ma Elli it 1E Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus DIM Henshaw Managing Editor The Barrie Examiner Friday December 24 1976 Be happy and celebrate Christmas is worth it Christmas is upon us again Christmas the season for church services and turkey dinners trees and tinsel gifts and greetings car ds and carols And for some years now it has been the season for complaining about how commercialized Christ mas has become Complaints about the selling of Christmas can be traced back before the turn of the century but the practice has really come into its own in recent years No one with eyes and ears can deny that taste has often been left far behind by those who hope to make buck or two out of the birth of Christ But while we dont condone this sort of thing we cant help but cast suspicious glance at the opposite errorthe widelyheld idea that commercialization has spoiled Christmas beyond repair and that it would be better if the Whole celebration vanished For those who believe Christmas the day Almighty God was born in human flesh to walk among us teach us His will and eventually die and be resurrected for us is much too holy for any amount of commer cialization to spoil And for those who dont believe what is there to spoil Of course the majority of Canadians today probably fall somewhere on the borderline bet ween belief and disbelief in the message of Christmas Even for this group the basic meaning of the holiday is Christian however much smothered in sen timentality or 20thcentury skep ticism And whatever an individual may value of this meaning peace on earth or good will toward men or the message that God cares for mankind no matter how indifferent or hostile the universe may seemits much too worthwhile to be wiped out by excess neon or of fensive advertising Jingles Another thing that should be remembered is that even the com mercialization is not total per version of the Christmas message Nearly all the advertismg type IS aimed at getting people to buy gifts Christmas giftgiving has found some detractors over the centuries of course but these are usually the same people who dont approve of celebrating Christmas at all In fact giftgiving is an entirely fitting custom symbolizing as it does Gods gift to man in Christ So be happy Celebrate Give gif ts If you dont like the neon and tin sels grin and bear it Its worth it DOWN MEMORY LANE fio YEARS AGO IN TOWN lhe Barrie Examiner Dec 24 1966 Nancy and Irudy lomlinson of Penetang Street pictured on front page awaiting the arrival of Santa Claus Business as usual for bus driver John ODell firefighter John Brown head chef James Gilheany and nurse Margaret Kay some of the people who have to work Christmas Day featured in photo story Group of children from Huronia Public School spends four evenings caroling in Painswick jarea Among the carollers were Donna Batters Candy Iingley Deb bie lingley Jeff DeSJardins Jim Robertson Steven Robertson and Kathy Vyhnol fhey presented $52 to Capt John Wilder of Salvation Army for Christmas cheer fund Capt Wilder featured in Examiner as personality of the week Kingston Aces dropped Barrie blyers 63 to keep them in OHA Senior league cellar one pomt behind North York VarSIty Grads and Oakvnle Oaks Orillia Cagers lead county mens basketball league with 16 pomts on eight Wins one loss INTERPRETING THE NEWS The Carter administration starts on firm footing By GARRY FAIRBAIRN WASHINGTON CP Jim my Carters first immersion in the complex and delicate re sponsibilities of balancing con flicting national political forces appears to have been success Despite some grumbling leg islators interestgroup spokes men and media commentators have generally endorsed his cabinet selections giving the coming Carter administration WE WANT YOUR OPINION Letters submitted for publication must be original copies signed by the writer Please include your street ad dress and phone number although they will not be published Letters which can not be authenticated by phone cannot be published For the sake of space public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit con dense or reject letter Ellie Barri Examinrr 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0404 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Motor Throw Off $3900 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year ly National Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 86141710 640 Cathcart St Montreal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tismg and editorial material created by its employees and reproduced in this newspaper Co yright Registration Numger 2M815 register 61 firm political foundation for its initial months Unlike the campaign prom ises that won him support from wide range of forces Carters cabinet ch0ices could not be veiled with rosy glow of am bigUity The man who was CflthlZCd in the campaign for holding out hope to everyone had to make specific appointments each of them involvmg the rejection of many groups favorite candi dates But somehow the total pack age has been initially welcome to almost all elements Ralph Nader and other con sumerists have accepted cabinet that is heavy With cor porate executives FORGET DEMANDS George Meany AFLCIO president and other labor lead ers have agreed to forget about their uncompromising deman ds for their candidate for labor secretary lhe protectionist la bor movement has also ac cepted treasury secretary who leans toward freer trade Black and eiVil rights leaders have had praise for the cabinet even While criticmng selection of an attorneygeneral who be longs to Georgia clubs that re fuse to allow Jews and blacks as members Even the busmess com munity and the friends of big defence budgets two of the groups most worried at Car ters election have reacted favorably to his financial and defence appomtments Part of the reason for Car ters political success in form ing cabinet has been the open process But when the omforter is come whom will send un to you from the Father even the Spirit of truth which proceedeth from the Father he shall testify for me John1526 The work of the Holy Spirit is to lift up Jesus and stand by us Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world riioiiiiiif and for my daddy job IT SAYS HERE Many things to be thankfulfor at Christmas throughout year By thllAlIl DUNSTAN lm in