Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jan 1977, p. 6

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Mary Bidgood maimed the machines and desk oi the Barrie CN lelctype oilices Friday tor the last time MM RS PARENTS Alex and tlertrude Archer new Mayor Boss Archers parents were speCial guests Monday at the inaugural meeting oi the 197778 ctty counv CH and at ttie reception given by the mayor and his wile Marie in the Willow Room at ttie Coti tinental Inn Daughters Catherine Moore and Elaine Urandy son Itavid and sonsin law David Moore and Frazer Urandy were also on hand FROM IIJFIRI Ed Besworth reeve oi Meaiord in trey County and his wile Gerda were also speCial guests the mayor told the inaugural audience the two met in Barrie SLPPthIIZRS Prominent supporters oi Mayor Archers campaign at tending the reception included ON MACHINES FOR IiSIlliiE betore closing down She has worked in Barrie tor three years and with the company tor 21 years Frotn now on PEOPLE AND PLACES Les Cooke and Bob Bentley both tormer mayors Arch Brown Ed Harper David Hogben and Monte Barnes FROM TOWNSHIPS Representing surrounding townships were reeves Bill lib bins oi Innislit Alan Johnston ol espra Charles lridham oi Essa and Howard Campbell oi tiro while retiring warden tr vitle Hughes brought greetings irom Simcoe ounty council IIIBYII€N ltev laul Morrow Archers pastor at Burton Avenue Lnited Church gave the dedicatory address at the meeting and Father John Brien oi St Mary atliolic Church ottered prayer IIYOFFICIALS City Hall statl members at the meeting and reception in cluded administrator Jerry Mayor telegrams iiittst he sent through loronto lines Miss Bidgood is moving to own to where she will take tour Iamblyn clerk Ben Straughan Wanda ladwards the mayors secretary engineer Ray Allen deputy clerk leter lestwood acting planning director ltick Bates deputy engineer lion Kllkpiltltltk and treasurer Herb hiik lolice ctiicl liail Snider was also on hand litlltMlllt YliltS Former mayors lrant Mayor Mariorie Hamilton iames ttart and ljldon tircer attended along itli Mr ookc and Mr Bentley IIIttttl II Among aldcimcn attending were lotir newcomers IItli ltuemper lord Mills Hoti ly ch and Bill lnoy les pltls litiss Stephens who served in the past but has been away tor two years lloldtmrs aic ilex ttitir Nelson arrett II olc itd lhoinpson Janice laking day cottrsc to train licr tor new work in the main loron to branch lIithllIlIItI lhotot lirnic Holman and Bill taiiipr ticll IltlIIIlltli ILrnic lcander who has spent ill ycais on the Barrie liiblic tilitics commission and at Brucker who moved to the lt alter servng as titittr than were also sworn in Mon day and attended ttic reception lillIICItSHN II Nl Ittticrs taking part III the inecing included Mll tIItlll ILvaiis possibly lor the last time as he ill be retiring whcn the next proiilctal election is called William Malcomson the city insurance agent who presented gavel to Mayor Ar chir tot lloupc with greetings troiii Base Borden ind siiiteiit mayors ol the week hell lwogh and liiii Foulis who addressed the lilcttltlg brictly GARDEN NOTES Newest issues of catalogues offer good things in spring By JEAN GABLE Well we are now into 1977 seed catalogues are arriving and while we have had three months at winter and must ex pect three more at least we hardy northerners Will be plan ning tor the day we can clean up the Winter debris and plant our little Edens Every year the hybridizers across the world give us lew new Howch and vegetables to enlarge our chotce Ilcre are the 1977 All American Selections BHSIIING MAID double llowered solt pink Petunia It has Vigorous bran ching habit grows Itt inches In height and has spread oi 16 in ches when mature It was developed by Sakata oi Japan IRIMROSE LADY is new primrose yellow car nationHoweer Marigold It IS about 20 inches tall and has inch blossoms It can stand blustery weather Without breaking up It starts to bloom in July and Will continue until host It was developed by Atlee Burpee SHOW GIRL IS bright pink hybrid lcranium that grows quickly lrom seed It is compact early blooming Willi heavy to dense growth oi ball like ilower heads The plant reacties l8 inches at maturity Developed by Goldsmith Development ol Tahiornia YELLOW GALORE is another new