EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation 7266539 Classified Advertising 72824 All Other Departments 7266537 liSih YearNo to The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Thursday January 13 1977 Clip titanic Examiner 15 Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly WEATHER FORECAST CLoubv KEEPING STREETS CLEAR TOUGH JOB Did we leave the car behind that snowbank or was it the one across the street was the kind oi question Barrie motorists were asking themselves alter the seasons worst snowstorm this week The upper photo shows what the streets in the downtown core looked like beiore the ci tys snowrenioval crews tackled the gruelling Job oi cleaning the streets While most Citizens are tucked snuggly between the sheets snowblowers graders Sidewalk plows and ilcet ot dump trucks converged on the downtown core to ease SCBE CTION URGED Thornton porn centre of county is Thornton the pornography centre oi Sim coe County At least one Simcoe County Board 0t Education trustee thinks it might be lhornton said Villages general store store has one at the tinest arrays oi material he tias ever seen Mr Cumming said the school board has to let people know we do not support the ped dliiig oi pornography material The board approved his motion supporting resolution irom the Prince Edward tounty Roman Catholic Separate School Board board wants material removed irom store shelves Cumming said the Simcoe ounty Bruce Cumming oi The separate school Mr board should not Simply tile the resolution because it were not agin it then were really tor it the bought the really think more 01 the material is by baldheaded people than by children he said But dont think we should Just Sit and do nothing He said selling pornography material may not be serious problem in Simcoe County now but it could be in the iuture it we all knew where tires would start next year then we wouldnt need any lire in surance he said Frank Prothero oi lottenham said he could not support the motion because it is out 01 the Jurisdiction oi the board Mr Prothero said the board discussed cen sorship at other times People have the right he said to live their own lives it they want to buy the material HOW ABOLT US He said there is some material used in the Simcoe County schools which should be removed iirst want to make this very clear that am not saying we have pornography in the there literature which do not approve oi dont schools he said But want to be misquoted Mr Prothero said he can sympathize with Mr Cummings idea but added dont think this is the place to start Mr Cumming answered it somebody can him find better place to start then lll support Jack Ramsay director oi education told the board the administration is preparing schools is some policy concerning material which might be considered oi delicate nature that is used in The policy dralt he said was sent to all principals tor comment The policy Will be reterred to the moral education in schools committee which in cludes Stuart Fisher Fisher Wendy McKenzie Audrie Trotter Alvm Gravelle and Black Vespra rec ve raps McKeough for hearing in terference By JOHN BRUCE Examiner Staff Writer BARCLAY Vespra township reeve Allan Johnston Wednesday blasted provincial treasurer Darcy McKeough for interfering with the tario Municipal Board 0MB hearing on Barries application to annex 201000 acres oi land irom ln nisiil Uro and Vespra townships Reeve Johnston speaking at lnnisiil township councils inaugural meeting also accused the pro vinCial treasurer of wasting taxpayers money by waiting until after the OMB hearings had begun to advise that the province wants to deal with one municipality 0t 125000 people when discussing future planning and munic1pal serViCing needs oi the road congestion in the lower piioto it is 230 am and you would normally ex pect the streets to be quiet but the roar oi the diesel engines and the ilashiiig oi blue lights combine as tho snowbanks are cleared at last pace Irixaniiner Photo VE FRIGH TENING SI TUA TION Fox was rabid says resident It lllllIlt ltlilttltlISlA IIaiiiincrtaii rilci lhcic was dciinitcly rabid iox iii Barrie llcc says Karin Hldlicld ot Jll Iills touit in tliccity And Mrs tildlicld should know shes taking rabies shots at the Royal ictoria Hospital attcr hci ciicountcr it was her lamilys dog she said which was attacked by the iox beiore city police shot it Alter yccks oi silt mg oiiictly shc said she decided to contact The Examiner aitcr reading story Monday say ing the mines scare seems to be over The story related the newspapers problem getting inlorniation about the iox lroiii the health oi animals branch oi the department ot agriculture sill2s liSlil Mrs tdticld said she is up set by ttic ledcral icpartiiiciits handliiigol license thought the health oi animals or city police would contact the newspapers and warn people she said Wed iicsday She said she is conccincd other animals in the clson Street area may havc been at tacked by ttic lo bctorc it at tacked her dog he ioxs lace she said was mauled and cut It was very very