at Coffee LONDON CP coffee boycott by North American consumers turned the world coffee market upside down Monday and wiped 10 per cent off the wholesale trading price It is chaos in all directions said leading London coffee broker who handles hundreds of thousands of bags of coffee year The boycott has shaken up the market and there has been massive speculative dren now shakeout Coffee futures on the London exchange fell between 16 and 20 cents pound to about $185 US pound At one stage the loss was as much as 23 cen ts Consumer groups in the United States called for coffee buying boycott early in January The price of coffee has Jumped to more than $3 pound from $125 pound in the United States and has risen at similar and sometimes higher rates in other countries Coffee growers and sellers say higher prices nave resulted from the July 1975 frost that destroyed 70 per cent of Brazils annual cropor about 40 per cent of the normal annual world supplywell as weather and manmade disasters in the cot feeproducrng countries of An gola Guatemala Colombia MeXico and the Ivory Coast Pay boost TOKYO Reuer Emperor Hirohito and his lamin have re ceived an $80000 costofliving increase from the Japanese government the Imperial Household Agency said Mon day It said the emperor and empress the crown prince and princess and their three chil Wlll receive about $50000 year 50000 fly LONDON AP More than 50000 persons have flown in the Concorde Since the Anglo French supersonic airliner went into commercial service almost year ago the British Aircraft Corp says It said Con cordes operated by British Air ways filled an average of 94 per cent of the planes 100 available seats on its LondonWashington run Robbery LISSONE Italy AP Thieves using heavy blow torches emptied so safe deposit boxes at Lissone bank and made off with an estimated $12 million in cash and valuables police said Monday Heavy tools and an empty champagne bottle were left behind in the weekend robbery Gets medal NEW DELHI Reuter Dr Jonas Salk developer of an an tipolio vaccme has been named recipient of the Jawaha ralal Nehru Award for Inter national Understanding The award made at ceremony in New Delhi on Monday carries cash prize of $11200 Dies at 60 WASHINGTON Va AP Ollie Atkins 60 former preSi dent Richard Nixons personal photographer from 1969 to 1974 is dead Atkins died Sunday at his home here followmg lengthy illness Appeal ATHENS AP Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization has begun fundraismg drive for between $15 and $50 it says is needed to save the Acropolis and other Greek temples which are more than 2500 years old The UN MYSTERY Catherine Council 22 shown in this 1973 graduation photo died Sunday in Mount Holly New Jersey alter ritual in which her face was shrouded With towel and scarf With ammonia and turpentine was tied around her neck ac cording to police reports The dead girls mother lnez was accused of manslaughter in the suffocation of her daughter during what au thorities described as an ex OIClSm rite AP Photo Tots killed MONTREAL CP Two girls aged and were killed and their parents seriously in jured Monday when gas heater exploded and fire de stroyed their suburban St Luc home Their father Jean Claude Montigny 34 was thrown from the house by the blast Beard ban BUENOS AIRES Reuter Beards are banned in Argen tina under new rules governing the issue of identity documents and passports Observers said the ban probably was in troduced to hinder the forging of documents by subverswe groups Talks start MOSCOW Reuter team of Canadian busmessmen began new round of talks Monday with Soviet trade of ficials on contract to bu1ld new airport terminal in Moscow diplomatic sources said The deal IS valued at about $85 million Pocket TV LONDON AP British firm that makes electronic cal culators introduced on Monday what it called the worlds first pocket telewsron set The Mi crOViSion has twoinch screen IS four inches wide six inches long and 112 inches high and weighs Just over 26 ounces The sets Will go on sale next month for about $300 each The Georgian College Faculty Association presents SYLVIA TYSON in concert Saturday January 22 at 830 pm Georgian College Theatre Tickets $5 in advance $6 at the door Available at Sam the Record Man The Bandstand Music World Records On Wheels and Georgian College or by calling 705 7281951 Ext 311 Mon day to Friday 9om to pm oycott CIA reports WASHINGTON AP Central Intelligence Agency CIA report made public Mon day says Soviet defence costs climbed to an estimated $120 billion last year compared to US spending of about $90 bil lion Ends strike NEW DELHI AFP Prison officials said Monday that Canadian MarieAndree Leclerc 31 of Levis Que recently on hunger strike to protest conditions in the prison where she has been held for the last six months is eating nor mally Miss Lecterc has been held with others in connection with the murders at of at least 11 tourists in various Asian countries She appeared in court last week