Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jan 1977, p. 30

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lhe Simcoe County Rescue Squad hoping to be in opera tion this March out ot Midhurst is appealing to the public to raise the $56000 they need to equip their station The squad Will specialize in rescue opera tions top With squad members trained handling victims and using high powered machinery in ex tracting them They will also be on hand to light industrial below and serious tires gt Seminar proves help to beef cow operators r1tSt1l Agricultural Representath North Simcoet ELM ALE Dr Peter Schoppel ot the Allanrlale veterinarian clinic had number oi suggestions tor beet cow operators at recent beet cow seminar all health problems are otten encountered in closed up stables where there is build up ol warmth poor LnlllilllUn and varying temperatures He suggested CZIIVlllfJ outside in March April or May An open protection shelter could be used to otter some protection lrom Oro minister is retiring 15y l11AMIBPZLL itlllltll liev Dav ison Who is retiring because ot ill health preached his tarewell sermon at iuthrie nited church Mr Dayison has been minister tor llawkestone Lnited church as well as uthrie in his 0rd circuu lopie ol his larewell sermon was iuard Your Steps who go to the House ol tiod Mr Davison dedicated 12 copies to the new LnitedrAnglican hymn book here in luttirie lhese were donated by the Iark lamily in memory ol Mr and Mrs Walker Taldwell tiordon lark and members ol the Mary tholoniew lamily Itev and Mrs John us sorem and daughters lelena and Michelle ot Yorkton Sask vis1ted triends here tor couple it lays during the hIlSll11£lS holidays They spent Dec 27 With Mr and Mrs lary Penley lhe lenleys had tew in during the evening to VlSll John and Marg and children The lussorens Visited at George faldwell on Dec 28 Mr and Mrs loni Marshall and daughters Jeiiniter and Joanne spent the holidays Willi relatives in Durham Mr and Mrs lired Huggins ViSited the liatlord tamin in Brantlord over Christmas lup Lattord alterward spent leW lays here Witti the Huggins lamily LAUNCS ItoNSlllCl Itll1NWtD Stall Plans have been made by the ollingWood curling club tor ladies bonspiel on Saturday Jan 15 Willi Mrs Donna Brock in charge ot entires Draws are planned tor and 1130 am With two games tor each par tiCIpatingrink the elements lhere were number ot other suggestions Antibiotics shouldnt be used to compen sate tor poor management Too many people treat inadequately tor lice Tattle should be treated tWiee within 1I14 day period in order to control newly hatched lice which are still in the egg stage at the time ot the lirst treatment SPRAY lltlIAIMICNIS Spray treatments and warble insecticides are most eltectiye against lice Internal parasites are bigger problem than many people suspect larasites should be suspected II animals are rough shaggy slightly scoured and exhibiting large mid section Manure samples can be analyzed to determine it parasites are problem Some areas are low in magnesium lack ol magv nesium can result in disease called Grass letany which can result in sudden death selenium vitamin deticiency can result in white muscle disease in young calves Feed analysis Will become increas ingly important in designing su1table rations FARM RECORDS rarm records usually come into the picture at this time ol year Farm records are usually kept lor income tax but we have always argued that one might as well be getting larm management inlormation alter making the ellort to keep records in the irst place lhere is merit in knoWing the pounds ol heel or pork produc ed the pounds 01 milk per cow or the pigs produced per sow Most records could produce this inlormation With the addition it single page to show beginn ing and ending inventory and record ol numbers sold and pur chased lhis type ot inlorma tion makes it possible tor the operator to compare his larm With similar operations and compare his own progress lrom one year to the next This handy inventory page is available trom the County and District otlices Ministry agriculture and lood stall members are preparwl to assist larmers With their record keeping endeavors lhe larmer can choose trom the new reVised ntario Irarm ltecord Book or the com puterized anlarm system lllfiHll thlililtlIMll llie luelph agricultural con lerence is on soon Tuesday January teatures the