Marigold developed by Bodger Seeds oi IslMonte Caiilornia It is clear yellow with masses oi 4V2 inch double blooms on 14 to 18inch plants It blooms steadily 70 to 80 days from seed until irost In vegetable we have new curly leaved cabbage called Savory Ace developed by lakii and Co ot Kyoto Japan Its heads are nearly round and it is very early cabbage new pumpkin called Spirit is 10 days earlier than any other Halloween pumpkin It grows to It or 15 pounds which sounds just about right tor pumpkin lantern It has symmetrical iruits With good keepingqualitics GRAIN SALT How lolks remember what Ive said betore Make new triends but keep the old It is wonderlul to broaden your scope oi plants but take what the catalogues say With grain oi salt and rely on past ex perience or that oi seasoned gardener lot it people are com planting oi the lack ol birds Im oiicol them Went to lot at trouble added new icedcr and stocked up tor host ol tcathered liicnds So lar chickadees blue Jays and the odd downy woodpecker are all have Guess one ol these lays they will all arrive late Have you made any New Years resolutions For some years discarded the idea Then the last two years made quite list and tor moral sup port gave somc close friends copy was pleasantly surpri sed to see the interest my trien ds had in helping me keep my resolutions so think Ill do the same this year It you dont make them too hard youll be more apt to keep them It is very good time to get your garden tools all sharpened up and then coat them With petroleum Jelly so they wont rust Ionic spring you are all set Dont put them where it is damp or where the snow Will blow in on them SOCIETY NEWS First tour oi the season is to the pm pcrlormance oi the Ice Follies Saturday Jan 22 We have two buses chartered some childrens tickets as well as regulars and seniors For details call Florence liockhart 72tl3ti7it or Betty Iameron 726 0596 We Wish to remind the piibiie that all soCiety meetings are open to them line oi the prune purposes oi all Horticultural Societies is to edticate along horticultural lines so come and share our meetings February meeting Will be on cotir servation It Will he in the Blue Flame ltoom ol Consumers las Ferris Lane on Itinrsday Feb 25rd at it and the speaker will be Ilernian Vanr Wesenbeeck ltesource Manager ot the Nottawasaga Vallcy Conservation Authority Nonsmokers in Barrie quiet about smoking discomfort Noti smokers in Barrie are not speaking up Several restaurant and tavern managers say they get lew complaints about smoking on their premises Yet surveys indicate nonr smokers have slight Intilli oversmokcrs Join the majority smoker is the ttieiiic oi Na tional Education Week on SmokingJan it tolan If spon sored by the Canadian totincil be non OFFICERS the Barrie Conststory were installed at tormat ceremony recently at the Masonic lemple Front row trom leit are ANN LAN DEBS form letter for Christmas Dear Readers Itemember Lovering grandmaster oi ceremonies lupling grand secretary ll Wilson lost it commander It lj Greer commanderin the brutal assaults on mini eographed Christmas letters in my column icw years back said didnt care tor them and do per cent oi my readers agreed the 20 per cent who disagreed bombarded inc with ob SCOIIIIIOS Last year triend lrom ltcno wrote Since you and Herb iaen oi the San Francisco Chronicle are opposed to iniiii cographed Christmas letters thought you might consider quoting something lroin llcrb column Here it is don care tor hristmas letters but Bruce Blivcn are dillerent Now no the onetime editor oi the Nev itcpiiblic ltit 3tlyearsi lives with his wile at hingscote aidens Stanioid He wrote At tit Hosic and live by the rulcsol tinelderly It the tooth brush is wet you have brushed your tccth It the bedside radio is warm in the morning you tell it on all night It you are wearing one brown shoe and one black shoe you have pair Ilkl ll somewhere in the closet lry not to mind when tricnd tells you on your birthday that case ol prtinc IlIl has been donated in your name to retirement home stagger when walk and sinalt boys lollow inc making bets on which way Ill go next lhis upsets lllt children shouldnt gamble take most elderly people we spend many happy hours in tront ol thely set We rarely turn it on Sweet isn it responded Your