Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jan 1977, p. 2

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WT The Barrie Examiner By BRIAN BAKER GLEN HURON Somewhat off the beaten track but well worth visiting is the delight Iully scenic Blue Mountain area of south Nottawasaga Township where places like Creemore Banda Avening Cashtown Dunedin Lavender Maple Valley Glen Huron and Cashtown nestle in sheltered glens and woodsy valleys In October when the colored leaves were still at their best we otticially started our trip at Glencairn well named because 01 its situation in the valley of the Mad River and Walkers Creek divided by curious hog back hill Brick frame and stucco houses the 1900 Christian Chur ch complete With horse and buggy driving shed the water level gauge station on the Mad River and the river itselt spen ding the last 01 its energy after dropping hundreds of teet down from the top 01 the mountains added interest We were espeCially attracted by Stevens and Cos Groceries Drygoods hardware Iuet gas and oil business established in 1840 County Road 13 led on towar ds the headlands ot the Niagara Escarpment tamed for its Bruce Irails walking routes which loomed ahead to the west across the Mad River Valley We found Banda tiny cross roads community It was so named by the first postmaster John Clemenger in the 18605 who looking tor name for the new post ottice went to the school and looked over the maps until he spotted the Ban da Islands and Banda Sea near the South Sea Islands ne road to the west climbed into the foothills couple 01 miles belore dead ending sign read Welcome to the Hills of Mulniur settled smce 1824 We turned north past Banda Anglican Christ Church With its louvered beltry shingled steeple hall timbering and its cemetery containing anCient marble tombstones surrounded by black wrought iron lencing Avening is very attractive village on the Mad River Ieaturing 100acre provmcial park Gone are the railroad tracks which helped open up the area Gone too are the tlour and saw mills which powered by the Mad formed the nucleus for the community in the early 18605 the Ihornbury Mills 10 CREEMORE Sidetracking into Creemore by 42west we were rewarded by seeing little shingle covered driving sheds buildings With wooden brick talselronts the old hotel balconies fenced w1th wrought iron noting the post ot tice and library Some 01 the most decorative brickwork IS to be noted above the Home Hardware store short run south across the iron trame bridge over the rushing Mad took us up the 5th Line right up onto the mountain above Bob Walkers sheep tarm where we could look tar out across the great Creemore Valley to Barrie mum and towards Muskoka You need good brakes here Now tollowmg County Road we traveled west trom Creemore up the Noisy River Valley where the river Jostled the road back and torth as each Vied for space in the narrow valley hemmed in by steep hills clothed in gorgeously colored maple and evergreen woods As in some Scottish glen Dunedin snuggles between maplecovered hills that rise around it on every side making the most sheltered village in the area Dunedin general store dating back century and quarter With its boardwalk still retains its pioneerage charm Unusual is the Presbyterian church with its quaintly pomted steeple Here was the site 01 the tirst grist mill in Nottawasaga Township recovered millstone is bound With iron and contains millgrit stone sectionalized tor easy transport trom France The Village was tirst called Bowermans Hollow atter the tirst mill owner Past great clay banks eroded like miniature badlands the 9th line took us south up step hill in one great sweep to Lavender and the table lands marking the top 01 the escarpment the way we noted board tence along the west side Tuesday January 11 I977 FRANK HAMILTON Huron treasures this pick like tool used by his grand tilcn mile long and very old Was it snow tencel At Lavender marked by its turnotthe century houses spor ting lavish brickwork and an cient church and picturesque drivmg sheds we turned west up the Nottawasagahlulmur townline past neat squared tieldstone houses ot years gone by to the pullott near the dead end to see one ot the highlights 01 our trip Lavender Falls on the NOisy River We trod long mapleshatch glade carpeted with gold and orange leaves until we came to the edge 01 deep rocky ravine boobytrapped With springs and ankledeep mud young couple who had jUSI come back up lrom the lalls suggested that our tootwear was not very ap propriate tor making the tricky descent But clambering down slippery rocks and over tangles ot tallen trees