lt Tlic Barrie Esariiiiier Thursday January 13 1977 You can pick up Just about anything at flea market even kittens Kittens are not usually included in the list of items offered for Sale but this weekend someone ilitlr ed box containing two my black kittens and puppy outsrde the door ol the Angus Lions Hall Vera Greenlaw left ot Angus and Mary Ann Aston of Wasaga Beach ZQABQEr NOTES hat to do if gOing SOUth andrfs llyll1BlE Barrie Horticultural Society Just heard about the plant parties that are sort of taking the plue of liipperware par tresandsrrnilarsales parties knew they had been held in llor oiilo tor some time but they art here in Barrie ve never been to one but think they would tier lot ill ltlll understand tfie idea is the same ori lllllt so manyfrien Us to your home and they are expected to buy plant orin the plants are right there you tori order their can visiialire everyone telling the success gird larlures they had had with all the dif lercnt plants If youve been to plant party either in Barrie or elsewhere ld like to hear about it Setiris like great idea to ore alilroiitih where to put rrro more plant tttillt know it did you rnakr out With tlrrrstrew rrrrs Mine had blooms for Llirillrrzrrs but is building out begun got if Ill til pltorre Iitllilll trrr ruli ticiilur Illiltl irrr do in 0t pi opte hail rivi fr it GOING SOllll Many people are going south about now What do you do with your plants Ive seen some sorry messes when folks arrived home lt you are going for long time it would seem necessary to either board your plants vith someone or have someone come in If it is not for more than couple of weeks you could put the plug in the laundry tubs put in tew layers of newspaper stand the plants on it water the plants well and cover them With plastic so they are coni paiitivelv air tight rind the plastic vrll act like tcrrariurn really would like to see you get someone to lend your plan ts though About now your oleus lm patience and likely even some Geraniunrs to say nothing about all your vines Will he get ting leggy and taking up too much space so trim them all The trimmings will make lttl little arrangements lol your diningarid coffeetable take look at the bulbs you are forcing to see how they are Home hey may need little Err wo sxr lwr rrrcrr rue Mater rrrrirrt otlicer Ecrr Snomlori who served for sexcrel wars at Taiiadian Forces Basie Borden and Irv ed in Barrie llti his wrti Nellie reccittly retired from the armed forces lll Torn wallrs Nova Scotia after Ill years service tapt ltoy Hillier right Ullrccr tfornr maiidfng tompany prelt seritrrl Trlr snowdon with Canadian lrorccs ftergrilar Sen rrc plaque fiorri thr lllli parry instructors Mr Snowrtorr and his Wife irll cmrtrrriic ii residi lll Lorri wallrs TODAYs RECIPE llllltBY Illil1ltlis lg lllltlillls cup water fool until tender lztsp hakiiirzsodri l2ruprlroppcdcherries lzcupchoppedwalnuts tsp bakrrigpowrler ltbsp butter less itllltirlrlisllllllr llmpfloiir Method tieairr guyo ill in egg utlr rr dry rrigiedrcrrls Iruari par 11 rli iriirnrlc triitter add llllll llll lllllllSlll lean 11m lliit diced Drain rearWing rime enough hat to make tlii do ll ï¬llirl ltrl ll lmIli itll Rrrrtllllr Liar Irril rltl tbsp vinegar ILyvll Uni Iltl imp LréillIl onion who seradmli ll until syrupy then and diced beets and cup diced celéry two one package and lake in 19 degree ap add Kaufman Sorel feltlined boots regular and CSA approved Nunn Bush commuter boots and large assortment of fleecelined boots Wide widths in stock UNEXPECTEU ITEMS AT ANGUS FLEA MARKET tried to find homes tor the animals The puppy was taken but the kittens didnt immediately find home Examinerlhoto time for trimming morsture by now if they are in side This is the ideal trrne to plan your spring garden Get number of catalogues and Just let your imagination go on rampage When you add up the costs of your plans youll likely have to cut some corners but youll have laid some groundwork and can add as resources become valuable SOCIETY NEWS Congratulations to the Win ners in the 1976 Horticultural Societys photographic contest They were Vi Brown Mary Gould Norm Synnott Ethel McEvoy Wyn ltowortli Edna Caldwell and Mrs litten Mr Cuthbertson screened the Winning slides at the open meeting at odrington School Jan He also showed some good slides of ountry Fan and the homes of the home beautification Winners which were taken by Jim Savage The next open meeting Will be in the Blue Flame Boom of Con sumers Gas on Feb at pm The topic 15 conservation and the speaker is Herman Van Wesenbeeck ol the Not tawasaga Valley Conservation Authority The Public Library is hoping to have lecture auspices ol Boyal Botanical Gardens sometime in April so watch this column Buses to the Ice Follies are now booking There Will be tour to the new Eaton Complex and the new addition to fiVic Garden Jentre and White ltose Traft Show Dates are not yet settled The 1977 MM onventron has been set frirlune 13 to 17 in Win dsor MAY lllltllMAGlC DES MUINES AP The Iowa Civil Rights Commission vetoed suggestion that it cele