Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Dec 1976, p. 16

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l6 The Barrie Examiner Wednesday December 22 1976 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Assistant Plant Engineer with to years experience in the plant engineering function of manufacturing facility Successful applicant will have drafting experience and proven capability of follow through on related design construction and maintenance Apply to Gordon McLean DECOR METAL PRODUCTS 140 Bay Street MIDLAND Ontario Louisiana ruiure D22 Challenging positions are available if you are ready for responsibility knowing it leads to promotional opportunities CAREER WITH IAC OFFERS YOU practical training program future depending upon your ability and how to use it Rewarding management opportunities with an everexpanding company Security with Canadas largest Finance Company Applicants should enjoy meeting the public be alert aggressive and willing to travel Banking credit backgrounds are assets insurance sales or university Apply or write to Cameron IAC Limited 11 Collier St Barrie 7266403 023 DDMTA FOUR MAINTENANCE MECHANICS Required for new particleboard and CLADBOARD plant starting up at Huntsville Ontario The successful candidates will become part of main tenance team in which each member shares in the total maintenance function which includes trouble shooting and repair machining and welding Applicants should have previous maintenance ex perience in an industrial setting possess the drive necessary to help get new plant off the ground and desire working in an atmosphere which recognizes in dividual performance and encourages total par ticipation Please submit resume to Personnel Department NON WKW 6RATES WEED Card of Thanks 25 words $500 Additional words cents per word In Memoriam no verse $500 Verse per count line extra 2i cents per line Coming Events $322 per column inch oIIiTiIs GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounce the birth of your child In The Bar rie Examiner clippings of the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives in those far away places Place an announcement after birth Call The Barrie Examiner Classified 7282414 WEN HEMPHILL HAMEL Mrs Hem phill is happy is announce the forthcom Ina marriage of her daughter Janie to Lloyd Hamel Marriage will take place at St Marys Church Barrie on Friday December 31 1976 at pm omus HULFISH Buford Burt at his residence in Belle Ewart on Monday December 20 I976 Burt Hulfish beloved husband of the late Vera Whan Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradford St Barrie Visitation from Wednesday at pm Service and com mittal complete in the chapel on Thurs day December 23 at It Interment 6th line Cemetery In lieu of flowers donation to the Ontario Heart Ioundation would be appreciated CHEESEMAN James Suddenly at the Royal Victoria Hospital Baffle on Sunday December I9 1976 James Cheesman in his 82nd year Beloved husband of Fern Hutton dear father of Dorothy Halifax of Toronto and William James Checscman predeceased qrand father of nine grandchildren and great grandchildren brother at Harry Cheesman of Toronto and Doctor Frank Cheesman of Philadelphia Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie alter Tues day Complete servrce in the chapel on Wednesday December 77 at It am In terment Barrie Union Cemetery In IIlU of flowers memorial donations may be made to Ontario Heart Foundation or Canadian Cancer SOcIety ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel I27 BAYFIELD ST 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service MWF TF CARDS 0F THANKS ELLIOTT We wish to exprcss our heartfelt gratitude to relatives neighbors and fflt rtrts tor floral tributes donations sympathy cards and kindness to us in our recent loss of dear daughter Ellen Mr and Mrs Blundell IN MEMORIAMS Mt IVOR In loving memory of dear husband and Mother William who DaHSwd away Dec 211 The world chanqrs from rear to car andfnvndsrom tavtodny But never will thr on Invr from memory pasrw1y Sadly Missid by itc Sarah children andgrandrhilrtrrn Domtar Construction Materials Limited Arborite DivisionBoard Products Box 7500 Huntsville Ontario POA lKO 023 333 IN THE MATTER OF THE BANKRUPTCY OF WHOLESALE SWIMMING POOLS AND SUP PLIES LIMITED of the City of Barrie in the Province of On tario NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Receiving Order was made against Wholesale Swimming Pools and Supplies Limited of the City of Barrie in the Provin ce of Ontario on the 9th day of December 1976 and that the First Meeting of Creditors will be held on Thursday the 30th day of December 1976 at the hour of 200 Oclock in the afternoon Eastern Standard Saving Time at the Brookdale Inn ISO Dunlop Street Barrie Ontario DATED at Toronto this 16th day of December 1976 THE CLARKSON COMPANY LIMITED Trustee PO Box 