poultry industry school as well pro grams on air pollution in crop production and land use deci sion makingon the larm The agenda on Wednesday January tealures the Ontario Food Processors Fieldinens conterenee as well programs on corn and national Ioofl policy Forages For teed and cash crops is the title ol the pro gram scheduled lor lhursday January Detailed programs are available lrom county agricultural oll ices Friend You Can Trust It you drive small cor you know how difficult it is to get reliable service Why not try the small car specialists at Simcoe Dotson Smollcars are our business and well do the job correctly the first time Just call us and say you re looking for friend 549 Bayfield St 7370254 With spec1al suds Donations may be sent to the squad General Delivery Midhurst Examiner Photo Hillsdale WI plans program By KLEA HILLSDALE The Hillsdale Womens Institute is making plans for this new year with these likely to be discussed fur ther at the coming January meeting Mrs Peter Crombie showed film on Christmas customs in other lands at the December meeting held at the home of Mrs lom Morrison An ex change oi gifts was held and Christmas carols sung Mr and Mrs Larry Drennan and sons Stephen and Sean of Ottawa spent low days during the holidays with the former parents Mr and Mrs Alvin Drennan Mr and Mrs John Murphy were in Toronto on Thursday visiting his lather Mr Alexan der Murphy The United Church Sunday School children were com mended for singing carols to shutins at Christmas time Miss Debbie Hallyburton of Trent University spent the Christmas holidays with her parents Mr and Mrs Albert Hollybarton Christmas visitors with Mr and Mrs Doug Ronald and Miss Eva Humble were Mr and Mrs Gary Ronald and lamily ol Penetang Mr and Mrs Ronald and lamily ot Dunn ville and Mr and Mrs Mark Ronald and Mr and Mrs Jerry Shakell 01 Hamilton Nylon level loop Red Gold Rubber Bock REG 835 50 YD long Nylon Shag colours in stock Green Beige Jute Bock REG 29 50 YD Magic light Hi lo Shag RB Rubber Bock REG 50 YD Ozite Econotex IndoorOutdoor Colours in Stock NOW ONLY Good For Family or Rec Rooms BUIlDAll PRICE 95 50 YD BUIlDAll PRICE 89 50 YD BUIlDAll PRICE 19 50 YD Rubber Back 59 50 YD Buildall Interior SemiGloss Latex Paint Buildall Interior Satin Latex Paint iiiii1y iiiiwi mini tit on Pete lhompson tell and Brian Crearie two DeSign Arts students examiner disply in the lobby 0t Georgian College lheatre Enjoy carpet comfort The Market Place Wednesday January 12 1977 that is representative of some of the more prominent Canadian design artists The display which is currently touring Ontario applied arts colleges Will be at Georgian College tor two weeks The work 01 Heather Cooper prominent deSign artist who collection Photos where it counts underfoot lliiitilii tltl ltll it lrltl are solt ttxiv but your mirysteri And ll it sadrriir plus illtlilillttllLa you want you can be Hill in llwst iiiviis elegant tfltiadloriins WIII he E1Eltl iii flaw lll Armstrong Vinyl Flooring Tone or Bathroom ENROLLMENT IS llMITED so drop in and register today Starting Wednesday Jun 26 730 PM COME ONE COME All colours in stock 19 Were Having Another Curpenters School Yes Husband Wife can learn together Now to Build Your Own Rec Room or Remodel in Kitchen BUIlDAll b0uriry and Quickly noticed and commented on by guests Dont delay name to Buildall and Choose trom the Wide véilely Jl textures fibers and colors tor any room And take advantage savings too Floors that take care of themselves tile and resilient If youre conSidering new floors in the kitchen family room bath or entryway be sure to get the full stOry from Buildall Save money and have fun domg it your sell With easy to apply flooring Enjoy the lockedinforever beauty Vinyl can give your floors Many new nowax tloonngs too No waxmg no polishing no shining ever Come see and test walk Boildalls variety of fashionnew patterns colours and styles Armstrong Place Press Floor Tile 10 colours in stock 45 per carton PER CARTON Armstrong Sundial No Wax Vinyl Flooring colours in stock 95 12x12 SO YD CHARGEX master charge owno Fast Friendly Service Free Ample Parking oFree Home Delivery On Most Products gt 7282496 Hours MondayThursday Bum to pm Friday till pm Saturday Bum to pm 779 90 48 Anne St recently taught seminar at the college is included in the Examiner ASSLX IAIE SIOR

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