Friend Blondie In ltciio Dear Bloiidic Itight you arc Theres Christmas letter that warms my heart Not single word about lim promotion the children stellar achievements the dogs tittcr ol puppies mothers arthritis or the new ltolts ltoyce hope Bruce and Rose see this and pilt me on their list lor next year Well lolks in happy to report that Brtice and ltose llll ptit me on their list and heres condensed version oi their lttiti Christmas letter Dear Friends ltosic and are now 87 Would we care to trv tor 174 lhe answer is NO Im 445 per cent as old as the ItillItII States and still cant spell setze ltosic has aged some in the past year and now seems like woman entering her 40s She chides me about the little ell who regularly enters our house in the middle ol the night squeezes the toothpaste ttlhc in the middle and departs Last May we celebrated our ttIlrd wedding anniversary As tor the am as bright as can be expected remember well the lricnd who told me years ago ll your IQ ever breaks 1th scil walk with slight straddle hopingpcople WIII think Just got oil horse in my daily excursions greet everyone puncr tiliously including the headrests in parked empty cars Dignilied iricnds seem surprised when salute them Will breezy Hi lhey dont realize havent enough breath tor twosyllablc greeting When We are old the young are kinder to us and we are kin der toeacli other lhcrc is sunset glow that radiates our laces and is retlcctcd on the laces oi those about us Btit still it is sun set Itosc and Bruce Bliven hall Marshallsecond lt commander owie grand treasurer Arm strong grand prclatc conrl row tioin lclt lostaiidot grand scnttiicl lt ict7 grand organist olc grind standard bcaici larccllus grand cpcrt Smith grand assistant expert Strang grandcaptain oi the guard ilies owpcr Stiidiolhoto Installation ceremony held for Barrie Consistory offices Barrie loiisistory was in stitutcd at lormal ccrcmony on licc to lltitt at the Masonic cmple lhc tirst toniniandcn iiiiliict is It ljldon illoolcy liicci loriiicr mayor oi the town oi Barrie iii tact at itit the youngest mayor in the history oi thi community Mr tiIci is one oi Harries most prominent citizens chair man oi the Police tomiiiission charter member and past presi dcnl oi the ltotary liib trustee oi loliicr St lfnitcd tlittrch past chairliian ol ltoyal Victoria Hospital an honorary member ol the Scot tish ltitc Supreme touiicit lormcr operator ol llrccr lransportation lhe Ceremony oi Institution was carried out by the Sovereign trand tonnnandcr and the litpiin lor tiiitario licorgct Schactaccoiiiptimcd II other iiieliibcis ol Supreme touncil anciciit and Accepted Scottish ltite ot Freemasonry lii icottisli ltitc the alley oi larric is third largest valley in Canada here are three steps in the IIJtIllllltl society lhc llarric Lodge oi lciliclioii was constituted ltt ltttt itli degrees troiii tth to lltti ln Ittttl Spry haptei ltosc tioix was con stitiitcd degrees to lit in cliisivc lor the past it years tiitliicii have had to go to Moore tonsistory in llaiiiittoii to obtain the itJiid degree In iitario there are It Lodges ol lcrlection and only If ltosc roiy chapters Barrie is now the tlilrd consistory in the pro vincc In his remarks lollowing the ceremony tomliiander in hiel Antitruant program cutting crime rates VANttitfvrlltJtli tiper ation 01 School hildren Hut it Place is helpingrcducc the number ol shoplilting llt cidents burglaries and tlicits llI tliceast end oi Vancoithr In the lirst six weeks on stables Joc llingman and Brian Metzgncr picked up between 50 and 300 students and they say there has been Ztlpcr cent decrease in daytime theits sin ccthcii The two police ollicers cruise the area It unmarked cars look ing loi children between scycn and If yearsold When we do pick them tip We usually take them back to School and were told the par ents WlII be contacted on stablellingman said He said truants lavoritc haunts are restaurants and pool halls kids are pretty smart and they know when were around and when we re not around he said But they rarely go to these places by themselves theres usually three or tour ol them at least He said truancy is most illlr mon in rades it and it or ages titand let lltmllt WORKS lhe only thing can iioii cstly say about IIIH program is that its working and