254 TorontoDominion Centre Toronto Ontario M5K IJ7 022 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by in day preceding publication with the caption of Classified Display ad yortrsemenls which must be in by two days priorto publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $5 00 Additional words It per word CARD 0f THANKS 25 words 5500 odditi0nal words to per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse 85 00 with you per count line 21 grits per line COMING EVENTS $3 77 per Olurnn inch 74 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIEIED ADVERTISING Cosh Dis count Rates apply if paid within days One or two insertions per word In sortion Three consecutive insertions and one half cents per word IVTCIHOH total $617 Six onsetulrye insertions Br per word per insertion total 311 52 Mulflplu insertions may be ordered subgert to an collation when satislartmy results on tamed Method of counting fewer than 74 words count at 71 words Eorh initial ab breyiation set of numbers etc rouni as separan words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are orrepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Adrertwrrig Departmoril requres ad advertisers to Inn dIy recheck their Odvottislfllutil rm mediater aflor first murirun ordgr that any rror or omruion may be reportus before in order that some may rectifiod for the following day publirqimn The Barrie Examiner II responsible for only one incorrectly printed IHBCITtO of any ad vertrsemenl and then only to the Onion of portion of ad that NOIin Iti mnprinl Errors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for error tions by make goods The Barrio Elommur yourng the right to lanfy rem relectony wontado PHONE 778 74 NOTICE deadline for classified word ads pm previous day noon Saturday Quickest Fit Printed Pattern 4504 WAIST 31149 lhmf Feel free easy comfortable in elasticizedwaist pants Whip up several pairs Youll enjoy wearing them With all your tops all week any season Ideal for knits Printed Pattern 4504 Wom ens WdlSl Sires 33 35 37 39 41 41 46 49mm $100 for earh pattern cash cheque or money order Add 25¢ each pattern for first class ledlI and handling Ont residents add 7r sales taxr Print plainly Size Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept The Barrie Examiner 60 Progress Avenue Scar borough Ontario MIP 4P7 150 style lots of Quick Eagles In our NEW FAII WINTLR PAIILRN CATALOG Jumpsuits tops pants plus Total Wardrobe patterns Free pattern coupon 75c Instant Sewin Book $100 Sew Knit ook $125 Instant Money Crafts $100 Instant Fashion Book $100 COMING EVENTS Knights of Columbus BINGO Every Thursday EMBASSY HALL 7230 pm Turkeys Christmas Special Cake Early Bird Cards $100 Everyone Welcome WTF THE FLEA MARKET on Sundays at the Embassy Hall will be closed for the Christmas season ReOpening January I977 Dl82224 WHICH DAY IS BEST Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as od ones satisfy their wants we recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to ad vertise in The Barrie Examiner Classified Section Phone 7282414 EX AMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 NEW LOWELL Mr and Mrs Doug Carter Mr and Mrs Don Carter and Steven all of Barrie spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Harry Prosser Mr and Mrs Norris llupc spent Sunday with Mrs Lyon In Oshawa Congratulations to Mr rind Mrs Bruce Thomasi or the III rival of their first grandchild baby girl Erin Courtney burn on December ii to Rick iiIIrl Frances til the AIIISIIIII hospital Mr and Mrs lruil Monk house and children spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Husnn in Waterloo Mrs Lcc Munkliriusc bus or rivcd home from month visit will her daughter iiItl family in Austrnlin MI and Mrs lliucc Herbert and family If Scarborough Ml and Mrs liruuk ltrrliinrck rind David of Itrcnlwrmd spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Iorri Herbert Mr and Mrs Grrry Robinson and children of Port Elgiri spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Lcn Robinson and buys Mr and Mrs Aiiily Vusvuri and children spent the Wttktlltl with Mr illltI Mrs John Verstrzitcn and fitmin in Parry Sound Junior Snow of Toronto spent the weekend hcrc Mrs Jim Ilumlcy spent con pleofduys with Mrs Irillcr son in Angus Mr and Mrs liill Tompkins spent the wcckcnd with Mrs Tompkins in Toronto Mr and Mrs llurold Ilarrod and boys spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Jim Hunt in Stroud Mr and Mrs Dempsey Show and boys of Georgetown spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Gcorgc Scott and Mr and Mrs Dcmp Snow Mr Norris Rcdpnth of Not tusz spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ivzm Duff Mrs Frank Fckclc and Thris spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Wayne Jarvis in New market Mrs Junc Fitzpatrick of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Dennis