Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Dec 1976, p. 3

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BARRIE FLY CITY NE WS The Barrie Examiner Thursday December 30 I976 lthtllNG THE NEW KILLARNICY BICAFH SHl Al LIIIIROY Bumpy year for school board ih Slilfli lctitlllli ivJoiner Stall iiter in the opening wccks ol lanuary It was obvious 1970 was Iiot gomg to he good year tor the SIIIIcoe ounty Hoard ol liduca tion In the second week ol January the tureau ot Municipal Research releascd study say Ing what many rural politicians have heeii say tilg since limo The county setup Is too big and It undermines the sense 01 local responsibility tor the kind ol educational services pro vided therepori concluded The study which had been coIIducItIl III tlro lownship recommended the board be broken down Into six smaller boards returning some ot the local autonomy lost in ttie takeover The report went oct ltkt lead hallooii with school board at lieiats and Yiltllttltillllltttl rrank lrotliero called press conr lerence to rctutc the survey and obitct to the publicity given It doubt the credibility ol tiic whole thing Mr lrothero said ou can get negative report on anything up to and in eluding Inothcrnomt The chairman said he tttlltttl the researchers came across negative people rzzht at thr stait and those people continually reterred thc rest1 her to other negative people Tu lllli Btlittlil By February trustees had turned their thoughts toward ttie budget and lound It even less inviting Provincial government cutbacks hit the board and the tax payers ol Simcoe oiinty hard hoveriiinent lunds tor tlIecouiI tys monumental HHllNilttlitliltill system were greatly reduced Uriginal estenatcs had the taxpayer lacing 40 per cent lll crease he linal outcome was Shit million budget and 25 percent Increase III taxes lhat didnt sit well with municipal politicians around the county lhey aretheones who have locollect the taXes Alliston lownt ouncil passed resolution asking tor ttie right to revtew the board budget belore it was set ouiity council inSisted the board keep its Increase toeight per ceiil lhe resolutions weren totally Ignored Municipal olticials were Invited to Ioeet with the board alter the budget had already been set in March trustee Stewart Fisher ot lnIIIslil qUestioncd Ald Jim lerris ability to run tor iiiayorand remain teacher at the same time Several times through the year Mr Fisher asked about contlicts Involvmg teachers holding municipal ollices Slltltill1lts April was tiappy month with the ott Icial opening ot two new schools Assikinack In Barrie and Killarney Beach in letroy and the otticial opening ot the addition to Forest Hill In Midhurst At the same time ttie Simcoc tounty chapter ot ttie Ontario Public School Men leacheis Federation announced Willrid Laurier lfniversity had decided to award Jack Hamsay tillttr tor ot education an honorary degree The degree was conterred during special tlltt1llltll held at Barrie eiitral olligiate Nov In June when the schools closed the boards elementary and secondary school teachers still had Iiot signed contracts The elementary school teachers reached an agreement iii lii ly and the secondary teachers signed their contract In September iy September thoughts were already being turned toward the lCCIIOH When sctiool opened that month trustee Bruce Iininiing ol lhornton took issue over some ot the textbooks being Iised III Simcoe ouIIty high schools The hoard stuck to its policy ot havmg the teachers use their discretion when selecting books always keeping in mind ttie dillerences in student lilesllyes In October the hoard continued to look Iiilo developing better and more standardized courses ot study tor the county Areas looked into through the year Included oral French tamily tile or sex education and course development tor mathematics In November education minister lhomas Wells also entered the course ot study teani saying courses in the liiture will he more specuic and Intermediate students would have Inore mandatory subjects During the latter Inoiittis ol the year plans tor the lourtti Har rie high school progressed well The hoard is now looking tor namelortheschool Decembers municipal elections resulted in little change in ttie hoards members The majority ot trustees were acclainr ed and in Barrie where there was an election the eitisting trustees were returned However the year closed With major issue in the otling Hi lingual students at lenetangtiisliene secondary school issued long list ol requested changes at the school to make It more br lingual lhe hoard decided to get together With its Frenchlanguage adyisory committee alter three committee reports indicated the two units were not seeing eyetoeye lhe meet ing has been planned tor anuary can 3x saw 55 35st CZECTHS ROAR OUT THEIR SLUMP TO EASILY CONTAIN Good year for chamber except for carnival By RICHARD DLNSTAN Examiner Staff Writer lhcres good news and had news tor the Greater Barrie hamber 01 Commerce as 1976 ends according to president lid Harper The good news he says is that the chamber is making considerable headway in its drive to rejuvenate downtown Barrie The bad news is that the organization is about 813000 in debt mainly troni past winter carnivals As businessman Just dont like owing that kind ot nioney says Mr Harper tire dealer vestill got as our number one target to eliminate that debt This years carnival held in liebruary was on the way to cleaning up some ot the ex isting red Ink when rain cut heavily Iiilo its Sunday gate receipts wiping out expected prolits and digging the hole deeper the MT carnival chaired by lid lschirliait Is being set Iip so as