brate its 10th anniversary with Sltlaplate dinner Were two years behind in in vestigating cases executive director Thomas Mann lr said Im not sure wed get good image by celebrating Winter Footwear SALE OAKES SONS OK Shoe ShOp 20 50 off Name brands including CAKES SONS Mens Footwear and shoe repairs 120 Dunlap St East Downtown Barrie 7289155 Pameal Eves right fashion coordinator for the Ontario Fashion Exhibitors is shown With model in one of the newest looks for spring and summer 77 dovegrey strapless jumpsurt in Quiana Ms Eves begins her GRIN AND new as fashion to or diriator at the new Eaton entre in loronlo in February ltl lholor Barrie sorority involved in pioneer Village project Financial assrstance for Black reek lioneer Village is the present project of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority the Barrie group is selling raffle tickets fora l977 red Mer cury Bobcat until Saturday at the Georgian Mall Black reek Pioneer Village is unique collection of homes churches schools and small busmesses each transported to the present site in Toronto All the structures have been restored and are authentic Permanent staff includes craftsmen and women With keen interest in the arts crafts trades of the pioneers Early in 1976 an operating Central UCW fund dinner fund raising dinner entitled Dinner is Served Will be held Monday at with in by Central llnrted thirrcli lomen at Ten tral tnited hiirch lrckets cost $2 and can be ob tamed by calling the church of liee at 728 7389 EASllllIS AlrlllllHl The astrolabe measures the altitude of celestial bodies above the horizon allowing the user to determine time and lati tude delrcrt blamed on poor atten dance threatened the closing ol the facrlity for part of the year Barbara Morrow of the lil tario Xi Gamma Mu chapter Aurora brought the matter to the attention of her chapter And later the Beta Sigma lhl sorority adopted heritage as its theme Fa naso lhere was overwhelming response from chapters in Bar rie Greater loronto Scar borough and Mississauga They worked on this fund raising pro ect With all profits channeled to special trust fund lstllllllstl ed by the Village directors the inning ticket for the car wrll bedrawn in May excellent as to he almost ltlltlhlrlly The reasons tor our ur we lll srrnple Panasonic quality the result of yrzrir ot reseiirili rfevilrirrrrreiit production and refinement by litllt tittll people who don lllt tllr llltrllllllt ot lr rul compromise when rt unit trv sirpwrrr rr onrpneorirrrr and arattsnrarrerrp From our very lllt Swt to our 10 millionth there is one illllll ARE IT IS THE THEME FOR SPRING Designer llugli presented his spring eollee tron to press and buyers his Welcome Wagon starts Baby Welcome program Babies born in 1977 Will receive special welcome to the community from Vlelcurric Wagon Baby welcome is co ordiriatert by Sharon Brown group of Barrie business people present greetings intornirrtron and gifts to the lll Lllllll nic consoIeTVwith the kind of performance the world has recognized40 million times The makers ol Paintsmutt have produced more than 40 lllllllllll ltrt TV sets And that means that rnrllrons of people throughout the world have enjoyed their léthlllrltw StuM on sets whose quality is so il rw no that re Ulnalhz ï¬lm MV llrilrli ini rrv winJilmrri are in our trawl rirrirrrrr1 rm am you wt tr rim Mat 41 Panasonic No more fiddling around TL wlll til tiled All you mil it hm HHIMHPSS and tr rmdhmlgk WW ti tlll rr ri v11 flu HMPAHI ruinous grlip1irt IM MWle that has never charrdeil Superb lilitllty thats why we can say it youve seen us once you Vt seen us 40 million times Go ahead pick any irlfri you lk to own Panasonic Weve got over At riirllron of ttrrru Panasonic Simply beautiful These new llilllrlulllit tttltll rrrl iirntrrrii llllllt It wt drawn wt tw cl trill tirie itllllltlllt Yr ill styles to suit your dwr irl Panasonic The last word in reliability The lnriasoiru msrr Mix Ill lltllf lrplrttlt5 the evolution of solid stair to orrrpart irrd effrr wirt lldtJlIilll lt In lily tunarm Ill rr Itlllllll orrlirrl ll rllirtrd lltll tr urinal4 1rrl lrl lr Irimrr will Hi Garfrer Panasoi just slightly ahead oi our time The multimillion asons company 03 UWi tow WW 1M hhw mm TV first Since he Montreal to Mllslll lhrs imported cotton creation baring the shoulders and priced at 3145 WP Photo moved from Toronto last is his ruffled and their parents Mothers are invited to send birth announcement to lel ttllllll1ltlll 73 littai Ave orthey lllil1illlTLHtrllll The Hairy rrilrirlrrt prograrrr Wagon Many new restdents are greeted yearly by hostesses Mrs Brown Isabel Cox or assistant rrrol Wallis ff if you are new in town call laiupiis lyclcome for college 73H1Lt lHlltlll and brides torfu par WANT ADS ties are off shoots of tclcorne PHONE 72824 Panasonic The picture is worth thousand words All Paintsoilr color consoles feature the Ultra Rina MJtll pt tore tllllr It ll introduce you to new wrlil oi tlt Hywl natural color to word superb See with Panasonic Dinner listed here Hell shoe you what olor lv is about in II