RADIOS Sony TR41 00 AM Radio 1495 Sony TFM 61 00W AMIFM Radio 2500 eadphones 1995 Holiday AMIFM or 2995 lIIGIl ¢l BAYEIELD MALL BARRIE SHOP THESE STORES film Flite 747 Quality luggage by Jetliner for MENOR LADIES International Sterling lNDER van TREE 10M $669 SPECIAL Regular 3720 Softsided fashionable luggage featuring LOCKS5 OFF aluminum frame and LESLIE SPEAKER CABINETS FROM $31 recessed locks chromed installed AIITOMATIC RHYTHM for addition in rour organ FROM $295 installed MUSIC nooxs vussou PACKAGES and polished 25 off Barrie Leathergoods ltd specia $540 gimme it CENTRES ICES EASY CREDIT 7316572 CHRISTMAS WEEK DELIVERIES Bayfield Mall Barrie 7262380 BAYFIELD MALL 726529 Gilt filllt10l CASSETTE PLAYERS GE Cassette You dont have to use Baytield St to get to Bayfield Mall Just follow the Guide below and save time avoid traffic jams If you live west of Baytield St model 35003 3333 Holiday Cassette model 3871 4595 Holiday Cassette model 3873 4995 It you live east ol Baylield St use St Vlfltitll St north to Candles Road follow Cundlcs one block turn left onto FOIII Lane lollow Ferris Lane to the lights at Baytield St you thorn can moss Hayfield St Wllll the traffic lights and into Baytield Mall It you llVl south 01 Dunlop St use OIIIlUI ol the above routes to save you time and avoid traffic jams for everyone on your list the choice is yours at llirilae flu Canadian iwmil Company Siliriimiin 3600 Graysonhcld CANADAS FINEST 20 piece Service for IKII INK Ill TIl ll lX VI IlllII Sll lXH Illhl omplctc with Presentation asc Regular S450 ii Igtriiyriulicfld tinm gilt 4680 Maple Sonic Till1319 use either Siinnidale Road or Anne St north to Cundles Road follow Cundlcs Road east to Glcnwood Drive Turn right on Glanwood and enter Baytwld Mall Via the Glenwood entrance c1 Exciting Christmas ideas Ken Somerville presents the Moldex Trophy to Brenda Wiles skip of the rink receiving the trophy for the first schedule business girls championships Friday night TROPHY WINNERS The Market Place Wednesday December 22 1976 at the Barrie Curling Club Also seated is June Lamb vice Ann Smith second vice and Pat Jupp lead stand behind Examiner photo Christmas messages from church leaders Christmas is time for faith hope conccrn and change in world of tension and uncer tainty leaders of Canadas six major Christian churches say in their Christmas messages Rev ALorne MacKay mod erator of the Presbyterian Church in Canada says Christ mas reminds us that the God who expressed his concern in the birth of Christ at Bethlehem still shares our human ex periences Most Rev GEmmett Carter Bishop of London Ont and president of the Canadian Cath olic Conference says Christ mas calls for love peace and understanding no matter what political options are chosen The basic good news that God is with us in our own flesh and blood is still the only histor ical event that dominates the world and the hearts of men he says Each Christmas provides gif ts for the heart and the head in cluding the challenge to ex change strife for peace hatred for love and indifference for concern says Rev RFer Bullen general secretary of the Baptist Federation of Canada iOl NOI DEAI Most Rev EW Scott pri mate of the Anglican Church of Canada says Christmas brings the message that God is not dead to those who wonder whether there is hope for mod ern man May faith in Gods action in Christ be kindled or deepened within us this Christmas so that goodwill and peace may be ex perienced both in the present and throughout all ages Rev Roger WNostbakken president of the Lutheran Coun cil in Canada says we are often depressed by todays world of high costs family troubles and the insecurity of troubled society Christmas is time when we are reminded that salvation means nothing more nor less than being changed by Jesus Christ he says Rt Rev WilburKHoward moderator of the United Church of Canada says Christ comes to us again in time of emptiness and anxiety He says that pregnant vir gin in time of abortion on de mand special star in time of the communications satellite wise men in time when PhDs drive taxis and stable in time of highrise apartments are dramatic signs of Christmas that startle us again Currie leaving Elmvale council RLlVlVALlC Staff Coun cillor Alex Currie who has served some 10 years on the village council will be among members retiring at the conclu sion of the present term Reeve Ken Knox will again head the council for 197778 and Councillor Earl Vollick also will be back New members who will be sworn in at the in augural in January incliidc Marion Baker Don llocken and Bill Player Retiring along with Colin cillor urric are Councillors Robert Thilfault and Fred llarpcll All three were com mended for their services dur ing their terms in office IlllllRIE VICTORIA HARBOUR lStafll new filtration system for this Georgian Bay village is expected to be in operation by next spring ac cording to Rccvc Ilico Ber nard Construction is due to start soon ELMVALE PARTY ELMVALE Ihc Elmyalc and District Lions club soon soer Christmas party at the FlosElmvale arena which was well attended on Saturday afternoon Santa Claus himself paid visit NEW OFFICERS RUGBY Mrs Everett Home has been elected presi dent of the Womens Mis sionary Society of Esson Presbyterian church and Mrs Bcrnal Johnston head of the Ladies Aid for the new term MIDIILRST PARTY MIDHURST Staff The Jolly Rebels have arranged Christmas party for Tuesday Dec 21 at the community cen tre It will start with dinner at 630pm VESIRA COUNCILLORS MIDHURST Staff Coun cillor Veniier Lambert will start his fifth year as member of Vespra council at the in augural meeting in January Councillors Lome Wilson and William Orr will be starting their third year Reeve Alan Johnston and Deputy Reeve George Buic have both served 11 years Plan school concert at Midhurst Tuesday By RS MURIIII ART ilAWKESTONE Christ mas Eve service will be held at St Aidaiis Anglican church at oclock with the United church congregation joining the members Rev Robert Ncwnian will conduct the service with Rev George Davison delivering the address The music will be pro vided by the United Church choir The last euchrc until spring sponsored by the Orange Lodge was held at the Ilawkcstonc hall last Friday evening Prize winners were Mrs Bar tholowmcw and Lloyd Leigh Mrs James Leigh and Jack Jermey and Mrs Howard Caldwell and Ernie Gentle Turkey winners were Miss Barbara Lloyd Yeb Jermey Norman Campbell and Sharon Black with Mrs Gordon Home and Mrs Mould consolation wiiincrs Door prizes were won by Mrs Bartholomew Don McAr thur Mrs Karl Gilchrist Mrs Florence Stoddard Mr and Mrs Leatherdale Mrs Gray Mrs Reynolds Glen Gilchrist Mrs McKay Mr Gentle Mrs Norm Camp bell and Earl Scott The chocolate cake was won by Mrs Ethel McConnell Stroud group plans euchres Ry MRS AMIRELL SIROUI Worthy Matron MrsDoris ieamish and Worthy Patron Mervyii Bootl welcom ed nicirbcrs and vi itors from Glasgow Scotland Piiiccrcst at ookstown Toronto Bayvicw Barrie Ncwnarkct and Stayncr to the December meeting of lniiisfil Chapter As it was the Christmas meeting greetings and best wishes were received from other chapters and honorary ineiiilxrs Mrs Marion Young con vener of ways and means for January and February an nounced bid euchres will be held each Friday evening start Jan in the chapter room Convener of benevolent Mrs Lucille Mctcalfe reported dona tions had been taken to the Salvation Army She asked names be submitted of anyone needing cheer box at Christmas time Ladies were asked to pack boxes in Barrie on lec22