Melton Mr and Mrs Art Rowe of Trenton spent the wcckcnrl with Mr and Mrs Oscar ltowc and also attended thr funcrril of Mrs Whitcrnan III Owen Sound Mr and Mrs Wayne Rowe of Angus spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Oscar Rowi Bordeaux wine industry BORDEALX 1Pi The Bordeaux winc industry has be gun an aggressive campaign to return the finest wines in the world to their rightful stature The strategy set down by the Interprofessionul ouncil of Bordeaux Wine to counteract the effects of three years of scandal and crisrs is designed to stimulate international sales but aspects of it are aler attractive totourists As of this year visitors may tour the chatcaus in this region in southeastern France on the Bay of Biscay where producers have organized Bordeaux gourmet encounters Scheduled for the end of Octr ber these days were dedicated to fine wines and food Chefs volunteered to prepare the type of dishes the wine pro ducers wanted those whose only purpose was to increase the savoring of such Bordeaux wines as Medoc Graves and St Emilion Now the regions tourism dc partment has organized Bor Todays graffiti tomorrows history NEW ORLEANS iAPi Ja nice Dee Gilbert who goes around peering at the hand writing on the wall says to days graffiti may be tomor rows history Topics too sensitive too bi goted and too outrageous for the traditional historian arc the natural province of graffiti said the University of New Or leans graduate student She speaks with some ex pertise she wrote her English masters thesis on Graffiti in New Orleans Study of Folk Epigraphy Besides scanning wall scrawls available to all passer sby Miss Gilbert took her research to powder rooms and restrooms in bars chapcruncd by friends who Scoutcd and guarded while she pceped in andjotted in the male facilities Graffiti may be traced back to 15000 BC in French caves The first known graffiti using written language was found in 1856 in the subterranean cham bers of the Ialutinc and is dated from AD Miss Gilbert said The anonymous nature of graffiti lends courage to the most timid soul Miss Gilbert noted she could never catch anyone in the act of writinggiaffiti Womens lounges abound with quotes from TS Eliot Ed na St Vincent Milluy Bob Dylan Camus Th0rcauand Lenny Bruce Women tend to allow them selves to be more vulnerable and cvincc greater sensitivity to the concerns of others Miss Gilbert said It was not uncommon for some troubled woman to write question on the powderroom wall and have number of oth ers answer with advice and sympathy Itsarealcaringthing deaux spring for the In troduction of local products and for winctasting More and more chateau own ers are accommodating tour 1515 providing romantic appeal and certain charm LEAKEDTI TIONIIRS The Bordeaux spring Is geared to weckrcndcrs vziczi tioners and small group tours and the package of activities is IiSigned to appeal It gourmets connoisseurs sports buffs rind ecologists It 13 held outside the tourist season and prices are t1lIr Ingly lower TITIS welcome for tourists goes against the grain of thc rc gions indivrdualistic productrs whose existence is bound up with the wine But they are ac cepted because of the recent up heaval in the industry The world where it is said that God is Bordcluis to bring home to you that you are savoring an exceptional vintr age Chateau Pavis 1966 or ii Chateau Latriur Martillac 1929 was shaken three years ago when it was discovered that some Bordeaux wines had been adulterated seeks to restore popularity omlimcd with the Itint world economic crisis the cffict was it not decrease in world exports for IIIt last three yours NIIfoITSLIWIPICI IIii mzirkct slumpcd cvcn further when cunsumcrs wcrr fitCtlI with prices which wcrr two and three Irmcs what was consultrod normal itilfi rczison itltIt Iprurts arc cruciril Iiicousi the French do not usually buy good wmcs They buy an or dinnry rcd wine which IS oftrn ltrilirin or which costs fit tilIS Imltlt rather than priy $2 for good wine anrirlizms are different In 107376 riniidu was sixth Ill tlic world for volumi of Impurch Bordeaux wrncs with 56071 hcce IOIIIILS in hcctrilitrc is 100 III resi which rcprcscntcrl more than $8 million to thc Bordclnis Bottled wine is reaching lift per cent Of all wine exporch to rmudzi Hid the annual Icvcl of consumption in zmzidzi has ust rcuchcd unr bottlc house old four times more than the level In the Inilcrl Slates tlIc council notes with SilliSftHIlOft Punishment controversy MANCHESTER England tffl school principal who thrashed 14ltycar0ld girl with cane has revived the ageold controversy over corporal pun ishment in British schools Many newspaper readers protested when it was reported that the girl had been told to lift her skirt and bend over desk in the principals study She received three strokes with cane and said she had to whch her bicycle home