12 The Barrie Examiner Thursday December 30 1976 Resolve to use FastA cling Classified Ads In 1977 by dialing 7282414 RERl ESTATE PROPERTY FOR REM ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE RENTAlS AUTOMOTIVE ARTIClES FOR SA ARTICLES FOR ERS EMORY MAPLEAVE Wm HREElZSiZlfm °° Al lENTlONI bungalow Living roomolning room kltch II tt Near Barrie Plaza 5250 iretgnghlyevgilI Emmgmfltsflmfluglm PARTS AC so CO IAGE OWNERSFARMERS REA ran Complete Realtor Service nines BEDROICIgllullyIbLoadjoomed HIE Ontario No pets one V8 OntIa Big Red CastrolSTP Oil LIMITED REALTOR Agent for Pinevlew Estates of Midhurst SIKAJCIM2TZgr7bï¬sï¬l AC champion BOSCh plugs REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDNGS MINISTRY OF DUNLOPWEST BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 36479 NATURAL RESOUR AG JOHN core 7238017 rater GUBBELs 1232425 iIIiie Initiaefltmifnfxiaziilii °Cgf° LINE GRAINAIRIES 3le 0R BUILDINGS WITH EXElQSIVE ENTS FOR SBRAINPT HOME SIT TOM CAIRNS 7280653 rr g39tlc°c Essa IISI°9° va Dot Boner IsIeoled Tenders will be recieved Ross Miller 7260563 Ron Sprou the undersigned Io su Al Rose 7288116 Mike Lysabild 7266054 50 One x9 MORTGAGES ROOMS TO BAY TIRE and IIIIIIIII III IIIIIIeIIgIIIegm Harvey Weber 4363815 CecI Cook 7288036 °° 5°°° Firstand Second FURNISHED ROOMs Central park AUTO ELECTRIC metal buildingWork to include RonJones 7268977 Ron Thorne 7288714 For results without confusion MORTGAGES ARRANGED lln°enS333iELVligiiiy7°m$3°2$g 152 JOHN ST °° °f °°95 Percy Ford 7287930 LesILovegrove Aid12 59 with Reasonable Rates gagggsziIalIgélaunary tacllltles Tele 728o737 POHIOI Electrical Windows and Gerald ONeill 7267733 Ne son Garrett 66 Existing doors lumbin Tend ll TIT gI II II 95 Ross Burwell 4589248 Helen Burns 7262386 May9909 asyrleï¬nclglrzlliwvggh jggggow My close January 12 1977 Rob Knapp 7267294 Jerry McNabb 7261881 REALTOR purchasd town good district 25 weekly ln For futthe intormation coma Ken Miller 4873365 Bernie Blum 4875540 For cosh £2337lgxï¬gjflï¬tgéobï¬5 IIEEII Groves Superintendent Hannah Pentland 7288028 Clarence Canning 72616 FORcfXï¬tlyégTITgyTION Mortgage munm suppHedI Wm kitchen acnmes M3 rec Midhurst Forest Tree Nursery Avauablo 9991 EUV9° 716 Snowmo 85 Midhurst Ontario Telephone DOWNTOWNI hd dt hd ITThsTF rooms newly blIrrdalzloeontagd Rdubglhtgd 7057286599 PROIPEI Riggs IAI1I5I ENTERPRISES liltiiliftlialiéitlléirsn PIwne Marine ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 Dc DOWNTOWN Commercial Location 12 BAYFIELD ST BRIGHT NEWLY decorated iurnlshed 73 Yonge St South II Ideal retail or ottice setting 10 per cent room to rent in downtown location iinancing available Bob Urry Shared kitchen Taurus Real Estate Ltd arre viau RIeaiIEIIstate 72617I710r7285311 Oftlce Hours am pm 737 3000 II $33500 TWO BEDROOM AluminUm by appointment 10 ACCOUNTANT DlFlE TPH REAL ESIIIAIE DI IsnatélUIIaIeunginIEImonI garage fgmcï¬ze MertBtbekr Ontario Mortgage ROOM AIND BOARDI J3 SALES SERVICI 2nd or IIIIII Year RIA or CGA sIudenI IEI 758 2412 groun Urry iau Real ro ers ssociation