Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jan 1977, p. 3

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ltltMlzlt BARR mayor Les ooke places the chain of otlice around new Mayor Ross rchers neck at Mon days inaugural meeting ot the 1le 78 city council Mr ookc mayor tltlllt 10o through 1007 and 1970 through 1072 and supporter ol Mr Archer during his campaign to unseat tormcr mayor llorian Parker said he enjoyed the opportunity to hang soiiiclliilig on politi cian lllxammcr lliotot Consultants bill questioned at 0ros inaugural meeting BthlllNBleflC Examiner Staff Reporter ro lownship couticil Mon day ordered Marshall Maikiln Motiaghan Ltd the lorolito consulting firm preparing lic Council to study estatelot plan goll course developer who is building the riltia toll and Country Club on looacre Site in the northern part 01 ro township Monday asked township councn to approve the creation ot eight estate reSidential lots on his land Joe Kinney told council he wants to bund estate homes on the lots which would sell tor between $100000 and $1500tltl He said the bank which is financing the golt course would not approve lurther loans unless he builds the homes They are concerned about repayment he said The goll course site is bound ed on the north by Horseshoe Valley Road and on the west by 11th line ol ro rive ol the estatesresidential lots would be located in the northwest corner of the property The remaining three are planned tor the southeast corner ot the site Access to the live lots in the northwest corner would be pro vided by loop road wtnch Mr Kinney would construct The other lots are planned along the road which provides access to theclub house The houses would lace the goll course and would be servic edby wells and septictanks Only SIX ol the homes would actually go up tor sale Mr Kili ney said because he plans to keep one tor himscll and another tor the chili superintert dent lhc goll course which he described as the titst coursi north ol loronto is 00 per cent completed and Mr htlttltj hopes to start play by nth hily oun laul kitchen slid lie was concerned that Mr nnntcj might have trouble selling titt house because ol their lllll cost coitld seli thcni toliior row Mr Kinney replied at ding that prolesstotial guiltrs George Knudsoii and tail ding have expressed an lllltll in the course and the lll homes Deputyrecvc Allan Mclcvn said he lavors ltslttttil la development in that part ot the township but he did not llkl tlic prohibitive cost ot Mr hllditj proposal Ali were doing is making said ltcevc Howard ampbcll said Mr Kintieys proposed cstaic residential lots do not ill thi dclinition contained in lllt townships ollicial plan because there are no tree on anon the eight lots ouncil decided to reserve decision oil the proposal until the councillors could cyaninc the site and get more back ground on the overall develop ment townships case against Mar ric annexation application to stop work utitll council stiazgtzttns out billing pio blcmwittltlictirm tonncil agreed to pay the latest bill lol Slflilt truth the turn but exprt sxtl di1miy that Thc total work oil the ownshlp case since Scptiinbcrlsillootil lien the llntario Municipal cost til Milli ttMl hearing on liar tw annexation application began tlic city announced it would rot present evidence in support ot its demands tor land in ltt township vino laiil lxitt llllt wa upset that the cost is more than dou tlt the origina estimate ot too the township got trom thi rm last ycar but terrible he said don agree with this being 100 per ccnt over their csliliiate llcputy rccvc Allan McLean agreed saying think it is about timi they got their wings llppld llc adv iscd council not to pay the latest bill alid to advise the tiriii not to do any lurther work until the company itemlns the work it has doncso tar touncil dicidcd to pay the bill however alter clclk llcllry culctd explained ttiat the hill covered work done by the coil sultants in Novcmlwr lhc llcccllitier bill is yet to conic headded think we are pretty well stuck with It said toiin