because she was too sure to sit on the saddle Her parents brought 2m tion for assault against Janet Dincs principal of Northwich Girls Grammar School but withdrcw the charge when the girl broke down after giving evidence in the witness box for more than an hour She admitted variety of of fences including tclling ribsccnc jokes in scripture lesson making rude remarks about teachers and submitting school project done by anothcr girl The girls mother said SIII withdrew the chrrrgc becausc her daughter had already becn punished for these nffcnccs MRI was being made to suffcr again in court No girl of 14 should be caned wrote woman render of the Manchester Evening News If is degrading and hu milioting and could have for reaching psychological ef fects This kind of discipline went Out with the last war said male teacher The girl should have been suspended for mon th and not allowed to return to school until she promised to behave Failing that she should be sent to school for mzilarljustcdchildren Some adults however sup ported corporal punishmcnt particularly for older boys who inflict cruelty on others The only thing bully un dcrstunds is force wrote Thcshirc woman who said her 11yearold son hurl In rcccivc hospital treatment after bcing beaten by older boys The boys were charged in police court and hcuvily fincd This means the purcnts have to pay the WOITIrIIl said and parents nowadays sccm afraid to tIISIpIItI tlicir childrcn London school principal John Evcrsun said II IS sig nificunt that fewer charges of assault have ItfIII brought against teachers in recent years think parents are begin ning to rcnlilc that some chil dren need chrisliscmcnt At one time there was too much caning in British schools but it must also be admitted that children generally were better bchnvcd than they are today MINIJSIIHIIHTII JUHANNESHITRG tIi South Africas gold mines car ried 2Ii7llbil1011 runds lust your The government received 629 million runds in tax itlld lease payments and workers were paid 633 million rands in salaries and wages rand is aboutSI125 COMMITTEE PROBING ALLEGED PAYOFFS Foster lcfli president of Atomic Energy Canada Ltd Ross Campbell centre left chairman of the AECL Energy Minister Alastair Gillespie centre right and Sin takes new turn car parks NEW YORK Router While New York is engaged in major effort to drivc pimps and prostitutes from its streets priest Is complaining that sin us Izrkcn new turn the park ing lot next door to his church Rev Robert Rzipplcyca says that when the sun goes down the unattended lrit gets noisy clicnlclc Of soliciting proslir tutcs shunting pimps and will ing customer motorists FutIIcI Rapplcycus Holy Name Roman Catholic Church stands on 42nd Street bclwccn Eighth and Ninth Avenue the IIIart of the workingclass llrlls Kitchen district not far from Times Square It is tIIc urcu of New York with thc highest concentration Of prostitutes pctp shows and bodyrub parlors and the uncut ficials are trying hardest to clean up with new laws zoning regulations and even printed appeals for prostitutes to get out of the game It is the area where rooftop sniper recently fired shots at women standing on street cor ner in what many area resi dents but not police saw as vigilante effort to clean up his neighlmrhood KEEPS RESIDENTS AWAKE Father Rappleyea says the loud goingson next door to his church keep the nuns in Holy Names convent and other area residents up some nights until am And he adds it is not the only openair parking lot taken over by prostitutes when their owners and attendants leave for the day Library at Goldwater gets Wintario grant RySHIRLICYJENNIITT tllTIII It was an nounced it the Dcccmbcr Intcling of tlic uldwzitcr Library Board that word had lxcn rrchyid that they wore cligiblc for Wintrirru grunt totalling $201 to be used for the purchase of books by una firm authors or published by zmurliuns Needless to say IhIS caused cunsrdcrublc joy among bka loving board members and the only fflltSttilIIIt problem will be Iht spucc to display and SIOII them Also on thc bright side the Georgian Bay chiniizil Library Syslcm ziri supplying each nrcu library included in the system with $183 worth of prIixrbucks and since they were riblc to OIIIIII them lit cheaper rate than expected Ilit now decided to use the 0x ccss revenue to provide each library with two mugaminc subscriptions Heritage anuda for adults and The Owl for children hundred and twontyrunc new books have been ordered from the budget and 72 have arrival and are currently bcmg processed and put on IIlt shclvcs OVERDIIC HOOKS llnfnrtunntey sumc libmry patrons have bch extremely dclinqucnt in returning borrow ed books Ind the board found it necessary to send out some lctlt ters to dcul with this matter From January to 15 there will be fine free period during which you may gather up those over due books lying under the Christmas