ROOM AND BOARDavaname In ladyts quired to assume responsibility tor ac Estale7261I771orI728I581I 1975 ART IC Cat Panther complete wit ti ti tlon BUILDING L01$12000100 181with TF gllxï¬ezesérgleoseotrobjgsushgdicmt shgg electric start speedometer and bac $2er ggsmcagciglg Eiffeflimsl cossmod udvenisamen and hound eepticapermltTLocatectBirIt butet vglage ingWrite Box 18 Barrie Examiner 95 BS1°°RI°9°Z28930L and SUPWXISIP RZFIYIVITIQISI those pages must be received by pm or arrie erms rr 98 mm mm 7284067 TcmlmiionliilI 987 Wï¬esï¬tm 7701287580 APARTMENTS TO RENT COMMERCIAL roii 23333383Si£i£353r°éi32i 7284297 mmwzrsmflvacae alas ext ï¬llizrnemglngclismn 333s 33 it OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDA QEEAOROILIQIKfEIyIpeggquItIOJIgézagrigkl SA on at 7263959 II HI WWII ELECTROHOME wEfIEIIIeI noggï¬Irnursiizyd grogmvazyfelggg vortzements which inustI be in by pm my moo Vic Done Via Real EsaeI KANEFF I970 SKIDOO IpII 75 so one 1976 Yeorend clearance tlon in Stroud Ontario Reply in writing two 015 PIIOHO PubllmtlonI EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 7267423 or 726 1771 APARTMENT HOMES midgel 90 30 PM liilcéii NO 22363 thgriLomeLmL MfltlilrzeEsNgï¬zantjgllsces 7284081 III III FOR LOTS FOR II Berries Finest 934 spews ghï¬mbite to sale wmflwm 40wards$500 440 in new condition Electric start in cIv BUILDING LOT InnisIII Iownsriip IMPERIAL TOWERS Modern office with 1100 It cludescover Telephone 4362688atter Asking $12000 Make an ctter Viau 7269580 7264991 pm Viau ReaiEstate72617710r726I1603 on main floor overlooking Kem Additional words cts per word CARD OF THANKS 25 words 55 odditionol words Cts per word MATURE KITCHEN HELP tull time Apply in person to the Chet at Bayshore Motor Hotel 148 Dunlap WM BILE 97 sï¬w INMEMORI ii ESN MIDHURST MOB HOMES TRAILERS Aduns Penlell B3Y and muncPOI Twinr 240 75 hlpns cargirggrrunners WELL KNOWN conItIpanyh rquuIIIregsaaxe WIIh IIIIIGIAIlIeIiIï¬II III xtznssinfI TF parking Recently decorated plus cover Excellent condition 3850 DINOUSIIU 0F parl 09 eptl in Open Sat Sun noon till dusk or surrounding area Car necessary Earn above average wages Telephone MODERNIiixliriveryIJOeJ bedroom With wall wan drapes and Telephone 7283858 COMING EVENTS ton sxrooo cove gnu names ex 14166956532 3322 per column inch mm 335 Que Mly br°°dl°°med C0 cellenl condition saso Pl asc ANTED One da 24WORDMINIMUM Hamid Days 7287543 Frank Hooey 7280676 Moblle Homes ï¬bnfcgi7323iigelteoritlï¬eii5i SIIinISt sakeris Nmimo Tm co 728 737 065° phone ageisitlrEEoFife thy Horsevalley arza CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Dis Ii Paul Arbour 7263897 Fred Reynolds 7285333 02 9201 Must have awn transportation Telea mun no apply pmd Mm do Norman McMillan 7268957 Larry DeWilde 7283253 SALE RENT BEDROOM warnmt anmy build ARTICLES FOR SALE antiwar5365 after Am One or two insertions per word in ing available November 15 tor suitable sorlion Three consecutive insertions sand Bill Evans no toll 322 1575 Chuck Lambert 728 800 Pens and Service applImmI For mm Inmrmanon PRIME NDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 AN INTERNATIONAL OIL C0 ollers me ha mm word mm Mal Bert Cuff 7284067 Lorry Brewer 7289745 wee ca 737 19500 sq my sprmkmrem ranspor plenty olImoner plrIusIfï¬thIrI1liid53I IaItI In SIX onsemwe Insemons Im John Colwell 7267726 Harry Magill 7263864 EXIUSV9 Dealer For and Item truck leadn0 docks 18 Ilt mm gR °r rdf SS ex fiance word per insertion total 31152 Multiple Clear part 0t large expanding Industrial or lus Barrie area ego pe DOUQ Baker 7283274 Simon Beekhutzen 7373795 en IX And Glendale man 726 7130 ere Read presU American insertions may is ordered subtect to can Jim Harris 726 7173 TF Modular Ho bedm apamem G°°° OFFmE SPACE rem downmw Lubricants Co Box 696 Dayton Ohio collation when satisfactory results ob be $225 month Includes heat It ht It waer and cable central suit artuglts location carpeted parking available mm omzd MM munémg hwy man 01 an ers Telephone 726 0988 weekdays ratephonc PelefArchlbaldI 726 pel wk RELIABLE SITTER IIeqUired on ay war Is calm as war Eac initial ob Travel Trcners FOR LEASE IndIIsIrIal Space and to Friday 1011 am T1lI7£ogjmES breviotion set of numbers etc count as Corsair Gleneno RN warehouse ielephone 726 3400 Approxmalely 00 COIOUV I76 Models MU 90 Road area eephone sol300 Words pm IIIIIIIIIVIA DENTAL ASSISTANT tor Civilian Den tist at Base Borden Must have own transportation Telephone 4246595 bet ween9amand5pm RELIABLE Babysitter required for two preschoolers Preter my home River ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone Insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therelore the Classified Advertising Department requires ad advertisers to kin dly recheck their advertisement im BUYEHS CHECK LIST Barrie TV charge account wNii payments IilI Jan Check the examples below 1000 SQ FT 79 Cygnet Two bedroom apartment $225 monthly 99m Black White TVs air con Terms Up To 15 Years CnocrllterifisgztltyghlyWTLTEShnfneYziaorylga OFFICESSTORES dloners are Ch°I°e BARRIE Highway souh weekdays FOR RENT from at tremendous bargains I70 Burton Ave 7289866 FURNISHED gait ALTO One bedroom apartment 50 monthly whee same day delivery wood Farm subdtvislom days weeky mediater otter lirst insertion in order that includes heat light water and TV cable 095 modem 50 om 593 ha we 58 TeIepnone728726 after 530pm any error or omission may be reported At RAVEL MAT or Share bathroom Surtable lor working mm 3250 Dunlop E05 Mm SUM CIIIOMCOIOI semce botore am in order that some may be or ng Cermal 726 oweweekdayg aza Cus omer and owner parking EMPLOYMENT WANTED pHOT or rent Holiday in complete home com Telephone 728 5738 ON $399 wt recti tea for the lawihg day publication ULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 90 garnet rent an Awnmg Co 34 BEDROOM central location fridge MODERN OF The Barrie Examiner is responsible for only Bayiield St 50 and parking No pets Zm mom Spa lease of NY In HY LICENSEDMECHANIC WI repa cars one incorrecll rinled insertion oI an ad WE KNOW 15 no Sp nq DU why wa 1y Available immediately Inquire