Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jan 1977, p. 2

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Annexation plan is expected to aid growth of Goldwater GOLDWAIER Staff Now in the midst of annexation plans designed to take over the builtup vicinity Goldwater is considered on the verge of new development Preliminary steps were taken last year under the leadership of Reeve Earl Brandon who again heads the village council The present population is around 800 but there are quite few morelivinginthe vicinity Action taken in improvmg water and sewage services is expected to help encourage development Annexation would mean these would have to be extended but there would be more taxpayers to share the costs ANNIVERSARIES There also has been some early discussion about whether plans should be made for suitable celebration for the 70th anniversary of achievmg village status which would be in February of next year Along with Reeve Brandon members of the current council who have started the 197778 term include Iom Dean and Barbara lyrell from last years council former councillor Jack Letherby and newcomer Al Brand Old records show the first Village council meeting was held on Feb 24 1908 after full village status was achieved Charles Millard was the first reeve and counCillors were Tipping Manning Robinson and Elliott RIIEVE BRANDON Reports progress It also has been suggested it might be more appropriate to wait until 1979 when the com munity could celebrate its celi tennial as Village In 1879 this place was deSignated police Village by Medonte council With its own board of trustees Iwen tynine years later it separated from the township ad ministration altogether Willi in corporation and its own elected councd KEEP IDENTITY Villagers many of descendants of them pioneer families are anxious to see the community identity retained in any municipal or regional restructuring Reeve Brandon has emphasized this aspect at various times during his terms in office The Goldwater reeve who is wellknown local busuiessman also has stressed Goldwater wants to continue to be administered by locally elected council with authority over local affairs Any regional changes which do not recognize this deSire are strongly op posed Ihe beginnings of Goldwater and the surrounding com munily go back two centuries according to the history of the area Site of onetime trading post near the mouth of the Cold water River on Matchedasli Bay in the nearby vicinity is marked by plaque which has been Viewed With interest by many ViSitors as well as area reSidenls George Gowan operated the trading post in 1778 the in scription notes The log building and two cabins were built on stone foundations Af ter the buddings were swept by fire and dismtegrated all that remained for years were three stone chimneys and the location became known as The Chim neys IIISIORR 31111 Another plaque inside the Village DOSldt the historic mill now operated by Argyle Fplett refers further to the history of the community The inscription reads In 1830 Indians of the surrounding region were gathered on reserve along newly opened road connecting the Narrows and Goldwater Ihe superin tendent Captain Ihomas Gum mersal Anderson and band of Ojibwa under Chief Aisance settled in Goldwater Land hungry settlers influenced the government to move the In dians to Rama and Beausoleil Island in 183839 Financed by Indian funds provided by the government the first grist mill was con structed by Stephen Chapman Jacob Gill and others in 1833 The mill was sold to George Copeland in 1849 Portions of the present mill date back to the original struc ture when it was operated by waterpower Ihe buidling has been remodelled at various times and electric power in stallations were made over 40 years ago Mr Epletls father the late Charles Eplett who was county warden in 192 pur chased the mill from the Shep pard Estate that year plaque in front of the library on Main street not far from the mill honors one of Goldwaters greatest athletes of all time George Ray won many track and field com petitions and held the shot ptitting championship of America back in the 1880s Evans reviews differences in new economic forecasts By ARTIILR EVANS MPP Siincoe Centre Traditionally New Years messages are laden with op timistic predictions about economic growth and the future shape of our society Uri doubtedly some of you are highly aware of the con tradictory elements contained in reports from the Economic CounCil of Canada or the private economic forecasting concern the Conference Board in Canada The Economic CounCil speaks more optimistically about future economic growth rates than the Conference Board The range of the economic growth rate proceeds from per cent to the optimistic 45 to per cent for 1977 Each organization starts With dif ferent sets of assumptions to make their predictions Yet the public senses and senses cor rectly that the Economic Coun cils predictions are too rosy to reflect current realities over rates of inflation and unemployment The Con lerence Board approaches these concerns more senSibly and realistically NATIONAL PRIORITY Despite what the federal government keeps saying about the necessdy to bring home the British North America Act from Great Britain and the need to speak up about