tlarcnciSnntb ltccyl llowartlt ainpbcll said he too was unhappy with the col ol ltldllllltt the consulting titin 11c wanted to know it there was any way council could tlily that the work listed 11 the bill had actually been done gt tollli kitchen wondered it the township iotilil snvt money by Joining 1tll other townships and hiring olic platinllil lirtti to work torall ol them the ItMl hearing iiito liar ries annexation application resumes next Monday otiimentmg on the status ot the hearing ltetvc ainpbill said hey have got so many educated lawyers that they vc got it all messed up and they have to meet again Jan to decide whether or not to throw in the sponge and start all tivcr again De Vilbiss votes today on union membership iiion workers at lciltiss it anadai lltd Wlll dccidctoday it they want the hinted ltlcc tricat llltllL alid Machine Aorkers ol Ainciica It lit to continue as their bargaining agent the tlntario liabor ltclatioiis ioard will conduct dccer tilication vote at the plant tol lhe Barrie Minor Hockey Assocmtion held banquet Monday at the Georgian Tol iege catcteria in honor ol the Diurgardens Midgets hockey team lrom Sweden which met the BMllAs Hill NC Joops in an exhibition BMHA HONORS game Sunday at the Harrie Arena Ioops won 73 the Swedish players were presented With allets and keycliains troin the lliillli and plate trim the tity ol Harrie Bengtnot Wibcrg lelt extends the visitors congratulations to Doug Shcddcn ol the Toops whom they honored as the outstanr ding perlormcr ol the game Sticddcn had three goals Looking on is llill Duncan ol the lMll Iluxamincr lho lot the 100 litiioii membershemecn 230 and ilittt lhc vote was re quested by 31 employees For the 112 to remain as bargaining agent it must ob tain per cent pltis one apr ploval lrom thecmployccs The union was ccrtilicd as bargaining agent lor the employees in the summer ol 1073 btit union and manage tiiciil negotiators have yet to reach contract settlement iZliotir ban on publicity wcnt ilito cllcct Illttll nlglll preventing either side troiii colniilenting on today vote LOCAL AND GENERAL lNllElt ll SWIMMING LESSONS lhere are still openings iii many ol the swniimlng lessons ollered at the Barrie lor children under eight year ol ago Classes are ollercd Mondays and Fridays mornings alter noons and evenings and on Saturday mornings iourses Will begin Monday For more inlormalioncall720ti421 ltlolmSltillfiN Barrie ll say over $500 in goods were taken troin an Angus cleaners Sunday in ad dition to$tLlM 11 cash Investigating olliccr Ton stable liin Smith said today police are continuing to In vestigalc the breakiii glass door was smashed llLL lNVIflSIItlAlINU The recent breakin 01 10an cl gas station on Highway 90 is still utider investigation bv police according to Hariic 11 Constable Gordon 01 on rlillZRMEN ROSS Ste phens lclt Ernie ltotman Janice Laking Ed lhomp Annexation draws Harrics annexation light with limislil and Vespra townships drew comment lrom several sources at Harrie couir cil inatigiiral meeting Monday as township reeves and other olllcials brought greetings to new Mayor ltoss Archer lnnislil ttccvc lill iltllllllS said he tiadiit plaliiicd to men tioii that dirty word ol annexa lion but sccmg that you lMayor Archer in his lll augural addressi iiicntiolicd it lirst he said lliiiislit has never stood in the way ol Bar ric expansion and he hoped current dillcrcnces can be worked out Vespra ltecve Alan Johnston colivulscd the audience With the story it couple who hadnt spoken lor three years but still managed to have baby because as the Wile said it isnt as bad as all that At least we are still speak mg he told Mayor Archer drawmg another roar lroni the crowd Its wellknown tact that over the past two or three years the relationship between our two municipalities has do terlorated ltccvc Johnston said hopcthat in the coming year this can be resolved Harrie is seeking 1145th acres lrom lniiistil and Hill liom espra at an Ontario Municipal Board hearing now in recess The annexation application also includes 21m