Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jan 1977, p. 41

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New councillor at Sunnidale NEW LOWELL Stall Burntield Wines Will Jom Sun nidale come at the inaugural meeting on Monday Jan 10 The session called to start at am will be held in the Sun nidale municipal building Reeve Lloyd Pridham w111 begin his 16th year as head 01 the council Also returning Will be Deputy Reeve Mary Stacey aiid toun cillors Doug Day and Charlie MacNabb led llannon clerk will administer ttic oath ol ol lice New comiiiilteccs are ex pected to be appomted alter the inaugural ceremony FORMER llAlRMAN ORU SlAllON Stall OUAUTY SHELVING uuns KEEP BOOKS UNDER CLOSE COVER rwo STYLEs DOZENS or uses handsome way to store organize and dis designed bookcases have roomy Walnulgrain linish 2door unilwith selfclosi lormer chairman ol the Not tawasaga Valley Conservation Authority board Deputy Reeve Allan McLean ot Dalston Will again represent Oro township on the board With his new aplt pomtment conlirmed by coun cil MA RA DEPUTY MlDHURSl Stall Depu ty Reeve Mutr Jack ot Mara had busy year as chairman of agriculture and retorestration tor Simcoe County counCil dur ing the past term The new reeve ol rillia township Bill Calverlcy was cochairman Sttitlth MOTHERS CREEMURL meeting 01 treemore Scouting Mothers Auxiliary Will be held on Mon urnilure nsticluiim1 3I1I SIi Hliic Qmuiilim Lust Hc twcric IIc rigi It Iiiiii liltiiilllict styles approx 24 12 72 OPEN BOOKCASE marl Price BOOKCASE marl Price DOOR iiE marl Price mart Price VERSATILE ILAIIITTE llllllr IN FIVE CONVENIENT SIZES SHELVES APPROX 37 717 132 SHELVES SHELVES APPROX 37 APPROX 52 APPROX 69x2 351 13 35r2x132 3512 13r2 or Salislacli Cam Samacne Ava on Goaranledd Or Money Cheerlully Refunded not lost slogan BUT WAY OF LIES play your books things Sturdy yet smartly shelves adjust for easy placing and boast rig hinges and Antique Brass handles Both SHELVES SHELVES mart Price day evening Jan 10 at the Nottawasaga and Creemore Central School SENIOR CITIZENS COLDWAlLR Stall The Senior Citizens Association tor Coldwater and District Will meet at the Lions RiverSide Centre here on Thursday Jan 13 FOURTH EEVE CUOKSlUWN Stall When reeveelect MeIVille Brayman starts his 197778 term ol ollice at the inaugural meeting 01 counCil he Will be the lourth reeve ol this village Since incorporation in 1962 ha Wilson was the lust reeve and he was lollowed by Louis Monkinaii and then Norman Quality crafted shelving units feature 1a thick sheit boards to safely hold anything from knick knacks to stereo equip ment And tastefully finished in warm Walnut stain to suit any decor Your choice of popular sizes APPROX 69W 712x132 mart Price COLDWAILR Reeve Earl Brandon will preside at the inaugural meeting of oldwater counc1l which is to he held at the coun cil chambers here on Monday evening Jan 10 411 LEADERS Stroud Stall training course tor 4H Homemaking girls club leaders Will be held in the St James United church basement on Wednesday and Thursday Jail 19andzt lllllCR t3llAlER Stall 77 First regular meeting of this New Year lor oldwatci Senior Womens Institute will he held at the home Mrs leaii Rob binson on liicsday lan 11 Stall EET IT ALL VwVw The Market Place WednesdayJanuary121977 lilh Orillia celebrates 110th year as incorporated municipality ORlLLlA Stall lhe eity ol rillia is currently celebrating its 110th an niversary as an incorporated municipality With its own elec ted council lhe present OUITCII which has Just taken ollice tor the 197778 term has Just two changes from last year with Gurney lrites and Ralph Cipolla replacing Bob White and luwmg The two KWIKLOK if your familys need for extra clothing space is growmg quicker than your budget heres an easy and economical way to satisfy both Kwiklok selfassembly chest units lock together in stanlly securely and are made of convenient Melaminelaced particle board In natural Teaklook finish Your choice of practical Sizes munea KITOHEN SET charming yet practical kitchen set with easywipe Arborite table top and tubular Chrome chairs Your choice of Pompei Marble with green chairs or walnut look table with harvest pat tern chairs it MART mu Hr swarm2a POMPEIMARBLFOH WALNUT 00K PIECE On These Beautiful 12 AREA BUGS Heres quality and value right at your feet with our sensational collection of 12 area rugs Choose lrom exciting styles col ours and patterns sure to please even the fussiest shopper HIGHWAY 27 at antitrust BARRIE OPENMON TO FRI 10 AM SATURDAYS AM TO IO PM locks together instantly OGETHER WITH AN EASYTOASSEMBLE CHEST UNIT newcomers are both main street merchants Frank Dolcort is starting his third year as mayor and alder men back for another term in clude two lady members in latricia Mclsaac and Myrtle Rowlen along With Frank Kchoe Wilbur Cramp Dave lllacdonald and Al Smith Unlike Bariies ward system Il election Urillia city coun Cillois are elected by City DRAWER marl Price DRAWER marl Price DRAWER mart Price DRAWER mart Price Your Choice One Low Price BATH MAT SET Plush pce set in six rich shades mart Wide vote the same as for mayor Barrie celebrated its centennial as an incorporated municipality back 24 years ago 1111953 FlRSllNll rillias first elected OUDCII which took ollicc in 1867 when the community 01 1000 bad Just achieved Village status was headed by James Quinn and also included Samuel Wain wright Joseph Vick ISEI CREDIT OBrien and Sanson Alter the extension of the railway line to Orillia in 1871 the community grew rapidly and became town in 1875 with Melville Millar the lirst mayor City status was achieved on Jan 11969which was 10 years alter Barrie Burt Mclsaac husband 0t incumbent alder man Patricia Mclsaac was the tirst City mayor Mayor Dolcort is the film to head the City counCil The record lor servmg the most terms as mayor is held by the late Robert Curran who headed the counc11 for seven Ald Wilbur