fines ALUMINUM GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Siding Eavestrough Soffit Windows Facia Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRoofing Porch Enclosures Stonework For free estimate Call PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business ALTERATIONS LADIES AND gentlemens alterations 26 Mary St Telephone 7373432 or residence 7288446 APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales and service 18 Alliance Blvd 7283392 APPLIANCE REPAï¬s MAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIRS Do service All work guarantee Leplies 7264381 ask lor Phil or night Instant AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese Cars Coronation Auto Serv 17 Mary St 7265441 REPAIRS CONVERSIONS Engine Rebuilds all small cars Import Domestic Safety checks labour $12 hour Owen Racing 416 Tiflin726l245 BIRD iiousi PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sale Apply at 92 Melrose Ave Barrio or telephone CARPENTRY AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations additions fireplaces gtgranteed 7371507 CARPENTERZMSEciaTiixTngviri it ArOonTs iii terior remodelling trim etc Please call 7288984 alter pm CEDAR DECKS rec rooms extensiionfls etc flllly experienced 7269002 7262609 CABINET MAKER European trained Kit chens vanities Pine lurniture renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 7262948 LICENCED CARPENTERS CCuétéin £69195 cottages renovations repairs Satisfaction guaranteed and Construction 7267461 CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations remodelling etc No tab to small 7261271 CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters for renovations additions homes cottages Free estimates 4354995 CARPENTER will do any small iob sbééiaiiz ing in remodelling and renovations Phone flJohnston anytime CARPET CLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning today Revitalize your carpets with AI carpet steam cleaning 7266321 CERAMICS WINTERICKS CERAMICS Floor and wall tiling and repairs 7266263 CHAIR CANING ANTIQUE CHAIR CANING Over 35 years ex perianï¬telephone Jgjomers 43622997 CHILD CARE WEEKEND SERVICES 24 hour supervision meals entertainment Loving care Reasonable rates 4246731 COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST Logo design art work layout etc Plese call collect 416 9362631 CUSTOM FENCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood lences Improve your property 7371507 DRESSES FIT il made by JOSIE AQUINO SPECIALIZING IN taping and textured spray iilings Call Tony 7281 102 ETANB 7o MASONRY fireplaces Phone 7285673 SEASONABLE MAPLE Ash Elm approx 24 Phone 7283775 or7373653 HARDWOOD FLOOR refinishing l9l1F1°P°Ll 37593 ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT Daily Business Directory Need help Just look Over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assureyou of the tiob possible DISC JOCKEY THOMSON TURNTABLES Music for all occa sions all ages Immediate bookings available 4241048 DRESSMAKING Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 76Worsley 7266000 DRYWALL EAVESTROUGHING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING Eavestroughing installed CallA72B6628 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists Roofing and roofing repairs Free estimates Call 4241956 New Lowell ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Residential Industrial Installations and ser vice 7264996 SIMCOE ELECTRIC Industrial Commercial Residential Farms Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 7288234 EXCAVATING ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage septic systems trenching loader work gravel 4361558 4361257 BULLDOZING small and large iobs EfEEsén and Sons RR Minesing WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Bockhoe Excav Trenching Horizontal Augering 7289833 rIRLPLACts FIREPLACES Specializing in natural stone antique brick Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed PETER HENSTRA 7372871 TF STONEWORK and fireplaces specialty Vic Watson for free estimates 7281599 FIREPLACE ACCESSORIES