Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jan 1977, p. 6

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DOROTHY SllllFlltIlt2It librarian shows some books to Audrey Cain who co ordinates the Cotlee Break Wednesday morning discus SlOn group held at the Mrs Shaholler discussed the role at the Itbrariaii the history ot the library and illllll in Wind no no available at lExaminer popular books the library Photo More than keeping books to the job librarian tells Coffee Break session librarians Job is no dull one says Dorothy Shahott ol the Barrie Public Library Youre dealing with people all the time The library itselt is very important to the com munity she told the collee break sessmn Wednesday moi= ningatthe Mrs Shaholt librarian tor eight years at the library spoke on the librarians role touched on the history ol the local library and discussed books ol Interest to women The librarian mind reader Some people think so Excuse me Im looking tor book cant remember the author or the name ot the book In tact really dont know what its about But its this big and has red cover It takes all kinds says Mrs Shaholl but the librarians take it in stride TRY lR BEST The worst thing we can do is send them away we try our best to lind it The interlibrary loan serVice is big help she said Uutreach programs aimed at communication With ttie public make librarians JOI more than one dimenSional There was time when the hushhush atmosphere was maintained by the librarian who was primarily keeper ol books Ioday librarians conduct tours the childrens and adults library are hosts ot Bridge trophies given at club Christmas party The Barrie Duplicate Bridge Club had large turnout ol players during1976 More than 100 members and guests attended the Christmas party at Snow Valley After mixed card session steak dinner trophy dinner and dancing rounded otl the testive evening Uutgomg club president Scottie Churcti was praised tor her etlorts Willi the growing club during the past year and was given the sportsmanship award Uther winners tor 1976 were also congratulated They were Betty Crulchcr and Ed Bozenello tor the open pairs Graham trophy Peg More live Hersey Jean Burke and David Lewis tor team ol tour Barrie Duplicate Bridge Club trophy Sam McKee and Danny Schamehorn mens pairs Barrie Duplicate Bridge Club trophy Jean Bowcs and Mar nie Boulter ladies pairs business consultant trophy Sue Graham and Garry Edmunds masters pairs Barrie Duplicate Bridge Club trophy Laura Mc Cuaig and Barbara Menezcs nonmasters pairs Russell Church lrophy Ray and Jackie Carter mixed pairs Par sons Irophy David Higgins and Bruce Page introductory pairs Barrie Duplicate Bridge Club lrophy John llazell high man and Jean Burke high lady high points Barrie Duplicate Bridge Club lrophy Ralph Brand individual game Formosa trophy John llazell high man and Scottie Church high lady presidents cup larv soils trophy Scottie Church good sportsmanship and playing ability citation carpet trophy On Dec 17 John Halell and Garry Edmunds were tirst in play With Mary Woodstock and Jean Burke second Fred DCSJHITIIIIS and Bill Dewitt third and Maude Metcaltc and Gracetiotlins lourtti Monday Dec 20 Jean Burke and Danny Schametiorii were lirst in northsouth play Gail Reid and Nellie Small were second and cum Lentsius and Dave Higgins third In eastwest play Ella Swain and Olive Hersey were lost Russell Church and Garry Erl munds second and Rosemary and Dick Spratt third workshops and provutc ex posure to local and tlllUlltHVIl artists Ihere are services siicti as the listening posts where people can listen to records without disturbingothers The latest serVicc is the pic turc rental service The public can borrow print tor one inon th The library dates back 131 years Mrs Sliatiotl said Today the library has minutes ot thr meetings ot the Debating Society the torirunner ol thr lccliaiiics Institute which became the public library Ill 1802 the Mechanics li stitiitc bccamc incorporated Even then it was the place peoplc become involved lll the community what with debates checkers and clicss at theinstitute In the late lttoos there is record ot debate do Hillllll the or liquor criinc callsc iiiost There was never any men ion ol it in loltowuig minutes so perhaps women wouldnt put up With it even then Mrs Shahotl said FREE SINCE ltilil In 1895 all Mechanics lnr stitutes became public libraries and in 1911 citizens ot Barrie voted the library be tree library Since that time the library has moved lroiii ll