the role of Quebec in Confederation conSidering the presence of separatist government in Quebec these issues do not have the burning quality which concern over the Canadian economy has Canadians see these issues as rather abstract and far away despite their importance lhey want action to protect their economic security and their own future prosperity In that sense Premier William DaVis in his New fear message outlined what the role of government must be to secure these lbjttilVOS Goveix nment has the broad respon Sibility to ensure climate of confidence in which all groups can achieve their legitimate aspirations That means that people must expect that they can go to work use their tools or brielcascs to earn living with sellrespect and hope but Without pressure or llltCIlLlttICt BtSlNIJSSRIGIII It means that business has the right to earn fair profit to continue the enterprises eXistence and to employ people With all their skills to that end It means that Citizens expect their government to preserve and to protect the public iii terest with neither fear nor favor Translated practically that means people want to one 103 safe streets decent housing affordable health care and sound education the right to have economic security in old age and to advance economically after working hard in their particular en deavour Now lot of people Wlll point to these things as ibvious as here and now Of course they are correct to great extent Still do not believe that stating the obvious is time wasting because these things need to be said from time to time IOO FORCEFll They need to be said because people sometimes forget that the role of government fias in the past become too active and forceful in governing our society lhal is instead of proViding framework of social serVices government has entered into large number of businesses in which it had no business to be in the first place good example of that is havmg the state run atito lll surance schemes or mines businesses which government knows little about to begin With In fact government has had to rely upon the expert capacity of the very people from those iii dustries to see it through critical times SIAY AS RICIIIRIZI ur citizens want govern ment to carry out those tasks assigned to in by the RNA Act or through the defence of the public interest And they expect government to carry out these assignmean effectively and er ticicntly Nobody has to guess that the Citizen does not want govern ment getting any more Ill volved in the daily affairs and actiVilies of society Govern ment should be good referee of the ball game and not one of the players as Well In 1977 that latter sentiment remains very strong Do well what is now before government and please do not launch iiilo new and expanded programs Let the private enterprise system regain its strength and vitality to proVide Ol op portunities and real chance to grow ltirough such guarantee can derive anadas on portunily to grow economically and socially in 1977 and in luliireycars ALLISTON Mrs listellc Slolty of anir bridge spent last weekend Willi Mr and Mrs Elmer Stolty and Sunday ViSitors were Mr and Mrs William Stollx and daughters of Rosevillc Mr and Mrs Haddock Barbara and Wendy of llcll IJwart and till McNutt of Ioronlo tr mmwwm mm iiui Wm thllihllt full Mugs Another tasty budget lunchwith eggs tsp butter or iiiirgarinc in salt and pepper to taste slice process cheese optional liaiiiliurgcr litin heated or toasted ltll lllllle or iiiaiparinc lll liying plin ox ci iiiotlciatc llttll llicak cpl iiilo pan Willi MintlGC tiiiiici liftil olk iiitl Ill Willi wliilc Sprinkle with salt and ilt til and cr Wlicn clip is sci liiiii lIlLl cook otlici ltlt atc tliccsc lltt on warm bun yziiliislics lltlllltllti slitc llIP lIll totilxttl pltklcs itllli lltlt llllp lflt 8ch 11 Olltt Maliat llllllLI lIItl tliolipctl yiccn onion iictii pcppcis Itlltl salami inus irooins oi lclioicr lll tic sprinkled on egg at this sltllc oltooknic licit lllt kills to lunch with lll egg llicl Ioic oti loi il lltl oiill low the so llllltll natural goodness and Licat llixlc tlclLll Ull llldgfkl MW USE ltl loi tlotii iiioic tltlltlilth city tctipcs Llltl 50E llll otii naiiit llltl ltltllt to Ing llti Albert Street Suite 507 Ilcpl II ttiiiitiirio Kll5tll lli it Illi llltt til Itti ilili to ti lllllllttl th lllt lll iiiit lllillll iiiill litiil Iil Illll Illtl lirall on ltltllHl Il tv llltks Ill lxin nitii tliil iiiw Get abutfie Have lunch with an egg NVCA asks for mapping of Innisfil flood area The Nottawasaga Valley Gon servation Authority NVCA will ask Innisfil township to okay topographical mapping of marsh area of the township to solve possible flooding pro blem Ihe topographical mapping of marshy area along the ln nisfil Creek two miles upstream Will be included in the fill and floodline mapping of the entire watershed area in township The original cost estimate of $26942 for the prOJect Will Jump by $7000 to $33942 to pay for the additional work Innisfil township Will pay 25 per cent of the bill and the pro VinCial mismtry of natural resources pays the remainder Norman Goldstein of Dillon Ltd the consulting firm which has the contract for the mapping work told the NVCA executive committee last week the additional mapping is re qUired to determine the floodline for