not to depend on the gate In tact therewon bca gate Admission will be tree and draw tickets concessions and support lroni businesses will be counted on to draw prolit oIIt ol the event which is moving back downtown alter two years at Molsons lark The downtown renovItioII drive has been happier story altogether Mr Hiltptlmlys tl ltltllllTlt the chamber civic attaiis committee chaired by Mar shall ircen spent the year pressing Ity llall tor an ot licial plan amendment which would designate the core area as the heart ot the city and pave the way lor its reIIiena tion as the city inain coiniiicr cial retail cultural and recreational area The imendment was approv ed by city council but not belore public meeting to discuss the stihiect had packed IIDHAltllClt target the council chamber to the ratters almost entirely with prodowntowiiresidents the turnout we had at city hall certainly shows that were on the right track says li llarpcr who adds that he is territically optimistic about thedowntownarea no longer view It as Inal ter ot ll It will be done he says ol the ptopoutl rotttvena lion think It homer ol Hl ll li tvt Iii l1lltii and tliItznal torn It Ill takc llc say he regards downtown deterioration as critical issue tor the whole city and plans to make sure the new council does not let the Iiiatterdic WASllI lllIItS tbci mayor accomplish niciIts during the year Mr Harper said Include the work ol the chamber legislative at taiis coIIiiiiittee under llowdcnschaiIIiIaiIshIp The committee has nixrated program taste tatchers to uncover specilic examples ol Guilty of four thefts Harrie man pleaded guilty to tour chargesot tlIett Wednes day III Harrie provincial crI minal court lronounced guilty on all tour charges by Judge Don lnch he WI be back in court laii lJ tor sentencing Michael Joseph liavoie 22 was accused ol taking the unemployment insurance ch que ol Dunlop Street luast New date to The provmcial court criminal trial ol Barrie man accused ol attempted rape and buggery and Indecent assault ground to halt Wednesday belore it got started Judge Don lncti put the trial over to new late when it was revealed Thomas John Lewis 22 had tired his lawyer the day belore Wednesdays trial LOCAL AND GENERAL FIRE INVIISIIGAIICI Barrie Deputy Fire fhiet Len Mills is investigating Burton Avenue basement lire today alter llames caused minor damage Wednesday evening Firetighters cleaned up damage alter being alled iii to the small tire at 1055 pm Wednesday in which beer case and sweater were burned The tire was put out by residents Deputy hiet Mills said tirelighters could not lind the cause at the DIHH at ttiescene IAllilt Film bus shelter at the corner ot took and Grove Streets became the object it Harrie lire lighters investigation Wednes day night alter small paper tire was reported Firetigliters arrived at the scene alter the 1118 pm call to put out the Names Deputy Chiel Len Mills said no damage was done to the shelter woman mailbox He also laces charges ol tak iiiga wallet lrom laines larker during an altercation at the Wellington Hotel taking another wallet witli $50 in cash troni lriend and taking on tac tablets worth $12 troni lambtyns all on Aug Judge lIIch asked tor pre sentence report be set Lewis Is to appear III plOVllt cial court next luesday tor newtrial datctobcset July 23 troni tier lie was arrested Nov til alter an incident at coin laundry at Simcoe and Maple streets lte tias been In custody since Oro residential tax burden leter waste and inetlICIency at all levels ot government and has spearheaded chamber presen tations to Ottawa and Queens Park lhe provmcial government Mr Harper says has proved responsive to chamber con cerns but the lederal govern ment has been less 50 One result at this was the chambers decision to drop its endorse ment ot wage and price controls in their present torm and Bar rie arguments played major part in bringing about Similar decision by the Canadian thamber ot Commerce Mr Harper also smgled out Bill Mctultoughs public rela tions committee and its per sonality ot the month pro gram and Art Hogers educa tion coIIiIiIittec which has been Iiiceting with Hastview Secon dary School taculty members to discuss the schools busniess program and help prepare students tor the employment market think were going to be hearing Inore and more trom that committee Mr Harper says ot the education group The committees work is impori tant he says because theres quite gap between the product coming out ol the schools and whats being exiwctmt ot them IiIhusIness Anothcr success story was the annual summer Kcntpeu lt which showed prolit under Monte tarnes chair inanship Iilikc his predecessors Mr Harper can look ahead to the new year with seven months tell in the presidents chair the chamber tias moved Its an nual meeting and installation ol otticers lrom January to August and Mr Harper as Iii cuIiIbeiIt president will have an XllillOllg term as result this will give him second shot at the annual convention ot the Ontario hamber ot om merce he says and he would like to give Harrie stronger voice at that meeting to be held in May in loronto He also plans to have the chamber play an active role in the provmcial elect ion expected this year Iiot by endorsing candidate or party but by sponsoring an allcandidates meeting and making sure chamber members and the general public understand the Issues Also on the agenda is membership drive to bring in those businsses which do not yet belong to the chamber llAlllCLGOl THREE Walton insurance minor midgets throttled Kingston 7l to stay alive at the annual Burl ington Golden Horseshoe tour nament earlier this week Steve Thappel had three