Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jan 1977, p. 4

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WEE Ellie Ifiarrie Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Wilson Advertising Manager Henshaw Managing Editor The Barrie Examiner Wednesday January 1977 fresh civic outlook and tough task ahead RossArcher may have pledged himsell into guiding this city as fulltime mayor In his inaugural address he said reponSibilities brought on by annex be councils main ation will challenge It will be There will be plenty of headaches and host of detailed work required when the city gets involved in exten ding services to annexed areas But Mayor Archer did not stop there He reaffirmed his election plat form rejeuvenation of the city core extension of Lakeshore Road to Mulcaster Street extension of waterfront parks industrial encouragement of development approaching the province over the widening of Bayfield Street This council will have an extreme ly busy two years if the mayor can convince council to implement even portion of his platform And on top of it all annexation We believe Barrie elected coun cil that will work well together to ty one implement programs and policies for the betterment of the communi The term is shaping up as tough It is doubttul previous councils have been called upon to deal with civic work of the magnitude the 197778 council will take on Dedication and cooperation will be the keys The reward will be terms of office upon which council and Barrie residents can look back and say They had tough task and it was well done We hope they can do it DOWN MEMORY LANE 25 YEARS AGO IN TOWN The Barrie Examiner 1952 Her Worship Mayor MarJorie Hamilton presided for inaugural meeting of town council Members are James Hart reeve Heber Aldermen Clarence Corbett Thomas Mc Utto Williams Frank Johnson Arthur Girdwood Norman Dougherty Her man Osborn Robert Bibby Eldon Greer Reg Ayres Earle Williams Ernest Burton is town clerk Walter Alexander Coutts veteran clerktreasurer of Vespra Township dies in Royal Vic toria Hospital after brief illness Thomas Evans and son Brock of Bradford named Queens Counsel Barrie Flyers began new Smith deputy Carroll Spring Gigg treasurer year with 32 loss to Kitchener in Junior hockey Rev Beech Jan Gordon issues hospital struction Gable preSides meeting 01 public school board RCAP promotes PO Jack Matthews to Flight Lieutenant inducted at Burton Avenue United Church Eugene Smith of Utopia is elected president of Simcoe County Federation 01 Agriculture Ernest Bell and Ross Saunders form new insurance adJustmg firm LllllOId Hetherington Barrie Com mander Salvation Army dies in loronto hospital Earl Richardson receives another acclamation as reeve of Vespra lownship John Mitchinson MaJ campaign chairman letter requesting that all building pledges be honored as soon as possmle so con Jack ll inaugural may begin tor Ulsters violent story can be read on the walls By El BLANCH BELFAST tAPl The story 01 Northern Irelands seven years ol bloody Violence can be read on the walls at Bellast Klll the Orange bastards reads war cry painted on wall in the Falls Road Ro man Catholic enclave that is one 01 the most Violence scar red battlegrounds in the City Kill laig murderers is commonly scrawled daubed and aerosolsprayetl on walls in Protestant areas laig is Belfast slang tor Roman Catholic In Northern Ireland colors have meanmgs orange tor the millionstrong Protestant maJority green tor the hall million Catholics The orange comes trom Wil Iiam ol rangeing William 11 ot BrllillnwWhOSO lorces as sured supremacy tor Protestant colonists by defeating Catholic army at the Battle 01 the Boyne in 1690 Jom the UVF exhorts an other slogan in the gaunt Shankill Protestant enclave lhe UVI is the outlawed Ulster Volunteer Force the militant arm ot Protestantism and one ot the secret underground ar mies lighting the outlawed and mainly Catholic Irish Republi can Army in Northern Irelands savage conllict Elie manic Examiner 16 Baylield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Motor Throw Off $3900 yearly Balance 01 Canada $3600 year yNational Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 8641710 640 Cathcart St Montreal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau ol Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Renter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tising and editorial material created by its employees and reproduced in this newspaper Copyright Registration Number 203815 register 61 In road into Protestant East Beltast across the