waters created by major storm With this information he said the township could establish regulations to prohibit building in the affected area The area is now used for vegetable crops which require wet groWing areas The flooding problem Mr Goldstcin said is created by culverts under Highway 400 which are too small to handle major storm rtinofl Waters If the highway werent OIIIICIQ IllSlItltT NIIWH IIICRSO PANIC Ill there there would be no pro blem he said The highway acts like dam Asked if the NVCA and the township should ask the provin cial ministry of transportation and communications MIGl to increase the capacity of the culverts Mr Goldstein said the MIC would probably not agree it it is happy With present culverts He added that the flooding problem was not severe until Highway 400 was Widened and two service roads were bunt on the east side of the highway The NVCA Will meet With the township next week to discuss the proposal Discuss plansat Holly for Robbie Burns night By MRS DOWNING HOLLY Robbie Burns Sup per at Holly Community centre is coming up watch this column for details It will be complete With Haggis which Will be piped in in the Scottish tradition Grace Middell IS cons vener She and her sons Michael and DaVId returned home from threeweek holiday With her mother and family in Scotland so we ex pect she Will have lots of new ideas for this evening Mr and Mrs Downing and family spent few days in Ot DISTRICT NE WS The Barrie Examiner Thursday January 13 I977 Holstein club program lulMVALfltj Staff 77 we McLean whose address is RI new president of Simcoe Association Vicepresidents of this act llknown area cattlemen Joe Barrie has been elected Tounty Holstein Cattlemens ive club which again plans numerotis act iVitics for the new term are Ieler Schelp of RR Allision and Bill lark of RR Barrie Brian McCaguc ol secrotarytreasurer again Wit Itlt Alliston Will continue as ti Icter Vandcrpost of RR Iookstown assistant secrclaryvtreasurer Annual banquet is to be held to be completed later Plans were discussed at stein seminars and coiiiiiiil It on April With arrangements irectors meeting for two Hol also was appointed lcntative dates for other ticlivities planned include car tour on Feb It bus tour March 23 tWilight meeting July July black and white stiow August ill and annual meeting Dec tawa over the New Years and attended the wedding of their son Barrie to Gina Sakaley of Ottawa Besides welcoming their daughterinlaw to the family they welcome new grandson seven year old Bobby Sakaley Holiday Visitors with Mrs Nicholls and family were George Nicholls of Marathon Edward Little London With Mr and Mrs Little also with the Littles were Mrs Grace Marrow Aurora Bill Marrow Toronto and Mr and Mrs Jacklin and family Elliot Lake With Mr and Mrs Harvey Uriy were Mr and Mrs Ierry Wood and family of Gravenhurst With Mr and Mrs Rodgers were Mr and Mrs Deveaux Iornto Mrs Dorothy Stone Susan and San dy Phelpston with Mr and Mrs Downing were Mr and Mrs Votour Brian and Laurie Barrie Mr and Mrs Batcman and Julie and Mr and Mrs Draper of Orillia with Mr and Mrs Carr were their daughter and granddaughter Sandra and Cathy Reid Town to and Nellie and Bill Priest Woodbridge Mary Morgan Ihornlon Agnes Derniott Alliston and Mr and Mrs Irelandlrom KingCity Mrs Art Isaac Saskatoon Sask and Mrs Vilsord Penticton HG are ViSiting their brother Archie Graham and family their niece Mrs Marilyn Fletcher and girls at Ivy and other relatives in the area Coliseum Exhibition Place Tto Waldu i2 oo noon in in Saturdays 10 to am Ill to in pm Sundays 00 pm in kl Inn Child 00 is In Ionm dunk nu Make Pay Day YO Loto Canada All these folks are doing the same thingputting little money aside each pay day to buy Loto Canada tickets in group Its easy and its funan ideal way to get your group going and keep it going at work or at your club or wherever It is amazing how fast the tickets add up and its really exciting to share it all with your friends and associates People all across Canada are doing this very thing and winning too Buying tickets in group gives you more chances to win at less cost and with 12 one million dollar grand prizes and possible 150000 prizes total your chances of winning in the new draw of Loto Canada are already better than ever before All winning numbers will be drawn in one single series Twenty special prizes of $100000 and ten of $25000 have been added to the second draw Use this group form to get things started right and then look forward together to the excite ment you will share on the night of the big draw Make pay day your Loto Canada group day We the undersigned hereby declare that we are the joint owners in the proportions shown opposite our respective names of the Loto Canada tickets for drawmg number to be held on 197 bearing the numbers listed opposite Each of the tickets mentioned shall be endorsed as follows Nam of mm litmoo lll mm wool mum ili Ihn more Hum fimriimilm and if one or more tickets should be winners the prize or prizes shall be shared among the undersigned in the stated proportions We acknowledge that in case of death our respectiverights in the said tickets shall pass to our successors and aSSIgnS this 19 AESSES FORM FOR GROUP PURCHASES Loto Canada SIGNATURES

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