Miracle has on Items you use everydayCanada Powdered Liquid Steinberg 0N CONTROL Hua Kuoteng is reported ex tending the purge ol lettists trom the Peking hierarchy into the Chinese provmces to strengthen his control ol the government and party ap paratus Observers believe that hy conttnumg to stamp out opposition Hua is cemen ting lns political alliance Wllh conservative groups Says churches make some feel guilty IJIJMUNJUN ttlt re Dr Paul ntrohus psychologtst who studied theology and who counsels mtntsters and lannhes on tnental health says chur ches make people teel tin necessartly gtiilt lr Antrohus lroin Lmver Sll ol Reginas Luther ollege said an tnterView some tannhes with prohleins tend to have unreahstic expectations hased on Ideals taught hy the churches llns could lead to sense ol inadequacy lr Antrohus satd people should adtnit and understand the realtttes ahout themselves and others thetr weaknesses their tantastcs then with sense ot torgtveness make any necessary hanges teel that the path towards uoats tor healthy tamthes and tndtvtduals Involves openingy otir es tully to our experience tn the presence ot mercttnl un derstandtng lr ntrohus satd he teaches that tear 1s evident tn soctety aitd people avoid tactng tt rear aitses lrom tmpertect relationships and also produces tmpertect relationships otteit teel that tear is the real evtl and love ts the real good Ulth llll Illll1lt IJr ntrohus works as as consultant wtth group ot lllllt tsters tn Regina httltllllL work shops wtth them and advtstng on dttltcult counselhnu cases lle satd that tn churches people naturall get involved at trytng to tostcr thttsttan values and develop hitsttan character and hehanor But when do this there ts real tendenc to lahel people we dont measure tip to the hrtsttan tdcal try to draw people atten tion to the reahttcs ot thetr exr pertence hat means ever thingt trom hat the ttnd theinselxes ttUlllL to what the ttnd themsele dreamtng ahout lhe dreams are representations ot IIlUIthS and leehngs that come troin inside us People trequently teel gutlty and ashamed ahout what ts gotng on tn their mtnds and hodies lns ts almost natural response to the church tocusmg too heavth on aclnevmg eer tatn rehgtous goals or Ideals llSHSSllll tllll GOALS IJr Antrohus sand it ts only as people develop sellrhscoveiy that they cait understand the reahttes that make them wltat they are It person was ohsessed mm the goal he was strtvmg tor there was tendency to try to tipe cverythtnu oitt ol his coir sciousncss that dtd not lit the goal lnly hy understandtng and £lpllll what was gotng on in ltts mind could person use lns ttill energy to achieve lns goals He gave as an illustratton woman who had consulted htm She was upset hecause she tound hersell occasionally havr lllll stroinI Wishes that her young chtldren would he llI volxed III lil accident or he killed or he taken away hy some other means She also wanted her hiishand to he to olved III the same accident The thoughts made her lccl gum hecause she was trytng hard to he good mother and good Wile and to he lovtng hut wasltndingtlnsdilticult lr Aiitrohus said he was ahle to make the woman exiwrtence kind ot tortgivencss and when she no longer tell guilty ahotit her teehngs she hecaine tree to explorethem She then discovered that her haste prohlcin was that tor ttalt an hour day she needed to have hreak Without demands heme made on her hy her cliil dren aitd hitshaitd Iiicause she was iiiiatilc to ask tor that hreak hecause she lelt It did not lit Ill With her idea ol IlllIlL good mother she had developed this thought ec Wish they would die Ill Alltltllitlf said mentally healthy tantin is one that opciily looks at reality They mm expect each other to he pcitect loi no one Ir perlect ABC DETERGENT Assorted Varieties DADS COOKIES 1402 PKG Partly Skimmed FRESH MILK OT BAG OR JUG 89° LB BOX Steinberg LIQUID BLEACH 128 FL OZ JUG Granulated WHITE SUGAR 2kg PKG Plus 40c deposit on jug Assorted Varieties LIPTON CU PASOUP PKG OF ENV Gold Seal FLAKED LIGHT TUNA 602 TIN Assorted Flavours VALIANT CRYSTALS 17 OZ PKG Del Monte PUDDING CUPS 4x5 Fl OZ TINS Capri LUNCHEON MEAT 1202 TIN Choloo AYLMER TOMATOES 19 FL OZ TIN WE REDEEM l= SUPERMARKEI COUPONS L2¥LLL¥¥¥MMA¥ALL PALMOLIVE DETERGENT 32 FL OZ BTL Mrs Lukes with Pectin Raspberry Orange Marmalade STRAWBERRY JAM 24 FL OZ JAR 996 In Tomato Sauce HEINZ SPAGHETTI 19 FL OZ TIN FLEECY FABRIC SOFTEN ER 128 FL OZ JUG 17 In Tomato Sauce HEINZ BEANS 19 FL OZ TIN York Smooth PEANUT BUTTER 4802 JAR 199 Salted Christies PREMIUM PLUS CRACKERS LB PKG Assorted Colours ply Delsey BATHROOM TISSUE ROLL PKG Regular or Super Kotex SANITARY NAPKINS PKGOF12 996 Regular 30s or Super Absorbent 24s KLEENEX BABY SCOTT FACIAL TISSUE DIAPERS PKG or 200 PKG 55 Assorted Colours KLEENEX TOWELS ROLL PKG 990 Mr Muscle OVEN CLEANER 7OZ TIN Cadbury HOT CHOCOLATE 12 OZ ENV 79c STEINBERG TEA BAGS PKG OF 60 75 Condensed STEINBERG TOMATO SOUP 10 FL OZ TIN Assorted Colours Windshield Washer40 NORTHLAND ANTIFREEZE GALLON Guost LUNCH BAGS PKG OF 50 Ardmona Cholco PEACH SLICES 28 FL OZ TIN CAKE MIXES 19 OZ PKG Canada Grade LARGE WHITE EGGS DOZEN 79° Mira Mart BLUEBERRY MUFFINS PKG OF6 49 Not Available Mondays Clark Choice WHOLE KERNEL CORN 12 FL OZ TIN 33° Choice CLARK PEAS 14 FL OZ TIN Homogenized FRESH MILK OT BAG OR JUG tPIUS 40c deposit on jug 12 Mrs Bake 011 FRESHLY BAKED WHITE BREAD 16 OZ LOAF 31an LA