murky Lagan River an anonymous militant wrote You are enter mg Protestant territory We rule by the gun The Protestant working class Shankill area is distingUishable lrom the neigh boring Catholic Falls area by the wording of the slogans and the names above the shops and bars In Protestant territory the names are Macdonald John son Scott Wilson and UdVltl sonwdescendants 01 Scottish and English colonists ship ped to Ireland centuries ago to settle the conquered Emerald Isle In Catholic streets theyre McMurty Brandy Sullivan Shaughncssy or OlooleAnglicned lamily names ot the Catholic Irish who lived under Protestant English domination lor hundreds 01 years Up the Provos Provo Rule OK and Brits tlut are deliantly smeared across the grey concrete walls ol Unity Plats tortresslike warren ol Catholic apartment blocks that is hotbed ol support tor the IRA Iriivisional Wing The British army has been lighting the IRA since 1071 two years alter sectarian warlare broke out in August 1009 The IRA is seeking to drive the Brit ish out of Northern lrleand and unite Protestantdominated Ul ster With the Irish republic which is 96 per cent Catholic RAISE OWN ARMIES When it became eVident that the army which at one time had 21000 troops in Northern Ireland could not smash the IRA militant Protestants raised their own cla ndestiiie ar mies the Ulster Volunteer Por ce the lilster Delence Association ililAJ and hall dozen other paramilitary organizations that have spawned secret gangs ot klllOIS Bcllasts graltiticovered walls bear testimony to the deep hatreds between some Protestant and Catholic tac tions The Jumble ol deliant bitter tearlul and sometimes paignant slogans are like Po kings wall newspapers by keeping sharp eye on the new editions seasoned observer can detect the mood ot Bellast Jesus Saves reads one hopelul message the bleak and grimy Shankill Below it someone With less laith in di vme intervention has scrawled WhatsKeepingllim Sectarianism Kills heralds series 01 neatly lettered slo gans painted by the IRAs Ulti cial wmg the movements MarXist laction that has unlike the ProVIsionals observed ceasetire With the British and the Protestants since the sum merot 1972 The ltiCials and the ProVi SltlnalSWHSUCKIOS and Provos in Catholic area par lance lrequently light lierce leuds lor political control ol dis tricts ol Bellast lhats Just one 01 the several vendettas between rival lac tions on both sides that com plicate the Northern Ireland conllict and make the streets even more dangerous The OlliCials seek to unite the Protestant and Catholic working classes into revolutionary movement that Will establish soCialist all lreland republic The Protestant terrorists have waged savage sectarian war against the Catholic guerrilla lactions AJNADAS STORY Barrie was once prayed for by By BOB BOWMAN Winnipeg was incorporated in 1873 and held its lirst eiVic elec tion Jan 1874 There were only 308 names on the voters list but 331 ballots were cast RE Cornish dcleatcd WI Luxton in the contest tor mayor but Luxton one ol the tounders ol the Free Prcsst did not con test the result Mayor Cornish then proved that he was sport In his ca paCIty as chiel magistrate he lined himsell $510r havmg been drunk and disorderly alter he had been announced as the Win ner Winnipeg had number 01 names belore it became eity It was lounded by the great ex plorer Pierre de la Verendrye who bunt Fort Rouge there in 1738 He also built Port La Home at Portage la Prairie in the same year The next important develop ment was the arrival ol the Set kirk settlers in 1812 Fort Garry was bum between 1817 and 1822 The area was usually called Port Garry until it became Win nipeg but it also had another name Mclermotsvule until it was expanded to include Port Douglas FROM PARLIAMENT HILL Rene Levesques honeymoon when will it be over By STEWART 1aclEOl Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Without being able to otter any prolound predictions ol the problems anada may lace in tlflT oiin hope that Rene Lo vesqucs honeymoon Wlll soon end so we can at least look at things in more practical light Since the Nov 15 Quebec election when Mr Levesques Parti Quebecbis stunned ttic country by lorming maJority government the new premier has been havmg whale ol time talking about independ ence Ile hashad thc stageall to himsell chatting merrily about how he wants to see the country restructured how his sovereign Quebec would prosper economically and how he will decide wticii rctercnduiii will be held so the people ol IIIS province can make decision littecting the whole