Uwen St to tolliciSlrccl trs Shaholl highlighted some ol tlic books how popular at the library Among tlicsi was ltoots by AliV Haley ilalcy traced his tamin baclz scvcii generations when his ancestors were brought our as lroiii trica to nicrica Lovey by Mary Mactiackcn ls tinstory ol spcciiil child listcr will his ls Anna by Illll igt lllt story ol young girl whosc philosophical iiisigtit iiilo litc inspired the author to rite sltics ItlltIINl Al IIIS Beverly lrccr daughtcr ol Mr and Mrs Donald Iitilll Itll0 graduated with bacticlor ol arts degree Ill history lrom Vt iltiid Laitrici University She attended Barrie Central ollcgiatr and is teaching III Siiiicoi County loaniic Lancaster ot lcdtir resent laiiiswick grad Iiatcrl icccntly with bachelor ol arts degree III history lroiii York IlthlSI ty Mrs Lancaster is teacher at oorttcllow Public School Strouil Installation ol otticers ol the Corinthian Masonic Lodge No96 was held at the start ol the year at the Iodges wen Street quarters First row left to right Wor Bro Del Cole director at ceremonies Rt Wor Bro Wm Kirk patrick lodge secretary Wor Bro Arnold Clements installing master and treasurer Wor Bro Frank loporowski lPM Wor Bro John Coutts Wor Master Rt Wor Bro Ar thur Hamilton DDGM Rt Wor Bro Ronald Groshaw Grand Senior War den Rt Wor Bro Donald Magee Past DDGM and Rt Wor Bro George Caldwell Past DDGM Second row tell to right Wor Bro James Folliott director ot ceremonies Bro Ray Walton JW Bro Lorne Arkles SW Wor Bro Har vey Baldwm lyler Bro Richard Korejwo SD Bro Hans Boos JD and Bro Chas Coursey IG lhird row tell to right Bro George Jamieson organist Bro Anthony Poster chaplain Bro Ian Mon tague SS Wor Bro Frank laplin Wor Bro DaveDdishaw ltt WtI Bro Chas Robertson IDDGM ltt Wor Bro Chas Itolicl ISDII IDDGM ltt Wor Bro Ross Hutchinson IDGGM and Ill Will Bro Les rook lDGGM UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT The Clansman Manor Residential Home Big Bay Point Accommodation for seniors semiinvolids diets plan ted ther information please call Mrs Sheila Collins 4363252 The Clansman Manor Big Bay Point Rd RR Barrie Israels future optimistic exchange Visitor tells club Israel has an optimistic luture economically despite its battlemarked past says KenI Monk ot Barrie who spent 39 days last summer in Israel Sophisticated technology for agriculture and cancer resear ch IS being exported to Canada and the United States from Israel he told the Huronia Rotary Club ot Barrie About 50 members met Tuesday at the Continental Inn Ninety per cent of houses are heated with solar energy by device on the root They have large grain Silosthey hold 200000 tons ol grain he said The irrigation technology for farming is technique begin exported to the United States and Canada he said Mr Monk who is marketing serVice manager for Snap Oil Tools Ioronto took part in the Rotary Group Study Exchangetrip Israel is not the land at Biblical stories Its much like Canada they are multicultured But the ditlerence is that Israel has wealth and poverty across the street lrom one another he said And people there live with danger He told how he and group 0t people visded the mayor ol Tel Aviv at 10 am preCIsely the time when the mayor was to be blown up by bomb However someone else with the same name received the bomb in the mail They live With danger but it is no big deal he said North American papers blow up stories about riots he said While the economy is good one third ol the national product is spent on delcnce He also talked about the Klb By ERMA BOMBECK The other day out of clear blue sky Brucie asked Are we rich paused on my knees as re trieved dime from the sweeper bag blew the dust off and asked Not so you can no lice Why How can you tell he asked straightened up and thought bit Being rich is relative sort of thing Heres how can always tell Youre rich when you buy your gas at the same service station all the time so your glasses match Youre rich when you can have eight people to dinner and dont have to wash lorks be tween the main course and ties scrt Youre rich when you buy Iolhcs for your kids that are two SIZtS too big tor the one you buy em for and tour sizes too big tor the one that comes after him KEN MONK spoke about his experiences during 39day stay in Israel on the Rotary butz where three per cent ot the population ot Israel live nly Jews can be members ol kibbutz although volunteers can work on them Those livmg on the kibbutz ERMA BOMBECK How to tell the rich from all the rest of us