that its good unstable liuigman said dont know it the kids tiiiiik so Children are iuniiy they come tip With the most ttiibe lievable stories youve ever heard lrccr said iii part am very pleased with the otlicers oi oilr new Barrie onsistory with the continuance oi the enthusiasm and capabilities which they have expressed and displayed know we are bouiid to have suc ccss lhey are nearly all pro ven or known quantity because all btit two have served either as Master ol Blue Lodge tthird degreci or as lhiice luissant lraiid Master ol Most Wise Sovereign and many have served in all threeollices IllIItIBlltllllui lanicc Vail dc liangcrijt daughter ol Adrian and Carol cclcbratmi tier third birthday Monday KITtIlIINIIIt lllIZSIS Mr and Mrs Frank Iclling ol Kitchener Visited vith triends Mr and rs Doug Bcn Wicki ot Barrie lhey enjoyed an atternooii ol cross country skiing STEPHENS StoreWide WINTER SALE ol tine Mens Wear NOW ON 40 Dunlop St Downtown Barrie on Smoking and Health The week is set aside to Hit press upon the ptibtic health hazards to discourage young people troin smoking and to promote clean air But even it titllIStIiUKtlS voic ed their complaints it doubt lul anything would be done about it oil can otily satisty cer taiii amount oi people says Vi tilteilly manager oi the Continental Inn lit the lounge there is seating iortifi it not big enough to segregate smoking within the same room and it not worth it to hai two separate rooms the cost oi clitcrtaiiiiiiciit would Ilt too great Ilt salti ItltlllIlltS llll tioli siiiokcl he admits smoke tilled room bothers hiiii it he stays in the bar tor long tiiiic get very lew cotiiplaiiits though he said and lvc been in this IiIlSIlltss tor 17 years Angus Mclnncs manager ot Itie Brookdale liin agrees lix tiaust tans eliminate smoke so that it docsnt accumulate in thidiningordriiikinglotingc We ve never had any com plaints tiesaid Andy Milne manager oi the Wellington llotel says scgregatwi drinking lounge is totally unnwessary It never been discussed here he said suppose we it think about it it we tieard enough complaints But most smokers would put out their cigarettes it askct by nonsmoker he said and that is the most logical approach to the problem there is seating capacity iii to downstairs and Itit upstairs at the Wellington waiter at the Queens Hotel who admits smoke bothers him as nonsinokcr says it wouldnt be practical to segregate smokers lrom non smokers es the smoke botheis me but what can you do It part ol my JUI wouldnt want to press the issue he said He said during the course oi an evening he hears many complaintstroin non smokers The smell ot cigarettes stays on your clothes when you go home too he said that common coiiiptaiiit oi non smokers leo cstra manager ot the ltiver lardciis and lavciii said licdocsiit smoke and wish to hell everyone else would lIIII He says although he has heard no complaints troni customers who use his cottcc shop and dining area he says lORNE BETTY HAY HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 45 Dunlop St Next to the Theatre smoking is tilthy habit provcii by the butts and ashes lelt on plates tor the dishwasher still think non smokers are iii the minority And tor this reason he sides with other managers opposing scgrcgatcdareas ou really can tell people wheri to sit ou might get group ol live people come in two ol thcm smokers hat or you supposed to do ask tilttst two to movc when thcy want lgalittciltcltheir liical But the bus lines hacdoitit IIItiiIll tly nyk super isoi ot lira oatti Linos ltd says non tllltlnll an slI in the trot Itiill oi tilt tilts kttlllt tii smokers can sit in the bars tiali IIlt ruling cam iruoi IIIltt years ago itfci torr plaiiitsaliitiiittttiiicstioi1r smokers Meanwhile the tigt tiiiiies iii the schooh discouragc smoking by si dciits Says Mac llydc print pal lastiey Sisondary School As school wc tiac tcspoiisitiiity ot discouraging smoking stltss the rights oi nonsmokers there is an outside area tor smokers who are ot legal agc at theschool IIIlllti At entral teachers aim at eltlncating students about the haard ot smoking says prin cipal iton Mossop lhis is ill cltidcd iii ticalth piograiiis in tcgiated with physical edtica tioii classes there are no smoking areas at Central btlt Mr Mossop says that