on charges of theft and falsifying documents and will appear in court next on Jan 17 Rejection WASHINGTON AP Henry Kissinger dismisses the notion that the Soviet Union has gained military superiority over the United States Kissinger now in his last days as US state secretary said in speech Monday to the National Press Club that in nuclear age the term supremacy when casualties on both Sides would be in the tens of millions has practically no operational significance as long as we do what is necessary to maintain balance 35 freed JERUSALEM Reuter ls raeli Transport Minister Gad Yaacobi said Monday all 35 guerrillas arrested throughout the world in the last eight years for hijacking aircraft have been released from detention He told parliament more than 200 persons have been killed in 400 hijackings or attempted hijackings 40 of them aimed against Israel Is beaten HASTINGS England Reuter SOViet Grand Master Oleg Romanishin suf fered shock defeat against Israeli player Shimon Kagan in the 11th round of the ln ternational Chess Congress here Monday Romanishin refused the offer of draw quite early on in the game Then he overpressed in an at tempt to force Victory and allowed Kagan to mount Wiri ningattack Ridicule TORONTO CP Toronto writer Isabel LeBourdais says federal and prOVinCial pro grams of income grants to the elderly are national dis agrace Mrs LeBourdis author of the The Trial of Steven Trus cott told church gathering Sunday that thousands of Cana dians over 65 are liVing on pov ertylevel incomes despite gov ernment as5istance Hit by car TORONTO CP William Lawson 34 of Aurora Ont died Monday when he was struck by car while walking along Highway 11 one mile nor th of Oak Ridges Ont 10 miles north of Metropolitan Toronto New system WHITE RIVER Ont CP The Ontario ministry of the en v1ronment has released $300000 809M 1269944 CINEMA Balm 1269944 CINEMA Ln Iucl nont crux FURY OF THE DRAGON AT 845 DOUBLE FEATURE maintain AS ummmmam DETENTION Former Czechoslovakian Foreign Minister Jiri Hajek above was reported Monday to be held in detention With two other spokesmen for human rights in Czech oslovakia There were in dications that authorities may be rounding up more suspects AP Photo of its $17million allocation for construction of water and sewer system for this town 200 miles northwest of Sault Ste Marie it was announced Mon day The system is needed to allow construction of new homes At large KINGSTON Ont CP Collins Bay prisoner Joseph Gagne 30 has been declared unlawfully at large after failing to return from temporary twoday pass to go to lfull Que prison officials said Mon day Gagne servmg Sixyear sentence for attempted mur der would have been released under mandatory supernsion in May 1978 Back again TORONTO CP 77 spokes man for Automotive Hardware Ltd says three workers fired from the nut and bolt plant af ter the national day of protest last October are back on the JOI The workers had been fired for what Mr Reid callcd Violence of an unacceptable nature on the picket line Boy dies SAULI STE MARIE Ont CP riVLytzirilri Peter Headrick of Echo Hay died in hospital Sunday as the result of Injuries received Ill an accident on Highway 17 Friday George Junor 80 also of Echo Bay was killed in the accident when the car in which he was passenlt ger hit the boy then was in col liSion With truck For sale WASHINGTON AP President Ford is selling hlS suburban house for $137000 making Sizeable profit on the house he paid $34000 for when he bought it in 1955 President and Mrs Ford Signed the papers Monday for the sale of the scverrrooin brick and clapboard dwelling in sub urban Alexandria Va The Fords put the home on the market in llcccmbcr aftcr dectding that they would make WELCOME TO MY NIGHTMARE PM BUFFALO Blll AND THE INDIAN AT PM TNE MISSOURI BREAKS AT 645 PAUL NEWMAN BUFFALO BILL and the INDIANS or SITTING BULIJS HISTORY LESSON United Artists ffects world market their permanent home in the area of Palm Springs Calit after Ford leaves office Jan 20 Farm issue OI AWA CP Farm receipts during the first 11 mon ths of 1976 totalled $8937 billion down from $9025 billion in the same period of 1975 pre liminary estimates by Statistics Canada released Monday say The estimates include cash receipts from sale of farm pro duce wheat board payments on grain crops of the previous year cash advances on stored grains in Western Canada and deficiency payments by the fed eral agricultural stabilization board Costs of production are not deducted from receipts Receipts by farmers were up in five eastern provinces but declined in the four western provinces Newfoundland is not included in the survey Ontario reported the highest total receipts at $2413 billion in 1976 compared with $2322 bil lion in 1975 In Saskatchewan with the second highest total receipts in 1976 were $2152 bil lion compared With $2332 hil lion in 1975 Delayed OTTAWA CP The start of Ityday trip by External Af fairs Minister Don Jamieson to South America has been de layed by an