CANDLE AND COPPER HOUSE GUTHRIE ONT 4873442 J2 Specializing In have lireplace this winter FIREINOOD ong Single cord S30 00 Deliver anywhere FLOOR REPINISIIINO Installation and old and new guaranteeded not HANDYMAN FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 between 10 om and 530 pm SIMCOE ECONOMY blowing and patting Free estimates Muir 728I267 plied Tree removal Custom spraying tilizer 72B 9369 MASONRY block and brick Iireplaces HERE HANDYMAN HOME AND COTTAGE Maintenance Pain ting Plumbing Root and Chimney repairs 4364105 CARPENTERPAINTER You or itTrve dryi Call 7263407 HOUSE CLEANUPS Painting carpentry general maintenance etc etc 4875389 HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec rooms Call Russ 4363681 alter 630 pm References available gr NEED MORE living space rec room extra bedroom play room laundry office storage space Also painting wallpapering Murray Ball 728B906 mviï¬w 7d CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement planning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number for all your needs 7288906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck painting chim neys waterproofing brick and stone caulk ing windows and expansion iointsWark guaranteed 589346 LEARN ABouT YOUR LOSS Most older homes lose 50 to 60 of your heat Stop Heating Ontario INSULATE with low lost Cellulose Fibrelnsullation Returns your money within two years LOCAL AND MODERN INSULATION 7266392 J4 INCOME TAX INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bar rie area 55 up Dobson 4245910 alter 53nd weekends CENTRAL DATA PROCESSING Complete Accounting And Bookkeeping Services OYeor end Financial State 0T4s Olncome Tax returns For an appointment at your convenience PHONE 4364952 INSULATION Insulation fibreglass Srott LANDSCAPING PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING deSIgns zup Fer Herbicide 487 3401 InsectICIde MASONRY No Iob too small Reasonable rates 7373357 MICROWAVE OVENS DELL MICROWAVE Services Amana Sales Service to all ovens 7264177 anytime MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN Music for people who like to dance Good rates 728 9545 MUSIC INSTRUCTION GUITAR LESSONS Clasi icol and popular Marcel Potvin Guitar Stud 726 148 ACCORDION guitar piano organ beginner and advanced months trial instrument Authorized Microwave loaned tor home practice Canadian Academy at Music 121 Boyfield 7281799 OFFICE SERVICES 737 2859 PAINTING PAINTING paper hangin experienced tree estimates Jack Richar son 7262012 7568874 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating tarior exterior Work guaranteed Establish ed30years WAYNE F0 Proles anal pointers Ex terior and Interior Free estimates Work guaranteed 7267389 DON SIESLING Professional rimming in terior exterior paper hanging custom work 5°ullt191999r9n199d77942108 HlLlSDALE DECORATING Interior ex terior wallpapering custom textured walls and ceilings Telephone 705 8355387lpcal PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sizes Phone 72B327L ARTIFRAM Custom pictuTe Eframing Wide selections Factory price fast service Sotisfaftion guaranteedr7288633 PLASTERING WICKLUM PLASTERING STUCCO DECORATIVE REPAIRS SPECIAL RATES FOR JANUARY FEBRUARY 3222478 PHELPSTON PLUMBING NEW WORK and repairs drain and sewer cleaning complete kitchen and bathroom renovations ceramic tile Bilotla 4504233 RENTALS TIFFANY PARTY RENTAL Everything For Entertaining Tables chairs dishes glasses etc We Deliver Reserve Now 7371388 248 Tilfin St Barrie RIDING INSTRUCTION RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie live minutes Windy Haugh Farm 7260192 ROOFING AND ROOFING New and old Repairs Free estimates 3221897 altei SEWING MACHINES SEW TECH C0 SpeCIalIsts repairs all makes Industrial domestic sewing machines New used Agents Brother Sew ing Machines 7371621 737 1185 SNOW BLOWING WE SPECIALIZE In snow blowtng driveways For lrec estimate Call John 737 0966 or Don SNOWPLOWING PAULS SNOWPLOWING commercial reasonablr mates call Paul 737 3064 WRIGHTS SNOWPLOWING Small rrlinInII residential and rates