at 11 5m5 IRVQIE SlIJItirsI inï¬ggdlitk ac in spare time Anything canSidered VIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIEIIIGII OI III IYIOI cupancy or or am Im Tete hon 947 evemn eex en Bill Rawn 7268999 Collin Nelles 7265208 let the Hitch House Ltd solve your IIZgrgégï¬ig Iéme III Angelo 26 05 ELECTRIC GXIOO Th L€3Q° porno ad mm moms me mummy ler robiems Call Harold tor apar men av ia Charles Brown Frank Nelles 7266696 LoiktmeaI 728 9700 January 23 momle Incl Is re Fun spank coou conolel Errors which do not lessen the value at the Russel Carson 7266161 in oral it nd rim Vee° 99b° COUNTRY LIVING OuIeI park Scum 502 5n°npe° 9596525 FLOR °I Mm rrrrrrr tians by make goods The amnesiamiw ca ia cap uxury con ominium or glSgoge7glaeag°meï¬ï¬‚ingflfjmfl 728 5816 rent between St Petersburg and Clear ONLY $899lt CU YOUR ow om wD 59 the th Cl055W Vet59 miles north 01 Hwy 11 tollow signs noons SUBLET Penthouse sunabie for senior Wm bedroom central air can of wylunmoo Hy reiect any wanlads citizen or executive Rent reasonable 1°9I Cllis GU DIUS TOWNSHIP RESIDENTS RCHOLKA £2 CO LTD TRAVEL MIAI MOIOI HomtS l0r Sle Easy enaI close bus and shoppmg In private pool Taliphone 726 4843 or Persons who are Interested in PHONE 7232414 °r rem HOId Common home Com tormailon evenings 728 7914 779 7345 20 REALTOR Wm C° LIVESTOCK FOR SALE bemg member °f °e °l mum ggtIEIIIBE0633ngpafmgnmgwmmg AUTOMOTIVE YY PW ImW micmm f°ll°wm9 boards °r commitees Care he vï¬ ï¬r 77V monthly plus hydro triq stove parking ONLY 5666 SPECIAL CLEARANCE Used and or who Wish to recommend the Couier st Barrie Call betweeni and oweekdays 728 4776 nka If or pay no Ne TflII€F22£Igal makes Also tease name of any oher person to an ren BEDROOM apartment downtown 1973 CADILLAC DOMTile Clixuriausly area available January Isl $225 appOlnliO Showroom condition Tell monthly tridqe stove parking Call phon0728 9929 25 betweenAano6weckdays 779 4776 one of these positions are requested to submit their names in wirting to the un HARNESS REPAIRS hockey equip ment repairs saddles and tack Hender sons Saddlery 222C Yonge St Pains wick 737 2982 Direct Toronto Line 3646625 I976 BOBCA Wagon with power steer BEDROOM in Barrie triplex available inst air conditioned Custom interior on ork draw Jim Broadloom in ltVinq room Illdgt Iy 2000 miles asking $4600 Telephone 63 VII EIORSE 808IIEIDIIandIrgnedgicrio dersigned by and stove CIoseIto schools and shopping Midland 526 9106 or flu 500 wily 3M me PM MONDAY JANUARY Nopm Hm mayo 859 ma CADILLAC HOCMOM swam 3634 BOARDED It ht I977 SUBLET One bedroom apartment Royal Blue Every ioncvivabli option 0x $235 monmly lncudfus Utlntws and owmlleagyn arugula 34100 778 3004 mash MICE daily minutes from Bar 168 azureorgtecï¬nevggxonrfeeébsra gym on 97 CHRYSLER prpor Mom colour Iris365 monthly737 2447 COMMITTEE TOMANAGE power Steering brakes and air ex POULTRY AND CHIC AND OPERATE THE ONE bedroom apartment 135 Wellington colicht condition Call Claudizs Texaco ONLY bqul EA St West retrigerator and siove$225 per 728 4400 or Pavug1oo wily READ pllesA°aTnI COMMUNITY ARENA ST 3ng IIIIIAIIVIaSIIIIIatItIIIe now Telephone 1972 PONTAIC Sntari erqon tor sale V8 NO eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Farm ORO TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE HAVE immediatel power steering and brlikvs laitiill tires Stroua43 Ian d5 LOVELY turnlshed apartment Central 44000 miles Cirtitiru $1591 lLlcphOVII DOWN PAYMENT FEED SEED AND GR OF ADJUSTMENT available With competlttve Vales location sUit couple TNopets Island last 726 2681 bltori 30p in No 777777 AW Al All names received will be for of ineresI rom com monthsin advance elephonc728 0755 Hours wekdoy 09 mltments and omplpete con AVAILABLE JANUARY one be PAYMENT TIL TSIOESOrIeriï¬oaggï¬econdw lal aua WordEd to oro TownShp coun saturdo 5905 rd room aparItmenl $180 monthly plus hy Hmsnm mm Wm gm mom MARCH 77 Av FOR SALE 50 per béle Cil Any person who has Le lo or lrs secon an gfagnCen rally located Telephone Hake nody an Wm r00 New buck TeIephonena Iqo MIneSIngarea previousIY submifled their ir mort es seats Widt tires radio and custom ox LAWN ONE and two bedroom apartments at httust Needs minor rrpiiirs on the aerSEaIseoAngyl 22er name for any 0f the above Mdhurstsioidl Ak JOhn COWIOTd 4875955 Peter Shelswell 7282930 TYPES PrIOPeéY milder cilities parknilc Firrstgacna 12s rhInthés 133LYgjo9°mx$ some Sh°PPm9 Plum 1005ai0l137 5337 posmonslfs rgqure to sulmm DOVld Shelswell 4875560 Roger Shelswell 4872920 commerco on vaco Iona Wm PM 77 67255 6cyiinaer Telephone 737 1631 7371182 WAgtTIED SIhelled coIrn We wIiIIlIi pick Iin revzhapszhon on as FURNISH or elver our eeva or aryvt la Utes res onst ll les Jm WE bUY EXISMng mor Street 5550 staygarruggvmfnmgflgbï¬g I968 FORD FALCON ar condhon Phone Ionlgh Farms Hawkestone 487 2725 needs some body work motor good etc of any of the above positions may be obtained from the undersigned at the Town ship Office RR No Oro Station Ontario 4872016 HENRY NEUFELD Clerk Treasurer l90965 for Cosh January 15 Telephone 720 3793 Instant Delivery snow tiris many ntW parts Maytng ONE bedroom bachelor apartment East must sell Bestoiter A24 6586 7371182 OUR ADVICE IS FREE Barm R9°a°I SOVQIUWWI 1971 VOLVO me tuti InlfI lion originn MTWThTF Cull IAN KERR WPCSI Ullles and Cam Supple° one owner new paint radio tape Iatt m7wAA mited parking $215 per month Tole Smndam NO 46000 Bus 7371881 pnonem 2013 89 IN VOLKL PORTILLO Alpine Skis approx or JLXUO M0 long used only once worth 5200 HOME 4875385 ONE BEDROOM baIsIemcnt apartment 728 4400 new will so $50 phone 726 9073 re rigeratar stove eat and hydro in CludedI Rem 75 monImYI AvaIlamp 1969 MERCURY Station Wagon all anytime power radio root racks certitieit tour FARM MACHINERY SNOWBLOWER auger type for point hitch 3265 Apply Robertson Angus $759309 WATERLOO Tractor with cylinder Wisconsin air cooled engine with snow blade Good tor small parking lot 5725 TelAephoneIIiISBIQIIIOII Ievenings726 4053 II l07 Dunlo St East Femua 28 Telephonen° 680 months ago as 3400 Phone 487 6245 TOWNSHIP OF 0R0 REAL ESTATE LIMITED mils grammeI