Iv WOULD TALK TO ARGOS Quarterback Bon Jaworski quoted as saying he Will never play with the Los Angeles Rams again says he IS Interested lll talking to Toronto Argonauts about possible Job III the Canadian Football League He is Shown KUHN TESTIFIES shoulder sling put on by trainer vary lutiiill ttl lhotoi III lttTt getting Explains Why sales voided CHICAGO iAP Baseball Lommtssmner Bowie Kuhn tes titied ednesday he vOIded the sales 01 three Oakland As play ers by team owner Charles Finley because the deals were unidlSElSllOllS to baseball Kuhn testilying III $35mil hon sutt tiled against him by Fintey said In LS District mtourt that the action was tully Within his authority although It was opposed by the prestdents SPORTS IL TRADElOtlllIBS QLEBEL itflt Quebec Nordiques have dealt deten ceinan Bill Prentice to Edmon ton Oiters tor secondround amateur dratt cbmce the oWortd Hockey ssociation club announced ednesday REAtllIlilHlS BOSION tAl Boston lied Sox said lednesday they have come to contract terms Wltll In St baseman George Scott and intielder Hico letrocelli and lulln uI Signed American League base Ilball pacts with seven other oI both the American and Na tional leagues Finley had negotiated the sales ot Joe Budi and Home Fingers to Boston Red Sox tor $1 million each and ot Ida Blue to New ork ankees tor $13 million on June 13 Kuhn élllr celled the deal three days later Kuhn said he telephoned Fin ley as soon as he learned about the sales and said the deals are disastrous to baseball and SHORTS llvllI FOR IlltlllIlt HOt SION lAli Houston Astros announced Wednesday the acquisition oI righthanded pitcher Alan rittin Irom Seat tle Mariners III exchange tor catcher Skip lute and tin disclosed amount ot cash MAY LEI REIHIIIS Nl tllth tli Soiiie ilfitl New ork Nets season ticket purchasers unhappy with the National Basketball Association team sale ol super star Julius larvinil could vtlplavers receive more than Motion llllEIISOID ltliiltts Nev otk State HIAIJJAH Fla IPl Mia Itlllt1IltléilItIlIlIiIkttli leah City council has approved announced vtditesday lio the purchase and Ieaseot lInaIi Nets and Letkoxi II on llt Ciallytroubled Ilialeah lark reachedanagreInientallowing gIVIng developer lohn Brinietti season ticket IIoItIll no IlItIt control ol the Slyearcld race attidavits claiming they renti track Florida board ol IlllSlr on ILIVIIIL presente tor tIltlZ ness regulation still initst ap purchase to get rebate ot provetheStililiiiillioiitransae per cent ot the mice oi thi thll iltktlS might not stand Finley told him he shouldn be butting IIi lxuhn testitied lttillllSTRONGLY later personal meeting at hieago hotel Finley argued Igorously against the wisdom ot my doing It voiding the dcalsu Kuhn testitied He never mentioned didnt have the authority and said the transactions were Iiiade within the rules Finley thought It would serve the Interests ot his club to sell the contracts and use the pro ceeds to strengthen his club and deal with his company Illltltlr ctal problems Kuhn said Kttlin said Finley talked about taking team thIt had been down tliioiigh the etts aitd making it Iltitl1tlllti1lltti saidlitconlddoit again Itthii said he told lotto he wain sure this could be done In the past he ItllIl had unusual slliits and luck Kuhn also testitied that he discus ed the matter ItIi other hasthall ottitIaIs and called NuttyH of nv ti lttlllt tlij ltlWio Il iilldltiiil tii ti lutiiiit tilt Lilt lll iu ltfli mtv Ill ttIlII Iirlttt Milli ll IIIItllt hr tiiial dttI ltll Mb heating attended the pie1 IItIII and ot both league IlliIt IItIlIilIII time the HlIl Kin 4l itlp Htpi Leigh NciIIe neuch nursery Orrs glad to be back celebrates with goal BY ROSS HOPKINS IIie anadian Press Bobby Orr makes things bap pen even II his playing time Is restricted to eight sliitts and two powerplay appearances Ihe gimpykneed star deleti ceinan iitade his return to the Chicago Black Hawk lineup WlllSIlly night alter six week absence and picked up powerplay goal Iti the clubs 2l National Hockey League Vic tory over New York Islanders teel JtlSt line said Orr who was on the Ice tor only about 17 minutes in his initial start Since his recurring knee problems Sidelined Iiiiii Dec Everything was OK was glad to get back on the Ice and hopelully everything will work out Elsewhere In the NHL St Louis Blues surprised