bit of bind this week Last week promised not to write about my religion in this weeks column forgetting that it would be published on Christmas Eve the one time of year when find it hardest not to write about my religion And in the spirit of the season dont feel like cutting anyone up even anonymous government agencies even though that tends to be the main purpose of columns like this one Maybe what ought to do then is give thanks for my Christmas gifts Not the ones wont open un til tomorrow My Wife always comes up with presents which delight me as much any received child and theres an intrigumg package from teenage nephew under the free too but that isnt what lm talking about lm referring to what have already been given My Wife for example What can say except that there is nothing enjoy more than iii troducing people to her and watching their faces reflect the unspoken question how did this turkey ever catch HER lhanks Mary for alinosl eight years and please accept my order for another 80 The children come next of course Racth Just turned and for the first time she can read the words and Sing along when we have family carol tests Not bad says the worlds proudest lather Matthew still our baby at 32 though hes only five pounds behind his Sister and can do things couldnt yet do at his age Carry on only son of FROM PARLIAMENT HILL an only son of an only son the world needs your smile and yourlaugh My parents unlortuiiately 3000 miles away but never far frommy thoughts Parents who raised me well and lovnigly and arent responsible for my defects Please live forever My friends and relatives and there isnt space for all the things would like to say about them My religion sorry cant help Ill wasnt born Witti it and didnt invent it and it too is gift from God Wish more people would open the package Canada country chose voluntarily Without cocrmon or fear of penalty My Wish for the coming year is that more native Canadians Will see their land the way an immigrant like me sees it and care more for itsluture And finally my job know If only had won an award then could say something Ry STEWART MaclEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Mahalia Jackson is singing Silent Night in the background am waiting along With the children for Santa Claus to come down the chimney which now is aglow from the lames of burning Chargex receipts lhe Mastercharge Christmas tree is dancing With reflective colors It is that perfect Christmas Eve scene And for the sake of others in the room try to play the part of Joyous parent But deep down know that they know cant hide the sadness as throw some more credit card records on the ire No money is not the imme diate problemrealthough it Will be when the bills pour in What is gnawing at my pride on this Christmas Eve is the fact that seem to be one of the few CanaA dians who didnt Win an award in 1977 And Canadian awards as we all know are identified With Christmas It is Just before Christmas that five judges none of Whom live in Ottawa pick the CNN FLOCKOI SHEEP IN WINTER GEAR NEAR IVY servant of the year It is Just before Christmas that Govern ment flouse announces that an enormous battery of Canadians are being admitted to the Order of Canada Even stamp collec tors re included And it is just before Christ mas that you read about Miss Statistics Canada and the Top Creative Seicntist ln Ottawa there is hospitality award for someone helping tourist national magazme has brought out story of the top 10 Members of Parliament KIDSINllIlENED The kids come home to say their friends are gonig to Hawaii because their father or mother won the 1976 award for packing tea bags or inventing 10year calculator for projec ting civil schIce holidays And none of these people has prolessmnal need for an award as do If could Just claim some recognition then could go ahead and criticize other winners Without being ac cused of harvesting sour grapes The fact dont qualify for any award is beside the point But how can perennial loser go on chastising the Governor Generals awards committee for tossing out those Orders of Canada and other goodies like rice at Chinese wedding As sit here staring into the fire realize have no right to be critical of the fact that Liberal senator has been ap pointed an officer of the Order of Canada It would be different if had been named Mr Public lranSit 011976 Then could legitimately ask Whether figure skater lollcr Cranston who won bronze medal for Canada in the 1976 world championships but who received more publicity for his criticism of Judges really de serves membership in the Or der of Canada more than any how miserable life can be With Job you hate and lwould be remiss if didnt mention at least once year how happy am here Thanks to everyone at The Examiner and in the com munity Who has made working in Barrie so pleasant POSISCRIIIS Its time explained something My great grandfather the Dunstan who crossed the ocean and per petraled the family name was born in Comwall at the west end of England not the east end of Ontario which IS cursed With the highest concentration of Dunstans in the world So what Why of course that ex plains all the Cornish Jokes which have been appearing in this space Merry Christmas and to all good and safe night Remember in your charity that need readers more than the Grim Reaper needs drunken drivers other successful sports figure But perhaps the Judges were influenced by the fact that he paints that he wrote book called loller starred in teleVIsmn program called loller lollcr and now is making bundle in The loller Cranston lce Show NOW THE WOMEN Anyway as said am in no position to criticize so put it out of my mind and pick up newspaper And what do see Editors choose Flora MacDo nald as the newsiest woman of 1976 was the headline was glad to hear the news because am very fond of the redheaded MP for Kingston and the islands Trouble is am right back into the awards racket again READER FOR UM Thanks at Christmas from nursing home DearSir We the staff of Coleman Nur sing Home would like to convey our thanks to all those who took an interest in our residents this Christmas Thanks to Georgian Mall especially Mr Alan Strangroom who arranged for Santa Claus Mr John Hom ing to visit our residents It was indeed memorable ex perience to see the smiles on our residents faces and