Cramp tor mer mayor holds the record tor serving the longest on the rillia council having started his 18th year 01 COUITClI serVice IAX SPENDINGCLIMRS reVieW ol linanCial records retlects the intlation over the years and growth in civ1c spen ding Back in 1936 the rillia tax levy amounted to $27603012 which was calculated to cover debut 01 $3143 lelt over lrom the preVious year The county levy on Urillia amounted to $31155 that year The tax rate then was50 mills By 1971 the reSidential rate climbed to 9566 mills and com merc1al 10539 lhese tax rates against property were calculated to raise $3605000 about 43 per cent of the city tax spending that year The provin eial government provided $3972000 lrom its tax revenues and other municipal and school board revenues were calculated to raise 954000 tor grand total of 358431000 lav1d Brown was then serVing as rillia mayor and Robert White chair manol linance Last year the civ1c spending soared to record total 01 $13963401 according to budget estimates Sent to taxpayers With their tax bills this the levy against property was 3184751347 including school taxes with $341758163 lor municipal purposes The Jump in total levy exceeded $1000011 The provincial government provtdttl $6452026 lrom its tax revenues applied tor municipal and school boa rd purposes Nljtt 11s1111rs SOON The new cotincil is expected to start on estimates tor cuirciit budgets shortly amid groWing concern about prospec ts ol lurther increases MAYOR IIfltl Iicgiiis term As in other munic1palities there also has been ap prehension about property tax outlook tor 1978 over new gover nment proposals for reVisions which would include taxmg of public utilities government properties and some charitable institutions now exempt This should increase muniCipal revenues for more local Spen ding but taxpayers would have to meet the bills elsewhere For the utility it is likely to mean further increases in already substantially boosted electric rates largely due to in creased charges by the Ontario Hydro new assessment system based more on actual sales values also is due to take ettcct next year Once municipal lunction property assessment is now done by provincial government assessment 01 llCtS This change was made in 1970 when it was shilted from the county Previous to 1966 assessing was munICipa responSibility lhc outgoing council at its last meeting committed the new council to proceed With construction of new police building tor the city to replace the present building which was once post ollice it Will be linanccd by debentures over term 01 years full report on the citys debenture debt is ex pectcd to be released soon Board names conciliator William Mcxu1rc an tario Labor Relations Board conciliator has been appointed to help Settle the dispute bet ween anadian ticncral lilcc tric Ltd and workers at its liltmtarioplants llill Woodbeck Peter borough CHIllllillfl tor the nited Electrical Radio and Machine Workers ot America it 12 said negotiations Will resume Monday in loronto and he expects they Will con tinue all week Mr Woodbcck was in Barrie lhursday to meet With local union members The liu represents about 400 people at the llarric plant and about 6500 people in HF plants across Ontario The last contract at the 13 plants oneyear pact expired Christmas live Mr Vt oodbeck said union and management negotiators have met six times but have settled nothing The union is seeking one year pact Willi wage bike 01 75 cents he said The current average wage is about $6 an hour tlicr union demands include shorter working hours paid lunch hour lull company pay ment of Ullll premiums and improvements in pensions Mr toodbcck said FM radio changes made by cable firm Rarric ablc Ltd is mak ing some changes for FM radio subscribers Rob Alexander systems manager said the changes are ctlcclive midnight Sunday llc said the anadiaii Radio tclcvision and lelecommunica lions onimission Rlt1 has ordered llariie able to list the FM stations at their exact sta tion The live stations Mr Alex andci said have been located at one end of the hand by cable company Now HUM Will be at 1045 tlll at 1007 tKFM 999 llFl 981 and TRL 911 on the radio tuner Mr Alexander said the cable coiiipanys owners lVlt tom munications Ltd of Mis sissltuga have issticd state ment concerning the rate in rcasc rebates He said the company is not charging the additional 75 cents to subscribers 101 December and anyone who paid it Will be given rebate Subscribers who have already paid the increase for December are requested to deduct 75 cents lrom their next payiiicnl he said Mr Alexander said the new rate ol $6 month Will be in el tccl startingJan for all cable users who did not pay in December Rariic ablc Ltd applied to Rlt tor new rates in December but did not get ap proval until Dec 20 According to the tRlt its decisions are effective starting the day they are announced The cable company is also complying with Rlt orders to drop ttlltl tliaiincl But lalo and tllli thannel 12 letcrborough lrom its regular service The company has to add Cl hanncl 79 Toronto aiid llLFL ttizinncl 25 Toronto to the rcgti lar service Mr Alexander said hannel and hanncl 12 are being ot teicd on convcilcrs alter Sun day midnight llicrcs very good chance of getting more stations on the converters in the future he said He said thcrc are two pro blems ltlt permission and rebiiilding microwave system to handle 30 channels onvcrtcis be said arc available through the cable company or many retail stores iii the area We suggest people not buy converters which have to operate on thannel he said lhcrc Will be lot it local 111 tcilcrciicc from tlxVltTV Most tiiiits operate on channels 20H RENTACAR AND TRUCK SERVICE RatesDaily Weekly Monthly Yearly FEATURING CHEVROLETS ORILLIA 03 Coiiiiiicrtiti R0 Hill 370 640 Jl llllY SMllll BARRIE 34l Illlylltlltl St 00 13 tlllllll JIM HAWN

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