FIG TORONTO 11 HAMILTON BARRIE BUFFALO 000 2471122News aMovie The World of 12Evenin Re 630 ll zzoau Couple WEDNESDAY EVENING SFunny Farm ftFace lhe Music lzEdnorial Page 5341 and Costeuo 800 ours zzCPO Sharke 9Definition zNews Report 3512Nature of Things 4uood Times ZAdamlz 71ko 2479News 9NHL Hockey 11Farty Came llHawaii FiveU 12Lawrence Welk 830 22Mclean Stevenson 3512Mem0irs of ohn ZBowling for Dollars Dielenbaker 4ConcenCration 4Jeffeisons 5lop Secret Life of 7NHL Hockey Edgar 900 9J effersons 7l0 Tell The Truth llBehind the scene with 22Dick Emery 3512Front Row Centre 4Movie lhe Deserter Jonathan Winters llBaretta 130 93 ZZSCience International 22Monty Pythons Flying 25100000 Name That Cucus lune 1000 3Reach for the Top 22News 4Strikes Spares liCharlies Angels Misses 1030 SBlutt 9Sportsbeat 7uong Show iioo 22Mary Hartman Mary Hartman THURSDAY AFTERNOON 1200 me 4722News 25 For The Money 2Name lhe lune 3Leave It To Beaver sBob McLean bUncle Hobby Show 12Noonday Report 211Days of Our Lives 4As the World lums 5Coronation Street 7Family Feud 9Joyce DaVidson 1220 200 121arm News zzOpposue Sexes 1230 512All in the Family 2Magazme 9Alan Hamel 3News 7fl0000 Pyramid 4Searcn For Tomorrow 225 57Ryans Hope 3News 9Flintstoncs 230 12Farty came 422Uuld1ng Light 1245 2Doctors 3Movie The Angry 3512t2dge Ut Night Breed 7llOne Life To Live 1255 300 2Maga2ine 29Another World 5News 35121ake 30 100 tAll In The Family 22Canadian Cavalcade 22Honnie Frudden 4CrossWits 330 SBob McLean 22Lively Woman 9Dick Van Dyke 7iiAii My Children 12Marcus Wele 3512Celebrity Cooks 4Matcn Game THURSDAY EVENING 600 800 2471122News 2MOVie lhe Call of the 3Mowe Adventure of WUd Captain Fabian 3512Carol Burnett 524 Hours 4Waltons 9Detiiiition 9Columbo 12lvening Report 7Welcome Back Kotter 6210 830 flUong Show 722Whats Happened 2479News llVie Franklyn 11Farty Game 12Little House on the Prairie 700 22oaa Couple ZHowling for Dollars 4Concentration sMy Name is Harry Worth 710 Tell The Truth 900 22Wintario Lottery 211Best Sellers 3Charlies Angels 4NBA Basketoau 5Watson Report 7Hamey Miller 12Starsky and Hutch 930 ZWHA Hockey 9Grand Old Country 5leleplay 11Makem and Clancy 7lony Randall 75 BMaclear 22Peter Marshall 1000 2Hollywood Squares 2Best Sellers 4Strikes Spares 3Showbiz Misses 4lfBamaby Jones 512Welcome Back 5Upstairs Downstairs Kot 9Sweeney ter 12Most Wanted 7Bobby thon 102 9Sanlord and Son llCelebrity Revue v4 3Faces of Small Places 1100 2345794112 News THE DOCTOR SAYS Emotions may tip balance By Thosteson MD EVISN GUIDE BUFFALO TORONTO 12 PETERBOROUGN BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL 235791112News 1120 36912News 1130 22Opposite Opposite Sexes 2Johnny Carson 4MOVie Santee 7Mary Hartman Mary Hartman llLarry Solway 1135 590 Minutes Live 1150 12Movie Treasure of Lost Canyon 1200 ZZMovie Mail Order Bride 3Mowe Abbott and Costello M891 Frankenstein 7MOVie Reflection of Fear 9lron5ide llMerv Urulin 100 21omorrow 9Movte lhe Shuttered Room 100 nLittle Rascals 2Mowe l1lAi trMerv Grilten 3Motra Hunt 5lts Your Ch0ice lCommander lom Munsteis Show 9Star lrek llYoung and The Restles 12Hynd51ght 430 22Oiligans Island 3512V1510n Un Children 7Mike Douglas 11Dinah 500 22D0ris Day 3Lucy Show 5Whats New QEmergency 121 Love Lucy 530 SEarly Edition +22Adam 12 512 Room 222 11Hot Hands 1120 359124News 1130 22Opposne Opposne Sexes ZJohnny Carson 47K01ak 7Mary Hartman Mary Hartman llLarry Solway 1135 590 Minutes Live 1150 12Mowe Black Noonl 1200 22 MoVIe Son of Gun lighter 3NLOV16 Interlude 7Movie It ame From Outer Space 9lron5ide llMowe Valley of the Dollst 1230 1Movte Necromancy 100 2lomorrow 9Mowe Itily Sister Eileen 230 lliMerv Griffin Bernice Bede 0301 For Thursday Jan 1977 ARIES March 21Aprll 19 If you apply yourself today you have way of turning situations and people around to help you achieve your particular goals TAURUS Aprll 20May 20 Put into operation quickly any ideas you may get today that will benefit your family Hesitafion could dilute their effect GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Youre better today at helping others sort out their problems than you are with your own Dont hesitate to be of service It could be rewarding CANCER June 21July 22 If theres commercial situation that needs to be rectified todays the day You are able to bring all the facti0ns together LEO July 23Aug 22 You have some heavyweights on your side today who are ready to back you up in career situation Theyll come