Youre rich when you own boat without oars You can tell people have money when they record cheque and dont have to sub tract it right away People have money when they sit around and joke with the cashier while shes calling in their charge to see if its still open Youre rich when you write notes to the teacher on paper without lincs Youre rich when your itll vision set has all the knobs on it Youre rich when you can throw away pair of pantyhose just becausc it has large hole in it You know people are loaded when they dont have to save rubber bands from the celery and store them on doorknob Youre IIl when you can have home wedding without Ilaven Funeral Home stamped on the folding chairs Youre rich when the Scouts Was prominent Lion wellknown city realtor Walter Bcath outts ot l2 licllvuc res tarrie lied Wed iicsday at ltoyal Victoria Hospital llcwzistitl longtime resident ol Barrie he was past district deputy and past president ol the Barrie Lions Club mem ber ol the Utltllllltltl Lodge No 00 an elder ot Collier Street tlnitidthiircti Son ol the late Coutts and Isabella Coutts Mr foutts owned an insurance business tor most ol his Inc was president ol the AC and foiitts Ltd Land Development For the past It years he was Longtime resident dies at Sill years Adele Maud Brereton ot Dunlop Street East Barrie died Friday at Royal Victoria Hospital She was 99 longtime resment ol Bar rie Mrs Brereton was pre deceased by her husband Dr Ewart Lount Brereton alter whom the Brereton Field Naturalist Club was named She was member ol St An drews Presbyterian Church the daughter Dorothy Mrs Laws ot St Eustachc sur lc lac Que surVivcs Funeral serVice was held lucsday at pm With burial at Barrie Union Cemetery Public Works Christmas Tree PickUp Christmas trees placed on boulevards will be picked up by the Public Works Department commencing Monday January 10th I977 The co operation ol all residents is requested in placing trees tor pirk up on that dole in positions that will not interfere with required snowplowing procedures Tlio up llll of III residents is appreciated Neill Fox CET Public Works Superintendent in real estate business at Toutts and ltcal Estate He was member ol ttic Barrie Curling Club and the Barrie Country Club and was member ot the Chamber ol Commerce He is survwcd by his Wile Margaret Scythes one daughter laincla ot taterloo brother Gordon ot Shanty Bay sister Isabel Mrs Al Robinson ot Scarborough He was also predeceaswl by lSandyi Wallace lcan and harles outts Friends may call at the Stccklcy liuneral Home 30 Worsley St alter pm today Funeral serVicc will be held in the chapel Friday at 230 pin Burial Will be held at lhornton Union Cemetery There Will be masonic ser Vice today at pm under the auspicies ot Corinthian Lodge No90 Group Study Exchange last summer Examiner Photo must keep Within certain budget Within that budget they can spend treely It they go over the budget SOCIaI pressure by everyone else soon makes them get back in line he said have paper drive and you have stack of New York Times in your basement Youre rich when your dog is wet and smells good Youre rich when your own hair looks so great everyone thinksitsawig Brucie sat quietly for mrr ment then said think my friend Ronny is rich How can you tell asked iiis mom buys his birthday cake at bakery and it isnt even cracked on top iies rich all right sig hed Gym classes start Saturday the Barrie Gymnatic Club will be registering limited number ot girls tor recreational gymnastics on Saturday Registration will take place at Georgian College gym nasium lroin to 11 am toltowed by tworhour workout The gymnastics program is open to girls live to It and runs every Saturday morning The twohour classes lll em phasizc physical conditioning and basic to advanced gym nastic skills Equal emphasis Will be given to balance beam tumbling and lloor exertises vaulting and the unevenparallel bars The session will run Jan to March 120 Fees are $3011 sessmn and are payable upon registration trom HOLIDAY VISIT Mr and Mrs Rod Haikes ol Bl Rose S1 Barrie visited Mr and Mrs Iarkes ol Chatliain during the holiday season NEW YEARS DANCE lhose attending New Years Eve Dance at the Barrie Yaclil Club were Mr and Mrs Len Cowan Eve Inch Mr and Mrs lerry taterhouse Mr and Mrs Bob Bogardis Mr and Mrs Al Redwood Mr and Mrs Dave Stock and Mr and Mrs Rod Raikes FREE COLOR PRINTS ONLY SHUTTERBUG PHOTO GIVES YOU SAME DAY COLOR PRINTS FREE REPLACEMENT COLOR FILM YOU ONLY PAY FOR THE PRINTS YOU KEEP AND FOR llMITED