acres lroin tlro lownship but the city has announced it no longer wants thcland SlLITI li AM It AIHA tiro ltecvc Howard ampbcll told Mayor Archer he hopes son and Bill Knowles display varying emotions as they take the declaration ol ollice iltlllli llltilllIS urgcs negotiation Barrie and ttro can cooperate to share their respective ad vantages atid settle their dit lcrcnccsamicably liormer mayor Hob llentlcy greeting Mayor Archer oil behall ol all lornier mayors present told the new mayor the city had ycar ulitit tan 11978 named by thll hearing ctiairinan Alex Arrcl as thi protuiblc annexation dalc to convince city residents that negotiated or arbitratcd tllllt allon settlement will be ill their best intcrcsts MIS Htlltly Illstl lltllttt ttlill Mayor Archer will have duty to support council decisions even when he disagrees with them and tllcd on other coun cil incliibcrs todothcsamc King Kong winner at Roxy Theatre here lxmg lxong is real winner Withtheltoxylliealrchcrc Kong is currently roaring around the world but whether the lltrloot ape can take bite out ot Jaws rcliiailis to be seen In 131 theatres worldwide the lnovn has grossed more than $20 million in to days or less said lordon Armstrong spokesman tor Italian prixtuccr Dino Laurent is Jaws ttic top moncy making tiliii ol all time took in $103 million But whether he breaks laws record lxing lxong is drawing good crowds at the Roxy lheatre Hill Lalondc theatre manager said the movie starth oll big slowed down over thrislmas aiid is picking lipagain 11 is in its third week at the theatre which is uninual tor movie iii Harrie Mr lialonde said lhc mayority ol the audience is in the till year old age group hc said and in general they are not trightelicd by the 111l1 Hltll the theatre is ltill ol children and one starts yelling they all do he explained they USt liavclun Mr lialonde said people to day are more lrlghtencd by movies based on the occult llic Exorcist and arric were lrightcning movies he said Effective parenting topic of Alcona course lJllcctive parcntilig is the aim ol one ol livc 10week courses ollercd lor adults by the Simcoe oiinty Hoard ol Education The board is holding the courses in Alcoiia Beach through the Alcona Tommunity lrograliiininglroupandlood lcllow School The courses start next week and continue until the cod ol March Registration 1S tonight and lhiirsday train 30 to St 30 pm at ioodlellow Public School Shelagh lllciikarii mother ol two and graduate 01 an 11 structois lullectlve larelitiiig Course is the instructor lor ctv lectivc parenting It runs every Tuesday 730 to 930 pm at loodlcllow School The course deals wtth skills that might bc ticlplul in raising children All programs are two hours week 7210 to 030 and HIV cltidc tlowcr arranging Wednesdays at Alcona ommuiiity litrc rug hooking lhuisdays at Alcona om iiiunityenlrc Macraliic aiid crochet Tuesdays at loodlcllow School ttour weeks ol Macrame aiid six 01 crochet and St John Ambulance standard lirst aid course certllicatloii course Mon days at lomllcllow School Brian Wiles is the ordiiiiitor There must be registered belorc it start 15 adlills the course City roads generally clear despite snowfall during night lcople made it to work this morning on generally clear roads despite the two to three inches ol snow that tell Monday night accomlnig to local police and transportation ollicials Neil Fox Barrie Public Works Department Sllplllttl1 deal said roads were generally clear alter saltiiig was done on all major routes Salters were sent out at am he said and department ollicials were wat chmg road coiidit ions today Both local and provmcial police reported quiet nights and no accidents this morning despite the siiowlall ntario Ministron llilllSpOP tatioii ollicials said all major highways iii the area are barc With some wet and slushy sec tions alter saltcrs and sanders went out Monday night at Mondays inaugural coun cil meeting Ald Knowles is newcomer to council aiid The Barrie Examiner Tuesday unitary 41977 Ald Stephens is returning alter tworyear absence while the