flec esti Ctal and restituiilal RIPOSAIIUbll ioius Daprrndablri 726 7757 SIMPSON Pislifrmtinl rind 1111110Irtnl snowplowmg Call 728 2386 In 726 7801 KENS SNOWPLOWING RIslltrintial Commercial S15 00 hour 436 269561iei DAN SNOWPLOWING Rristrlr ritual and small commorrial Dopuiirlinlilo Reason able Barrie and Angus Call 726 9179 JOE SNOWPLOWING Continental Ras dentiol Reasonable rates Phoni 726 7355 Barriii Minestng AntenMiIIs STUCCO RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Elflllll sturii Interior textured walls and Illlllqs Frii estimates Dale Russell Mtrlltinhl Iriltt 728 4392 14151115 THE TAILOR SHOP Fred Grant St Chamber of Commerce Building Custriin tailorirtq and alteations TELEVISION LEASINGW si 00 727 7191 unyim COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING and typing ser vices altered at reasonable rates Pick up and deliver 4246731 Battles only House of Ludwig LOOSH your new color from S3 75 per wetk rit Boiiiri IV Dunlap St 728 4297 ARTICLES tORsALE AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE ARTICLES FOR SALE INDOOR SHOWROOM lull Sized pools LEADINC SWIMMING Pool Wholesaler on display Come In today or call 726 4606 must dispbsc 01 1976 all ilIirnIrtum pools 1971 OLDS Cutlass for sale immaculate 1971 PLYMOUTH Four door six for tree 32 page booklnt OI Inground anti stock SarrIIIcn price lor dIsperatniy cylinder rebuilt motor new transmis 600V QFOUVI DOOIS Ploneor PO0Is needed factory warctiouso sparr Brand condition recently resprayed and re upholstered Certilied $1995 or near 01 ter Reason tor sale company car Telephone 7372830 1973 CAFRI V6 speed deluxe interior winter radials certitied $2200 Alter pm Telephone 728 6525 1970 CHEV Biscayne door sedan tor sale in good condition $500 or best otter Telephone 7267255 alter pm I975 MONTE CARLO V8 automatic 46000 miles top notch condition whitewall radials elec rear window delrost vinyl top 53500 Phone 728 9454 1972 DATSUN 510 Standard rebunt engine with only 1000 miles MicheIIn radials snow tires new brakes $850 Rewired Certified Phone 7262514 ï¬n TOYOTA Landcruiser with siibw plow Bestojler Telephoner726r9615 I967 CHEV Biscayne V8 automatic door lair condition good running order Phone 4245570 alter pm $325 Also Toy Poodle lemale $85 1973 FORD LTD Brougham excellent condition unaercoated new radial tires AMFM air conditioning low mileage Phone7288299 1970 FORD Maverick cyl good runn lng condition needs body work Best OI ter Phone 7286769 alter pm I971 PINTO northern car hardly any rust All in good condition Must sell Certitied $900 or best otter Telephone 45894866nytime gt 1975 CHEVELLE automatic door vinyl roal radials as is Could be cer tilted Asking $2000 1969 Austin Mini 1000 asissloo 7373915 I970 MAVERICK cylinder low mileage Body excellent Certilied and ready to 90 $650 Phone 7288630 1969 THUNDERBIRD 2door Landau coupe radial tires including snows reupholstered new paint tinted glass AMFM stereo air conditioning lull power $1900 Phone726 4623 I973 VOLKSWAGEN Beetle good runn ing condition Best otter Phone 726 6231 daytimeor 726 7440anytlrne LEAVING COUNTRY Must sell 75 Hornet Sportabout Low mileage excel lent condition Asking $3500 Phone 728 8927 1973 DODGE Polara custom door vinyl top automatic power steerIng power brakes High mileage but clean Ccrtilied $1000 Call 424 0742 alter 30 pm 1967 CORTINA 40000 miles new body Iob Starts well block heater radio good tires winter and summer 3700 car tilled or $600 as is 456 3132 T967 DODGE Dart GT vs automatic radio in good condition $400 as is Phone 7261972 atter5 pm 1970 PONTIAC Satori Deluxe station wagon V8 radio brand new tires conditiort 5995 Phone 726 0618 attnr I967 OLDS Toronado lor sale power brakes power steering air conditioning At mechanically 5700 Certitied Telephone 7281096 1971 VEGA Hatchback standard bucket seats $1095 Certified New paint new rnJllIer new brakes Telephone 435 6322 days alter pm 4225949 1969 PLYMOUTH Fury convertible power steering power brakes CB Radio with trunk mount antenna $300 Tet phone 7282410pelore430 pm I966 CHEV 55 street