the twinkles in their eyes as Santa Claus entered the room THE WORLD TODAY His resignation shrewd move By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Israeli Prime Minister Yit zhak Rabin resigned the other day following his dismissal of three cabinet ministers from the rightwing National Reli gious Party NRP The reason was demand from the NRP which repre sents the Orthodox religious element in Israel that the first of the new American F15 super jet fighters for the Israeli air force not be Iandedon the Sab bath This is not the first time by any means the rigidly ritualistic Orthodox view of events in the modern Jewish state have run counter to reality During the early 19605 Zim Israel the countrys expanding shipping line was given two eX German passenger liners by the West German government to develop New YorktoTel Avxv passenger business The chief rabbi of Israel got in the act and Virtually ordered the preSident of Zim Israel to have only kosher kitchens in the refurbished ships which hoped to pick up Gentile as well as JeWish passengers gomg to Is rael At the same time Mr Rabins reSignation was shrewd move political strategy by the countrys former chief of the defence staff who knows lot about military strategy ELECTIONS MOVED UP Elections were due in any case in October Now they have been advanced to May With the prime minister running care taker government free of the encumbrances and threats of reSignation by supporting members of his minority ruling Labor party In this way Mr Rabin stays in office during the next few cruelal months which include visit to the new PreSident Jim my Carter in Washington in YOUR BUSINESS Policy shifting toward growth Ry VINCENT EGAN Business and onsunier Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The halfpomt cut in Canadas bank rate to 85 per cent is probably the most significant of the many recent moves by Ottawa in the direc tion of more inflation andit is hopedmore economic growth It follows another hallpoint reduction made exactly one month earlier on Nov 22 Its true that Bank of Canada Gov Gerald Bouey said that the Dec 22 reduction doesnt mean that the central bank will permit further outbreak of in flation Granted too that the bank rate in itself has little practical effect It is the interest level at which the Bank of Canada the lender of last resort makes its infrequent loans to the char tered banks But movements in the bank rate have always been consid ered by the financial and busi ness community as weath ervane pointing in the dime tion of the governments preferred economic policy Berrys World 1976 by NEA lnc Merry Christmas to you too Now buzzof clown Thanks alsoto the Mental Health Association of Barrie Enniskillen Sunday School Mrs Cook and Mrs Mudde of Barrie who donated gifts for the residents It is great joy to see so many taking an interest in the happiness of mentally retarded and handicapped residents such as ours Thanks again to all Yours truly DEBBIE COOK MAYLIS February and close watch on developments in the surround ing and largely hostile Arab world The second merger of Syria and Egypt since the shortlived union of those two countries in 1961 in the United Arab Repub lic should not worry caretaker Prime Minister Rabin too much The fact he will be con stitutionally in charge of Israel even though he did resign should cool any efforts by bel ligerent Arab neighbors to make moves against the IS raelis until the next election But Mr Rabins troubles may be at home rather than abroad with two of the opposition Lib eral members who have joined his transitional cabinet really interested in quitting him alto gether They include the tourism minister and Gideon Hausner who was in Canada this fall on Israeli bond sales campaigns minister without portfolio and the chief prosecutor of Adolf Eiclimann in the early 19605 Clearly lsraeli tourism needs boss especially at this time of annual visitations by the JeWIsh and Christian religious tour visitors More critical for the prime minister and the longlived but not ailing Labor party is the in tention of Shimon Peres his de fence minister to seek the lead ership of the selfsame Labor party Mr Peres in his post is more critical to Israeli security at this time than anyone else in the cabinet except the prime minister himself ONLY DEMOCRACY paradox in all this is that Israel is the only working de mocracy between Greece and Japan span of almost half the globe is facing the turmoils of political parties in disarray in region surrounded by oneparty states which have no such problems lWo bankrate reductions within the space of one month are tantamount to declaration that the antiinflationyprogram is being downgraded by the governments policymakers despite Mr Boueys disclaimer The background to the policy change is this In the first 12 months of anti inflation restraints November 1975 to November 1976 con sumer prices rose by an aver age of 56 per centlowest in flation rate in nearly four yearsvs 109 per cent in the previous NovembertoNovem ber period Canadas real economic growth discounting the effects of inflation was at dis appomting annual rate of 48 per cent in the January September period of this year And unemployment rose to 76 per cent 01 the labor force at one point The latest nosecount showed 73percent jobless rate close to the average that has persisted for more than year Economists believe that growth rate of five per cent year is necessary Just to keep unemployment from creeping upfurther One way to achieve economic growththe hard wayis to squeeze the inflationary fat out of the system rstore the pub lics confidence in the value of money and get people to devote their energies once again to constructive tasks rather than to ways of protcc ting themselves against in flation Another waythe easy and in the short run more popular wayis to pump more money into the system rekindle in flation and accept certain de gree of illusory growth The lrudeau government has eVidently chosen the second course the easy wayas it did in 1970 when it backed away from the antiinflation program it had introduced in August 1969 The two bankrate cuts are like giant neon sign pro claiming Ottawas view that all interest rates should come down that business should bor row more and spend more and that inflation isnt such bad thingafterall