country And it seems that all wc get QUEENS PARK sharp election will we have one By DON OlIEARN Queens Park Burcau Thomson News Service Itht Nlt What would one writer getting longintheetooth around here like to see in 1977 good many things natu rally Pirst ot all new intcnSive intelligent and pragmatic ap proach to our economic prob lem An allout ellort lirst ol all to lind out What the problem really is then some possible so lutions and then action And lets get on it With it now We wonti Ihen still With economics tor it IS our No CIISIS some awareness by the ppOSltltm ol the problem was gong to say new awareness but there is little it any now This perhaps is too much to ask ol the NDP It Simply doesnt have the bodies to tackle economic matters and it it were to approach them lraiikly would probably have to espouse measures which would be ollensive to its constituency But the Liberals do have at least some adherents both in and out 01 the house who should be able to give worth The reason tor the name Mc lermotsvdle was that num ber of homes were built near store owned by Andrew Mc Dermot When Winnipeg was corporated its motto was Commerce Prudence In dustry but it had reputation it being one 01 the most rowdy places in Canada There was YMCA con vention in 1876 and prayers were said tor Winnipeg and Barrie Ont which were said to be the two most evil places in Canada in whilc attention to the problem The trouble is ol course that economics doesnt have political sex appeal and so the politician wont pay attention to it unless they have to 1As the government has been obliged to to at least sonic degree LEAR ELECTION Then this year would like to see clean sharp election lought on clear lines An election in which party po sdions are well delincd And in which there are real III lerenccs between them Also an election in which hopclully we Wlll see strong Liberal party For unless it goes through some lllllilCUlOllS translorina lroin other political leaders is reaction In this whole honcyv moon period Mr Levesque Ill pears to be calling all the shots trequcntly leaving the lIIlpltSv sion that he alonc will dctcrr 111110 the destiny ol tanada supposc this IS iiicvitablc When new lacc or even re lurbishcd onc suddciily bursts on the scene with radical idcas there IS probably no way ol clin cclling honey moon And wlicn the overriding issuc is lll tion ttic Ill lll in terms ol the gcncral public interest he only scinipzirty and the Lib crals arc the only group which can conceivably oltcr IOlllt dcd ailtcriiat we to government And we need that alternative What clse llh many things let sec thc above And as we probably wont tlhough there is the chance the Liberals could hiiilo sonic strength to give us good elcc lIOIl let it be repeated once more lor liltcrcnt reasons what has been said in various ways over the past lcw days that we cant look lonvard to this year With too much optiiii lSlll but lirst READER FOR UM Oil tanker standards should be raised DearSir Alter the last oil spill oll Nan tucket Island it has certainly made us realize how low the standards are at boats registered in Liberia My teelings are that Canada and United States should reluse to accept any otl tankers lrom Liberia until standards are raised and that there should be WE WANT YOUR OPINION Letters submitted for publication must be original copies Signed by the writer Please include your street ad dress and phone number although they will not be published Letters which can not be authenticated by phone cannot be published For the sake of space public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit con dense or reject letter boundary ol more than 200 miles around anada that none at these decrepit lreightcrs should enter As well compulsory check 01 every 0il tanker should be carried out belorc leavmg Canada to ensure that the con dition ol the boat is such that it can salely transport this very deadly substance ll there appears any lIaW then very severe line should beleVied II this severe action hurts us it will hurt those companies Who wish to transport Oll by these treighters stncc the North American market is large one But it Will hurt only it we are sincere and stick to our guns urge any truly concerned person to write his or her Member at Parliament and Romeo LeBIaiic minister ol lisheries and eiiVironment Sincerely PATRICIA llEllt ll Midhurst ItJxiirlciicc suppose its natu ral that all other problems bi ignorid tor time Mr Levesque is no doubt do lighted with the opportunity to concentrate on the onc question Iivch whcii he met lll Rollmember