triglitciiiiig situation she said tic tox 100th like Wants to talk alternatives before hiring new director lheres no rush on to hire permanent City planning direc tor Mayor Ross Archer said Wednesday The mayor said in an in terView he is satisfied With the way the planning department has operated under zoning ad ministrator Rick Bates who has been acting planning direc tor stnce Wayman Fairweather resigned under pressure in Sep tember Mayor Archer said he Will not urge action on the matter until he has discussed various alter Police have no leads on robbery suspects Urillia PP have no leads on the two men said to have taken Barrie taXicab and $40 in cash last week irom Bruce Barr Deluxe laXi driver UPP spokesmen said Con stable Fred Lloyd is continumg theinvestigation Police have description on the two men and compoSite on one 0i them The two threw Barr 38 out oi his cab on County Road 11 in Uro at 845 pm Wednesday at ter heoicked them up at the Barrie bus station on Maple Avenue The two took $40 irom the cabdrivcr at kniiepoini and thengavehim$7loriare They are both believed to be about 18 years old liveleer seven inches tall and between 120and lilolbs One was last seen wearing blue Jeans and brown coat while the other is said to have Scottish or lrish accent lhc cab was later iound abandoned two miles north oi trillia on reiorestation road natives Willi city administrator Gerry laniblyii and With coun Ill members BCSIUCS linding new plan ning director the mayor said alternatives includeiiig Mr Rates as director and hiring new zoning administrator or adding Junior planner to beet upthedcpartment really dont have any iirm commitment one way or the other he said The depart ment in my opinion is running very smoothly However he said it is not busy timc lor the dcpaitnient and another stall member oi some sort may be needed when business picks up certainly dont want to rush out and engage new planning director and iiiid out it was poor choice he said The planning director the lull title is director oi planning and development works directly under Mr lamblyn and is in charge oi the zoning lelSlim headed by Mr Hates the planning diVision under planner ltick Jones the building and plumbing in spection diVision undcr chicl building inspector ihris Spanis and department clerical stall HK HATES actiiigdircctor will Maybe it would be easier if you let the air out of the football dear Four shot to death lilJlRitll AP Four per sons died oi wounds received when pair oi gunmen shot them during bar holdup Wed nesday that netted the robbers $100 police said The Victims bartender and three customers were shot in the back oi the head alter being lorccd to lie on the door oi the Ardmorc Bar police reported out oi something horror movie The animal head she said looked swelled and it walked like drunken person staggering irom side to side it apparently Jumped tour loot high iciicc around the tild tields backyard and chased the twoyearold Samoyed Snowball beiore lighting the dog HANDLHDDUG Mrs Uldiicld contracted ttic disease by handling hcr dog and possibly touching its saliva ini mediater tollowing the attack The iox she said wandered away and went near St Monicas school play area beiore moving lurtticr along Nelson Street where it was shot ll had known you could contract the discasc by tian tiling ttic illllllléll then would have put thcdog right down thc cellar she said think people should know about this Mrs tildlield said even though the health 01 animals branch knew she had handled the dog they tailed to notity the test laboratories in Hull Quebec that human was in volved instead oi getting results back Within one or two days she said it took one week in New Years eve she was told she should start rabies shotslan4 The shots are given every day ior 14 days iollowed by three booster shots over the next lew months lhe shots are not as bad as what most people think she said lhcyre not pleasant but then theyre not unbearable either Mrs ldlield said school boards in the county should arrange short lessons in all schools to teacti children about mines The children should be made aware oi what to do she said Peach mystery deepening The mystery ol shipment oi Del Monte 2Rounce tins oi yellow cling peach halves is deepening ljrica Patrick Harrie woman is continuing tier claim that can oi ttic pcachcs made her cightycaroid son Harry sick Nov Mrs Patrick said the prob lem should be solved this weekend when reports irom the hospital attending doctor and icderal health authorities are completed But Neil lrviiie director oi the provincial labratory in trillia said this morning there were no bacteriological growths in the peaches tested The peaches he said were irom the can irom which Mrs Patricks son ate There was no growth or any indication oi any bacteria logical growtii he said This is the usual case in canned pro ducts Mr lrvuie said the tests in eluded plate counts iccal counts salmonella counts and other pathogen counts When the results were negative tic said the can and its contents was thrown away Food products cant