use of lrench in Quebec air spat may threaten the success ol tederal ettorts to determine the satety ot bilingual air traf tic control lhe decision backs an order which otticially forbids the use of French at the busy Montreal area airports ot Dorval Mira bel and St Hubert lhe ruling ednesday by Mr Justice Louis Marceau comes as another blow to Association des lens dc lAir du Quebec group representing man Fren chspeaking pilots and con trollers lhe Uens de lAir and tour of its members had sought to overturn the order issued last Aug 30 by the tederal transport department but Judge Mar ceau former Quebec ombuds man said he could had no grounds for ruling the order in valid The association which argued that the order was con trary to the federal lliCial Languages Act has refused its cooperation in Simulation program the transport depart ment has set up to test the satety level of bilingual air communications saying it will not participate until the use ot French is allowed lor Visual flights at Montreal airports WONT TAKE IARI It has also refused to take part in the work 01 threcJudge commission ot inqtiiry which is scheduled to begin hearings in Montreal on Monday The chief item on the agenda Wlll be transport department proposal that French be introduced un der Visual thght rules at St Hubert which is used chietly by smaller craft group Jim Livmgston president of the anadian Air lrattic Con trol Assoc1ation tLAlCAt said he hoped the deClSIOII would prompt the Liens de lAir to re Viseitsattitude But the ruling may have the opposne ettect There is already talk of an appeal to the Supreme Court ot Canada At least eight controllers in Montreal most of them Fren chspeaking agreed last week to take part in the Simulation ex ercises after Transport Minister Utto Lang sent per sonal inVitations to 125 con trollers But this tails far short ot the 75 Frenchspeaking controllers department ottiCial in Mon treal said are needed to carry out the experiments The government testing cen tre has sophisticated electronic eqmpment which Simulates all sorts of air traffic control Situations as they would be ex perienced in the control tower and in the cockpit thERN IS SAFETY The federal position agreed to after strike last June by the Canadian Air Line Pilots Association itALlAi is that French is not to be introduced officially to Montreal airspace unless the commission of in qmry rules that this would not harm satetystandards Bilingual communications now are permitted at seven smaller airports although only tor Visual tlight rules and not for instrument tlight rules Judge Marceau said in his ruling that the tticial Lan guages Act calls on federal agencies to provide serVicc to the public in both otliCial Ian guages to the extent that it is possible provtsmn he said is worth noting Pipefitter lack here company tries US SAHNIA lt shortage of fanadian pipetitters has caused the contractor for nion Carbide Canada Ltd to place an advertisement in Miami newspaper offering United States workers chance to till 100 positions at the companys petirgtrheiniral development hert spokesman tor Bechtel Canada Ltd major contractor tor mon aibides Sarnia project said that about I5 US tradesmen are being admitted to anada under 970 open Visas granted by the federal govern ment to group ol contractors in the Sarina area Frank Gaspar responSible tor Bechtels recrmting program said pipetitters are scarce because of major con struction currently under way in Canadas petrochemical in dustry He said his firm has had only limited response to ads placed in the Toronto area where there are more than 500 unem ployed members ol the United Association 01 Journeymen and Apprentices ot the Plumbing and lipctittinglndustrv Spokesmcn tor ntario trade councils say that pipetitters do not want to work in the Sarina area because local agreements do not proVide tor roomand board allowances Sale of Timber Fuelwood Tenders will be received up to and including Thursday January 27 1977 at 1200 noon for the purchase of cut and piled mixed hardwood luelwood approximately 200 cords eight loot length The material is located on lot 25 con ceSSion Vl Lourier Twp on landing adiacent to on all weather road eight miles east of South River Loading facilities may be available at the landing if required and it pro arranged with the Ministry Tenders wdl be opened in public at the Brocebridge District OH on Thursday January 27 at 00 pm EST Further portirulors and tender forms may be obtained upon request from the District Manager Ministry of Natural Posources Bromhridge Ontario P08 ICO The mghest or any tender not necessarily accepted Alma who Jillirtr rot il tomorcos llori toothroom Munster Dr littyiitilil Deputy iAlIlliiltfl White House He took special satisfaction in restoring trust in the White House following the turmoil and divisiveness of Watergate saying am proud of the part have had in rebuilding con fidence in the presidency Ford said he is glad he pur All Long Dresses Ladies casual Dress Shoes Reg to $2800 styles colors Mens Dress Shoes Reg to 2899 °Mens Shoes Dress Boots Reg to 42°0 07 Reg 393 OUltra Bon Super Dry 80 Reg 137 FREE replacement film with every roll of HO l26 or 135 colour print film brought in for developing and printing it BON SHOES Hondbags asst IISHOEMAN HOPPE PRUG MART eSoftique Bath Beads sued detente with the Soviet Union and predicted that new strategic arms limitation agreement with the Russians may be within reach this year But he told the new adminis tration that sustained defence effort must be continued if the United States is not to become ITA $1 990 as $199 second to the Soviet Union in military power he United States can never tolerate shift in the strategic balance against us or even situation where the American people or our allies believe the balance is shifting against us he said TRC 152 C3 RADIO Rf Gain Control Matchbox Toys Kiddie Ridem Trains Ducks Reg 59 0Hof Pound Ground Round All Ladies Purses Reg to 45 All Ladies Socks Reg t0 3° SR meter PA and switches $9995 Polyester Twin Sets Shell Long Sleeve Shirts 2I14 $219 price $1 95 Weather warmup may affect snow cleanup By THE CANADIAN PRESS Cold temperatures and clear skies prevailed across most of southern Ontario on Wednesday as the cleanup of snow from the worst storm this season contin ued More snow and heavy drifting reduced visibility in the London and Lake Huron areas but by late Wednesday ministry of Golanti Fl Reg1359 Dresses various styles Reg $23 to $33 02 pc Ski Suits transportation and commu nications officials reported clear skies and good visibility Almost two centimetres of snow fell late Wednesday in Metropolitan Toronto slowing rushhour traffic The weather office said war mer temperatures between Celsius and Celsius and up to cm of snow today may curtail 89¢ OHonging Baskets Reg 598 up $99700 Kimboll Piano apt size $1 00 $3000 cleanup operations Mondays storm dumped between 20 and 30 cm of snow At Douglas Point on Lake Hu ron snowsqualls and problems with snow removal halted con struction until at least Monday at two of the heavywater plan ts at Bruce nuclear power development sending 3000 con struction workers home early HIGHWAY REOPENS Also in the Lake Huron area Highway 21 at Goderich was re opened after being closed be cause of Mondays storm Schools remained closed for the third consecutive day in most of lenses only OAll Pipes OAII Lighters Reg 75 frames at no charge Leother Handbags ROCCH TTIS WIGTOWNE Watches Reg 1995 up Plush Toy Dogs Reg 695 El up Ice Cream Parlour Milkshake Bruce County In Metro Toronto the 72hour snow emergency which began Monday was extended 36 more hours to am Saturday so work crews can complete snow removal Police said 49 cars were towed away late Tuesday and early Wednesday and 147 cars received $25 fines for being parked on emergency snow routes Seven people died of heart at tacks in Ontario and number of others collapsed while sho velling snow get Limited choice of 20 20°43 66 ll 0When ordering new pair of prescription glasses second pair for the price of the