national tOlIIltll lollowing the clcction victor lic iiiaiiiigcd to llllltl skip over other things IIic rctcrciidiiiii is tlic iciil bcgiiiiiiiig he told the cliccring supporters inust Win it and wc will in it Practically cvcry lay lllt Quebec picinicr has inadc sonic rciiiarlc about ttic rctcrcn diiiii when it might be held what it might say and what it might reveal Even in thiit brict period SIII cc tlic clcclioii wc lend to lorgct that the liiiti ucticcois was clcclcd largely on cco iioinic lSSlltS and lllill pliblic opinion polls lllllllll in over whclniing maJority ol Qiicbc ccis want to remain Ill ziiitidii ltllltlpS things will bc placed in better perspective as soon as the hoiicviiioon ends Mr Levesque IS going to have to deal with some horrendous economic problems some ol them due to the uncertainties his own government has created Unemployment is soaring iii ttic province capital is leaving and so arc SOltlt members ot minority groups Iivcii talliiig home prices do lll tlc to inspire cont idciicc MANY PROBLIINIS Ihcsc are all innJor problcins that Mr Levesque must liicc in the months ahead Prime Minister liudciiu tll tachcd some signilicancc to this in his Vtlllrtlltl television conversation think it would be mistake it we assumed that ontcdcralion and separatism are the only issues now and we spent all our energy in dealing With those The prime minister spccitically rclerred to inllatioii and imem ploymeiit In the process ol trying tc show that independence is ltic best possible thing tor Quebo ccrs be Mr chcsqucl also Will have to govern that prov ince and tackle unemployment and social disconten and iii llation and other lorins ol dis turbance so hes got his problems in Quebec too and he wont be able to tight oiin on the trout ol lcdcralism bcing it bad thing Mr Levcsqiics government is already becoming embrOich in maJor disputes Willi the city it Montical invoIVing municipal authority and Olym pic debts And Mayor Ican Dreapcau says What the gover nment is daing is absolutely wrong exticmcly dangerous and supremely iiiiJust And there Will be morcol MS dont Wish thc province any undue IllS but Will lic relieved when things tiill hack in placc so we can look lit the over all picture instead ol constantly squinting through tuiiiicl VISIOII at separatism And it might be interesting llSl lOI ii change to see Mr chcsqiic on lhc delcnsivc lroiii time to time XOUR BUSINESS Cold winter day for used car buy By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service lleres hint tor anyone shop pinglor used car It possible pick cold dry Winter day to make your linal choice The dealers supply is high in the Winter demand is low and any operating taults are likely to be more ODVIOUS me it the worst times to buy auscdcariswhileitis raining The rain makes even dull liniin look shiny and new and Wlll make an engine sound more powerlul because ol the injection ol water vapor during operation Those are two 01 many tips ollered Ilow To Buy Used Car by Ross Iney lMc Clelland and Stewart 122 pages $595 You might lind exactly What you are looking tor lrom private party advertising in the paper Mr Iney says Ordinarily you Will do better by shopping the usedcar lots ol the independents and the new cardealers lhe lirst thing to look at on usedcar lot isnt the carsits thedealer Ascertam Whether the lot has serVice department It not where ls its repair work done It there is serVice depart ment is it well stalled and equipped and is it open regu larly rinally the author adVIses make inquiries as to the dealers reputation locally lllllNlIS In dealing With usedcar sell ers Mr Iney warns prospeclt live buyers should beware ot situations such asthcse Some usedcar lots might try to hold you by some tech nique such as tying up your driver license or other docu ments or insrsting that you wait tor the manager Always keep yourscll in position to leave when you wish crtain sellers will promise anything Unless promise is In writing it worthless tlthcr lots may not allow you to have car inspected in dcpcndcntly or might even pre tcnd that test lrive is again THE WORLD TODAY Isolated nations Somalia is By JOHN IIARBRON Portigii lllrSl1ulySl lhoiiisoii News Service lll this world which conlident guru Marshall McLuhan calls global village there are some woclully isolated nations cut oll by their rugged geography or by the ideological demands which originally brought about thcir political independence Such nation is Somalia an awkwiirdlystiaixd physically and culturallydcsolate East Alrican state and also an ideological creation The