other ltircc served on the previous council llux aminer lhotoi comments from reeves at inauguration Illltillilil incntionctl it first Sililtot olinty iardctl ttr villc Hughes ho ends his term this month urged iiigotlitioti to scttlc tlic llllltfxitditl dispute and noted with ainiisiinlnt the lricndly sttltlltltllt expressed on the slltlltlt at Monday meeting Maybi we can scflc ill tlls while llil still warden he said lllllltlt the delta tltf tttllcs was Lien by 1tol lttltl tttt ltw laiil tlltt ol lttntiii xcntic mind hintt Mr toriox rcinzruled the tttlitll lt law oi tlli1lll illiiyiii iiitt llltllltict Itit ttttll ltttittli tltltilll laws that ttll tlli klllL cannot lttlhlx xi 11 nipnni ty lttlt no lowiiship oililcil held its inaugural meeting Mon day Seated arc ltcevc HUB BlJVl LlLi has car lLssa township ltccvc harlcs lridhain and ol lloupc deputy commander ol taliadlati Forces Base tiltitll also brought greetings as did Simcoc critic Mll Art livaiis Mr Hughes brought greetings troni Simcoe North Ml Hi ltynard who could not attend illliltS 1lt YICH latlicr tohn ti Hricn ol St Mary attlolict llutch ollcrcd prayer student mayors ol the week helly hcogh and Jim rouliu spoke briclly and tormcr mayor lies tooke plat ed the tlillll o1 ollice on Mayor rclicr illialn Malcolmson the city insurance agent presented gavel to the mayor RO COUNCIL MEETS FOR Howard ampbclL tell and deputy rccve Al Mcliean ln back lrom lelt are coun tlttier lormcr mayors present were Grant Mayor ltd1740i Marjorie Hamilton ilfl3l52t James Hart finish and lildon lrcer 116531h Living lormtr mayors miss mg were letcr Sinclair illHTrttw llcbcr Smith l1954t tillard Kililic iltlBTrtilt who sent letter ol congratulations to council and llorian larkcr lttTIl Tot who could not attend due to health reasons Mrs larkcr aiid Mr KltlZH were dclcatcd by Mayor Archer in last month municipal elec tioii laknig the oath o1 ottice ad ministered by city clerk lien Stranglian were new aldcrnlen lred lintmiwr tattl ll Bill Knowles yart and iord Mills and lton liyncn yatd along with Stephens Ward returning altei two year abscticc and holdovers Alex Arthur clson Jarrett tVlard Dci tolc lid ltiomp son Maid in Janice Lakmg Ernie ltotinan Mard ill and lilltalnpbcll Merit Sworn as public utilities Commissioners were holdover lzrnic Alexander an illyear veteran ol the commission al Bracket an alderman during the past term and Mayor Ar itltl NEWS QLIZ lAltl Mint 3c 3b 47 Asia lrica North America South America intarctica Europe and ustralta it lAltl ll 1d Je la lb HHSS 5t PART 21113 43 Wt lltll Htin li lorottitt IRST TIME cillors larencc Smith Paul Kitchen and hartes Sander son llIXullllllll thotot Mayor salary not raised says former Mayor Parker INDRIAN PARKER Ittilltltl Barrie Mayor Dorian Parker has taken issue with Mayor ltoss Archers state tlltltt published in Mondays lllxamincr that council raised her honorarium by $1000 last year while treemg those ol aldermcii In telephone call Moliday to The luxaminci Mrs larker noted that the proposal to raise her honorarium lrom $10000 to $11000 year was dclcatcd at her own request Mayor larkcr tell the mayors chair last ltcbrnary to speak against general govern ment committee recommcnda lioti to give tier ram llic rccolnnicndatioii was dclcatcd by 70 vote with botti Mrs larkcr and Mayor Archer then an alderman votinginopposition llic aldcrliiatiic honor ariums were lroen Mrs Parker said Monday and didnt ttiiiik it was proper that accept $10tli Mayor Archer said last week in yearrcnd interview bctore taking ollicc that elected ol ticials honorariiims should be increased He said hc supported last years lreexc tul does not ttiitik it should continue Aldermen make $3400 plus $400 car allowance plus an ex tra $200 tor colimiittec vice ctiairiiicn and an extra Stttttt tor chanmen llic liiayor gets car at lowalicc ol $13300 $1500 as police commissioner 730 as liiblic ttilitics ciniiiiiissioiioi and about $450 tor planning board meetings in addition to the$10il0il honorarium

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