forth when they see you moving VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Let another state your case today Armed with the facts this person can do better job than you could LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 The friends you should be most solicitous of today are members of your family When the chips are down blood is thicker than water SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Your chances for success are excellent today because you can think on your feet As the situa tion becomes more challenging you become brighter SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Youre sharper than usual to day in affairs of material nature Seek ways to use this talent it could fatten your bank account CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 In joint ventures today its better to keep the reins In your hands Dont let partners act Without consulting you AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Before making an important decisron today dig little deeper for facts You Will uncover something very interesting PISCES Feb 20March 20 Dont hesuate to go to friends to day for counsel or assstance in your work or career Theyll be happy to help BUBGUJGIEIY Jan 1977 Youre gomg to be more enter prismg than usual this year Others have faith in your pro Iects If you put the right team together it Will be profitable period or isnt allergic Have the tests Dear Dr Thosteson What is it about eggs that would sud denly cause violent stomach reaction in man of 32 who has eaten them twice week all his life We thought he was getting stomach ulcer until we realized all the attacks came at meals where eggs were served whole fried or deviled There are no attacks when they are mixed with other ingredients as in cakes pancakes or french toast It now has been six mon ths and there have been no fur ther attacks He hasnt had an egg during this time ls such reaction possibly only tem porary ST Good detective work Its difficult to say why your husband developed this appar ent intolerance so late It may or may not be temporary Dr Claude Frazier in his book Coping With Food Allergy notes that temporary physical or emotional state can tip the balance toward an allergic re actiona cold for example or some domestic turmoil Some times it may take years of ex posure before person becomes sufficiently sensitized to begin reacting to certain food or substance There are simple tests which can tell whether your husband is indeed sensitive to eggs or egg products If he is he may be able to tolerate the lower dosage as those in the bat ters although french toast does usually contain goodly amount of whole eggs Does he react to softboiled or poached It could be some sub nce used in deviling or try ing the eggs Often the culprit in eggs is the protein in the white portion and the usual set of symptoms include hives colic vomiting diarrhea asthma and rhinitis inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose As in most allergies the production of antibodies caused by aller gens circulating in the blood brings the symptomsfor ex ample constriction of breathing passages or stomach and intestinal membranes Dr Frazier emphasizes the high degree of sensitivity in egg allergy There are even cases on record of reaction caused by egg shampoos or in baby being kissed by someone who has just eaten eggs lf avoiding the eggs works for him it should be continued In medi cine nothing succeeds like suc cess 1t might set his mind at ease to know for sure whether he is Dear Thosteson have been told have gout How should go about dieting am overweight Is there Single diet good for both gout and for weight lossMRll The priority problem is the gout so it would be advisable to take care of that first The cul prit in gout as you undoubtedly know is excessive uric acid in the body This results from the bodys inability to handle uric aCid plus the eating of foods high in purines which are the source of uric acid Diet was once the only means of reducmg uric and but now appropriate medicines have been developed to do this Until the gout is under control it is still wise however to avoid the highpurine foodsorgan meats meat extracts gravies asparagus spinach lentils peas beans There is lengthy list of them Dear Dr Thostcson have really bad problem with boils under my arms lve had it for about three years Can you tell me what causes them and what can do to stop them Some have had several