TJpREUZhiZCis€53YVIZ9iisfe3T331 FRUITSANDyEGsTABLES 62830 eep 1973 CHEV Bel Air Station Wagon or custom cut Freeaelivery 726 4725 DUNLOp No 1938 IORONIO 354 6730 Member onlorlo Molgoge FURINIIIISHED TSWO bbeIdrIoom apIartment automatir Dower stlering and brakes RAMMQND ORGAN and Leslie speak 6965 Ofggzillï¬ogogï¬nsiaiozIgfgd ava enow ula orwor car on no APPRAISINQ AND FINANCING Brake AssentIon plt IFor turthcr Itrilormntion telcghorlJe Pholt6728 2950 US 00 mum ert kt MW 701351525 Phone 728 6100 unuays Your containers mu TF 650 CONN ORGAN and bench automatic OPE UNTIL PERSONAIS 1975 FORD LID Country Squire Wltri mm 50 BEDROOM apartment tor rent in Landau luxury option Auto air pow Eoï¬sï¬dgrreasgnabléoaerngagsh duplex pay awn hydro $210 monthly stIering brakes winilows and Ioc IF MORTGAGE First and last months Available im AM FM stereo loarierl Phone 7266006 FREWOOD 59 dV 35 bus WHAT TELECARE Why light your problem at Let triend he Call Telecare v7 ra mediIateIIIy Telephone 726 4896 nttero degamngIIlp manVlme TCICRM 722 anytime Two BEDROOM apartment on Gear 1968 CHRYSLER Newport tor sale Aï¬coitbLicsANorIVMQUS728 653m gian Bay 22 miles trom Barrie Fully automatir radio excellent tires in PFAFF sewlng Macmnc ChrSImas you drink mars your business It you yI nI turnished carpeted throughout utilities cluaino snow IlrfS will soil as is tor best Speca°°ng bum 65 lor mm want toquit thats ours Call any time included si59 monthly Available until otter Telephone 779 5835 DVOIPSSOMHDOI 776 3773 NTED HAIR May78eph0m 37 I972 METEOR Montcalm 400 door MNK COM le A5°I WA removea 58 ev permanently medically approved Ly dla Hrenchuk Certitied Electrologist 737 2671 DO SOMETHING NEW LARGE LIVING room kitchen and power brakessteering lactory air low MUSkacoalt kc ewi 300 bedroom piece bath tridge and stove mileage snows mounted on rims certi FIREWOOD tor sale split mixed hard supplied downtown Barrie Immediate tied $2000 Phone Phil Sauve 728 7139 wood 16 Inch cord delivered Phone Dossossion $140 month Call Dave 728 5551 322 2390 728 2427 during busmess hours BUSINESSPERSON Keep springtime touch all gunï¬ran phone Roacm ARMSTRONG LIMITED REALTOR Rendelyous Dating Ltd1 416 4531661 1965 FORD Custom V8 352 cubic inch PIANOI Uprgm 8099 Dawn Brampton11am 9pmAIlages th ood tinish with inlaid tlower year COIOTIUI OWENS 2BEDROOM APARTMENT Stove ri uncertllltdi W31L OKI DOW rusted °59w PERMANENT tlngernails done any ROSIdOnIIOI Farms ACTOOQOS trigerator heat and IwIaIIerI supplIIeId 50 9e9h0778 7359 07 968 gne16pgszrborzggrfsotwoeeashtg length Telephone 7264621 dreesréghlfpggiarlrggxlssIgndttltflgps Separate entrance sui or adu ALL Mi SI CommerCIal Investment Industrial Properties lstMTGSotlIVVo no pets Telephone 7264764 days or CARS WANTED 76Vmle BOWLEES WANTED C°°es57° shelves Cro In It 2nd MTGS at 13 728 7512 evenings 7W gv SKI BOOTS tor sale Munari Alatne ski Teams ladESI menSI 53 0w call Owers BUOIHOSSGS Mortgages and APPIOISOIS OWh boots mens Size 10 In excellent condi 59W 833 728976 sIew eYEIeI cover Pattern meG PEOPLE AND HOMES TOGHHER