Andre ROSSi tleltt Frances trade minister said at Ot tawa tuesday his govern nieiit has no intention ol in ltEMlllil ONli MILLION NEW YORK Alt The death toll trom trattic ac cidents in the Lnited States reached the one million mark thc 32 1951 The tirst trailic death in the country occurred sopi 131899 t0 he Barrie Examiner Wednesday January 12 1977 tertering in Canadas domestic altairs Mr Rossi shown with Canadas trade SELLING AN ART LONDON CP The Arts Council annual report appears in two versions this year With the accounts it costs £1 $160 and without them 50 pence The title of the report is The Ar ts in Hard Times WILL NOT INTERFERE at minister Jean thretieii at Ottawa news conterence is the tirst senior French ol NEtKWlCHWRAPPED lOltONlO ttli When newspaper published the thristmas Wishes ot prominent loroiitonians restaurateur John Arena Wished tor loa blue silk scart Will lringc He received seycn licial to Visit aiiada since the Quebec election itl lliotoi DIG lll RATESl DROP NEW YORK lli The In stitute ot Life insurance says accidental death rates in the United States dropped to record low Ill 1973 It says there were too accidental deaths per ioohoo population that year ack Frasers After Inventory Suit Sale of Pee Suits formerly priced 3950 to 19950 reduced to clear at 39 °$69 Jack Frasers tailoredtomeasure suit sale continues this week offering luxurious full bodied suitings in allwool worsted and wool blend fabrics at the ex ceptional price of $159 for pce suit Add $35 for the matching vest Size 47 and up slightly higher JACK FRASER BAYFIELD MALL BARRIE 7263531 NOW IN EIGHTH SEASON Hee Haw one of most successful shows NASHVILLE lenn AP the cornlicld stage set is still in place And so are the JOkCS grown there in its eighth season llec Haw country musics version ol The Lawrence Welk Show continues to be one it the most successlul syndicated TV shows on the air With an estimated air dicnce ol 33 million tip one mil lion truth year ago It is on 227 stations and theres waiting list tor ad vertiscrs Attitude toward secondary industry said immature ElllONltN tfli Secon dary industry is what Alberta needs to surVivc economically alter the oil runs out but the provnicial government is not encouraging it says Norton Loblick Mr Lohlick is president ol harwdl Corp an Edmonton tirm which designs manulac tures and sells materials handling cqtupment That in cludes everything lrom castors and wheels to dock hoists and torkliit trucks trom shelvmg units and stretchers to radio and Wire guidance systems Mr lioblick who has headed the Mini since Jan 1973 says the company is successlul ant growmg But he says it hasnt been easy because the attitude in Alberta toward secondary in dustry is immature compared With that ol governments in other provmccs in Ontario he says manulac turiiig plants are encouraged to locate in communities because CIVIC and provmcial ollicials TRANSPORT liOlRliliS NEW YORK tAlt For the first time since 1913 double dcckcr buses have returned to Manhattan streets Eight of the BllllSlllmlll buses were put in to service here this tall lCacli can seat on passengers starts tomorrow with their complete stock realize theyre necessary to make municipalities Viable The whole community is sellsupporting he says ol many southern Ontario towns Many rcsntents never see downtown Toronto because theyve got all they need right intown LOOKSlOONlMtIO raIWils manulacturing en tity Loblick industries is located in iihhoiis com munity ot less than iooo about 20 miles north ol Edmonton hope we stay in Gibbons but weve had to look at Ontario as backup and also give us exposure to the Ontario market savs Mr loblick liecause ol Albertas esotircc and ClllSllUtllOll iased economy wages here are almost double what they would be in oiirloroiito plant One ot the problems lacing secondary industry in Alberta is distinct lack ol come municatioii on horizontal level in the government he says The department at business lcvelopment is always promoting growth ot secondary industry saying our resources wont last and soon but on the thcr hand we get the en VIroiiinent department or social lVlCtS department llSCOlltllglllL us lor diltcrciit easons Municipalities oltcn dont want to let secondary industry ocate in town But WllllOul secondary industry were lelt iotally dependent on loreign nipplies tor iiianutactiired goods ast members and show olti Cials Cite some basic reasons tor the success appeal to the tamily simple humor and the popularity ot country music Hee Haw like the Welk show got its start on network tele ViSion but unlike the Welk show its network lite was short But the show has proved as did Wclk that the networks have not all the answers tor gauging popularity Welk says he has more stations in syndica tion than he had on the network The shortest distance be tween tWo points is straight line and thats the Way weve been on this show host Buck Owens said during in break in taping at the WlVr studio in downtown NashVille Weve been straightrinot too clever The most important thing is the meld ol mu5ic and dillerent kinds ol comedy We took on and water and mixed it and it stayed mixed We arebcmg andactinglike what people thought we were instead ot trying to be sophis ticated and acting like we Werent We went the other way like the Beverly Hillbillies We depict ourselves ldont say or do anythingl nor mally wouldnt do Sam llovullo the shows pro ducer agrees We leave people as they are said Lovullo who would pass lor Curly ot the Three Stooges You almost see your self at home as being that way its tamilyoriented We reach all classes all ages and both men and women Also the country music plays big part Country musw is storytelling about things like love and divorcethings people identity With EXPECT TO SLltVlVE lhose connected With the show predict continued success Well be on long time said Lovullo Hee Maw 15 the Grand Ole pry oi lV Owens sznd wouldnt be surprised to see it go years in production and another 13 in reruns it would be easy to alter the shows by usmg bits and pieces from one show and parts ol another ten years trom now there still Will be lot ot lice Haw new or old itll be like Love Lucy lnlormality reigns on the set there are no wardrobes or makeup rooms or stutty execu Lives barking orders People Just sit around and vatch and laugh llovullo said Watsons ladies Wear Shoppe present their All Winter Stock is Slashed to Clear Pant Coats Full Length Winter Coats Dresses Long Gowns Pontsuits PantTops Sweoters Sklrts Pants Blouses There are markdowns also all through many unodvertised the store Special bargains at prices only seeing is believing Shop today for great savings during the winter clearance sale FOR SUNIAN VACATIONS Cruiseweor arriving doily long gowns pantsuits dresses bathing suits coverups and sets tops shorts slacks coulottes golf sets We specialize in all sizes to 15 iunior Missy sizes to 20 Elmvale 3222151 King St Midland 526576