and roots hanging onto branches where necessary we tinally came out at the edge ot the river MINIATLRE NIAGARA It was well worth while As we stepped gingerly up the river Irom one stepping stone to the next we approached the tairyland talls talling in delicate veil some 35 teet over the central part 01 lovely nor seshoe ol limestone 90 teet across like miniature Niagara In tact this is the same dolomite tormation over which Niagara itselt lalls ralhng at the rate 01 about 60000 gallons an hour the ground shook beneath the lalls as we came up behind the lalls where liverworts and algaes keep the rock sott green color All around the perimeter ot the talls and along the lace ot the gorge not occupied by the lalls crystal clear water descended in sparkling trickles and drips Spray dampened our faces In tlood time it is said this lalls can be heard two lIIlliS away For while we listened to the relreshing splain ot water and the gurgle ol rocky rittles downsleam then laced the long climb back to the road As we turned back through Dunedin to Singhampton the countryside seen trom the hilltops took on New Iingland look With Villages churches stone and trame barns and tarm houses hiding in the hollows and between the woods and the Winding roads In Glen Iluron anectionatcty known by local residents as The Glen we noted the tiny white trame Anglican church the post otlicc the late Altflllt Currans tine MasseySawyer steam traction engine and operated by Frank llzimiltou one ol the last waterpoweiwt grist mills in UIIliIIIO The mill was originally built here by my grandtather aines Hamilton in 11174 said Mr Hamilton who showed us two line iron trade axes lound and plowed tip on the Hamilton properties back in the horse plow days ODDITIES IN THE NEWS Nobody tangles with Daisie the robbery try failed GALVESIUN Ind MP Nobody tangles With 92year old Daisie Goldsberry and gets way with it Iwo teentigers trom this tiny northern Indiana community learned that lesson last Friday night State police said the youths broke into Mrs Goldsberrys home grabbed her butcher kniIe and demanded money Mrs Goldsberry picked up coal stove poker and held 011 the wouldbe robbers tor almost an hour police said One 01 the youths Iett and was picked up by police later The other wasarrested at the scene No money was taken CUEUR DALENE Idaho AP Ihe pooch is poodle says Kooteenai county magis trate but the dogs allergic owner disagrees and says shell appeal the verdict Joan IIodgebooin 33 ot oeur IAIene said Sllt bought Huggy Hear White puppy because she had been told poodles might not bring on the asthma attacks she usually has around other dogs But was really upset when lound out didnt have poodle Mrs Iltxlgeboom stckiiigher $50 back in court told Magis trate Lennis McLeod on Iiriday that veterinarian verilied her suspiCions Iane Burgess who sold Mrs Hodgebloom thr dog said Iluggy Bear was purebred poodle McLeod said he ruled in Iavor 01 Mrs Burgess betaust Mrs Hodgeboom had not presented any eVidence SAVANNAH Ia AM When pupils are suspended tather to dress or regrove the two huge millstoncs in the old waterpowered grist This is old Ietun Indian country and the trade trtcnchl axes date back to belore 50 When we were kids We used to go up on the hill and tind all kin Is 01 Indian clay smoking pipes which we used to smoke when the grownups werent around We Iouiid all sorts ot Indian relics and gave it away to tourists What we would give to have some 01 them now BIZSI VIEW Mr Hamilton gave us illttr tions to visit an overlook tamed tanadian author Gregory tlark described as the best view in southernintario We climbed north back out ot The Glen then turned west to evils Glen Provincial Park To the scolding blue Jays and the chatter ot squirrels we descende down seemingly cnr dless steps and paths through the daple sunlight coming through the heavy cedar groves and deculuous woods into the very bottom ot Devils Glen and the Mad River We lound rare terns crab ap ples stlver birch tiny waterr tall coming down hanging valley and under rustic polc bridge We stood on rocks in the middle 01 the river where it comes together as bub bling and gurgling retreshingly as it impatiently bumped and swirled over and around the rocks on its headlong tliglit down the glen Back on Highway 24 we drove west two miles to Millroad South down what looks like tarin lane and across the upper end ol the Devils lien and Mad River At this point single wall ol stone and lIIIIlNI precariously stands loiir storeys high wm lows blank all that remains ol once thriving grist and Ilour mill Sideroad 18 took us cast Vie then looked at the