Open Daily am 530 pm WANTED iionMustscii Telephone 737 12156 HORSE drawn rioes Weekends llSWBl OUI directions include detailed cro Sat evenlngs CLEAN USED CARS COCKTAIL table matching hexagon 979 Dunc Mudxk RR chetI finishing information l49 BAYFIELD ST 7269262 men HOUSES TO RENT endtables newused table and6chairs 8955s 5332 95 Barrie Examiner $1 00 we immdii II in WY ppo makes and models orange drapes white Sheers 288 95 SLEIGH RIDES Horse drawn miles or 63 pattern035 Summers PUGEI COURT Prestige luxury and Good conoition Best otters Telephone south oi Barrie $25 an hour up to to cheque or money order Add Bayï¬eld bedroom townhousesnseéeciivanelgh Fair Prices InstantCash 726 9809 people Come out and have some fun airler 15¢ each pattem for first b°th°°€1 Reemces KERVJOHNSTON MOTORS PIANO FOR SALE Weller upright by Telepronsflééinc 309 gm°7cg°m Mpm 72°73 LTD Heintzman Excellent condition Also HAVE AN ARTIST trame your pain on Collectmn Day glass 108 handlmg 59 737345 Yeflws 682 Lira Organ manual Telephone tings photographs prints High quality 01 59 INKS Needlecraft Res Creemore 4664136 BRAND NEWIA bedroom townhouse tor 17 GOWAN ST 7266488 726 0560 design custom and instant trames Dent TI gpélaqiggcclglsltyéylfgeï¬hon For more in TIThIsIIAw II AND yIIaIlIcItIIsIsItudlos 3205 Dunlop Street East The Barrie Examiner 6° JUNK CARS WAN1ED 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat INTERNATIONAL Investigation Ser paid game day pckupgo°ff3 double hull6cylinderChrysler Inboard vices clvilIcrImlnal divorce sIur Wreckers 72637 motor Al condition Asking 2500 velllance Discreet and contidential Telephone435 4245atteIr430pIm 73772973 VII VI INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH RIDING Instruction Well Vrh BEDROOM HOUSE available Jan pm TRACY WANIS cars and trucks tor uary 15m in the Cundles St area with wo BEDROOM house In downtown wrecking and parts top prices paid ARTICLES WANTED tinishnd rec room and laundry room IOI any useful purpose area available January $250 Fridge Freepicwp elephomné 3487 WWW dHWvA VAfl Progress Avenue Scar borough OntorioM1P 4P7 Address Ont residents add 7¢ sales tax Print plain COLLECTION DAY lilies REAL ESTATE BROKER also garage 726 3257 between am CASH FOR old turniture books dishes stove parking Ca between and SHAKELS WRECKNG 7°W9I schooled horsesindoorarenasminutes 89 be Ui ment weekdays728 4776 fcrap meta raISLoughtoverscales$20 $$goï¬2rssyl3kf was and ends Pre trom Barrie 7260192 ValuelI225 deSIgns to choose Warming BEDROOM House tor rent $300 3° from NEW 1977 NEEDLE Ph ohome improvements monthly in Angus area close to school SCRAP VEHICLES waniod top prices EOSANDPETS HELP WANTED CRAFT CATALOGI free pat Tip Listing eIVICe and shoppmg Avanabte January t5 paid tree immediatc piik up anytime lond mortgages Telephonecoiiecum 58420ro 52167900 EDGEHILL AQUARIA Aquariums ems lsfde Send 75¢ 0W Esther Kennedy 4245471 MargWoodnotoll 487348 da3 lMMéOlATEipossession bedroom COLE BROS Cars and ticks wanted 93 cesmmSI we smell Pam nums 525 LooCovonough 7281207 Bob Saunders 