heads and haveleft scarsMrs EJ boil is staph or strep in fection that has invaded sweat glands lhese glands are plenti ful under the arms Scrupulous cleanliness of the area is essential in controlling them When boil is active and draining extra care must be taken in handling the discharge Between attacks the area should be cleanshaven An antiseptic soap Will reduce the germ colony and the skin should be kept as dry as pos sible with antiperspirants Antibiotics when boil is ac tive will lessen the chance of further infection You should consult physician because boils in the armpits are clumsy to treat by yourself Study defines alcohol facts lORONlO CF Heavy drinking is most common in On tario among men young per sons and members of highin come groups says study com missmned by the Addiction Re search Foundation of Ontario The study survey of 1015 Ontario adults conducted last June by the Gallup Poll defined heavy drinking as five or more drinks session About 80 per cent of those sur veyed said they used alcohol in the preVIous 12 months Drowned lOltONlO 1131 Mary De nise Judge 51 of Toronto drowned Monday when she fell into Lake Ontario while lccding ducks Police said man Jogging along the shore saw the body in SIX feet of water about three feet from retaining wall The water temperature was half degree CeISIus OUR BOARDING HOUSE IM MOST ANXIOUS um we YOULL FIND THE MANOR FOR QUIET PLACE VERITABLE PARADISE 0F WHILE RECOVER 50LITIJDE A5 RENOWNED FROM was ORNITHOLoaisT 1v cassava INJURY MIGRATORY BIRD 555M DRAWN T0 Tins I5LAND 0F 5ILENCE By Poll Cramer RECALL LOWERING MY BINOCLILARé AFTER HOURS OF OBéEIZVATION WHEN EUWENLYW bathroom tiles Pollys Problem Pollys Pointers Lemon oil shines DEAR POLLY We just moved into house where the bathroom tiles were heavy with soap Now that the tile is washed free of that scum what can do to make it shine again HR DEAR HR presume you refer to tile walls Plastic tiles would be treated to coat of self polishing wax do not use polishing wax Ceramic tiles should rub to gloss with soft cloth unless you used very harsh cleanser that has removed the top finish In that case try siliconetype automobile polish letter from Jane says that after she had cleaned the soapy scum off her bathroom tile she dried them and rubbed with generous amount of lemon oil While she did this to keep water drops from forming and scum ac cumulating it should impart certain amount of luster Do be careful not to put any of these on the floor or in side tub or shower since someone might have bad fall POLLY DEAR POLLY know Eunice meant well when she said she took along cold water bottle for her dog and then opened the windows bit when she had to leave her pet in the car but this could still be dangerous on hot day According to the Animal Protection Institute in California On hot summer day the inside of the car heats very quickly On an 115 dcgrcc day for example the temperature inside your car Will the windows slightly opened will reach 102 degrees in 10 minutes In 30 minutes it will go up to 120 degrees dogs normal body temperature is 102 degrees dog can Withstand body temperature of 10710 degrees for only short time before suffering irreparable damage to the brain or even death The closed car interferes with the dogs normal cooling process that is evaporation through panting It would be best to leave the pet at home PR DEAR POLLY want to tell other recipe collectors that the best way have found to keep them is in magnetic photo album under the plastic sheets can ILZld them casily they stay clean and none are ever lost Mlllll£ DEAR POLLY If your family Is Iikc minc finding pin or safety pin when it is needed can be bit of trouble To solve our dilemma made pin cushion from smaller type velvet chair cushion put hanger on it and hung it in prominent place in the bathroom Now we no longer have that every mor ning search for pin or safety pin This is fairly largc cushion so no one has the excuse of not finding it If you are afraid the bottom of metal wastebaskef is going to rust make nocost liner from big plastic bleach bottle It can be cut down to the deSIrcd sizc and prevents the chance of Irust Mine is priceless to me LIICILII gt AA 77 gt 7W grim DONLr LIKE TO HEAR IT COULD BE woraee our NEW PREéIDENr Hi6 MimiME own comma COLILD BE ROVER PRETTV GOODTO ME QELH 714 BEING WINTHROP NSL 7373860 or COURSE IT SMELle BORN LOSER BUGS BUNNY CALLED J1 MMY NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St