or strip s2soo In vested Will sell as Is tor $800 or best at ter Telephone 737 1091 or 726 8617 sion Good condition body perlect uncertilied Best otter Telephonr 7291199 1972 CHRYSLER New Yorker Brougham all power includtng aircon ditionIng and cruiser control 52300 Telephone 737 1091 or 726 8617 CARS WANTED TOP PRICE tor top Cars Toke Motors Ltd 1197Bradlordsit BerrIe7288111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers7268711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks lor wrecking and parts top prices paid free pickup Telephone 726 8487 SHAKELS WRECKING and Towing scrap metal cars boughtover scales 320 ton 436 3677 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices paid tree immediate pick up anytime 4362900 tor wrecking Fast pickup 435 6322 After pm 424 5949 TRUCKS AND TRAILERS 1973 FORD Econoline van V8 automatic excellent condition $2000 or best oller Call 726 9824 or 737 3251 1973 FORD 34 ton GVW 9000 lbs over sized rad blade tan batterIes radio gas tanks approximately 30000 original miles Wlll consider srlling with large Camper Excellent condItIon Telephone alter 530 pm 726 7173 19672000 International 250 cummIng diesel tandem with air litt Can rertily $3500 or best alter Telephone 436 2665 alter rn 1975 34 TON tow truck tor 5510 power brakes power steering air corIdi tioning heavy duty suspension ton winch Certilierl $6500 Telephone 728 1096 SNOWMOBILES 1973 Skiwhiz One model 400 WT twin cylinder and one model 300 Single cylinder Asking $500 eachior best Otter 726 0389 1972 YAMAHA GP292 With cover Corn ptetely rebuilt top to bottom 3600 best alter or traao lor trail bikn Call 726 9893 alter pm 1973 NT Silver Bullet Ski doo excellent condition $550 Phone 436 4795 alter pm TWO 1976 YAMAHA 440s like new trailer optional Best otter Telephone 7371071itlter830pm CABOOSE seats two With windshield in new condition $135 Purchased at 5190 Telephone 728 1040 ARTICLES FOR SALE FIREWOOD BIRCH HARDWOOD MIXED FREE DELIVERY Also SNOW PLOWING FREE ESTIMATES 7264813 7287375 MWFMy1 Baymart Plaza FIREPLACE HARDWOOD srasoneri top quality IEICF cord 16 S35 12 $30 or custom cut Free delivery 726 4725 HAMMOND ORGAN and Leslie speak er like new TotalSli25 Phone 720 6100 MINK COAT and locket Also Muskrat coat IIkn new12l6 728 3004 FIREWOOD for sale split mixed hard wood 322 2390 lace cord LOCBI dellvcry 7287587 PIANO Upright Bogg beautilul rosewood linish with inlaid llownr UCSIgn approx 60 yrars old Needs tun ing and mInar repairs $310 487 6245 anytime end tables new used tabla and6 chairs orange drapes white shears 288 95 Good condition Best alters 726 9809 COLE BROS CalS and trucks wanted FIREpLACE HARDWOQDSI Cheaper 9375 by the lull cord tree delivery Also logs and posts 728 1637 or 728 4739 FRIDGE AND stovo call at 102 John St Barrie altrlr pm 1416 2214840 CHESTERFIELD SUITE 723 0662 card Phone 728 6459 ARTICLES tOR SALE 16 inch cord dolivnrcd Phonp FIREWOOD 12 Inch $30 161nc11335 Telhptione Phone COCKTAIL table matching hrixngan telephoan white 30 Stave excellent condition $60 Small lrIdge suitable tor bar S20 Phone 726 7964 or SWIMMING POOL Sacritice Leading Canadian manulacturer and distributor has aluminum pools Ielt over lrom 1976 season price Guarantriorl installation and terms Call collect days or evonIngs Colonial Kroehlnr gold green with rollue term and lamps Excellent conditlon Cost $800 Asking $375 Telephonr 726 3959 etter4pm ELECTRIC ORGAN I975 iulbransvn Paragon In mint condItion TPIDplIOnL FIREWOOD birch 16 long 530 tact new SWImrnIng pools Inrludi liltcr wrllk round rlrrr trnCI r1l warranty Size 15 27 ll $1355 rash or terms Call Parr collect days or rivoninqs 1416 481 8802 AUTOMATIC WAttll With spin rlryr3r very good canrlItiun $75 or tinst oltrr Phone 424 1469 altvr or on weekend Also rrlb pirnir tnhlr and shell unit CLEVELAND 6051romtionI year olrt S225 Phonon 2420 years old Law 80 vibrator Tltllntr mos old chocoliitri brown All in 4x CllCnTCOnGITIOn 737 3487 nr 728 8384 mid double berl klfhtn tnbln chairs dressrir Wllll mIrror chair exorcise machine and loungrv lnr