north tace ot llcviis Ilcn which presented itsclt as sheer clilt ol gleaming Wlllli doloniitt llk great castle wall thousands ot lHl long and tip to hundred Icct letp Vii ciit south thcn cast again on Sidcroad lrlrlil through tilttilillltrWltlt tunnel ol trees coniingoiil oiiloa pull oll at llll top 01 sheer clitt at the scenic outlook Iroiii here wr down on the Hamilton null pond iltll Huron across to Harrie Hast lioidcn towards Ioronto tlrillia Georgian Bay tollingwood and the elevators and the great curve oi Wasaga ieacli It was breathtaking Mind you ptit your brakes on there is nothing to slop your car Iroiii going over the edge ot the cliII anddon stand tooclosc Attcr we came on down the road to tonccssioii ti twisting around tllliltlt bends backing up to let another car pass dodging rocks hitting the bottom ol thr car on the uneven roadbed and looking straight down iiilo tree tops we realmd that it was no idle icnizirk when liiank llainilton said Dont try this route in the spring could look troiii school in Savannah some times theyre sent to the alliga tors The departiiitiil oI education says some students even vqun teet to go to the alligators which are part iii an alternative education program loi sus pended pupils at the latland Island IJducation eiitre Students can serve as tour guides on the islands nature trails tor nearly 30000 annual Visitors or they may Work With the islands alligators bobcals bears wolves and deer which are kept in natural enclosures department spokesman said assignment to the island proVides learning exlxricnces combined With immediate practical application 01 the knowledge particularly in math science and language are ts Mou in scenery insouth COUNT Nottawasa 52 it grist mill on the same Site Baker Photo and Hour mill built by him in 1874 Mr Hamilton still operates waterpowercd PHOTOGRAPHERS from throughout Simcoe County and Southern Ontario ViSit DeVils Glen Provincial Park on the Bruce Trail to capture on lilm some 01 and woodlands Baker Photo Eastern Canadas most pret ty semimountain scenery stop smoking on Feb 25th if you join SlIItlleIIthrS now and follow our pleasant program Until recently as smoker you had very little choice Either you continued to smoke or you suffered the agony of cold turkey withdrawal Now there is RleL choice Smoklinders At smokEnders youll smoke as much as you want while you learn to quit WITHOUT hypnosis willpower scare tactics or climbing the walls SmokEnders is committed to making the quitting experience easy and rewarding We will enable you to achieve initial success and the means to continue it throughout your life time to lRlzl liXlLlTORY SLSSION and bring your cigarettes by lich 2511i you wont need them anymore FREE SESSIONS come to either LOCATION SEMINAR STARTS Newmarket Optimist Youth Centre Forhan Drive oft Davis Ist block of Sutton Road Aurora Aurora Conference Centre RR St Johns Sideroad West Barrie Continental Inn 394 Duntop west of Hwy 400 WERE 4I1llllKFIMVII lhll as Way to Quit Smoking Bluejay Crescent Oshawa Ontario 416 9613860 Tuesday Jan 11 or 18 730 pm Tuesday January 25 730 pm Wednesday To be Jan 12 or 19 Announced 730 pm Thursday Jan 13 or 20 pm Thursday January 27 pm Wildlite tBakcr Photol Al IAI1IIIR west ot recinoic may be seen this lovely double watertall Stayner needs John Deere Dealer Were looking for man who knows what agriculture means Would you like to join us Were John Deere And were the largest manulacturer of agricultural equipment in the world known as Lavender Falls set deep in the woods ot sanctuary We build and service almost everything for the larmtrom combines to wide range ol multipurpose tractors We also manutacture hundreds 01 products for the industrial and consumer markets Were 30 billion dollar corporation with retail dealers in over 100 countries And we were founded in 1837which means our reputation tor quality and reliability is almost 140 years solid That explains bit about us Now what about you Were looking tor an enterprising businessman to sell our agricultural machines and products in Stayner Ontario As John Deere dealer youll enjoy wide variety of benelits including liberal terms excellent discounts gen erous rates on warranty work and very attractive consumer linancing plans Youll not only enjoy the prestige of rap resenting the John Deere name youll also receive an excellent return on your investment It youre Interested In belng that man please contact Lawrence Ruud our Ontario Sales Manager Call collect 416 9459281 Or wrlle John Doers leited Box 1000 Grlmoby Ontlrlo L3M 4H5 JOHN DEERE

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