7263888 mongoges °S°IW°°°°°Y°e 1326533 16 535 Days grilligtilgugapflyumï¬ mTF cmmwth squares 00 ion 00 lat drve ate POODLE SI Sh ooIn Larry Wood no toll 4873148 Ross Batstone 7263043 PrIme Tales Jami rmï¬we iom doganï¬ gafrle and cuppmo harem Pgwhg SELL BEAUTFUL PRODUCTS ï¬mchitIIa VaarIdrohe $100 butlders interim loans g7 WWII C0 3017 315 39 TRUCKSIiTRAIliRS l°915°jI2711 Youn find you never ooked mppyle ctrléchgzlts POODLE TRIMMING rotés13rtal leose bOCk 71885 JBEDROOM bungalow tor rent Attach SNOWPLOW grooming all breeds plckPUp and de 50 9°°d N0 ePerlence Sew Knit Book 8125 Co collect to opgzrage tenced yard east end at Bar I973 2000 II snowpmw flyyrngoBNO PetStudIo necessary can 7289652 °r flower crochet Book $1 00 II bl 80 raUC TOW tyfrelginin5£m$ no mo wheel drive cylinder standard one m2 Ifgï¬gLEangomh mfg write AVON PO Box 485 Hairpin Crochet Book 100 ll BEDROOM condominium oriNorIn st fygsereggvIggeggggsngmspgmapm onablerates Telephone°7260061gl BARRIE Ontario PSI atom Book 100 baths privacy tence garage Avail ITS an aura 1e home fa WW WHW °Y55 °°I mm55 gimLï¬i33mré°£otifiei 5534 HELP WANTED instant Minimiogil°k phonolgiIIIIqu 1975 GMC 4x4 picolgupliliowersgelgwt 75 Phone 726 5633 Complete alts 14 $100 mics au ma Ic Wva Jr 32424 BDIIIIIO 553Rglzzxgsuggr °C3Lfff gwghgehg ehsiaavy dutydyvgggnIg custom ESEEIOTOIéfsgonnge gtItteIrIorItIgelorsgzr Easy MT OI EMIBEOIM rri den utility room car garage on DOCK bUmDW P° acre lot miles 5011 oi Barrie nea 1972 DODGE I77 tori custom ï¬mï¬ï¬ï¬vs 73Iggxgmglalephme aggnkaetmlsmg at 3100 47 COLLIER ST glandale 60 Course $280 per month automatic radio rear bumper radial Experienced in the installation modification and repair of Museum numuaoikiln 30¢ hone7267198 alterb 00 condton will CORN OF OWEN com STREETS Wl llUY Mllll llAlll 5270 MONIHCY plus utilities tor this 255in AskirglgeSlgSS or béslt otter GARDEN SUPPLIES mOChmery Indde pneumam cylnders valves ec I5 aunts I07 may IARRIE 7262611 gt bedroom home heatedgarage largelot Phone 487 3131 TROPICAL PLANTS All varieties Big K°Wl°d9°ble 59 OI POW IOOII weldngi Iman and Book of 18 ff Rugs LOOK FOR OUR you pop Au your MORTGAGES Early January occupancv Barrle area 1973 FORD Econoline van VII plants our Specialty Brays Garden soldering able to read blueprints 12 Prlza ITEM 12 Telephone Brign 776 7683 728 4067 automatic excellent condition $2000 or anjregéfernqatevohrzagvsi Al ESTATE NEEDS EJQREYJI EXECUTIVE Isldrown twine very besIotlercmlm 98240r737J251 Apply personnel department clean tulIy broadloomed recreation ILES Manonr H°on Hopkins Sy50kgojagzggg patuomnsI TROY room car garage wasnrooms pos CO Doroghy MocouanlI 7236358 Audrey Marshall 4362880 717 Mfsftodangyggnlttrggzgasnea ESae SK 000 doIYNIIPIHQeLéES Gravenhurs or AI an rac Comonomi 7286829 Barry CampbellNash 7371324 313312335 ggilliélitli°l33lfi3m LAKEFRONTI new bedroom house mug ms or best 0W C°°° PHONE 7282414 6874224 If miss Real Estate Broker call 7264651 turnlshedl 50 plus hydro Telephone Motoskl engine and clutcn5150 Phone evenings II 4875711 II 1332663 Dal