patio 726 0270 7371389 alter WASHER AND DRYER tor stiln work ing condition Asking $65 tor the pnir Telephone 726 2785 delivered In wtmtrver lIngth you prnlrr Lalonrle Elmvalo 322 1317 HEAT HK stIreo model 16 28 $175 lthI MIN 728 3878 dining chairs $20 alterSpm SKATES Ladies SIZI ll mnns nirr Sam eloplirlnI and humirtitinr toleptiono 737 2559 GARDEN SUPPLIES plants our specialty Bray Centre 26 Frrrndiilr Dr 726 2951 PRESS ARTICLES FORSALE ATTENTION COTTAGE OWNERSFARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS LINE GRAINAIRIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH USED ALUMINUM PLATES 23 35 009 THICK 30° EACH AT THE BARBIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler Inboard motor Telephone 4354245 aerL4230 pm CASH FOR old lurniture books dishes Old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 Items 7281234 TV Tower Good cdnleiOnfreasonably priced Phone 7264636 lish FLEE IWODOLR IV 20 tcrern LADIES PRO goll clubs 0an bag sInqln 137 3610 rian antiqur ham SINGLE BED Inclurltnq box spring and mattress rixr Olllnl condition Irlrrphonn FIREWOOD FOR SALE Cut split 1an Reasonable pricrs Telephone Herman Prorrgpdg tor Mmor Hockey and gene amp and tuner 66 watts $150 Dual tnpv dIck IP01 to reel CHAIRS srt 0t old wood lrtln kttihiin chairs $80 odd kitchen 11811 $40 728 I913 10 boys and girl 511 11 Baby lriun TROPICAL PLANIS All viTrIntIIs Big Gtirrlen ARTICLES FOR SALE HELP WANTED HELP WANTED BOATS AND MOTORS AI condition Asking 2500 ARTt CT ETS WANTE LS DOGS AND PETS EDGEHILL AQUARIA Aquariums plants all accessories Lowest priceL43 Ardagh Rd 7260094 Etrï¬znie PODOLE SalonShampooIrTg and clipping of all breeds Sophia To work on heavy equipment Diesel experience help ful Apply MECHANIC CLASS LICENCED siflt Tom Partridge Dulterin Concrete Products 207 Tilfin Street Barrie Ont 7268054 5FLL£7 POODLE TRIMMING protessional grooming all breeds pickup and de livery 7268790 Pet Studio MAYS POODLE PARLOR PTotesT sional clipping and grooming reas wardwebs 1919999097399991 SIBERIAN HUSKIE pups Champion sired Registered with papers 5150 Cell L3Z°° WANTED Blue or black Great Dane stud registered pet stock to service blue temple Telephone 83526121991 CAMPING EQUIPMENT WOODS camping trailer 1967 in ex cellent condition woods tent 9x12 sleeping bags Colman stove coolers water container only used weeks and some other accessories Best otter 7269809 FARMERS MARKET FARM MAEEDERY BROWN AND BELL Farm Dairy Equipment DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Complete Line of Del Farm Equipment and Supplies Barrie Holly Hwy 27 7260338 or 7286766 MWFTF WATERLOO Irnctor with cylinder wIsconSIit air ooled engine With snow blade Good tor small parking lot $725 Telephone 458 9201 evenings726 4053 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SPECIAL CLEARANCE ol Used and New trailers Several makes Also lease and rentals 7261551 HARNESS REPAIRS hockey equip ment repairs saddles and trick Honder sons Saddlery 222C Yonge 51 Pains WIc 737 2982 HORSES BOARDED Box stalls hot mash tWIcu Gully minutes lrom Bar rie$65 monthly 737 2447 LIVESTOCK WANTED HORSES BOARDED Largo box stalls 12x12 running water In stalls Horses ox ETCISLO every day Shanty Bay area Phone Gard Simpson 728 3775 POULTRY AND CHICKS READY to my pullrts Also Iarm lrrsh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Stroud4361811 FEED SEED AND GRAIN WANTED Shrlled cornWewillpick up or deliver to our elevator MaryVIIla Farms Hawkrislune 487 2775 1500 SALES llrst and second CUI allrtlla hay Telephone 726 8224 HORSE HAY tor 90 rentt prr halc Also mare yiars old 14 hands rlnrk bay must be sold $350 or bust otter Even ings 322 2060 or 429 3183 1400 BALES 0t straw 800 baits at 2nd cut straight Altdlta hay Well saved Phone 728 8299 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES APPLES Apply K0010 and Son Con ccssion Ora 726 I907 726 8489 Closed Sundays Yourcontmncrs POIl IOES lur sale No ISODaqu 75 lb bag Charles ll5mtrt pttonv 718 4956 IABLE PO TOE trir Shirt and Nllltd liIit Apply iii 10pm P01 lot ttOlLl IIIrIIIty also