acc1dent to hlS plane during an attempted takeoff in blizzard The ministers military Boeing 707 went off the end of the runway into about five feet of snow Monday when the pilot aborted his takeoff lollowmg an indication of technical mal function Noonc was injured Mr Jamieson waited at the airport for several hours to see whether another aircraft could take off in the snowstorm that lasted all day Finally he went home It was later announced that he may leave today Credit line BASEL SWitzerland AP Leading bankers of the non Communist world Monday an nounced agreement on 53bit lion credit line to reinforce the beleaguered British pound Representatives of eight ma or Western central banks agreed on plan designed to stabilize Britains offiCial ster ling reserves major cause of the pounds weakness an offr eial banking statement said The credit line is to shicld thc pound against disruptive fluc tuations fuc to Withdrawals of offrcral sterling balances held by foreign govern mcnts chiefly the oil exporting countries The credit line Will be pro Vidcd lo the Rank of England by the Rank for International Set HIS tlemcnts Adult Entertainment rim Alt MIMI Illlltl Ill MINI lllHl VANth IASIIIAMWMS lNMMISIWI HIIIIIIIIMMIWII THE NEWEST PINKEST PANTHER 0F All PETER iSwillHIS LOVE ACIION COMET SUSAPIEI is FIXER fiftyf illétlVE lwliflv itll ll ii lWltllGllllltlllltlll1lly Retort litllli rm fy ll cf the littow iiiy llll Vlt war II If IiIt you ltiiigli ll cry ii iii Ill we llicirv was In llll Illll it thllltlltli wt in ii tc lllf twill til rm llllV Ill with ll Wt BRIAN llllllt Mil Ill MIIDS MuMiru IMMNNIIIII Il IININNFIIAMWNITS MRIIMIIVV SIIllAhllVlNï¬ IIINIIIIIN inï¬ll mii US Marshal right cscorts allcdgcd spy Ivan Rogalsky from Newark fcdcral court house Monday after lllllll Confused is an FACES CHARGE bclorc LS Magistran ltogalsky was dcclarcd in digcrit and assigiicd public tclrndcr lo handlc lllS 0F SPYING he Barrie Examiner Tuesday January 11 1977 dcfcnsc on charges hc was an agcnt for thc Sovrct Union AP Photo description of Longet after shooting ASPEN olo Ali chp mg With her head in lll hands as prosecutors opcncd llltll case against her laudini Longct hcard hcrsclf dcscribcd as confuscd woman driven to talk about her lovers dcatli al most from tlic instant shc shot him Shc rcpcalcd shot him didnt mean to It was an acci dent said former shcrifl deptin lcorgc Ackcrnian as testimony bcgaii in llllS Rocky Mountain SKI Village Monday Sfic was talking to hcrsclf Slic was upset lroscculors said thcy hopc to close their casc against thc for mcr Wll of singcr And ll lianis With haiidliil of wit ncsscs today after calling ll persons Monday In IllS opciiing stalcnicnt IJcpilly Ilistrict Attorncy Ashlcy Andcrson said Miss Lorich raiscd tlic gun poiiilcd it at lplllltSSllHlifl Skltl Vladiiiiirr Spider Saliich Jokingly said bangbang at Held Over 4th Week 705 pm pm illiinuHERBERI mt CDIIII BIAKIIV llDNARD RDSSIIIR llSllY Altlll DDWII Animllioï¬ ht RICHARD WlllltNS SillDlD um HENRY MANthl law llt iraduuv mill ADAMS Cam In vunq aleM JDNlS loller Di FRANK WALDNAN ma BLAKE EDWARDS Pronucrd mt Dururd BLAKE EDWARDS iiimui PANAVISIDR CDIDR by Drl or Held Over 3rd Week pm 910 pm uranium mi IIEIIAlRIEII littlt iiiiii fr ll l0 hl Ad llllA Ml um ile Ninth ttlllttflll lM III Wlllllllllllï¬ II llllmlillInlll IIWIN HIM Ill NI HIMIIIII liillll ii which point Spidcr Sabich tell tothcfloordying As she ficard details of Sab ichs dcath Miss Longct Li brokc down iicc PIREIlll£NlrllY If coriVictcd of the rccklcss manslaughicr chargc Miss Longct might receive max imum penalty of 10 years in prison and $30000 line She contends Sabich 31 was teach ing her to use the pistol before going out of town when the gun fired acculcntally Licut Robert Nicoletli bal listics expert for the Denver po licc underwent the longest crossexamination Cubans to leave Canada OTTAWA CP The ex ternal affairs department says tive Cubans including three diplomats have been ordered out of the country after dis covery of Cuban spy oper ation in Montreal An external affairs spokes man said Monday that on the baSis of investigations it has been determined that an in telligence operation was con ducted in Canada involving Cu ban nationals in contradiction of their status The announcement follows reports from Rhodesia which quoted US mercenary as saying the Cuban consulate in Montreal was used to train spies The spokesman confirmed the intelligence operation was in Montreal She refused to name the five Cubans ordered expelled She said two were nonimmi grants Without consular or diplomatic status who were or dcrcd deported for con traveriing Section 18 of the Canadian Immigration Act dealing With subversive ac tivitics detrimental to Canadas security BEGINNING OF THE END Shown Daily at 700 900 GSDUNLOP STW 7284681 Memo to Our Subscribers PLEASE CALL YOUR CARRIER If you do not receive your Barrie Examiner or if if is improperly delivered Your Barrie 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