goals tor Barrie Dave Stephens Dave Miller Keven Guest and Dale Pickard added the other Barrie goals ERS Finesse in skating and pass ing led Prague Selects to convincing 83 win over Bar rie Flyers Wednesday much to the chagrin of one Barrie tan LEFT who did little tongueincheek at Petr Brdicka in the second period Petr was selected as the outstanding player of the game tor the Selects He had one goal as the Czechos lovakian team won its third straight game on its North American Tour Ftyers Bill Burlington 18 TOP PHO TO finds his way blocked by Selects Jan Hrbat 14 and Frantisek Cernik Selects strengthened by several players 01 the Czechoslo vakian team which par ticipated in the Canada Cup series outskated Flyers belore crowd ol 1972 The game was Chippy with Fly ers detenceman Doug Fer guson t4 BELOW making things uncomlortable for Prague forward Karel Horacek Examiner photos by Roll Kraiker few more days yet for Christmas trees Barrie resutents have lew more days to enjoy their Christmas trees The citys public works department Will start collecting the old trees Monday an 10 spokesman tor the depart ment said reSIdcnts should leave the trees at the end ot their property or on the street boulevards tor pickup The trees should not intertere Witti tratlic or snowplowmg Munic1pal garbage collection Will not take place Friday as ei ty work torces have the day oh Garbage usually collected Will Two fires in Innistil tiretighters tought tire Wednesday morning that gutted car on Alcmi Road in the Big Bay Pomt area Fire olticiats said cause ot the tire has not been dis covered Flames were lound in Side the car early in the morn be picked up on the next regular day City hall is also closing Fri day but the switchboard will be manned tor emergency calls during the New Year weekend lransu buses will operate all day Friday at regular tares for passengers until 745 pm when the tranSIt starts tree opera tions until315am The tree transu service is sponsored by Canadian General Electric Stock Brothers Bus Lines and Barrie Welding Buses are not operating Saturday in the city Innisfil ing and liretighters were call edtothesceneat7245am Smoke billowed near Pains Wick the same morning prompi ting calls and concern on the part ot some residents The fire was discovered in tarmers held tire permitted by the tire ollice may be offset by industry ro Iownship residents laced an llghlrmlll tax increase In 1976 but the residential tax burden may be otlset by iii dustrial assessment now that ro has OMB approval tor Its industrial park at luthrie The industrial park and Bar ries proposed annexation at 2100 acres ol lro land occupied centre stage this year Wallace Key retiring town ship reeve said he is In tavor ol the industrial park leel it Will be good tor the township he said lteeve Key said he lid not understand why township residents were opposed to the park proposal dont know whether they didnt understand it he said Some may have tliouglil there would be lot ot lactories inov iiigin Mr Key said Barries annex ation proposal was premature He agrees With the recommen dations ol the Simch teorgiaii lask Force report Wliicti urged extensive consultation between Barrie and the neighboring townships on the citys growth didnt leel they should an nex land lrom Uro lirst the reeve said Barrie has dropped its pro posal to annex land lrom Oro although the application to take some township lands technical ly stands An Ontario Municipal Board hearing into annexation 0t lands lrom ro Vespra and In nislil township Will reconvene next week and is expected to be adjourned until later in the year SERVICES lownstiip councu was lorced to raise l976 taxes to continue to provide adequate services tor ro residents Key said We Just couldnt operate on the tax rate we had so we had to raise them He lurthcr Justitied the iii crease saying ttie township had to pay tor an arena addition and council wanted to build up reserve monies because we overspeiit last year We didnt spend that much more tiesaid but inllationary pressures reduced the purchas ing power ol every tax dollar Municipal taxes should con tinue to rise in the next two years Mr Key said as intla tionary pressures and the great demand tor municipal services continue dont see how they can help but rise unless people are prepared to accept tewer ser Vices Another problem area bet ween the township and Barrie in 1976 was the proposed Barrie airport PLANNERS SAY NO The airport planned tor lots 22 23 and 24 on the lourth con cessmn was rejected last week by the township planning board We had lot at questions we wanted answers to the reeve said We wanted to be able to say that this is what the noise level Will be and this the amount of land the airport will take up The planning board asked the airport committee comprised mostly ol Barrie reSIdents to get the answers to those ques tions belore the township would reconsider the proyect BeSIdential development in Oro was slow in 1976 Reeve Key said council should not approve any new residential developments un tilthcreisaneedlorit He said the township received subdivisioii proposals this year but did not act on them because council already had two sub divismn proposals and some seasonal homes to consider Until there IS demand for housmg in ttie township Mr Key said council should not permit development lne reeve said the over riding concern ot council iS keeping lro township rural It we want to keep it rural he said we cant allow lot of subdivisions Iii the township He suggested developers should erect homes in Barrie where municipal sewer and water services are available

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