docsn mean there are no smokers Its ditiiciilt problem to handle he said At Nortti Collegiate there are two designated areas tor siiiok mg according to Iiarl Bridges principal lhls is not to condone siiiok ing The area is tor students who have their parents consent tosmoke hcsaid Health education programs at North also provide sttidelits with iiitormation about the haards ot smoking tiesaid II IZ ltS ltlltllll Mrs Matide llall ot trove lark llomc celebrated hcr ltttth bir thda New ciirs ltay ltalph tolpills also resident celebrated his ltotti birthday itiristtiiasltay JUST MOVED What you need right now is helping hand He sure to get in touch with IIIl Vclcoiiie iiiiii hostess She can Iipr you get to Illtl your new coiii Itillllll is lllIIlII slhIe littfi 7261454 728633 RAY IiIIKTICNICA Kong radar operator son of Barrie couple liawii has been captured by Kong and is prisoner in his domain scouting party iroin thr lctrox IjXplUItl is making its way across the island to save tier The men are crossing unknown territory Willi no way oi knowing where thcgiant is to board the ship the radar operator watches his scanner tor signs ol the torbidding bleep that Will say Kong is moving tut the radar operator isnt really radar operator ties tay Billitem son oi Mr and Mrs Santo Buktcnica ol Mar shall Strcct Hay Zlit has done well since going to IIttII4JttI eight years ago Ill mother said His big break came when he got part in Hawaii so tee years back she said He it ill tic appearing in several upcoming television shows including lthoda Police Woman Hunter and the twopart special lhe Amazing Howard Hughes ltay was home to visit his parents at Christmas and at II 1IIttII1IIy got iiyei tIIt tt tiitss ttt irvi she as Itylttil liishop tii ll lw Iii itttti Latin ll liei1gtitli inozft liar i1 il tin ttttliil lit susptt Iliiiltti troni otlai mothers Im better la Iul ililtti iIltlli Siltitl IIDIIIs and rcalzcd iicycr wiintci to hate oiic inoye into my neiin Idvlliitiii Itcccntly man cornered inc andsaid iouthinkyouyegot piolilciiis How would you like to live ICIliss the stlcct Itolil ii Iocklop Iiitlx Ittil Ycali you know the guy who docs everything right His Laiagc is lined ltII pegboard with his tools alphabetied He empties the lawn iiioyycr bag cciy tllllc ht uses it stores his old antrtrcwc and ate yotl ready for this trains his yilc to clean paint brushes alter she PORK lOIN ROASTS RIB lOIN PORK CHOPS FRESH PORK SIDE SPARERIBS OZ SIZE BEEF MEAT PIES FRESH MINCED tciidrd King Kongs opening night at the ltoxy lheatre in same It was the lirst time he had seen the inoyic Mrs Buktenica said lhc fluktcnicas lind their sons chosen career laminating but his lather wishes tay would Iind slantthing that isnt quite so gruelling He never knows where he IS going to be Mr Buktcnica ex plained ltay came home tor ltiristmas with his girllriend Joyce lcitt an actress but had to go back earlier than ex pccted to do somelilming Bay could be universny tcachcr Mr Buktcnica said He has won scholarships and awards lroin several American universities and was master ol tinc arts candidate at CLA lhc Buktcnicas dont always know when ltay will be at pearing on program and are surprised to see him lhey also receive phone calls lrom old iriends who have seen Bay on television Ft WI BOMBECK Super Moms and Jock Pops iisishcin Yoiirclziddiiig As stand here before you its the truth dont un tersiand men like that We buy coitee jtlsi tor the cans to store old paint brushes And hes always got the right outfit for the right ioli logs in his war inup suit cuts grass in his layered look carries out the garbage tll his iackct with the patches on ttic elbows and gets the paper in coordinated pyiiii1irtilgte otittit th and Itlltti the lettersweater ioierrairis Its enough to sick said lhats not all he added Hes the type of guy who takes his son fishing and catches lish doesnt have to stand on the nnlk boy to hang the Christ nias rcc lights always parks his car in the garage on the night betore it shows and gets in his Lt seed just minutes iitittlt gentle rain lalls lei hold oi yourself said Milli oii dont understand he Itittltcti lion make you it 09 MN 29 FREEZER SPECIAL CUT WRAPPED PORK QUALIIVNIAPPERSONAI IZEQSIRVICG 42 MAPLESTREETlo

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