sornv and Iltl IntiitriIr Will rlIIIVIr 778 767 or 778 I78 KInltrtirrr Iptm ertsonisf MON ECA CARD READING Counselling Psychic Parties Call 7288868 Mon thru Fri MWFJ10 SLEIGH RIDES Evenings Weekends $25 an hour miles west of Barrie Leon Morris 7286078 MWFF25 IELECARE Whyliahtyour problem itloni Let Irionrt help Call ltllCilrl 716 7927ilnytimri ALCOHOLILS ANONYMOUS 778 6581 you drink ttiatr your husmnss It you ernl toquit tttttnurt Call any time UNWANIED HAIR removed satrly permitnrntly mrrrtirjnlly tpprovIrl Ly dirt HrInrhuk CrrtitiIa Elertroloatst 737 2671 PERMANENT tingIrnails donr length Tolrplionr 726 4621 BOWLER WAN Couples singles Iciims liirlirii TTIIII Start now Call Kompwow Bowl 728 976i HORSE lliIWlI sirion rides WIekend and evenings Duncan Murdock RR Barrie 726 4756 PvInings INIERNAIIONAL Investigation Srr vire CIVII rriminitl UtVOfCt sur veillanrir DIrrrIt and onlirtrntlnl 737 297 PAIS DIAL DATE We might br tIIt brist present you lVtr qavr youriell any MATURE UDE nIcrls ride rlmly to Orillia lenvmg Barrir approx 150 to return approx Ptionn 737 3070 or 726 4883 DRUM LESSONS nvailablrn Iflflfltlf Lloyd Gabriel IIIIptIonr 737 11610 ROY1L Canadian LIQIOD Branch 147 Draw llll100 Ductmbcr 23 Ist prize Microwave oven Mrs Hogbun N0 469 2ndpri10 Digital Clock Radio Wilson No 1690 3rd prize Cassette Tape recorder Donna Montague No 1887 volent unds INSTRUCTION ENGLISH RIDING instruction Well sr hoolort horses Indoor arena minutos trorn Barrie 726 IILLP WANTED LICENSED MECHANIC or 4th year apprentice for very busy AMC dealership Top wages and good working con ditions Apply MARSH ARCHER MOTORS 167 Bradford St 726I711 AVON SELL BEAUTIFUL PRODUCTS youll lind you never looked so good No experience necessary Call 7289652 or write AVON PO Box 485 BARRIE Ontario J31 ACCOUNTANT 2nd or 3rd year RIA or CGA student rc qurrnd to assume responsibility tar ac cauntinglunctionslncludlnopreparation and analysis at linancint statements and supervision ol part time stall membersApplicant must be sell starter and well motivated as position Is now Excellent opportunity lor advancement with this medium sized company Loco tion In Stroud Ontario Reply In writing to Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Ltd Box 101 RR No Stroud Ontario ALL REPLIESCONFIDENTIAL Mature individuals for parttime dispatching Medical experience definite asset Training Program AMBULANCE DISPATCHERS J7 parttime $450 per hour Phone 7373861 weekdays between9 om and II om J8 OPPORTUNITY starting January 1977 Automotive Sales Consultants NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Experience not necessary Must be eager aggressive Top benefits Demonstrator supplied Excellent working conditions Barries Oldest Automotive Dealer Apply for appointment ROBERT OR ORVAL JACKSON 7260288 JACKSON SALES LEASING and Expertéhcéd sales Agents Required by the growing Family Trust Organization in our Barrie office Call Bill McCreary for confidential interview 7262611 the homefollg ITth car about people 47 COLLIER ST CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS BARRIE 7262611 LOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Salespersons Experienced Preferred Improve your career in well established firm with knowledgable and experienced staff OHighest commissions and incentives 0Guidance and instruction in all phases of real estate OMortgage and Appraisal departments OARconditioned offices Call WILLSON or BOB MARCH for appointment All inquiries strictly confidential DSIJS WILLSII REAL ESTATE LIMITED 119 IIUNIOP 31 Ho 1918 IORUNH 364 66 ll AllPAISIrirANDIIHANCHM ltilri until 91 TF HELPWANTED HELP WANTED Urgenfly Requued WE LL KNOWN Company has snvornl tull time and part time posrtions oprnrrt tor ambitious nrrsons With car Cttoosr your own hours and earn an nbovu aver €100 wago telephone 416 895 6532 SARAH COVENTRY opnns tht door to an XIllng opportunity In the world 01 fashion Earn extra money and set your own hours No investment no CIIVIry Experienced FELLULLUUanllrmalfflfl333111 TRADE SCHOOLS Person TW ï¬n Pazoemppositor FREE