Montreal Ianadiens 72 loronto Maple lieats edged lios Angeles Kings 332 Atlanta Flames dumped New York Rangers Van couver Tanucks downed Min nesota North Stars 53 and Tleveland Barons deteated De trott ltedWIngsill In the World Hockey Associ ation Birmingham Btills shaded Minnesota Fighting Saints it while Phoenix ltoadrunneis tripped lloustoii Aeros thicago coach Bill White who has guided the Hawks to live wins In eight games since taking over Iroiii Billy lleay in December said hrs status tor the teams next game Saturday in Ioronto is still In doubt We really wont know how Bobbys knee will be until he wakes up in the morning and walksaroiind Hiitesaid Orr opened the scoring at 633 ot the tirst period when he took pass trom lhIl ltussell and tired Stltoot shot past Island eis tiettiiinder Billy Smith lid Westtall ot the Islanders was oIt at the tune tor hooking Kirk Bowtiian ii Iio netted the winner about seven minutes later Stan Mtkita got the piick away trotii Dave Lewis at the boards and led Bowman rookie centre who skated III oti the IeIt wing and beat Sniith tor lIlS sixth goal ot the season New ork scored Its only goal with hicago Keith IIILJIIISHII III the penalty hos tor holding llit IIItt stole Bob Nystroni Southampton wins replay LONDON littiter it extra It 31 Ied Iii dougall Mike liantioti and David Iemh gii deteiitttiig tltatiipioii Stiitthatiipton ll oier nelson in third lltllltllt pt ot IIliItlltI loot hall ssoltinlion tIip klltttllnltt ailI Ii Iltlf IllltllHI ljllxtlt ht ted lt Iioi tnwt lulv in oil oI trMil III pm Iit IitI fitli Iii tIiItrig mii time ulilI wittt ItlIIIIttI II liI Jnii Ifittillltlliltt1lIrIlIl tun iiiattli Ellai he ltlII lltIIIiI tttvitos II the Ittotti ttiiiaite lllt IIIIIilIt Iitiil tlIatIIIoIl Itllli IIIlIitILlI IIII IIII Iin lIliIl Iil III sttllll ifliiil JunDull pics needs We also know lot about money IIiats our business at Niagara Ior1gagc llltllll money for new car Inone for home improvements for our childs education or iIoiIre like Ieigi Neille money to welcome the newest NIAGARA loans Mortgzigcsï¬zilt slinaocing Money in action Niagara said Pink on blue Last month Leigh NeiIIe rcceiwd an eight pound three ounce baby boy Io ens of best wishes and husband itli nonstop smile but she needed was nursery Niagara thought so too IIiats because Niagara knows lot about peo IneIIIIIeroIoiirlaiiiiI Ileial standsbe tween you and hat you really need is IIIlllL called money come in and sit down with the people oue come to know at Niagara We know that one way to fulfill need is to put lllttllt into action the puck trom Dick ltedmond and scored unassisted tor his lirst NHLgoal NlSllllSS The Blues handed Montreal Its sixth loss In 44 games this season halting the Canadiens llgame unbeaten streak It was the Blues IIlSI home vte tory over Montreal since Oct 17 1974 and the seven goals given up by two Montreal goal tenders Wednesday was the most surrendered by the club in any one game this season St Louis put tour goals past starting Montreal goaltender Ken Dryden III the Iirst period and added three more in the II naI 40 minutes Wllh Michel laA rocque in the fanadiens net Jerry Butler scored twice tor the Blues luy Ialleur netted his 36th goal ot the season Ioi anadicns to Increase his leagueleading points total to 7t Doug Grant stopped 30 it 32 shots tor the Blues III tiis Iirst game since being brought up trotii the minors At loronto Mike lalmateei was standout In ttie heat goal blocking ï¬ll los Angeles shots Including In the second pe riod Lanny McDonald and Jim McKenny each picked up goal and aii assist as the Leals woii their second game III as many nights It was the Kings toiirttt successive loss and extended their winless string to live all on the road Willy llett scored twice to pace the Flames who took ll IllSLptlltNI lead and led TH midway through the second he tore Greg Polis got the Visttors lone goal Jim Wiley scored twice tor the anucks Including the win ner at 334 oi the Iinal period which saw Vancouver score three times to break 22 tie It was the clubs tirst homeice Wlll stnce Nov 27 when the Ca nucks downed Chicago 43 Vancouver now has won tour amt tied one In 11 games under coach Orland Kurtenbach who took over trom Phil Maloney on Dec 22 Wayne Merrick scored two goals tor Cleveland and set up third in the penaltytilled con test at