HOWEVER SOMETIMES AS STAND HERE btJFFETED BY THE WINDS We EXTEQTs ARE 1MNO You TENT éï¬wf CHANCE me Big QAME This WEVK ITG SUPPOSED r0 SMELL II6 can 06 VEAU AU CURRW TRW it AND IF rrs NOT ABSOLUTEUI oeuaovs ILL Wm TREAT LIOU r0 DINNER AT me aasr RESTAURAle IN VISIT YOUR WONDER IF ITS ALL WORTH NEW DOWNTOWN STATIONERY STORE in THANK OU FOR YOUR GENEROSITV 27 Ill 06 WIN AT BRIDGE Safety play scores best NORTH AKJ V854 0963 AQJ72 WEST A743 VAK7 0Q102 +K1098 EAST $652 VQ10963 0K854 SOUTH Q10 Both vulnerable West North East South Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead Pass By Oswald James Jacoby We watched todays hand played in freewheeling rubber bridge game At least it was free wheeling as far as South was concerned when he went on to four spades with his minimum hand The play started out happi ly He ruffed the third heart took club finesse drew trumps with three leads and took second club finesse It worked beautifully but unfor tunately for South East show ed out Now South was going to be able to take only three club tricks Three clubs plus five trumps plus one ace of diamonds only came to nine South had one last chance for 10th trick He led diamond and played his jack but West produced the queen and even tually the defense scored 100 points South had safety play at his disposal When he led the second club he could have ANDY CAPP KERRY DRAKE FUNNY Business AMPr AMi THREW MY mos REVOLVER NEVER SAW so MANY was MATTEROF FACT PHILIPS CODEAPHONE telephone answering device Pick Up Messages from any phone played low from dummy This would cost him an overtrick if clubs had broken 32 but would have given him the con tract against the actual break Incidentally this is the sort of safety play an expert matchpoint player would take on the theory that his fourspade contract was an abnormal one and just making it would give him good match point score meow Florida reader wants to know if Norths three diamond bid was correct He held AKQJx VJxx OAJxxxx di North doubled oneclub opening by West East bid heart South spade West two hearts and North three diamonds The answer is decided No North should have either bid an optimistic three spades or conservative two spades When you have found spade fit why bid other suits Oar found MONlltlaAl CP The getaway car used Dec 21 In $523000 Brinks robbery at an ezistcnd Montreal shopping cen tre was found Sunday less than onequarter mile from the scene of the crime police said Two policemen found the snowcovered abandoned car in parking lot during routine patrol sawedoff 12calibre shot gun sun glasses and fake heard all used in the crime were in the car No arrests have been made in connection Wllh the robbery all though police said last week they were working on some delinifclezids THINK HES STARTINe TO DRIFT AWAY FROM 06 YU Li iv 44 ©1977hyNEA inc ANOTHER DRINKJRUBE IEIS SNAPPIN is FINGERS THE RIVER DIDNT KNOW HE NADA DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 45 Beverage Answer to Prevrous Puzzle container Navy ship 47 Made dog prefix abbr sounds Entertainment 51 French article group abbr 52 Stringed Consume instrument 10 Bruise 54 Differ 12 Semester 55 Chess piece 14 Nothing 56 Not bright 15 Son of 57 Court Aphrodite 58 School organi 16 Group of zation abbr persons 59 Comedian 17 Writing fluid Sparks $3 anatgrtam 60 82mm 13 Mesdames 40 Biblical 22 Best abbr character 24 Carpentry tool DOWN Flee 41 C316 26 Jekylls 21 Inngrlnte 43 Invitation re opposite Over Ger 30 Ozone Unerring 23 cnes 44 Openstelmbbf 31 Scale note Los Angeles 24 OleYS en 32 Auto workers specualty 25 F001 Dan 45 sma union abbr vocaiued 27 Christmas 46 Singer Home 33 Nuclear Attend to 28 POUIUI 48 Knockout agency abbr Organ stop 29 Domeslflc 49 Is human Classmed Entity amma Item Iniqumes 30 Motoring 36 Fabrication Antlered assouation ase 37 Pale animal 35 Multiplied by °°al abb 39 Sounds 11 Religious two 53 Bullfight 42 Obliteration poem 38 Truly cheer 01 If theyve got all THAT much money over $395 overdraft WAS STOLEN AND DROPPED HERE T0 85 sowm WAS THE GOBETWEEN IN VERY are Never Miss Call Remote and Nonremote VOU SURE YOU USED ENOUGH NITPO TO BLOW THAT SAFE WRONG ABOUT THis ERNIE BUT IHAI LITTLE ONE WASNT THERE WHEN WE LOCKED UP LAsr NioHr was ff RIGHTBOSS Whitfield OFFICE OUTFITTERS BARRIE PLAIA 737 0201 Uï¬ez59l10 isfguu 3vath MOUS P110 whydo they get upset WED BETTER oer our OF HERE ILL Fl EL BETTER WHEN weve cor EVERYTHING UNDER CONTROL