SAMPLE LESSON Cusl°d° HIGH SCHOOL Englneer Grades 913 Finish at home in Class your spare time All books sup plied Low monthly payments MalnTenance Write for Free Booklet Including phone number to United In stitute PO Box 152 Station Toronto Ontario MSN 224 TE EMPLOYMENT WANTED ICE NSED MECHANIC Will repair cars in spnro time Anything IOIISIdOIld Telephonv 737 0947 evenings RELIABLE BABYSIT IER Wlll Machinist Special For further in formation on these and other types of employment contact look the Canada Man willliscgï¬hisatngirmg power Centre 136 °5P Ba field Street Rebel starts lllll Illlilllil Attttlxiï¬nil tlilt MIIIII It IEIIVlt Min to own business EDMONTON UP James Miller believes hes at ilyS been somewhat 01 rebel Ill be the tirsl to take on anybody or anything that dont agree with said the 22 onIrold Edmuntuniztn who has been physically handicapped It lininiiimttiin II II IIIIIIIIIAIH II WELL KNOWN company requires am bitious lull or part time help In Barrie or surrounding area Car necessary Earn above average wages Telephone 1416 095 6532 $200 to $300 per month extra Income Family business has part timoopening tar an ambitious coupleindividual Phone 726 9100 lor interVIew BABYSITI ER REQUIRED immediate earl morningr only and holidays llill timev Prince 0T Wales School area years Wllh mUPUlldl Relerences required Telephone 726 5009 dystrophy atter430pnt PART TIME work In 301111511109 and repairing lurnituro Call 73731711 be tween and pm TELEPHONE SOLICITOR Work lrom your home 11 qualiï¬ed and Pxperienced $400 per hour plus bonus or commission basis yout choice Sales ex pcricnce an asset Write care at late phone Solicitor Box 887 The Barrie Examiner Ills beliel In himsoll has not tailed now that he tacos the dil lIcullIos 01 starting hlS own ad vertismg and public relations company Ive always llkl writing 11 said Recently he completed course In advertismg and pub lic relations at Grant Mzicldwun Community College 21 Death Notices Engagements Birt Coming Events RICHARDSON Drake and Elizabeth nee Pope are happy to announce the birth at their son Jonathon Drake Peter 1976 at the Royal Proud grandparents are Mr and Mrs Jack Richardson Barrie and Mr and Mrs Howard Pope Barrie GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounce the birth at your child in The Bar rle Examiner Clippings ol the notice are available tor Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your lriends and relatives in those lar away places Place an announcement alter birth Call The DAVISWe wish to thank friends and neighbors lrom Minesing Station tor their kind expression 01 sympathy ex tended to us in the loss ol dear wile and mother Bernice David Special thanks to all those friends and relatives who by their support and thoughtlulness have helped the lamily through the last Iew months The Barrie Examiner Wednesday January5 1977 19 AN IOUNCEMEN SPECIAL NoTiCEs CASH RATES No maximum 40 words additional words cents per word Card of Thanks 25 words $500 Additional words cents per word In Memoriam no verse $500 Verse per count line extra 21 cents per line $3 22 per column inch BIRTHS COMING EVENTS Barrie Horticultural Society THURSDAY JAN pm Codrington St School Slides of 1976 Photographic Competition Speaker Mr Tenute D31 J5 Annual Meeting lbs 015 on Thursday December 23 Victoria Hospital Barrie Examiner CIassitied72824t4 of the DEATHS 0m Agricultural Socier ARNOLD 81 Funeral Home Chapel 0m Township Hall 127 BAYFIELD ST 011 7282530 Monday January I7 1977 Friendly Courteous Service Bp MWFTF J5 CARDS OF THANKS YT CWT if BINGO Over $700 in Prizes Knights of Columbus Every Thursday Night EMBASSY HALL Early Bird starts 730 pm Regular 800 pm 7Cards $150 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE Everyone Welcome 7ZB24I4 Classified advertisements and notices lar these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the ex NOTCE To CREDTORS ception ol Classified Display ad AND OTHERS verttsements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $500 IN THE MATTER OF the ESTATE OF ADOLF CHRISTIAN BOTTER late of