ltichlield Ohio There were 26 penalties totalling 61 minutes including 33 minutes In the second period Barons dctenceinan Bob Stewart who drew tour minutes iii penalties set club career record tor the most penalty mlllutCS56L lhe preVIous record tor the tormer jalitornia Golden Seals was 559 set by Carol Vadnais Birmingham sealed the Win at 853 ol the limit period 24 seconds alter Minnesotas Jack Tarlson had tied the count 33 ivith his third goal oi the game lion Huston got two goals one shorthaiided to give Phoenix Its tirst wm over Houston since Dec 1975 Bob bIe Ftorek added his 27th goal ot the season tor the ltoadrun ners who broke 11 tirst period tie With the oiin goal ot the second period lhey stret cited the lead to 41 With two goals III the Iirst two minutes it the Iinal period tiII lo WINNER Herve Filion ot Anders Que won an unprecedented eighth North American harness driving championship and was one of record 18 drivers whose horses earned more than $1 million In 1976 the US Irotting Association an nounced Wednesday Photo Royals defeat North Bay lOltUNlO UP Itoyal York ltoyals downed North Bay lrappers 52 In the only Ontario Hockey Assoc1ation ProvniCIal Junior game Wednesday Royal York goals came trom Dave Blue Paul Skjodt John Uibb Barry Benson and Dave Phillips Brian Maille replied With pair tor North York Play resumes tonight With Wexlord Raiders Visiting New market Flyers Thebarrie Examiner Thursday lanuary 13 1977 ll Optimistic about Games EDMONTON CPJ Dr Maury Van Vllet president ot the Edmonton Commonwealth Games Foundation say he is more optimistic about the tuture ot the Games than at any time In the last 18 months Im more satistied now than have been since the Iirst an nouticements by Alrican nations that they would not participate In the 1978 Games In Edmonton unless the New Zealand ques tion was cleared up the tormenpreSIdent ot the University ot Alberta said In an InterVIew At that time we didnt even know what the New Zealand question was Political leaders and heads 01 sports organizations throughout Atrica said they would boycott the Games II New Zealand was InVIted unless New Zealand changed Its policy oI competing regularly With athletic teams roni South Atrica To my mind the issue is settled said Dr Van Vliet We just have to make sure Atrican nations are convmced that it is settled Recent strong statements by New Zealand Prime Minister Robert Muldoon and his cabinet ministers have made It clear the New Zealand government Irowns on Iurther sport com petition between teams trom New Zealand and South Atrica Dr Van VIIets optimism is echoed through the hierarchy of the Commonwealth james Foundation reporters attending news conterence was told YSON IN LONDON leott Dyson who coaches track and held and serves as spor ts coordinator oi the Ioundation said he had several meetings in London recently Wlih the organizations honorary secretary Sandy Duncan who was extremely optimistic Dyson reported otheials are pleased with progress ol plans tor the Games scheduled Aug 312 1978 Dr Van Vliet who heads tutttime Edmonton organization 0t about 50 said he expects 9000 volunteers to be helping out by the time events are under way So tar he said there have been no major complications in proVIdIng required taCIIItIes The Inancial picture ot the Games Is good although we have to do some heavy grinding on the matter ot budgets wtthm the next several weeks Lotteries have been lucrative tor the Games as nearly $1 mil lion has been received In the last two years And two Edmonton ltotary clubs havcplcdged $115000 The Alberta government has promised to help ottset any li nancial shortlalt Twestone SNOW BITER LE ARAN firelone CREDIT PLAN OF tivyti t9 uiititty RADIAL ALL WITH NORT AMERICA WIDE GUARANTEE Iiuum USE OUR ALL TIRES INSTALLED ON YOUR CAR AT NO EXTRA COST NO TRADEIN REQUIRED ERVICE SPECIALS ALIGNMENT EXTRA LIFE 400 BATTERY 77 with suspension check ALL CARS Firestone Stores llARUlIX USE OUR Firestone CREDIT PLAN 0R Wittrt IDRUIVlDISC FOR FAST NOWAIT SERVICECALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT BRAKE SERVICE LIi nu MII lonaod in llttItt Iiiiet DIlt IXIII Install New Real liIiiIiIu Iiipat Iimil thitot NtinuI Illniiiiiti IIIVttI IIiiiiii 84 Ruitmi titspe Ioiit Itlltt In th Heat VVtieei ytiiilhIs 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