Somali Democratic Re public embraces the loriiier Jmssessions ol British and Ital ltltl Soinaliland onetime colo nics which embraced the north ltltl south eastern strips on the tip ol the Alrican continent tac ing iiito both the lull ol Aden and the Indian cean Its large area ol 700000 square miles contains only 29 million people mainly nomadic and overwhelmineg Islamic though they are dark by nature bcing Atricans ol Ilamite OII giii lhcrc are many more 50 inalis in the neighboring Ethio plan province ol tlgaden pop ular reason to claim that region beloic Ethiopia hersclt ceased being tciidiil empire and be came socialist country not un Ft ll Ill lllt tot lt lhcii said he unto them Nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom And great carthquakcs shall he in divers places and families and pestilciices and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven Luke 211011 Who can read the paper and lg norc the Bible Gods Word is on target and the time could be short an you really relax knowing that you are not ready st the rules In such case take your business elsewhere The salesman naturally has the right to accompany you on test drive But he might want to conline the test to short spin around the block so that he wont be away long enough to miss the opportunity Ior some deals With other customers Mr Iney strongly recom mends that prospective purcha scars take drive that Will hon estly test the car Tell the sales man it he resists walk away Cumcar buyers have an ad vantage in that they can inspect the car they are planning to buy In the case 01 new car you might test demonstrator then have to accept dillerent not later on lll lsl DRIVE lhe route ol any test drive should include llly streets tor stop and go drivmg and las tor road tor some higher speeds As well Mr Iney adVises it ought to include both lelt and right turns uphill and down bumpy road and large empty area Where you can let the car move torward slowly With your hands oll the steering wheel IJont torgct to back up to parallel park the car Irive down an alley With walls or buildings on each Side lhat Will enable you to hear and to diagnose the sounds the car is making Have someone drive the car away trom you then back to ward you While you try to spot anything that doesnt look right While someone else is driving Sll in the back seat to check tor comlort and tor unusual conditions and nmses Park the car and leave the engine idling tor low minutes Then move it and look tor any lresh oil drops on the ground Also check under the hood for any tresh oil leaks or seepage Finally it the car passes these and the many other tests suggested by Mr Iney check its documentation carelully verilying the serial and engine number car that is stolen or that has lien against it can be re claimed by its legal owner With no recourse to you one like Somalia in its lettwing ori eiitation The capital ol this empty very hot and immensely dry na tion is the sleepy and isolated Italianate city it Mogadishu once colonial centre lor dicta tor Benito Mossolini East Al rican Italian Empire NE PlE OI EMPIRE The next largest city is Ber bera lormer capital ol British Sonialiland and an RAP air base in that now laded complex ol British air naval and mili tary bases on both SldPS ot the lull of Aden which long ago gave Imperial Britain control of the Red Sea All these imperial reminis cences Justin my earlier state ment that ideological con siderations the unitication ol the Somali people against colonialism made essential the loundation ot todays Somali state But new flag threadbare resources and plenty of nation alist politics do not modern or integrated nation make And Somalia is very tar indeed trom such prospect The present inaJor inlluence is 01 all things Rilssia Soviet naval supply base has extsted at Mogadishiu tor several years And Riissiiin advisers hidden trom the lew lestern visitors when they are in this tringe country work at every level 0t government in Somalia Somali President Mohammed Siad who came to power in yet another Atrican coup does not deny his countrys reliance on Soviet technical and dlltilllOIlill asSIstaiice Somali public ollicials admit they are trying to establish MillXlSlelle state but in digenous not RusSian or toreign in style The result Will probably be an Arabtype pro tllarxist party like those at Syria the emen and Egypt rather than sophisticated ltliircist movement iii depth Berrys World llllll You say you want to apply for ob With the Carter nuts dinnistra tionl Hey man too you

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