the City of Barrie in the Additionalwords9cts per word county of Slmcoe DISLrc CARD or THANKS 25 words 55 00 Manager deceased additionalwords9cts per word persons having claims IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse 55 00 With verse per aunt line 21 cents per line against the Estate of ADOLF CHRISTIAN BOTTER late of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe District Manager who died on or about the 23rd day of November 1976 are hereby notified to send particulars of some to the undersigned on or before the 261h day of January 1977 after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the un dersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie this 22nd day of December 1976 Margaret Ann Ayres Executors of the Estate of Adolf Christian Boitc bytheir Solicitors BOYS SEAGRAM ROINE AND TAYLOR 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario COMING EVENTS S3 22 per rolumn inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Dis count Rates apply if paid within days One or two insertions per word in semen Threnronsecutive insertionsBOnd onc hall rents per word insertion total 3612 Six DVTSEUHD Insertions 8c per word per insertion total 311 52 Multiple Insertlons may be ordered sublect to can ellathn when results ob taIIIcd Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each irntial ab etc satisfactory breviation set of numbers count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are auepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department requires ad advetttsers to kin dIy re check their Im mediater alter Iiist Insertion In order that advertisement any error or omission may be reported below In in order that some may be rectirori for the following day publication The Barrie Examiner is responsible for only 0114 incorrectly printed Insertion of any ad vortIsentrtTt and then only to the eytent ol portion at ad that involves the mtsprint Errors which do not lessen the value of the nthTIISClneflf are not eligible tar correc lions by make goods The Barrie Examiner feVlSe OT 029J5 TcSKIvOS the right to classify gt telortany wantads WONWH NOTICE TOCREDITORS ANDOTHERS lN THE MATTER or the ES or GERTRUDE ALBER CARRUTHERS late of the City Barrie in the County of Sin cre Widow deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of GERTIUTE ALBERTA CARRUTHERS late the City of Barrie in the Couny of Simcoe Widow who died on or about the 61h day of Novem ber 1976 are hereby notified to send particulars of some to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of January 1977 after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the Claims of which the un dersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie this 22nd day of December 1976 Lawrence McQuay Joyce Lillian Lindsay and Mary Winnifred Kaufman Executors of the Estate of Gertrude Alberta Carruthers by their Solicitors BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE AND TAYLOR 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario DAY IS BEST MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to ad vertise in The Barrie Examiner Classified Section WWII2414 NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous D29J5I2 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage oIledged to arise through either failure or delay rowfeorgirdiggmsseuch replies PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC N0TICE NOTICE TO INNISFIL RESIDENTS Persons who are interested in being member of one of the following boards or committees or who wish to recommend the name of any other person to one of these positions are requested to submit their name in writing to the undersigned by 12 noon January I4 1977 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT INNISFIL PLANNING BOARD RECREATION COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT INNISFIL TOWNSHIP LIBRARY BOARD Information as to the duties responsibilities etc of any of the above positions may be obtained from the undersigned at the Township Office Stroud Orttaiio 4363710 GROH ClerkAdniiitistrator J5