decorations and return thcm without payment of fines It was noted that the new light installed over the Librarians desk brightens things up considerably and is more in keeping with the new lighting system installed this your The old lighting system is for sale nnndinnn will be looking til it but other in terested parties may contact board member cunccrning this mutter Retirement plans at 45 MONTREAL Ii Forty fivc is in good age to start pre poring for retirement says Dr Sylvia McDonald crHrrdinutor of the retirement centre at Mar rinntipiilis ullcgc It is never too early to start planning retirement she said but if mapping out your old age is too depressing in the youthful 208 and 303 shr suggcsts that good time is 45 Dr McDonald who secs creative work Is one of the best ways to Ollmt boredom and lunclmcss in old age conducts workshops along with William Kclluwny professor Of philosrr phy ril tIIc Inivcrsrly tuwu Mr Kcllowny will focus here on the rclircmcnt problem the lcisurc during retirement she said To Inc thats big big problem People are faced with what they are going to do with 50 ex tra hours wcck It was decided to install drop box in the door for the return of books if the library is not open at the time you happen to be there Also on an ex pcrimental basis the library will be open from 10 am 1012 noon on Tuesdays as well as the regular hours for January and February and will continue to be open Tues mornings if need is proven letter was sent to the Legion stating that after much thought and discussion on the part of board members and through comments made by patrons the general feeling was that people were not pleas cd with the changss to the original library grounds and that thc chions offer to share common ground for their new War Memorial would be graciously declined Work will be done in the spring to trim the lilzic hedge and renovate the fence between the two proper ties Mona Beach reports that the circulation for month was Fic tion 415 Non Fiction 113 and Juvenile 108 for total of 716 The library was closed Dec 22 and will not open again until Jan following the hristmas holiday Further south in Manhattans Chelsea district many car parks even specialize in sado masochism with its beatings and shouts and noise Father Rappleyea said in an interview Police are helpless to drive out the illicit afterhours users of the parking lots because they are private property Unless owners complain they say they are prohibited by law from evicting the prostitutes and their motorist customers City council is currently hold ing hearings on major zoning change which would drastically disperse and lower the number of sex establishments in New York Many city officials think the change could restore the glory that once was Times Square the socalled crossroads of the world but now dubbed Slime Square by many New Yorkers The legislation would reduce the number of sex shopsbody rub parlors peep shows adult book stores and pornographic cinemasin the central Man hattan area to 28 from more than 200 It would bar such businesses from operating with 500 feet of residential area But Father Rappleyea doubts whether the zoning change would have any effect on the parking lot next door AuditorGeneral Mac Donell right appear at the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee meet ing in Ottawa Tuesday The committee is investigating alleged payoffs of foreign agents for their help in are ranging sales of nuclear reactors to Argentina and South Korea CP Photo HOLIDAY GARBAGE CDLLECTIDN There will be no garbage collec tion and the Sanitary Landfill Site will be closed on the foll0wingdotes FRIDAY DECEMBER 24TH 1976 SATURDAY DECEMBER 25TH 1976 SUNDAY DECEMBER 26TH 1916 MONDAY DECEMBER 27TH 1976 FRIDAY DECEMBER 315T 1976 SATURDAY JANUARY IST 1977 Residents whose normal collec tion days fall on the above dates will have their garbage removed on their next regular collection day The cooperation of all residen ts is appreciated Neil Fox CET Public Works Superintendent A1 SNOW CONTROL Residents and Snowplowing Contractors are advised that ByLa 2247 prohibits the depositing of refuse snow or ice upon highway or bridges within the boundaries of the Corporation of the City Barrie Residents are reminded that parking is prohibited on streets bet ween the hours of am am to facilitate snow removal street sweeping and cleaning The cooperation of all citizens is appreciated Neil For CET Public Works Superintendent December 1976 or Thanks so much for your support and patronage We hope to continue serving you in the future The best wishes of the season to all of our friends HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE N9 rv LORNE AND BETTY HAY JULIETTE BERTRAND KATHY HAY HELEN AITKEN JEANETTE DOHERTY TAMMY MYERS MARIE HALLADAY TRAVEL CONSULTANTS 45 DUNLOP ST 1204100

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