be kept iorever he said lliere was no reason to keep it at all The tests were negative Mr lrvuie said the laboratory also received an unopened can oi peaches at the same time and sent it to the ledcral health protection branch ior chemical testing He said the results oi the ledcral tests should be CAPSULE NEWS available now Dr Nancy Armbrust medical oiiicer at health tor the Sinicoe County Health Unit said her department anESll gatcd the complaint iully Dr Armbrust said the health unit had been unable to iden tity the peaches as cause tor the illness complete investigation tor bacterial contamination oi the peaches has been negative she said hcniical analySis oi eight cans has shown no trace oi tin lead iron or Zinc The chemical test she said was conducted by the tederai protection branch laboratory which reported several cans contained product which was salt and discolored Dr Armbrust said the health unit did its Job ordering canned peaches in lot number Alt3 YRWtB removed irom the shell oi the downtown lioblaws store No other Barrie store peaches irom the same lot in January she said the cans were returned to the shelves by mistake Dr Armbrust said it she ielt there was danger to people she could have ordered the Del Monte peaches oil the shelves in all stores across Canada The attending phySicians have not been able to identity the symptoms 01 Mrs Patricks sons illness as being caused by the peaches Dr Armbrust said investigation by the iederal department she said is conti numg had Severe winter in UK LONDON tAl Alter the driest summer ior two centuries Britain sliivercd today in some oi its worst Winter weather tor 14 years Witii snowialls tool deep in some places Canadabound liquor lost GLASGOW ll 77 About 2000 cases oi liquor bound tor Canada were lost in recent explosion and tire that rocked Glasgow and the Clyde region warehouse oitiCial said today Communist support pledged PRAGUE Reuter All Czectioslovakias main daily newspapeis published letters and resolutions today condemn ing dissidents and pledging support tor the Communist party Famed director dies PARIS Reuter Film director HenriGeorges Clouzot 69 leading iigure in French Cinema tor the last 30 years has died in Paris his iamin said today the Barrie area When governments start interfering with im partial Jurisdictional bodies like the OMB he said it is bad tor our country McKeough could have solved the annexation question himseli beiore all the money had been spent he added but he chose to wait until the hearings were underway beiore stepping in Mayor Ross Archer who represented Barrie at the lnnistil inaugural took more conciliatory ap proach on the annexation question Though he realizes some assessment Will be lost Mayor Archer said there should not be winners and losers in annexation He added he hopes there would be no decline in muniCipal services to ratepayers because oi assessment lost through an nexation The mayor said he hopes to meet the township representatives in the near iuture to discuss Bar ries annexation demands adding that he hopes for an amicable agreement between the parties in volved Plan approval wanted soon BARCLAY lnnisiil town ship reeve William Gibbiiis Wednesday told the provinCial government the township wants its oiiiCial plan approved as soon as possible regardless 0i delays in the Ontario Municipal Board 0MB hearings on Barries annexation demands Reeve Uibbiiis said in his inaugural speech that suice the OMB hearings have been ad Jouriied until May the town ship must insist either that the provmce approve the oiiicial plan or grant an MB hearing onit lnnisiils oiiicial plan was sent to the provmce last year but approval has been held up pending the outcome 01 the OMB hearings on Barries ap plication to annex 13500 acres 01 township land Bariies annexations demair ds on lnnisiil Reeve Gibbiiis said should be reconSidered by the new City mayor and council He called on the City to re tiiink annexation which is costing everyone here beyond his Wildest dreams Council learned last month that as 0i Nov 31 the an nexation hearings had cost the township $54792 With more to come as the hearings continue Reeve Uibbins said the new council should work to make the oiiicial plan reality and should give priority during its twoyear term to implementing comprelienswe zoning bylaw which contorms to the ottieial plan SEWER SERVICES The new couneil he said should also give priority to in stalling sewer and water ser Vices on land along the Lake Simcoe shoreline updating in tormation on township roads prOViding senior Citizens housuig in the township con structing third township iirehall and at the ap propriate time setting up an industrial committee INNISHL TOWNSHIP reeve William Gibbins received the chain oi oilice Wednesday irom tormer township reeve Allan lodd at councus iii augural meeting About 40 friends and relatives attend ed the inaugural it see Reeve Uibbins deputyreeve Blake Constable and couneillors Kathe Jans William lipple and John Young take the oath oi oiiice to begin their twoyear term Examiner Photo