TIME One FREE regular size color reprint from any regular size color negative with each roll of film you bring to Shutterbug for processing or with this coupon Films must be processed In Jun 77 Reprints will be processed during Feb 77 SHUTTERBUG PHOTO 7265401 5V2 Clapperton 33 Alliance 7372225 5269622 Midland 217 King St lodocolor ll Full II other compatible film only 79 Bell Farm Rd cent Barrie Examiner Friday January PEOPLE AND COURSE DATES combined YMCA aSSistant instructor and Red Cross leader patrol course Will be held at the Barrie YMYWCA Jan 18 19 and 30 and Feb and Pre requisites tor this program are current Bronze Medallion or higher award PartiCipants must be 15 years ot age by Feb 61977 This program is pre requisite tor any persons Wishing to obtain the Red Cross Royal Life or YMCA In structor certilications Ihe tee for the course is $25 tor members and $35 lor non members This lee includes all awards leaders kits and manuals required for the ANN LAN DERS Funerals help widow claims 1977 course members only may register for this course up until Jan 10 Alter this time registrations will be open to any interested candidates For further inlormation contact the Barrie at 7266421 KINGSTON GUEST Kathleen McKenna of Kingston visited friends in Barrie during the holiday season They were Jim and An drea Cudhea and Frank and Doreen Milbur NEW YEARS DANCE Harry McLay of Wellington Street West was among many who attended the New Years Eve dance for Parents Without Partners Dear Ann Landcrs Uur San Antonio Press printed the letter critical ot you tor suggesting counselling to 17yearold girl who relused to attend her best triends Iuneral You replied luneral provides proof that the deceased is gone It helps the bereaved to overcome denial mechanisms You are dead right Ann Dont let anyone change your mind learned the lesson lrom bitter experience My husband was declared missing in action over France on June10 1944 In January at 45 he was declared dead alter his crashed plane was lound relused to believe it Mawkish Enoch Arden news items about lost tlyers who were lound alive in unexpected places kept my hopes alive Finally was lorced to make the decision and requested that my husband be buried in France tlag came home Almost 20 years later took my son to France to visit his lathers grave When the kindly custodian asked us whose grave we had come to see my throat closed couldnt speak or eat for 48 hours grieved as it my husband had Just died Even now as write these words can leel my throat tighten re alize sultered all that agony because had never witnessed the tinal larewetl should have requested that my husbands re ririins be sent home and had luneral please keep telling it like it is Ann People need to hear ltKNF Dear KNF appreCiate your letter more than can say You made the pOint tar better than Thank you in behalf of all those you have helped Dear Readers Im gomg to do something today have never done betoreprint report ol telephone call rather than letter It came trom William Bolger Deputy Post masterGeneral Washington DC Mr Bolger was distressed about the woman in Santa Rosa Cant who received letter trom her son She had not heard lrom him in several months Untortunately the letter was so badly mangled by the post ottice it was illegible The return ad dress was torn oil and she was lurious In the envelope was lorin letter ol apology trom the postal department Mr Bolger suggested that it other readers have Similar ex perience they should send the envelope to Neil Benson Chiet Postal Inspector United States Postal SerVice Headquarters Washington DC 20260 They Will analyse it in the lab and perhaps the return address can be obtained want to thank Mr Bolger tor his thoughtlul calland am pleased to pass on the intormation Dear Ann cant ask another soul about this problem so like thousands ot othersIm turning to you Its about girl meta tew months ago She is pretty bright witty kindhearted and has terrilic sense ol humor like her lot So whats wrong Her neck is always dirty Ive seen her dab perlume behind her ears when what she really needs is bar ol soap and wash cloth Is there some way can drop hint The girl needs to be toldTongue Tied In MexicoCity Dear Untie your tongue and tell her It the girl is as bright as you say shell clean up her act and not let some other lilly Win by neck as LESSONS introductory courses now offered at BARRIE INDOOR TENNIS COURTS for more information coll 7373721

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